The hatred I feel for Cruz and Trump is only surpassed


Diehard supporter
Gold Member
Oct 10, 2009
by the hate they have for each other, and I've never been in this position before. And despite an Indianian telling Cruz he looks like a "fish monster", I am pulling for Cruz.
I don't think Cruz hates Trump. What he hates is exposing Trump for the lifetime liberal he is, and nobody pays attention.
by the hate they have for each other, and I've never been in this position before. And despite an Indianian telling Cruz he looks like a "fish monster", I am pulling for Cruz.

Why do you hate Trump?
by the hate they have for each other, and I've never been in this position before. And despite an Indianian telling Cruz he looks like a "fish monster", I am pulling for Cruz.
Then vote for Clinton and have your wages flat for 4 more years; you health insurance cost continue to climb; no energy policy; and maybe you can even fight ISIS in your neighborhood.
Then vote for Clinton and have your wages flat for 4 more years; you health insurance cost continue to climb; no energy policy; and maybe you can even fight ISIS in your neighborhood.
What are Trumps policies to these things? Winning I guess
What are Trumps policies to these things? Winning I guess

I don't expect Trump to have "a plan" for every issue troubling this country, many of which were created by the present POTUS the past 8 years. I do expect Trump to surround himself with people that can help him make the best decisions to run this country. I'd rather him not say anything than spew lies like those politicians in DC.

Do you believe that only a politician can run this government?