The disgrace that the White Guilt liberals put in the White House once again showing the world

I'm reasonably sure the truck drivers are oil company employees, but that doesn't fit your narrative does it ?
We've been hitting ISIS positions for 2 years, and I've never known of their receiving a warning.
I'm reasonably sure the truck drivers are oil company employees, but that doesn't fit your narrative does it ?
We've been hitting ISIS positions for 2 years, and I've never known of their receiving a warning.

Yea I'm sure oil companies are operating in ISIS held areas and providing them truck drivers with excellent benefits. Damn you're just a moron
Yea I'm sure oil companies are operating in ISIS held areas and providing them truck drivers with excellent benefits. Damn you're just a moron

Did your sister kick you out of bed ?
You're too limited to try to think so much.
I'm reasonably sure the truck drivers are oil company employees, but that doesn't fit your narrative does it ?
We've been hitting ISIS positions for 2 years, and I've never known of their receiving a warning.

Well, you have now. Putin even told the world that Owebama's "Bombing campaign" was a fraud. That he is having the USAF and USN bomb empty trucks, empty artillery pieces, rocks, etc while USAF pilots say they return with bombs still in the racks 75% of the time because Owebama's military commanders won't let them drop due to Owebama's edict that no civilians be killed.

If they are driving trucks, STEALING OIL and refined petroleum products from Syria and selling it to Turkey to finance ISIS terrorism, then every SOB driving a truck IS an enemy worthy of DEATH.
Quit trying to make excuses for that totally unfit, unworthy America hating Moslem terrorist loving traitor.

We killed MILLIONS of Japanese and German "Civilians" in WWII because back then, democrats understood that there were two types of enemy. Those in uniform and those working to aid those in uniform. Kill 'em all
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Did your sister kick you out of bed ?
You're too limited to try to think so much.
I heard ISIS is providing heath inspectors for restaurants and child care for when Jihad doesn't allow for a mother suicide bomber time in her busy day.....Oil company employees. LOL that's priceless. I bet your parents blame each other...
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I heard ISIS is providing heath inspectors for restaurants and child care for when Jihad doesn't allow for a mother suicide bomber time in her busy day.....Oil company employees. LOL that's priceless. I bet your parents blame each other...

The truck drivers likely work for the companies who buy from ISIS, many are Kurdish.
So, should We start killing Kurds for buying at low prices and destroy an important relationship for the sake of killing a few smugglers ?
I know You're too dishonest and stupid to want to see such things though.
The truck drivers likely work for the companies who buy from ISIS, many are Kurdish.
So, should We start killing Kurds for buying at low prices and destroy an important relationship for the sake of killing a few smugglers ?
I know You're too dishonest and stupid to want to see such things though.

Um, you do know the Kurds are fighting ISIS right? LMAO. I don't mean to insult you really. But you're just dumb, I mean the problem is not that you're so dumb, the problem is you don't know it.
Um, you do know the Kurds are fighting ISIS right? LMAO. I don't mean to insult you really. But you're just dumb, I mean the problem is not that you're so dumb, the problem is you don't know it.

That's my point you stupid shit. THAT IS probably why we aren't killing the drivers.
They are Kurds who buy oil at a discount rate and truck it into Kurdistan.
The world must be a neat little place for your tiny little brain.
That's my point you stupid shit. THAT IS probably why we aren't killing the drivers.
ROTFLMFAO....And he doubles down. Yea, the Kurds who are bitter enemies of ISIS and sending truck drivers to buy stolen Oil to help fund the guys they're fighting...Oh that makes complete sense. Hey maybe you should go get a truck driver job over there, Good pay, good benefits and I'm sure the ISIS guys wouldn't mind you making a living.... Oh my goodness, What a moron
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The truck drivers likely work for the companies who buy from ISIS, many are Kurdish.
So, should We start killing Kurds for buying at low prices and destroy an important relationship for the sake of killing a few smugglers ?
I know You're too dishonest and stupid to want to see such things though.

Right. And the Easter Bunny brings candy for all good little boys and girls every Easter.

ISIS steals oil from Syria and sells it to Turkey at a cut rate price in order to finance their terrorism. ANYONE helping them, INCLUDING Turkey IS the enemy and should be treated as such.

Barack Owebama gave them their weapons from stocks he looted from Gadaffi after he ILLEGALLY overthrew him and had him assassinated. Hillary was a part of the transfer scheme. He called them Syrian "Opposition and Syrian Freedom Fighters" to justify breaking the UN embargo on weapon shipments to the combatants.

