The presser by the guy doing a poor Joe Pesci impression today

Everyone paying into the system and then receiving benefits is exactly socialism.And you didn't say whether you would accept Medicare, SS or not, or if you have informed those in your family who have they are scumsucking socialists. Why can't you answer simple questions? I will. Yep,it's evident I understand the concept of earning wages and benefits since I'm comfortably retired and have been for several years.
You have a comprehension problem. If I and others pay into a system and expect to get benefits from our contributions that is not socialism, the people who we subsidize that have not payed into the system are the poor huddeled weak leeches of society that are the socailist.if I ever see 1 penny of SS I will be amazed. Are you a leech? Socialism is many paying into a system to benefit those who do not pay into it. "For each according to his ability to each according to his need" that is total BS. That type of twisted logic only punishes good behavior while rewarding bad behavior. That is the mindset of a progressive.
I have never expected more than what I have earned and if I choose to be charitable it will be my decision how a allocate the funds.
There is no comparing vacations from the last occupant of the White House, taking vacations and bringing their entourage in tow. Are you kidding me ? Remember trump is not taking a salary and profits from his international hotels will be deposited into the national treasury to pay down our debt. So simmer down chickenhawk, he is still light years behind ears on wasting taxpayers money. How soon we forget. I think even non athiest progressives would bitch if Jesus Christ himself was the POTUS. You need to take your posse and book that vacation to the pride parade in San Francisco so you can get your panties out of your crack and relax a little. You seem wound so tight, and you know how we all worry for your well being. Just remember the good guys are back in control and you will reap the benifits of a stronger America.
You need to do more homework. GAO estimates each trip to Mar a Lago at 3 million a piece. Each week wife #3 stays in NYC is half million plus we had to pay $200,000 for Jared to go to south America to open up a trump property. That's BS. He is way ahead of Obama.
You need to do more homework. GAO estimates each trip to Mar a Lago at 3 million a piece. Each week wife #3 stays in NYC is half million plus we had to pay $200,000 for Jared to go to south America to open up a trump property. That's BS. He is way ahead of Obama.

Way ahead of Odumba .........impossible !!
What I posted is true. It has been confirmed by many Iranians who took part in the meetings and intelligence officers from other nations who have no dog in the fight.

As for Hillary and the DNC, I pretty much loathe both and voted for Bernie. You see I actually look at the issues from an unbiased perspective. Whereas you my eloquent amigo, along with about 90% of the posters here, cannot get past their petty party loyalties and kneejerk, spoonfed Fox news outlook.

Actually, there are a couple of things we agree on:
1) "As for Hillary and the DNC, I pretty much loathe both..."
That works for me.
2) "I actually look at the issues from an unbiased perspective."
So do I. That's why I supported Mr. Trump with my money as well as my effort.
3) ..."cannot get past their petty party loyalties....
I have no petty party politics. I'm not a Republican
Hey, "up and down " ...........if you pay into a program during your employment and draw out a set amount after retirement , it is not socialism ! Since you are a Hildabeast voter , your credibility is questionable !

Didn't vote for her. If you can find me a quote from anyone with a modicum of stature in economics, government or policy who has stated that social security and medicare are not socialist programs please do.
Didn't vote for her. If you can find me a quote from anyone with a modicum of stature in economics, government or policy who has stated that social security and medicare are not socialist programs please do.

I guess you didn't vote then , that 's what the rioters in the street say , " didn't vote " . i guess my retirement plan from my employer is the same............i paid into the program and now i receive a fixed amount each month ! What BS !
You have a comprehension problem. If I and others pay into a system and expect to get benefits from our contributions that is not socialism, the people who we subsidize that have not payed into the system are the poor huddeled weak leeches of society that are the socailist.if I ever see 1 penny of SS I will be amazed. Are you a leech? Socialism is many paying into a system to benefit those who do not pay into it. "For each according to his ability to each according to his need" that is total BS. That type of twisted logic only punishes good behavior while rewarding bad behavior. That is the mindset of a progressive.
I have never expected more than what I have earned and if I choose to be charitable it will be my decision how a allocate the funds.

Are you going to continue to duck the questions about you and your clan? And yes, SS and medicare are socialist programs and, despite your bs about it not being there you will take both of them because you are hypocritical like the rest of the cons who take the benefits and run.

