The DNC have killed

Two if by Sea

National Champion
Silver Member
Apr 16, 2024
More babies than hamas did on Oct.7

They have a mobile abortion clinic on site administering free abortions. Count was at 25 last I looked.

This is purely demonic. It’s one thing to support abortions but to be so enthusiastic and seeking of people To perform them on is truly sick. It’s not enough to let people seek out services on their own.

That have now outpaced one of the most hateful, violent groups in existence for killing children. Fitting.

More babies than hamas did on Oct.7

They have a mobile abortion clinic on site administering free abortions. Count was at 25 last I looked.

This is purely demonic. It’s one thing to support abortions but to be so enthusiastic and seeking of people To perform them on is truly sick. It’s not enough to let people seek out services on their own.

That have now outpaced one of the most hateful, violent groups in existence for killing children. Fitting.

Do you even know what a medication abortion is? It’s the abortion pill- which is only effective during the first 11 weeks of pregnancy. Is this killing children to you?
The Dem
More babies than hamas did on Oct.7

They have a mobile abortion clinic on site administering free abortions. Count was at 25 last I looked.

This is purely demonic. It’s one thing to support abortions but to be so enthusiastic and seeking of people To perform them on is truly sick. It’s not enough to let people seek out services on their own.

That have now outpaced one of the most hateful, violent groups in existence for killing children. Fitting.

The Democrat party is a Death Cult.

Must be why they love Hamas so much.
What’s sickening is the idea that a woman who is raped might actually struggle to find a way to end the pregnancy BEFORE true fetal development if you had your way.
So you would be fine with no abortions unless in the case of rape/incest? I think almost all can agree on that.
There, we can all be friends again.

So you would be fine with no abortions unless in the case of rape/incest? I think almost all can agree on that.
There, we can all be friends again.
I think there should be abortions available no questions asked for the first trimester. I think after that only in the case of rape/incest/ or if a certified medical professional determines that the life or health of the woman is seriously at risk.
I think there should be abortions available no questions asked for the first trimester. I think after that only in the case of rape/incest/ or if a certified medical professional determines that the life or health of the woman is seriously at risk.

In the interest of not engaging in another novel-length post w/ the full documentation I usually provide, I'll ask you a couple questions:

1. What is the % or actual documentation of actual verified, viable pregnancies that occur due to rape or incest?

(Hint: It's approaching the number of people claiming to have been abducted by aliens)

2. How many "Health of the Woman" VIABLE (key word) pregnancies must be aborted due to "Health of the Woman"?

(Hint: The overwhelming number of viable pregnancies that affect the mother are better complete the pregnancy. I've provided definitive documentation of this before).

Here's the big lie: non-viable pregnancies (e.g. implantation in the fallopian tube) are NOT viable & are thus NOT an 'abortion'. Miscarriages are NOT abortions. Regular, health-related actions taken for NON-VIABLE pregnancies are NOT abortions. Yet, they are always included in the 'big lie' discussion re: abortions.

The full truth is that the overwhelming number of potential complications for most pregnancies are almost always better for the potential mother to carry to term. This includes cancer & literally every other potential health problem.

Don't believe me? I have the data from actual medical professionals & studies. Please provide anything that disagrees w/ this.

Side note: This is a big deal for me. My wife was born at 25 weeks in 1983. She could still be aborted, today....yet, she's not a person or a viable pregnancy? We have 4 incredible children. Weird. She seems to be a fully-functioning human.

I guess I've been married to some sort of zombie for almost 20 years. Nobody will ever convince me that aborting children for convenience (which is why I've submarined the 'viable pregnancy' lie) is not an evil act.
In the interest of not engaging in another novel-length post w/ the full documentation I usually provide, I'll ask you a couple questions:

1. What is the % or actual documentation of actual verified, viable pregnancies that occur due to rape or incest?

(Hint: It's approaching the number of people claiming to have been abducted by aliens)

2. How many "Health of the Woman" VIABLE (key word) pregnancies must be aborted due to "Health of the Woman"?

(Hint: The overwhelming number of viable pregnancies that affect the mother are better complete the pregnancy. I've provided definitive documentation of this before).

