The NY Times finally comes around...

demon rat, demorat, etc more times than I can count, and many other things thru the yrs.
Specifically on these you listed (and the like) I have personally told those that engage in the middle school-level conduct like that, that it hurts their argument and is silly. But, tend to let it go. If I nuke/blacklisted for that, I'd have to do the same for "MAGA cult" or similar things. That's a waste of time, imo. Use of any of that says more about the poster doing it, imo.
I don't see where I ranted on Fox. I said those guys said it on Fox News. That's where they said it if you want to find it. I guess I could've linked it. But anyways, nothing in that post said anything positive or negative about Fox. Was talking about the two reps (Comer and Jordan) leading the House investigation of Biden.

I'm sorry, Moose. I will never speak of Fox again. We should not listen to mainstream media. That's all....I guess.

No clue, man. I think I need a break. Y'all have fun. Should be an interesting week coming up.

You're right bud, about whatever you say. No more comments from me.
I don't care about Fox one way or another. It's generally used here by some to dismiss whatever is being said, which I pointed out. From the paragraph above where you used it, I didn't see the point of pointing it out...especially after I had just pointed out how it's used to dismiss things...which you seemed to be doing. Maybe I misread your intent.
It's a guest editorial, meaning it's not someone that works for them.

I agree that they should have reported accurately about Hunter.

My point is it's not really like they (the editor and NY Times employees themselves) said this.

Reporting- writing about an event of the time. Usually, no real opinion expressed by the writer but can slant the story due to what they want to include or exclude in the story.

Investigative journalism- Usually a very long story, may be released in a series, that's been investigated for weeks, months, even years.

An editorial- Someone's opinion.

A guest editorial- Someone not employed by the newspaper/magazine that gives their opinion on a current topic.

I guess it's a win/win for those that are upset about this.

You get to point out they relented by letting someone else talk about it in their paper, but you still get to complain about the fact they, themselves haven't.
They have been told to stand down until. The investigations were held back. Now it benefits the left so they will let it move forward. Don’t worry investigative journalist ( that are truly leftwing puppets) will probably report on it soon and you can believe it then, maybe.
Proof that Trump didn't care? Again, you are confusing collusion with interference. Happens all the time on here.

There is no proof that Trump colluded with them. There are bundles of proof the Russians interfered.

Trump asked them to give out any information they had on Hillary while he was running for POTUS publicly and also sided with Putin when said he said he didn't interfere over the FBI who said he did. All of this is factual.

The FBI has a list of like ten plus Russian hackers with pictures on their site that they would arrest if they are ever in the US or another country that would release them to the US. They having a hotline asking for tips to anyone that knows their whereabouts.
They interfered on both sides. All they want is division and our country and confusion. That is better for them in the long road. You are to consumed to be objective and look to find the instances where they posted favorable things about Hilary and negative about Trump. To all was there the media mainly harped on what you care about.
If you want to go full-on obtuse & snarky, I'm game. But, if you're actually what you claim: A person who's simply anti-Trump (sure, respect it)...I have no idea why you seem to be defending things that have nothing to do w/ Trump.

oops, forgot the snark & obtuse-ness:

He has never made a point since he’s started in the Chat. Just a sht starter and a Democrat that insists he’s an “Independent “ . If moving the goalposts were a sport , he’s Tom Brady.
probably bad for this buisness
I stopped paying for the main site because of the chat. so there's one piece of evidence.

so, yeah, there's grist for that mill.

I will probably be gone entirely from the site after inauguration day, either way. There's just not much of use to be had here anymore, now that the MAGA movement has run its course.
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I stopped paying for the main site because of the chat. so there's one piece of evidence.

so, yeah, there's grist for that mill.

I will probably be gone entirely from the site after inauguration day, either way. There's just not much of use to be had here anymore, now that the MAGA movement has run its course.
You quit the main site because of the chat??

Gotta axe, why are U on “the chat” then??
Gotta axe, why are U on “the chat” then??
I quit the main site because of chat, yes, because I refuse to pay for a site that also hosts this place, which was way worse before Moosefish volunteered to monitor it. I have written to Radi and to Rivals. No one cares. Yahoo! since it's been taken private is a joke.