Nobody is debating whether a private pension plan is socialist.
I guess you didn't vote then , that 's what the rioters in the street say , " didn't vote " . i guess my retirement plan from my employer is the same............i paid into the program and now i receive a fixed amount each month ! What BS ![/QU

I doubt any sentient person believes a private pension plan and SS and Medicare are the same type programs.
Actually, there are a couple of things we agree on:
1) "As for Hillary and the DNC, I pretty much loathe both..."
That works for me.
2) "I actually look at the issues from an unbiased perspective."
So do I. That's why I supported Mr. Trump with my money as well as my effort.
3) ..."cannot get past their petty party loyalties....
I have no petty party politics. I'm not a Republican

Good for you.

Who knows what a lib believes , i have been shocked by some of the statements on this board , stated as fact !! LOL
Who knows what a lib believes , i have been shocked by some of the statements on this board , stated as fact !! LOL

Since nobody will answer the question I will for all you cons. You are either now, or will in the future, be taking SS and medicare benefits. They are socialism plain and simple. If you don' believe it go and read all the things said about them by republicans and cons when they were proposed.

To be accurate they are only two of the dozens of socialist programs in the US that provide aid in housing, education, healthcare and other areas that are not limited to unemployed or people under the poverty line. I'm sure if some of us had the time or inclination we could turn over enough rocks and find many of the cons and their families here have been users of socialist programs.
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Since nobody will answer the question I will for all you cons. You are either now, or will in the future, be taking SS and medicare benefits. They are socialism plain and simple. If you don' believe it go and read all the things said about them by republicans and cons when they were proposed.

To be accurate they are only two of the dozens of socialist programs in the US that provide aid in housing, education, healthcare and other areas that are not limited to unemployed or people under the poverty line. I'm sure if some of us had the time or inclination we could turn over enough rocks and find many of the cons and their families here have been users of socialist programs.

Labeling a program like SS as socialism does not bother me. But, IMO it is not a true socialist program...more of a hybrid. Because, a thriving capitalist system funds that program. That's the only reason it has survived. The great Margaret Thatcher pinned it down pretty good when she said, "the problem with socialism is that pretty soon, you run out of other people's money". Socialism isn't the devil. It's just that the fact has been proven more than a few does not work. Capitalist countries do not collapse. Socialist countries, even ones that should be very rich, like Venezuela, collapse anyway.
You need to do more homework. GAO estimates each trip to Mar a Lago at 3 million a piece. Each week wife #3 stays in NYC is half million plus we had to pay $200,000 for Jared to go to south America to open up a trump property. That's BS. He is way ahead of Obama.

You get what you pay for.
You need to do more homework. GAO estimates each trip to Mar a Lago at 3 million a piece. Each week wife #3 stays in NYC is half million plus we had to pay $200,000 for Jared to go to south America to open up a trump property. That's BS. He is way ahead of Obama.

So much BS so little time.

DT, Jared, and Ivanka together are paid no salaries by the American taxpayer. His trip to south america is not being paid by taxpayers either. Trump's trip this week to SC and Fla were paid from his campaign funds. Melania and Baron will stay in NYC only until he finishes school this year.
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So much BS so little time.

DT, Jared, and Ivanka together are paid no salaries by the American taxpayer. His trip to south america is not being paid by taxpayers either. Trump's trip this week to SC and Fla were paid from his campaign funds. Melania and Baron will stay in NYC only until he finishes school this year.
Alternative facts again. Do they have schools in DC? If he wants his kid to stay in NYC he should pay the bill. As far as dump not taking a salary, you get what you pay for. Ivanka is a walking infomercial for her line that the administration promotes.
So much BS so little time.

DT, Jared, and Ivanka together are paid no salaries by the American taxpayer. His trip to south america is not being paid by taxpayers either. Trump's trip this week to SC and Fla were paid from his campaign funds. Melania and Baron will stay in NYC only until he finishes school this year.
What does Ivanka do?
Alternative facts again. Do they have schools in DC? If he wants his kid to stay in NYC he should pay the bill. As far as dump not taking a salary, you get what you pay for. Ivanka is a walking infomercial for her line that the administration promotes.

Stop with the alternate facts BS ok. I see nothing wrong with Ivanka wearing the items she sells. Michelle was a walking commercial for her dresses which she received for free. I bet the Obamas didn't pay a gift tax on those dresses she got for free.