Here's the big lie: non-viable pregnancies (e.g. implantation in the fallopian tube) are NOT viable & are thus NOT an 'abortion'. Miscarriages are NOT abortions. Regular, health-related actions taken for NON-VIABLE pregnancies are NOT abortions. Yet, they are always included in the 'big lie' discussion re: abortions.

The full truth is that the overwhelming number of potential complications for most pregnancies are almost always better for the potential mother to carry to term. This includes cancer & literally every other potential health problem.

Don't believe me? I have the data from actual medical professionals & studies. Please provide anything that disagrees w/ this.

Side note: This is a big deal for me. My wife was born at 25 weeks in 1983. She could still be aborted, today....yet, she's not a person or a viable pregnancy? We have 4 incredible children. Weird. She seems to be a fully-functioning human.

I guess I've been married to some sort of zombie for almost 20 years. Nobody will ever convince me that aborting children for convenience (which is why I've submarined the 'viable pregnancy' lie) is not an evil act.
Pretty disinterested in engaging further on this- you have just claimed that rape and incest dont result in pregnancies (or more specifically, they do as frequently as alien abductions). Really no point in engaging with a lunatic. Just one link for your reading pleasure-

The rest of your post is non-responsive. I never limited my health of the mother concerns to viable pregnancies. And, unless your wife was the product of rape or incest, or her mother was severely harmed by giving birth to her, I would not have supported abortion in her case.

Lastly, maybe don’t assume that we don’t all have even more personal stories of pain involving pregnancy and abortion. Most abortions are conducted when the fetus has no heart beat.
In the interest of not engaging in another novel-length post w/ the full documentation I usually provide, I'll ask you a couple questions:

1. What is the % or actual documentation of actual verified, viable pregnancies that occur due to rape or incest?

(Hint: It's approaching the number of people claiming to have been abducted by aliens)

2. How many "Health of the Woman" VIABLE (key word) pregnancies must be aborted due to "Health of the Woman"?

(Hint: The overwhelming number of viable pregnancies that affect the mother are better complete the pregnancy. I've provided definitive documentation of this before).

Here's the big lie: non-viable pregnancies (e.g. implantation in the fallopian tube) are NOT viable & are thus NOT an 'abortion'. Miscarriages are NOT abortions. Regular, health-related actions taken for NON-VIABLE pregnancies are NOT abortions. Yet, they are always included in the 'big lie' discussion re: abortions.

The full truth is that the overwhelming number of potential complications for most pregnancies are almost always better for the potential mother to carry to term. This includes cancer & literally every other potential health problem.

Don't believe me? I have the data from actual medical professionals & studies. Please provide anything that disagrees w/ this.

Side note: This is a big deal for me. My wife was born at 25 weeks in 1983. She could still be aborted, today....yet, she's not a person or a viable pregnancy? We have 4 incredible children. Weird. She seems to be a fully-functioning human.

I guess I've been married to some sort of zombie for almost 20 years. Nobody will ever convince me that aborting children for convenience (which is why I've submarined the 'viable pregnancy' lie) is not an evil act.
Love your story. Your opinion has absolutely nothing to do with anyone else whatsoever. I do hope you don’t send me to chile for a differing opinion.
Love your story. Your opinion has absolutely nothing to do with anyone else whatsoever. I do hope you don’t send me to chile for a differing opinion.
1. My story was after the "facts". Feel free to refute any subject I broached. I'm ready.

2. When have I ever sent anybody to Chili for that? You hurt me, sir 😉
Pretty disinterested in engaging further on this- you have just claimed that rape and incest dont result in pregnancies (or more specifically, they do as frequently as alien abductions). Really no point in engaging with a lunatic. Just one link for your reading pleasure-

The rest of your post is non-responsive. I never limited my health of the mother concerns to viable pregnancies. And, unless your wife was the product of rape or incest, or her mother was severely harmed by giving birth to her, I would not have supported abortion in her case.

Lastly, maybe don’t assume that we don’t all have even more personal stories of pain involving pregnancy and abortion. Most abortions are conducted when the fetus has no heart beat.
Lunatic? Ok. Let's not start the name calling.