Owebama is what he is. An America hating, White hating, Christian hating, Jew Hating, Moslem. He has proven this in deed as well as his own words before the UN and in his book.
ROTFLMFAO....And he doubles down. Yea, the Kurds who are bitter enemies of ISIS and sending truck drivers to buy stolen Oil to help fund the guys their fighting...Oh that makes complete sense. Hey maybe you should go get a truck driver job over there, Good pay, good benefits and I'm sure the ISIS guys wouldn't mind you making a living.... Oh my goodness, What a moron

The combination of ideology, anger and a small brain makes you a bitter simpleton.
We have companies in this country who likely do business with ISIS.
I know We had companies selling to Saddam.
It is fact Kurds were buying most of the oil controlled by ISIS as recently as last summer. It's not the government, it's smugglers.
The question is should we kill Kurds driving trucks or is it best to warn them and keep our relationship with Kurds in the best shape possible ?
Are you in the least bit capable of that level of comprehension ?
Right. And the Easter Bunny brings candy for all good little boys and girls every Easter.

ISIS steals oil from Syria and sells it to Turkey at a cut rate price in order to finance their terrorism. ANYONE helping them, INCLUDING Turkey IS the enemy and should be treated as such.

Barack Owebama gave them their weapons from stocks he looted from Gadaffi after he ILLEGALLY overthrew him and had him assassinated. Hillary was a part of the transfer scheme. He called them Syrian "Opposition and Syrian Freedom Fighters" to justify breaking the UN embargo on weapon shipments to the combatants.

Owebama is what he is. An America hating, White hating, Christian hating, Jew Hating, Moslem. He has proven this in deed as well as his own words before the UN and in his book.

Good thing you're not responsible for making critical decisions. Having ISIS send images of Kurds or Turks killed by our high tech weaponry, yeah, that would be a step forward...geez.
The combination of ideology, anger and a small brain makes you a bitter simpleton.
We have companies in this country who likely do business with ISIS.
I know We had companies selling to Saddam.
It is fact Kurds were buying most of the oil controlled by ISIS as recently as last summer. It's not the government, it's smugglers.
The question is should we kill Kurds driving trucks or is it best to warn them and keep our relationship with Kurds in the best shape possible ?
Are you in the least bit capable of that level of comprehension ?

For Christ sake, stop digging dipshit. Everyone knows how stupid this assertion is, everyone knows you're a snot nose punk just spewing BS you've heard from your Massa. Go to bed kid. Try again tomorrow...
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For Christ sake, stop digging dipshit. Everyone knows how stupid this assertion is, everyone knows you're a snot nose punk just spewing BS you've heard from your Massa. Go to bed kid. Try again tomorrow...

I'm guessing some have already researched, or are researching right now. They'll know I'm 10 steps ahead of You' like usual. You don't possess a strategic mind, accept it.
We did not spare ISIS, We avoided making enemies for no real purpose.
I'm guessing some have already researched, or are researching right now. They'll know I'm 10 steps ahead of You' like usual. You don't possess a strategic mind, accept it.
We did not spare ISIS, We avoided making enemies for no real purpose.

POSOTUS hasn't been attacking ISIS you moron. Damn I don't know how in the age of the internet with all the information at your finger tips...a person can be such a dupe...But thanks for the strategic advise General Dipshit LOL
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POSOTUS hasn't been attacking ISIS you moron. Damn I don't know how in the age of the internet with all the information at your finger tips...a person can be such a dupe...But thanks for the strategic advise General Dipshit LOL

You really are stupid as hell. We've been sending sorties against Isis for a long time.
The issue to real people is weather We should put more boots on the ground in Syria, I think We should, but not nearly the numbers some fools are calling for.

The article really sides with My contention this conflict is not the blast them into oblivion war you and others have made it out to be.
The Pentagon were sending many sorties and killing many people, but they were looking with blinders to the ideological spread of ISIS into other areas.
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You really are stupid as hell. We've been sending sorties against Isis for a long time.
The issue to real people is weather We should put more boots on the ground in Syria, I think We should, but not nearly the numbers some fools are calling for.

All kidding aside, and I mean this sincerely , you might be the stupidest MO FO on the internet. I mean weapons grade stupid.
Anyway, I'm taking a break from this crap.
If You'd be an adult, I would follow suit, but that seems very unlikely.

