The horrible reality is there is virtually no way to vet Syrian refugees.


Letterman and National Champion
Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
This per Peter King, and M McCaul, Chairman of the Homeland Security Comm. Why? Simply stated there are no records or data base in Syria. A Syrian is who he or she says they are. I'm sure we are asking some probing questions but there is zero way to ascertain the truth with 100% certainty. And some will be ringers.
This per Peter King, and M McCaul, Chairman of the Homeland Security Comm. Why? Simply stated there are no records or data base in Syria. A Syrian is who he or she says they are. I'm sure we are asking some probing questions but there is zero way to ascertain the truth with 100% certainty. And some will be ringers.

Zero way to ascertain with 100% accuracy, I think that's a Groucho Marks line.
Then it appears Groucho was a pretty smart guy.
Then it appears Groucho was a pretty smart guy.

Has there ever been a vetting process that was guaranteed 100% accuracy ? We both know there hasn't been. In this imperfect world you do the best you can.
It's not like We can't track these people once they're in country either.
I would be for something rather radical. Have every refugee who is accepted sign a form agreeing to wear a tracking device for 10 years. If they don't sign, they don't get in. I'd also have them report on site to customs or some other organization at least once a month for an extended period of time.
Has there ever been a vetting process that was guaranteed 100% accuracy ? We both know there hasn't been. In this imperfect world you do the best you can.
It's not like We can't track these people once they're in country either.
I would be for something rather radical. Have every refugee who is accepted sign a form agreeing to wear a tracking device for 10 years. If they don't sign, they don't get in. I'd also have them report on site to customs or some other organization at least once a month for an extended period of time.
Not bad but a better idea: why allow people into our beautiful country who we have to put a 10 year ankle bracelet on. Rad thought I know but shows how completely out of control ignorant we have become in the last few years. The school of thought that we must be suicidal and self flagellating to satisfy some twisted liberal idea of collective guilt because of our better standard of living or affluent country is a phenom. One thing that has made our nation such a marvelous place was the desire of parents to live a better life for their children. This is the first generation with a significant group determined to leave their kids and worse....mine, a dangerous third world place to attempt to not thrive but survive. Please just stop it. The fact that we are even discussing this is depressing.
Not bad but a better idea: why allow people into our beautiful country who we have to put a 10 year ankle bracelet on. Rad thought I know but shows how completely out of control ignorant we have become in the last few years. The school of thought that we must be suicidal and self flagellating to satisfy some twisted liberal idea of collective guilt because of our better standard of living or affluent country is a phenom. One thing that has made our nation such a marvelous place was the desire of parents to live a better life for their children. This is the first generation with a significant group determined to leave their kids a dangerous third world place to attempt to not thrive but survive.

The fact is we're largely responsible for the refugee problem.
I think we have some obligation to both Europe and these people who have lost everything because of the chaos we've had a role in unleashing.
You seem to have some notion about who these people are. Many, maybe most listened to our promise to back them in revolt, so we owe them IMO.
The fact is we're largely responsible for the refugee problem.
I think we have some obligation to both Europe and these people who have lost everything because of the chaos we've had a role in unleashing.
You seem to have some notion about who these people are. Many, maybe most listened to our promise to back them in revolt, so we owe them IMO.
We are? They are flooding out of Syria because Assad is on one side and ISIS is on the other.

Your true colors are out for all to see. You are a self loathing lib. Blame America for all the world's ills. I feel sorry for you.
The fact is we're largely responsible for the refugee problem.
I think we have some obligation to both Europe and these people who have lost everything because of the chaos we've had a role in unleashing.
You seem to have some notion about who these people are. Many, maybe most listened to our promise to back them in revolt, so we owe them IMO.

You're wasting your time trying to reason with them. It's just impotent digital rage. It's so SIMPLE, they have all the ANSWERS, if only the KENYAN COMMUNIST USURPER would listen to THEM!
We are? They are flooding out of Syria because Assad is on one side and ISIS is on the other.

Your true colors are out for all to see. You are a self loathing lib. Blame America for all the world's ills. I feel sorry for you.

Arab Spring is what sprung this madness. Without it ISIS wouldn't have had a chance to move into the void.
My true colors are honesty and common sense, both of which you clearly lack.
Being a dedicated fool isn't something you should be proud of.
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You're wasting your time trying to reason with them. It's just impotent digital rage. It's so SIMPLE, they have all the ANSWERS, if only the KENYAN COMMUNIST USURPER would listen to THEM!

I'm fine with people having different opinions than Mine, but some of them have the reasoning of children.
Has there ever been a vetting process that was guaranteed 100% accuracy ? We both know there hasn't been. In this imperfect world you do the best you can.
It's not like We can't track these people once they're in country either.
I would be for something rather radical. Have every refugee who is accepted sign a form agreeing to wear a tracking device for 10 years. If they don't sign, they don't get in. I'd also have them report on site to customs or some other organization at least once a month for an extended period of time.