The verified % from rape/incest is what?

Both are horrible. Neither are statistically significant for abortions. Prove me wrong.
Lunatic? Ok. Let's not start the name calling.

The verified % from rape/incest is what?

Both are horrible. Neither are statistically significant for abortions. Prove me wrong.
Well let’s assume its zero- so I assume then you have no problem agreeing with my parameters I originally set forth.
Do you even know what a medication abortion is? It’s the abortion pill- which is only effective during the first 11 weeks of pregnancy. Is this killing children to you?
Yes it is killing a baby. At 11 weeks there is a heartbeat, all organs are formed as well as limbs and brain and sex organs. From that point much is just growth of the baby. Whether it’s a pill or early abortion they both kill a developing baby.
Well let’s assume its zero- so I assume then you have no problem agreeing with my parameters I originally set forth.
Well, you brought up the rape/incest. So, if it's zero....then we are left with health of the mother, which I am fully ready to discuss/debate.

(Hint: there is almost no situation where aborting a child is the better option....medically speaking...for the mother. Literally approaching zero)

What parameters are you referring to? Be specific. Please don't call me a lunatic again. Its not nice. I'm not. I just prefer not murdering kids. Weird, I know.
Yes it is killing a baby. At 11 weeks there is a heartbeat, all organs are formed as well as limbs and brain and sex organs. From that point much is just growth of the baby. Whether it’s a pill or early abortion they both kill a developing baby.
Well you are welcome to that opinion. Most people dont agree- including your nominee.
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1. What is the % or actual documentation of actual verified, viable pregnancies that occur due to rape or incest?
The verified % from rape/incest is what?

Both are horrible. Neither are statistically significant for abortions. Prove me wrong.

I'm watching this one from the upper deck and have no desire to really engage deeper...just following along.

Seeking some clarity to your questions as that may help keep this discussion on the rails. Do you mean pregnancies from rape/incest or abortions due to rape/incest?

It feels like you are asking for one in your first post and the other in your second.

That's all. Carry on.
I'm watching this one from the upper deck and have no desire to really engage deeper...just following along.

Seeking some clarity to your questions as that may help keep this discussion on the rails. Do you mean pregnancies from rape/incest or abortions due to rape/incest?

It feels like you are asking for one in your first post and the other in your second.

That's all. Carry on.
What are the actual, verified pregnancies from rape/incest?

Not diminishing that it occurs. It just gets brought up in every abortion debate. So, I would assume that they must be a significant % of unwanted pregnancies. Right? They must be common on some level.

I'm just asking for verified numbers
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More babies than hamas did on Oct.7

They have a mobile abortion clinic on site administering free abortions. Count was at 25 last I looked.

This is purely demonic. It’s one thing to support abortions but to be so enthusiastic and seeking of people To perform them on is truly sick. It’s not enough to let people seek out services on their own.

That have now outpaced one of the most hateful, violent groups in existence for killing children. Fitting.

We've got seats for you friend. Hope you have a good night.

All I want is to see you smile. If it takes just a little while.

What are the actual, verified pregnancies from rape/incest?

Not diminishing that it occurs. It just gets brought up in every abortion debate. So, I would assume that they must be a significant % of unwanted pregnancies. Right? They must be common on some level.

I'm just asking for verified numbers

Feels like you changed it to abortion in the second question. Friendly observation. Nothing more or less. I could be wrong. I'm tired. My 3 year old is in sleep regression mode....🤬🤬🤬

Appreciate the clarity. Y'all have it.
What are the actual, verified pregnancies from rape/incest?

Not diminishing that it occurs. It just gets brought up in every abortion debate. So, I would assume that they must be a significant % of unwanted pregnancies. Right? They must be common on some level.

I'm just asking for verified numbers
A quick Google offers some numbers:
Almost 3 million women in the United States experienced rape-related pregnancy during their lifetime. The prevalence of rape-related pregnancy was similar across racial and ethnic groups.

About 18 million women have experienced vaginal rape in their lifetime. Women who were raped by a current or former intimate partner were more likely to report rape-related pregnancy (26%) compared to those raped by an acquaintance (5.2%) or a stranger (6.9%). women in,vaginal rape in their lifetime.

