The Definition of "Anger Morons", For Those Who "Don't Read So Good"...

Oh I see, when yourside does things without including the others...that's ok. You Idea of working together is giving POSOTUS everything he wanted? Well that's what you got, what go obstructed???..anyway I got it. So then it begs the question. How'd the democrats have a smarter gov the last 7 years?

Look, if You want to play word games count me out. You actually say NOTHING with post like that. You just make really weak straw man arguments and pretend it has something to do with My post.

Both You and Jenk have completely abandoned any sort of factual argument. In a childish little trick You dismiss real substance as ''running to Google''...If You want to jerk Yourself off, please do so in private.
You completely ignored My point. Do I really have to repeat that those on welfare are a small fraction of democrat voters ?

Where did I mention welfare? Don't mind helping people that need help, but have grown tired of helping those who continue to make the same bad choices over and over and over (and I'm not specifically targeting drug addicts either). I have never favored the 1%ers or Wall Street or big business. I think commissions and bonuses that exceed 10 million a year should be taxed at a much higher rate than the rest of us. The Wall Street hawks and vultures do nothing to improve our infrastructure or the economy and they employ a paltry few. I despise politics and business as usual, especially at the federal levels (at least they should be accountable to us).
Where did I mention welfare? Don't mind helping people that need help, but have grown tired of helping those who continue to make the same bad choices over and over and over (and I'm not specifically targeting drug addicts either). I have never favored the 1%ers or Wall Street or big business. I think commissions and bonuses that exceed 10 million a year should be taxed at a much higher rate than the rest of us. The Wall Street hawks and vultures do nothing to improve our infrastructure or the economy and they employ a paltry few. I despise politics and business as usual, especially at the federal levels (at least they should be accountable to us).

I have no interest in having this same tired conversation yet again. It always comes back to this dead end on this board.
Count Me out till somebody wants to advance the conversation.
I'll check back.
Yes I see, I'm betting most do. You have absolutely zero facts, just childish double talk.

I've asked you about two issues. You said you wanted "smarter government" to see parties work togetherSo since POSOTUS has got everything he's asked for....How do you explain it?

You also said Republicans are Greedy. I asked how so? and why?

You've yet to do anything but post snarky we all wait. BTW I know what will happen. i'm just proving a point
Look, if You want to play word games count me out. You actually say NOTHING with post like that. You just make really weak straw man arguments and pretend it has something to do with My post.

Both You and Jenk have completely abandoned any sort of factual argument. In a childish little trick You dismiss real substance as ''running to Google''...If You want to jerk Yourself off, please do so in private.

To everyone reading. Did I not call it??? Typical. See liberals are just angry misfits, and they don't know why except for what their overseers tell them. When challenged on their statements , they simply fold up
Where did I mention welfare? Don't mind helping people that need help, but have grown tired of helping those who continue to make the same bad choices over and over and over (and I'm not specifically targeting drug addicts either). I have never favored the 1%ers or Wall Street or big business. I think commissions and bonuses that exceed 10 million a year should be taxed at a much higher rate than the rest of us. The Wall Street hawks and vultures do nothing to improve our infrastructure or the economy and they employ a paltry few. I despise politics and business as usual, especially at the federal levels (at least they should be accountable to us).

Can I ask why??
Can I ask why??

Because, typically, that level of payout is not due to production of goods and services or innovation or any other measurable contribution to the health of economy, particularly job producing investments. If you build a company and employ a good number of people and are hiring more, I believe you should get some breaks on taxes and maybe some subsidies on new ventures that will employ still more people. At the current rate of disparity, we'll all be working for the government or being rewarded $100 million a year for moving money around with a software program and only one or two employees that we likely underpay. There has to be better balance than what we have. Mine and your income levels have not increased appreciably (factoring inflation/buying power) in probably 30 years. Sure, you and I make/have made better decisions with our income than probably most. We've probably socked away a decent retirement package, and that is to our credit for not being foolish with our spending, but imagine how much better we'd be doing if our salary/commissions/bonuses had kept in step with the rate of inflation. I picked 10 million out of the hat as we all know that a couple making 250k are NOT wealthy 1% types at all. They may have more house than they can afford, but that goes back to being smart about spending. For some reason most everyone in our culture thinks they deserve more house/car/boat/jewelry/etc. than they can afford. Small businesses (real businesses, not 100 million geek boy on Wall Street with his "Big Short" software claiming to be a small business with his two employees) need breaks and they deserve help if they employ 5 or more with plans to hire more as the business grows. Large businesses with 100 or more employees should be encouraged to keep growing as well.
To everyone reading. Did I not call it??? Typical. See liberals are just angry misfits, and they don't know why except for what their overseers tell them. When challenged on their statements , they simply fold up

If You're over 21, You have issues.
Republicans have been talking about the income gap this election cycle, but for sure Democrats have been the leaders in discussing what is a very real problem and a growing threat to the fiscal health of Our nation.