All kidding aside, you're a simple POS.
You're now posting Russian propaganda..You're shameless.
This Helen guy (along with his aliases) is a real idiot. Love dropping in and reading how the board smacks him around every day. Very entertaining. LOL

Welcome board, just what this board needs, another idiot parrot.
The combination of ideology, anger and a small brain makes you a bitter simpleton.
We have companies in this country who likely do business with ISIS.
I know We had companies selling to Saddam.
It is fact Kurds were buying most of the oil controlled by ISIS as recently as last summer. It's not the government, it's smugglers.
The question is should we kill Kurds driving trucks or is it best to warn them and keep our relationship with Kurds in the best shape possible ?
Are you in the least bit capable of that level of comprehension ?
They are enemy combatants and should be a burning pile of flesh at this point.
He sure didn't warn the American citizens before he dropped the ACA bomb on us! As a matter of fact he lied to all of us about that, so he could us me and others like me to subsidize the health care cost for deadbeats and illegal aliens form all parts of the world. To be a natural born American citizen means you get screwed to the wall by your federal government.
They are enemy combatants and should be a burning pile of flesh at this point.
He sure didn't warn the American citizens before he dropped the ACA bomb on us! As a matter of fact he lied to all of us about that, so he could us me and others like me to subsidize the health care cost for deadbeats and illegal aliens form all parts of the world. To be a natural born American citizen means you get screwed to the wall by your federal government.

Golly Gee, when will those poor ole white folks EVER get a break in America?
Posting Russian propaganda, and now stealing My lines, poor crazy rolo.
There were several links. Propaganda ? PAL , that all that controls are mad at me for making you look stupid. But it wasn't me at all, it's the ppl you follow and believe. Stupid is what liberalism does to ppl. Remember that word "propagand" next time you're reading a statement from posotus , or any other liberal mouth piece
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Hell no, we have to listen to the incessant whining and complaining from our ingreatful gov wards about how we aren't doing enough.......for the last 50 yrs. at some point I'd think you'd thank us?

For what, the shooting in Minneapolis? Your kinda folks did that.
That's all Whitepug has, Rolo. All he ever adds. Waiting to shout RACIST must be tiring.
Heulen is trapped in real world events proving what he doesn't want to believe.

Not tiring at all. I'm always happy to educate the ignorant like yourself. And you are an ignorant racist.
The fact that people like Mika Brzezinski disagree with Odumbarse and think he's tone deaf on this subject tells you all you need to know.
Not tiring at all. I'm always happy to educate the ignorant like yourself. And you are an ignorant racist.

Oh, the irony... an ignorant bigot calling someone else on the internet an ignorant racist. Your skin a little thin, maybe? Too funny.
What has FD (who you quoted above) ever said that was even close to being racist? Do you even know what it means? See, throwing around the word just for the sake of it or because you're bitter & angry really lessens the meaning it. Maybe you're not as bright as you think you are. And to be honest, I really never see you educating anything or anyone. You attack a whole lot more than anything else and rarely add anything constructive to the conversation. So how is anyone ever to take you seriously?
Few questions for ya...
Do all the O-5's in your class know you're a bigot?
Does your hatred/anger for white people bleed over when you're attempting to educate them?
Do you hate all white people or just the one's you disagree with on the internet and can get away with calling racist & redneck?
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That's all you got, Whitepug. One string on your guitar, but you play it all day.

I can guarantee you live in a gated community, and drink Zima and are an elitist
pedophile if I'm an ignorant racist. Two can play your tired ass game.
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They are enemy combatants and should be a burning pile of flesh at this point.
He sure didn't warn the American citizens before he dropped the ACA bomb on us! As a matter of fact he lied to all of us about that, so he could us me and others like me to subsidize the health care cost for deadbeats and illegal aliens form all parts of the world. To be a natural born American citizen means you get screwed to the wall by your federal government.

I've given up on you people, you prove just how infected your thinking is when you side with Putin time after time over your own country's interest out of hate for The POTUS.

This is a loathsome bunch.
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That's all you got, Whitepug. One string on your guitar, but you play it all day.

I can guarantee you live in a gated community, and drink Zima and are an elitist
pedophile if I'm an ignorant racist. Two can play your tired ass game.

You're a racist for sure, It's interesting you mention pedophile though, very interesting.
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Holy shit...pal if not for the brothers the USA would have the lowest murder rate int he world. You don't even want to go there.

No white trash, white southerners have a far higher murder rate than whites in any other region. It's old boy racist ass wipes like you who constantly rant hate who need to be watched as much as anybody.
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