Honestly, not sure the point of your inquiry because if it is as small as you think then you certainly shouldnt mind an exception for something that happens infrequently.
I can give some verified numbers to this thread. There are more abortions happening in this country since roe v wade was overturned

If you want to get an abortion, seems like more than ever you are able to. Ironically. So this is an argument about something that literally makes no sense. It is ironic that the candidate from the right has a much more common sense approach to this than the left. Who knew.
More babies than hamas did on Oct.7

They have a mobile abortion clinic on site administering free abortions. Count was at 25 last I looked.

This is purely demonic. It’s one thing to support abortions but to be so enthusiastic and seeking of people To perform them on is truly sick. It’s not enough to let people seek out services on their own.

That have now outpaced one of the most hateful, violent groups in existence for killing children. Fitting.

Just so everyone understands, these are first trimester abortions done through medicine only and the latest polling shows 61% of Americans believe the abortion pill should be legal. The last time a POTUS got that much support in the popular vote was 1964.
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Feels like you changed it to abortion in the second question. Friendly observation. Nothing more or less. I could be wrong. I'm tired. My 3 year old is in sleep regression mode....🤬🤬🤬

Appreciate the clarity. Y'all have it.
I'm not changing what abortion is. Those claiming that non viable pregnancies that require medical intervention are an "abortion" are changing meanings.

Why? Because admitting that abortion kills a viable human is barbaric. Admitting that most abortions occur due to economic or "lifestyle" choices would cause legit self-reflection.

Because, at some would mean the left would need to explain the shift from "safe, legal, and rare" to the literal celebration that is encouraged today.

But, sure... I'm the one changing something.
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A quick Google offers some numbers:
Almost 3 million women in the United States experienced rape-related pregnancy during their lifetime. The prevalence of rape-related pregnancy was similar across racial and ethnic groups.

About 18 million women have experienced vaginal rape in their lifetime. Women who were raped by a current or former intimate partner were more likely to report rape-related pregnancy (26%) compared to those raped by an acquaintance (5.2%) or a stranger (6.9%). 3 million women in,vaginal rape in their lifetime.

Honestly, not sure the point of your inquiry because if it is as small as you think then you certainly shouldnt mind an exception for something that happens infrequently.
More links to sources, please. Also, name them. If it's "google" it should not be difficult.

I routinely provide this when debating a point & expect the same courtesy.
A quick Google offers some numbers:
Almost 3 million women in the United States experienced rape-related pregnancy during their lifetime. The prevalence of rape-related pregnancy was similar across racial and ethnic groups.

About 18 million women have experienced vaginal rape in their lifetime. Women who were raped by a current or former intimate partner were more likely to report rape-related pregnancy (26%) compared to those raped by an acquaintance (5.2%) or a stranger (6.9%). 3 million women in,vaginal rape in their lifetime.

Honestly, not sure the point of your inquiry because if it is as small as you think then you certainly shouldnt mind an exception for something that happens infrequently.
That also provided no context in the overall abortion %...which was fairly important.

You provided irrelevant data with limited citations.
Im good bro. Have a good night.
Ok...all I asked for was the % of abortions that were due to rape/incest. You provided data that's justifiably horrible....but, not helpful to the discussion. There was no context. Nobody is denying rape occurs. I asked a straight forward question.

If you don't have it, ok. Look for it and provide it, if you find it.
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Ok...all I asked for was the % of abortions that were due to rape/incest. You provided data that's justifiably horrible....but, not helpful to the discussion. There was no context. Nobody is denying rape occurs. I asked a straight forward question.

If you don't have it, ok. Look for it and provide it, if you find it.
I generally look for it myself if I want to counter it. Just saying. I found it to be about 1.5% abortions caused by rape and/or incest.

There are some conservative anti-abortion think tanks that have it lower if you trust them.
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I generally look for it myself if I want to counter it. Just saying. I found it to be about 1.5% abortions caused by rape and/or incest.

There are some conservative anti-abortion think tanks that have it lower if you trust them.
Thanks, I was aware of the answer when I asked. 😉

It's difficult to find anything above what your link referenced.