Why so many dismiss the fact We're losing middle class and a greater percentage of wealth is owned by the smallest percentage of Americans than at any point in history floors Me. It's You that's buying ''class warfare'' as a way to dismiss one of the most important economic problems We've ever faced. We're looking more and more like a banana republic in this regard and many of You are being CONTROLLED with this class warfare BS.

I am middle class aspiring to be more, but your parties actions have made it even harder for me and others like me to succeed. The dems have caused the separation of the middle class from their once steady and rising income levels. Sure they are discussing it, they create the problem and come up with Laws and regulations to "fix the manmade problem" that they fabricated.I have my own business and find for small business it is much harder to grow and you in fact are punished with burdensome taxes if you do grow. obama care is the most expensive bill just behind the mortgage. We have survived for 6 years without dipping into our savings and consider that to be way ahead of others that could not avoid that. We seem to be growing but always weary of the next drop in the economy. I know Washington is not doing the things to help us. Just the wall street guys, bankers and executives that took the bailouts. Do you not pay attention or are you in a sector where you do not see examples like that?
The conservatives have usually been on the side off small business and helping America to grow by hard work, not handouts and bought votes. Do you really think a free education is going to turn out quality students and leaders, I think it just cheapens the failing educational system we are living with now. Before the layoffs and economic downturn I was doing much better, but working for someone else. My wife and me probably never would have started our own business unless we were forced to do so. The only blessing about this is I now do not want to let go but fight like hell for the business and the freedom to achieve or fail that comes with it. I fear failure so I work very hard to keep that from occurring. I am one of those middle class people being raked over the coals by the democrats regulations, and I will not be part of the taking handouts class.
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I am middle class aspiring to be more, but your parties actions have made it even harder for me and others like me to succeed. The dems have caused the separation of the middle class from their once steady and rising income levels. Sure they are discussing it, they create the problem and come up with Laws and regulations to "fix the manmade problem" that they fabricated.I have my own business and find for small business it is much harder to grow and you in fact are punished with burdensome taxes if you do grow. obama care is the most expensive bill just behind the mortgage. We have survived for 6 years without dipping into our savings and consider that to be way ahead of others that could not avoid that. We seem to be growing but always weary of the next drop in the economy. I know Washington is not doing the things to help us. Just the wall street guys, bankers and executives that took the bailouts. Do you not pay attention or are you in a sector where you do not see examples like that?
The conservatives have usually been on the side off small business and helping America to grow by hard work, not handouts and bought votes. Do you really think a free education is going to turn out quality students and leaders, I think it just cheapens the failing educational system we are living with now. Before the layoffs and economic downturn I was doing much better, but working for someone else. My wife and me probably never would have started our own business unless we were forced to do so. The only blessing about this is I now do not want to let go but fight like hell for the business and the freedom to achieve or fail that comes with it. I fear failure so I work very hard to keep that from occurring. I am one of those middle class people being raked over the coals by the democrats regulations, and I will not be part of the taking handouts class.

You should be happy with what you have accomplished and quit blaming external institutions like government. I wanted to be a general officer in the US Army but that didn't happen. I don't go around blaming the Army's institutional culture for my career ending at O-6; in fact, I'm grateful to the Army for rescuing me from what would have been a very boring life in the private sector.
You should be happy with what you have accomplished and quit blaming external institutions like government. I wanted to be a general officer in the US Army but that didn't happen. I don't go around blaming the Army's institutional culture for my career ending at O-6; in fact, I'm grateful to the Army for rescuing me from what would have been a very boring life in the private sector.
I am achieving in spite of the government and yes they do have a huge impact on how I live. I do not spend on frivolous things or take many vacations so I may continue to build a nest egg for rainy days. I will never see social security checks or count on Massa uncle Sam to subsidize my lifestyle, because I will not burden others with what I should and do to pay my own way through life. If everybody had that attitude there would be no need for the democrats.
You should be happy with what you have accomplished and quit blaming external institutions like government. I wanted to be a general officer in the US Army but that didn't happen. I don't go around blaming the Army's institutional culture for my career ending at O-6; in fact, I'm grateful to the Army for rescuing me from what would have been a very boring life in the private sector.

Well, why do you go around blaming private citizens and business for what you haven't accomplished? Why are you such and angry jealous fella?
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Well, why do you go around blaming private citizens and business for what you haven't accomplished? Why are you such and angry jealous fella?
Because he realizes he is a big time loser in life and needs someone other than himself to blame. Very easy to see through this moron.
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