(also, to be clear, the free stuff is fine on the site - I've enjoyed the historical "who wore it best.")

I am here for two reasons 1) watching the MAGA types on here type is akin to rubbernecking, on the one hand, but 2) really, it's worth knowing what people who support and/or will vote for Donald Trump think / how they think, etc. I do think a few of the more rational posters have valid insights, and I have always welcomed those.

I understood long ago that the movement was devoid of ideas, but it is fascinating to understand mass movements and how they rise, sustain themselves and collapse.
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I am here for two reasons 1) watching the MAGA types on here type is akin to rubbernecking, on the one hand, but 2) really, it's worth knowing what people who support and/or will vote for Donald Trump think / how they think, etc. I do think a few of the more rational posters have valid insights, and I have always welcomed those.
LOL, Just another backhanded slap in the face of all those you disagree with. Its what dims do here. Type insults to a whole class of people then sit on a high horse and ACT all superior. The dims here are no different, you always disparage those that support the right.

I believe you all equate us to the Trump agenda. Why do you hate so bad being equated to the dim agenda???

Watch this and tell me it's not disgusting. Big dim agenda item. Thats your choice. If it's so good you shouldn't be bothered by being associated with it. And no, I'm not bothered by being associated with Trumps policies. They are far superior to Kamala's.

Moose has never shied away from calling me out for any posting that breaks the rules. And I consider him a friend. I think he is all about the discussion. This board is leaps and bounds better than it was 6 years ago imo. There is discussion now. It can be cathartic. As far as reporting. I have never reported a single person on this site. No matter how bad it gets.

I admit the chat 20 years ago was a far better place to be. But it is a good outlet to get some political anger out imo. Trolling constantly is breaking a rule. Moose is just doing his job. That being said, I like a back and forth with kckd. People would be shocked to know we talk friendly with each other away from the chat. I have no issue with most of the Dems on the board. I have learned more about politics reading this board than I would ever have know. It is really good to hear both sides. Whether you like it or not imo.
I quit the main site because of chat, yes, because I refuse to pay for a site that also hosts this place, which was way worse before Moosefish volunteered to monitor it. I have written to Radi and to Rivals. No one cares. Yahoo! since it's been taken private is a joke.

(also, to be clear, the free stuff is fine on the site - I've enjoyed the historical "who wore it best.")

I am here for two reasons 1) watching the MAGA types on here type is akin to rubbernecking, on the one hand, but 2) really, it's worth knowing what people who support and/or will vote for Donald Trump think / how they think, etc. I do think a few of the more rational posters have valid insights, and I have always welcomed those.

I understood long ago that the movement was devoid of ideas, but it is fascinating to understand mass movements and how they rise, sustain themselves and collapse.
Wow. I cant imagine quitting the vent due to the chat but I'm a football junky that has never gotten worked up by people I dont really know having different povs or slinging insults at me.

Double wow. Maga is devoid of ideas? Dammit man, you may not like the ideas but Trump rose to power because of ideas and refusing to be a shrinking violet when those ideas were criticized. The MAGA base simply got tired of 4 decades of read my lyin lips Pubs. They got tired of policing the world and footing most of the bill. They got tired of promises to fix the border and then having the party favotite speaking spanish at rallies.

People dont vote for Trump because of slogans. They vote for him because he was the first guy to unashamedly say America"s POTUS should put Americas interest first. I find it amazing that people can defend the crony capitalist that made fortunes off politics while saddling the country with trillions in debt and dependence on China for strategic supplies.
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... I like a back and forth with kckd...
Me too, which is why I'm trying to drag it out of him. His trolling is subtle, so those that don't immediately see it get riled up & it makes this place worse. So, I'd rather he express honest thoughts (whether I agree or not) than just say things to get reactions and then deflect to do the same.
Wow. I cant imagine quitting the vent due to the chat but I'm a football junky that has never gotten worked up by people I dont really know having different povs or slinging insults at me.