Pres Obama had 28 CZARS who were all paid for by taxpayers. Michelle had 20 or so assistants. They were not exactly frugal.
I get it. You want to criticize everything and anything Trump. You want to bring him down. It won't work and it makes you all seem like the loony left.
Stop with the alternate facts BS ok. I see nothing wrong with Ivanka wearing the items she sells. Michelle was a walking commercial for her dresses which she received for free. I bet the Obamas didn't pay a gift tax on those dresses she got for free.

Pres Obama had 28 CZARS who were all paid for by taxpayers. Michelle had 20 or so assistants. They were not exactly frugal.
I get it. You want to criticize everything and anything Trump. You want to bring him down. It won't work and it makes you all seem like the loony left.
I don't see anything wrong with Ivanka wearing her line but what I do find distasteful is when a skank high level employee of the white house touts her line on national tv.
I don't see anything wrong with Ivanka wearing her line but what I do find distasteful is when a skank high level employee of the white house touts her line on national tv.

I don't disagree. She made a mistake and she has been counseled. I don't think she deserves to be called a skank, shamed and fired. I think she has done a great job.
Stop with the alternate facts BS ok. I see nothing wrong with Ivanka wearing the items she sells. Michelle was a walking commercial for her dresses which she received for free. I bet the Obamas didn't pay a gift tax on those dresses she got for free.

Pres Obama had 28 CZARS who were all paid for by taxpayers. Michelle had 20 or so assistants. They were not exactly frugal.
I get it. You want to criticize everything and anything Trump. You want to bring him down. It won't work and it makes you all seem like the loony left.
I think it's the hypocrisy that gets to most people than anything. If Trump wasn't consistently tweeting/criticizing when Obama took vacations that were funded by tax payer dollars, then I don't think you'd see as much criticism for Trump on this issue. But I'm sure anytime Trump takes vacations he will defend it by claiming he was actually working on important issues during this time and Obama only played golf.

What is the total cost going to be for Barron to finish his school year in NYC...10-12 million-ish?
You need to do more homework. GAO estimates each trip to Mar a Lago at 3 million a piece. Each week wife #3 stays in NYC is half million plus we had to pay $200,000 for Jared to go to south America to open up a trump property. That's BS. He is way ahead of Obama.
You are so full of it. In three weeks your claiming Trump has spent more on vacations than the golf President did in his 8 years with his and her entourage in tow. That is some jacked up logic. But I know your type operates on emotion only, no need to let facts cloud your argument. There were times when moochelle and the girls went on separate vacations while ears went elsewhere. No freaking comparison at this stage. Like your comparing Grenada as the same scale of war as WW II.
I think it's the hypocrisy that gets to most people than anything. If Trump wasn't consistently tweeting/criticizing when Obama took vacations that were funded by tax payer dollars, then I don't think you'd see as much criticism for Trump on this issue. But I'm sure anytime Trump takes vacations he will defend it by claiming he was actually working on important issues during this time and Obama only played golf.

What is the total cost going to be for Barron to finish his school year in NYC...10-12 million-ish?

I will take Donald's work ethic over Obama any day. He has been working all weekend on interviewing candidates to replace Flynn. The man hardly sleeps. If we paid him by the hour, he would paid far more than the presidential salary of $400K of which he takes none. The Trumps are not doing this to enrich themselves. He already has all the wealth he will ever need. More than he will ever spend.

He is sacrificing millions by not being able to make deals for his company while president. I don't expect you to agree and do anything other than find fault with everything he does. The dem party and the media have made their strategy clear. I don't think that is the best thing for the country but it is what it is.
Labeling a program like SS as socialism does not bother me. But, IMO it is not a true socialist program...more of a hybrid. Because, a thriving capitalist system funds that program. That's the only reason it has survived. The great Margaret Thatcher pinned it down pretty good when she said, "the problem with socialism is that pretty soon, you run out of other people's money". Socialism isn't the devil. It's just that the fact has been proven more than a few does not work. Capitalist countries do not collapse. Socialist countries, even ones that should be very rich, like Venezuela, collapse anyway.

No country is entirely capitalist or socialist. The western European countries are not collapsing and they are working fine. Communist countries folded. but they were not truly socialist. The only reason our capitalist country did not collapse in 2008 was a massive bailout of the banks. And we are headed that way again.

The HWY system, Military, public schools are also social programs. Unbridled, unregulated capitalism will undo itself and the election of Trump will speed up the process.

I lived in Western Europe for extended periods and never had a reduction in my individual liberties.What I did experience was a feeling of safety when I walked the streets of large cities at night. I never heard one person complain about their healthcare and they were all national programs.