There have been much more respectable vetting processes when talking about national security. There is NO way to ascertain the truth with these people, and to claim it will be ok is insane. We can not even properly vet our current politicians, much less foreign refugees that may be here to kill Americans. It is just common sense to realize this is a really, really bad move for the US.
There have been much more respectable vetting processes when talking about national security. There is NO way to ascertain the truth with these people, and to claim it will be ok is insane. We can not even properly vet our current politicians, much less foreign refugees that may be here to kill Americans. It is just common sense to realize this is a really, really bad move for the US.

How exactly do you and others know what information We might have on the few thousand we plan to let into this country ?
I expect there is a tiered culling process where most are discarded right away. That would leave a reduced field of the more acceptable candidates to be vetted closer. I also expect many, if not most are people who were assisting Us for some time prior to leaving their homes.
How exactly do you and others know what information We might have on the few thousand we plan to let into this country ?
I expect there is a tiered culling process where most are discarded right away. That would leave a reduced field of the more acceptable candidates to be vetted closer. I also expect many, if not most are people who were assisting Us for some time prior to leaving their homes.
Yes, because based on past experience the government has done so well detecting terrorist from refugees! Wake the F up. quit making excuses that are so over the top you have to know you make no sense. The same thing that happened on 9-11-01 and Paris will happen again because we can't possibly be politically incorrect and protect ourselves from threats. We can not afford to be wrong with letting bad people in that want to harm us. To top it off we are paying for them to be transported over here and houses and fed. Who is flipping the bill for that? Just what we need lets spend more money that could pay down our debts on people who are potential threats to the U.S. Great idea, really???
There have been much more respectable vetting processes when talking about national security. There is NO way to ascertain the truth with these people, and to claim it will be ok is insane. We can not even properly vet our current politicians, much less foreign refugees that may be here to kill Americans. It is just common sense to realize this is a really, really bad move for the US.

How exactly do you and others know what information We might have on the few thousand we plan to let into this country ?
I expect there is a tiered culling process where most are discarded right away. That would leave a reduced field of the more acceptable candidates to be vetted closer. I also expect many, if not most are people who were assisting Us for some time prior to leaving their homes.
Yes, because based on past experience the government has done so well detecting terrorist from refugees! Wake the F up. quit making excuses that are so over the top you have to know you make no sense. The same thing that happened on 9-11-01 and Paris will happen again because we can't possibly be politically incorrect and protect ourselves from threats. We can not afford to be wrong with letting bad people in that want to harm us. To top it off we are paying for them to be transported over here and houses and fed. Who is flipping the bill for that? Just what we need lets spend more money that could pay down our debts on people who are potential threats to the U.S. Great idea, really???

We have been culpable in the destruction of Syria. I don't have anymore info on who the people are we're considering letting in than you do, but we owe both Europe and the refugees, most of who are just victims.
Could we be attacked again ? of course, but we could just as easily be attacked by citizens already in country.
We messed up huge invading Iraq, then again in helping ignite Arab Spring, now the western world is dealing with the consequences of millions of displaced people, your approach is to turn our backs on the mess we've created, I think we have obligations, it's not just political correctness, it's being somewhat responsible.
We have been culpable in the destruction of Syria.

Unless you're blaming Obama's red line comment, I disagree. Assad and his murderous regime destroyed Syria. Blaming the US is a false Lib talking point. Arab Spring was coming anyway. Do you not recall Egypt?

The most "stable" Arab states are those friendly with the US. The most unstable are the ones unfriendly with the US (and usually have a bent for Israel's destruction).

This is a painful time in history. Time will tell how things play out. But, one thing is certain. It's time for the billion Muslims who claim their religion is peaceful to deal with the ones who are trying to pervert it.
The fact is we're largely responsible for the refugee problem.
I think we have some obligation to both Europe and these people who have lost everything because of the chaos we've had a role in unleashing.
You seem to have some notion about who these people are. Many, maybe most listened to our promise to back them in revolt, so we owe them IMO.
If you are speaking of "we, the dumb arse libs" who voted for, and wildly backed an incompetent friend of Bill Ayers, mentored by a GD America, white devil espousing minister (and exposed his children to the wild rants) who then went on a world wide blame America, hate America apology tour then I guess you have a solid point. He single handedly promoted the Arab spring and you starry eyed misfits and pop culture trend followers who made up his constituency swooned over it, wearing your Arab Spring hysteria like a crown of glory. One man backed by an delusional mob and the cache of the WH can truly make a difference in the world.

Blame however, is not an answer, I only posted what I did to straighten you out for about the 100th time (with the predicted success rate of 1% same as before). We are where we are. We need a new beginning with a reasonable and responsible leader in the WH, not more of the same.
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