Double wow. Maga is devoid of ideas? Dammit man, you may not like the ideas but Trump rose to power because of ideas and refusing to be shrinking violet when those ideas were criticized. The MAGA base simply got tired of 4 decades of read my lyin lips Pubs. They got tired of policing the world and footing most of the bill. They got tired of promises to fix the border and then having the party favotite speaking spanish at rallies.

People dont vote for Trump because of slogans. They vote for him because he was the first guy to unashamedly say America"s POTUS should put Americas interest first. I find it amazing that people can defend the crony capitalist that made fortunes off politics while saddling the country with trillions in debt and dependence on China for strategic supplies.
Yep. This. Should be absolutely impossible to argue with. The only argument is, but, but , but he is a bad person. 🙄. We must defend our democracy is done for sure
Moose has never shied away from calling me out for any posting that breaks the rules. And I consider him a friend. I think he is all about the discussion. This board is leaps and bounds better than it was 6 years ago imo. There is discussion now. It can be cathartic. As far as reporting. I have never reported a single person on this site. No matter how bad it gets.

I admit the chat 20 years ago was a far better place to be. But it is a good outlet to get some political anger out imo. Trolling constantly is breaking a rule. Moose is just doing his job. That being said, I like a back and forth with kckd. People would be shocked to know we talk friendly with each other away from the chat. I have no issue with most of the Dems on the board. I have learned more about politics reading this board than I would ever have know. It is really good to hear both sides. Whether you like it or not imo.
Concur….I sure as hayul wouldn’t want his job. And I believe he does it voluntarily. It’s a fine line and balancing act. I wouldn’t have the patience for some of the continuous stupidity.

No way could I be a moderator, not in my personality. Thinks Moose does an excellent job.

The trolling doesn’t bother me, it just gives the board more flavor sometimes.

The back and forth, hayul….I even enjoy that. But there are many that can give it, but not take it.

I sometimes enjoy the half-truths on here and lies, just to expose it. But sometimes the same lies and half-truths over and over get to be too challenging 4 my patience.

Can’t say anything or anyone on here ever bothers me….but I do think it’s funny when some get mad and decides to ignore you.

FWIW… Nice, I find some of the opinions interesting. Sometimes you learn or consider some things. My mind is always open, but haven’t seen or read a reason why I would ever want to vote for “KAMALA” given the options.

Pretty dang sure that no one will ever make me want to quit the board though. Been around since ‘97, no one has ran me off and I ain’t been banned yet.

But maybe that time is coming- 😉
The plan is set in motion to get Biden out of office now rather than later. The MSM is being told to drop the hammer that they’ve been sitting on for years.
If keeping Hunter out of serious trouble was part of the bargaining to get Joe to step aside, then maybe he gets pissed and rips Kamala Nancy and the others a new one Monday night at DNC. I’d pay money to see that!
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I don't see where I ranted on Fox. I said those guys said it on Fox News. That's where they said it if you want to find it. I guess I could've linked it. But anyways, nothing in that post said anything positive or negative about Fox. Was talking about the two reps (Comer and Jordan) leading the House investigation of Biden.

I'm sorry, Moose. I will never speak of Fox again. We should not listen to mainstream media. That's all....I guess.

No clue, man. I think I need a break. Y'all have fun. Should be an interesting week coming up.

You're right bud, about whatever you say. No more comments from me.
Do you promise? I think your comments aggravate me as much as willdup. You guys just have TDS that can’t be cured. MSM brainwashing has worked on you two.
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If keeping Hunter out of serious trouble was part of the bargaining to get Joe to step aside, then maybe he gets pissed and rips Kamala Nancy and the others a new one Monday night at DNC. I’d pay money to see that!
Told my wife the same thing, doubt it will happen but would love to see old Joe go out with guns blazing.
The chat lib experience in a nutshell. First, a passive-aggressive comment...

You're right bud, about whatever you say. No more comments from me.

...followed up by immediately playing the victim when they get called out for their BS. And this is even aside from the pathetic troll attempts.

He may still feel going at me was justified and that's fine.