...and the actual % is 1 & .5% respectively according to the article (to be precise)
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Thanks, I was aware of the answer when I asked. 😉

It's difficult to find anything above what your link referenced.

...and the actual % is 1 & .5% respectively according to the article (to be precise)
Precisely: 1% plus .5% equals 1.5%.
I'm not changing what abortion is. Those claiming that non viable pregnancies that require medical intervention are an "abortion" are changing meanings.

Why? Because admitting that abortion kills a viable human is barbaric. Admitting that most abortions occur due to economic or "lifestyle" choices would cause legit self-reflection.

Because, at some would mean the left would need to explain the shift from "safe, legal, and rare" to the literal celebration that is encouraged today.

But, sure... I'm the one changing something.
I'm not changing what abortion is. Those claiming that non viable pregnancies that require medical intervention are an "abortion" are changing meanings.

These are abortions by the strict definition of abortion, which means ending a pregnancy. It's obvious that DJT considers these abortions as this is what he is talking about when he's saying they are killing babies after birth.

Because, at some would mean the left would need to explain the shift from "safe, legal, and rare" to the literal celebration that is encouraged today.

No one is celebrating having one. The celebration is for the right to choose for women. It isn't even a medical procedure in most cases any more. It is mostly done with medication these days in the first trimester.

Personally, I've never known pro-choice people to say that the majority of abortions aren't due to personal choice. That's exactly what they are fighting for. But they are also trying to stress what some of these states restrictive abortion laws also entail.
What’s sickening is the idea that a woman who is raped might actually struggle to find a way to end the pregnancy BEFORE true fetal development if you had your way.
Come on dude. This isn’t about women who have been raped. I acknowledge that abortion is a complicated issue but this goes way beyond mere support for abortion rights, this is a celebration of the act of abortion.
In the interest of not engaging in another novel-length post w/ the full documentation I usually provide, I'll ask you a couple questions:

1. What is the % or actual documentation of actual verified, viable pregnancies that occur due to rape or incest?

(Hint: It's approaching the number of people claiming to have been abducted by aliens)

2. How many "Health of the Woman" VIABLE (key word) pregnancies must be aborted due to "Health of the Woman"?

(Hint: The overwhelming number of viable pregnancies that affect the mother are better complete the pregnancy. I've provided definitive documentation of this before).

Here's the big lie: non-viable pregnancies (e.g. implantation in the fallopian tube) are NOT viable & are thus NOT an 'abortion'. Miscarriages are NOT abortions. Regular, health-related actions taken for NON-VIABLE pregnancies are NOT abortions. Yet, they are always included in the 'big lie' discussion re: abortions.

The full truth is that the overwhelming number of potential complications for most pregnancies are almost always better for the potential mother to carry to term. This includes cancer & literally every other potential health problem.

Don't believe me? I have the data from actual medical professionals & studies. Please provide anything that disagrees w/ this.

Side note: This is a big deal for me. My wife was born at 25 weeks in 1983. She could still be aborted, today....yet, she's not a person or a viable pregnancy? We have 4 incredible children. Weird. She seems to be a fully-functioning human.

I guess I've been married to some sort of zombie for almost 20 years. Nobody will ever convince me that aborting children for convenience (which is why I've submarined the 'viable pregnancy' lie) is not an evil act.
So to summarize, you think that all abortion is murder. Fair?

I support your position and any personal choices that result from it. I don’t believe that your personal feelings should determine what options women have available to them, within reason. As someone else suggested, first trimester as a limit for abortion for any reason seems a reasonable position that most in the country support.

Now for the political commentary.

For much of the pro-life movement (no accusations of you), the willingness to legislate the protection of life seems to flag considerably once the baby is born. We are the only industrialized nation on earth that doesn’t have universal healthcare as a basic human right. If the same people who insist on asserting control over other women’s bodies were also strong advocates for the wealthiest country in the history of humanity actually looking after our post-birth population, and not just those in the womb, I’d see their position as morally and spiritually consistent and as such more easily defended.

Final thought. If it were men and not women who carried pregnancies, there would be abortion vans on every street corner.
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