The entire US will be the coldest it's been in 2 decades this week

Bullcrap. We will be in the 30s for the next 10 days, completing the warmest winter I have experienced in Montana. And we are part of the US, unless the Flathead-Cannuck alliance is stealing territory again.
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How is this possible with climate change occurring?

Because climate change/global warming is a crock of shit. It's called weather you shit brained libs.
This video of "In Search of," by Leonard Nimoy, shook the foundations of made me hate cold weather......The Ice Age was coming, circa '77. For anybody deciding to watch this video.....please, sit down, and prepare yourself mentally.
Lol are they actually people on here who don't know the difference between weather and climate?
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Lol are they actually people on here who don't know the difference between weather and climate?
Who will save our polar bears?
Who will save our polar bears?

Moose know that bear. He pussy. Moose decide to pick up extra rut in Yukon one year, see that bear fighting huskies for chinook salmon. Moose show Magnificent Rack, stomp once, polar bear no longer solid white. Grateful huskies tip Moose off as to where to find Yukon cows.
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Lol are they actually people on here who don't know the difference between weather and climate?

It's like this, dickweed. Weather is short term. Climate, such as, oh I don't know, a planet warming and glaciers melting for thousands of years after an ice age that no one can explain (meteor, volcano, attack from Mars, blah, blah, blah) is long term. Oddly, your masters have decided that thousands of years of climate will be condensed into a few decades (or less), because they know that stupid fukking idiots such as yourself are just dying to live off that gov't tit and submit all authority to the most corrupt and incompetent people on the planet, all of whom are playing you like Hendrix on a Les Paul. Your God is government. My God made that ice age to separate flood water from inhabitable continents. You should check Him the Old Testament instructions on mold and hygiene that modern science did not figure out until the 1900's. But that just makes Him an advanced alien, right? OK, I'll bite. Who created the alien claiming to be God?
It's like this, dickweed. Weather is short term. Climate, such as, oh I don't know, a planet warming and glaciers melting for thousands of years after an ice age that no one can explain (meteor, volcano, attack from Mars, blah, blah, blah) is long term. Oddly, your masters have decided that thousands of years of climate will be condensed into a few decades (or less), because they know that stupid fukking idiots such as yourself are just dying to live off that gov't tit and submit all authority to the most corrupt and incompetent people on the planet, all of whom are playing you like Hendrix on a Les Paul. Your God is government. My God made that ice age to separate flood water from inhabitable continents. You should check Him the Old Testament instructions on mold and hygiene that modern science did not figure out until the 1900's. But that just makes Him an advanced alien, right? OK, I'll bite. Who created the alien claiming to be God?

Cool story bro.

Weird that the whole world basically agreed except Republicans.
As always I kind of hate watching this shower of stupidity.
Bwahahahahaha..........I've been ignoring that scrubbing bubbles dude for months, yet he still responds. Don't know what he said, but I hope he wasted a lot of goot toilet viewing time typing it.

I never waste good toilet time. All toilet time is good toilet time.

But as we all know all shower time is the fun time. Take a watch with me
Cool story bro.

Weird that the whole world basically agreed except Republicans.
As always I kind of hate watching this shower of stupidity.

It was first global warming, now climate change. Goalposts be moving allllll the time in lib land. If the glaciers are going to melt and the seas are going to rise, why are banks or have banks given out loans for beach homes and why are insurance companies continuing to underwrite them if the risk is so high?
This cold weather is no good. It's playing havoc with Ruthie Gin's heath...



It has been 54 days since the public laid eyes on the 85-year-old Supreme Court justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and her absence is prompting calls for proof of life. The last time she was seen was on December 6, 2018, when she heard arguments in person at the Court. Since then, she underwent surgery on December 21 of last year after two cancerous growths from her left lung were discovered and removed. All official statements have been issued by people close to her and meant to assure the public that she is recovering quietly.

However, RBG has missed oral arguments this month for the first time in her 25-year career on the bench, and it is raising anxieties about how well and if she is recovering. It has been reported that the White House is taking steps toward preparing a short list of Supreme Court nominees in the event of Justice Ginsburg's death or departure. Adding even more fuel to the speculation, Fox & Friends "accidentally" showed a memorial graphic that claimed that Ginsburg is dead. The show apologized shortly after and blamed it on a "control room error," but it's worth noting that the graphic even being made and loaded is a disturbing, macabre preparation.

She was scheduled to attend a function called "An Evening with Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg" in Los Angeles on Tuesday evening at the Skirball Cultural Center, but the event was "regrettably canceled" because she is still recuperating from her recent surgery. A second engagement on February 6 with her and philanthropist David Rubenstein in New York City was also canceled.

The reason her absence is so monumental is that if her health has compromised her ability to do her job as a member of the highest court in the United States, her removal will give President Trump his third justice nomination of his first term. This would be an apocalypse to the liberal Democrats, who would be faced with the most conservative Supreme Court in modern history for decades to come. If you thought the Kavanaugh nomination was rough, imagine if Democrats doubled their efforts the third time around.

Could this be why Nancy Pelosi is so defiantly postponing the president's State of the Union address – because it might reveal to the world an empty seat where RBG is supposed to be? Although the justice didn't attend, in protest, President Trump's first State of the Union in 2018 and Supreme Court justice attendance is by no means required, it would be terrible optics as the nation wonders where and how she is.

Some left-leaning voices have condemned the calls for proof that Ruth Bader Ginsburg is still capable of performing her duties as justice. In a display of hypocrisy that is now too common, here is an article from CNN demanding the same confirmation after First Lady Melania Trump avoided the public for 19 days after a minor operation.
Cool story bro.

Weird that the whole world basically agreed except Republicans.
As always I kind of hate watching this shower of stupidity.

Not surprising that dims are led astray by some geeks and their "computer models". It has been proven that the climate alarmist input data into their model to get the outcome they promote. Further, not surprising at all that dims would push the environmentalist socialist agenda because one thing that is a fact, to be a dim you have to be socialist/communist, elitist, and easily fooled by big words.

You guys are all Russian sympathizers that want to destroy America and our capitalistic system and you are to stupid to realize it in most cases. The DC dims know exactly what they are doing. You minions are just useful idiots to them.
JFC, libs are now calling a winter storm a polar vortex brought on by climate change.
