The disgrace that the White Guilt liberals put in the White House once again showing the world

Not tiring at all. I'm always happy to educate the ignorant like yourself. And you are an ignorant racist.
You are only hurting your slef in the short and long term
I've given up on you people, you prove just how infected your thinking is when you side with Putin time after time over your own country's interest out of hate for The POTUS.

This is a loathsome bunch.
Never sided with Putin, he is a communist, that being said he actually is a man that has balls, unlike our effeminate commander in chief sorry excuse for a leader.
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They are enemy combatants and should be a burning pile of flesh at this point.
He sure didn't warn the American citizens before he dropped the ACA bomb on us! As a matter of fact he lied to all of us about that, so he could us me and others like me to subsidize the health care cost for deadbeats and illegal aliens form all parts of the world. To be a natural born American citizen means you get screwed to the wall by your federal government.

I'd hate to think a few on this board are an accurate representation of our UGA fan base, I choose to believe otherwise.
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You are only hurting your slef in the short and long term

Never sided with Putin, he is a communist, that being said he actually is a man that has balls, unlike our effeminate commander in chief sorry excuse for a leader.

You're a disgrace, one difference is Putin would have made You disappear by now for treason.
Putin can appreciate a man for being one and not his little play toy on the world stage. poor poor obama , maybe his mother gave him to many baths as a young man.

You keep proving My point, you're hate filled to the point of treason, you, rolo, vol and a few others are disgraceful excuses for human beings.
You keep proving My point, you're hate filled to the point of treason, you, rolo, vol and a few others are disgraceful excuses for human beings.
If that means you recognize our spot on calls to current events, I appreciate your back handed compliment. I'm sure my brethren appreciate that as well.
I really do hope you have a safe and enjoyable Thanksgiving with your family, ans to hell with tech!!
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If that means you recognize our spot on calls to current events, I appreciate your back handed compliment. I'm sure my brethren appreciate that as well.
I really do hope you have a safe and enjoyable Thanksgiving with your family, ans to hell with tech!!

I don't appreciate ANYTHING about you and the other racist degenerates who would clearly be right at home in 1960s Alabama, or even Putin's Russia.
As for your grasp of current events, it's practically nonexistent.
I don't appreciate ANYTHING about you and the other racist degenerates who would clearly be right at home in 1960s Alabama, or even Putin's Russia.
As for your grasp of current events, it's practically nonexistent.
Right out of obamas play book if we disagree we are racist or haters.
I guess obama must hate all non muslime males and females unless he is entertaining the boys IYKWIM.
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Right out of obamas play book if we disagree we are racist or haters.
I guess obama must hate all non muslime males and females unless he is entertaining the boys IYKWIM.

No, you're a racist hater because you consistently post hateful and racist things.
I figure if you're just throwing crap at a wall all day without room for any proof- wth, right?
Just posting racist all day leaves no room for anything other than a smear.
He's like a baboon

Heulen btw, are you aware you post every time he does? Very interesting.
Also interesting how you try to 'rescue' him all the time.
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You never tire of making a fool of yourself do you kid? Its blacks, yes you can say it. Poor ole white trash can hold a candle to them when it comes to murder or crime. Take blacks out of the equation and crime would drop 80% .But stupid fcks LIKE YOU feel dirty when talking about real issues. So you must all ppl racist because you're too ****ing dumb to have the conversation. Dipshit

White trash is still trash, and you seem to qualify.
I discuss real issues all the time, I just don't use hateful racist buzz words and other trappings of angry sick minds like you do.

You're damaged and damaging, your kind is dying off though.
The future belongs to those you with it, die with it.
White trash is still trash, and you seem to qualify.
I discuss real issues all the time, I just don't use hateful racist buzz words and other trappings of angry sick minds like you do.

You're damaged and damaging, your kind is dying off though.
The future belongs to those you with it, die with it.

Oh so as long as we play by your rules and your interpretation of word's you'll play? Um, **** off pussy
I think it is clear, my Mom taught Me not to be a racist or xenophobic.
I don't know Your parents, but it's clear We're very different in that respect.
No, you were obviously taught to look for reasons to be offended and that ppl who disagree with your dumbass have to be racist. You don't even realize how stupid you sound with that BS.
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