The US is headed for more socialism, not less. It is the only way we can survive. Capitalism is not bad or evil inherently, just like socialism, but the avarice, and lack of concern for the general welfare by some bankers and corporate leaders will in-evitably lead to a major change in the not too distant future.
Are you going to continue to duck the questions about you and your clan? And yes, SS and medicare are socialist programs and, despite your bs about it not being there you will take both of them because you are hypocritical like the rest of the cons who take the benefits and run.

Nobody is debating whether a private pension plan is socialist.
I answered your idiotic question, I understand socail security and Medicare are government programs,but when you pay into a system a draw from your earnings that is not socialism. I was one of the casualties when your POTUS was in his first term and I did not take a dime from the government even though I could have. I worked my tail off and started my own company with my wife. That should answer your ?. I will not take what I haven't earned with the labor of my mind or hands. Ps I do not have a clan so no one will be dipping into your share comrade.
I will take Donald's work ethic over Obama any day. He has been working all weekend on interviewing candidates to replace Flynn. The man hardly sleeps. If we paid him by the hour, he would paid far more than the presidential salary of $400K of which he takes none. The Trumps are not doing this to enrich themselves. He already has all the wealth he will ever need. More than he will ever spend.

He is sacrificing millions by not being able to make deals for his company while president. I don't expect you to agree and do anything other than find fault with everything he does. The dem party and the media have made their strategy clear. I don't think that is the best thing for the country but it is what it is.
I don't think using that example of a work ethic really helps your case. On Flynn, he can't screw this one up again and between the candidates that are qualified minus the ones that don't want to work for him, there aren't many great options.

He isn't sacrificing crap...Donald Jr and Eric say hello and will be making deals with their father's blessing/input whatever you want to call it throughout his presidency. Something tells me you are trolling me with this comment but I responded anyway.

On average how many hours did Obama sleep a night vs Trump? I demand to see the relevant fitbit data that shows the difference in hours slept per night. :confused:
I think it's the hypocrisy that gets to most people than anything. If Trump wasn't consistently tweeting/criticizing when Obama took vacations that were funded by tax payer dollars, then I don't think you'd see as much criticism for Trump on this issue. But I'm sure anytime Trump takes vacations he will defend it by claiming he was actually working on important issues during this time and Obama only played golf.

What is the total cost going to be for Barron to finish his school year in NYC...10-12 million-ish?

I will take Donald's work ethic over Obama any day. He has been working all weekend on interviewing candidates to replace

I don't think using that example of a work ethic really helps your case. On Flynn, he can't screw this one up again and between the candidates that are qualified minus the ones that don't want to work for him, there aren't many great options.

He isn't sacrificing crap...Donald Jr and Eric say hello and will be making deals with their father's blessing/input whatever you want to call it throughout his presidency. Something tells me you are trolling me with this comment but I responded anyway.

On average how many hours did Obama sleep a night vs Trump? I demand to see the relevant fitbit data that shows the difference in hours slept per night. :confused:

Like i said. I expect u to slant everything negatively. Here is an example of his "vacation this weekend"
DT's sons were always working in the Trump businesses but if you don't think taking DT out of the business will not have any negative effect, then I don't know what to tell ya. Kuchner is also partially sacrificing his business for the country as well. Donald has done a whole lot more in a month and/or worked on more issues than obama did in 4 years. Such as:

1.Worked with congress to repeal and replace obamacare

2. Canceling many regs.

3.Withdrawing from tpp

4. Fed govt hiring freeze

5.No fed funds for US NGOs abroad

6.Approved Building Keystone & Dakota pipe lines with USA steel

7. Preparing construction of Border wall

8. Planning to stop sanctuary cities

9. will soon have legislation for extreme vetting of middle eastern refugees

10. work on budget fo rebuilding the military

11. Convincing companies to build in the USA such as Ford, GM, Chrysler, Intel, Soft Bank, IBM, Walmart, and Carrier.

12. EO for 5 yr lobbying ban for fed employees

13. EO Lifetime ban to lobby for foreign country. Hope that applies to the Clintons.

13. Nominating a conservative supreme court justice which involved many interviews

14. Organizing task forces to fight drug cartels

15. Started deporting criminal illegal immigrants

16. Draining the Swamp. Proposed cut 20% each agency except essential employees and military

17.Work with congress on Tax reform for corporations and individuals.

I am done for the nite.
I will take Donald's work ethic over Obama any day. He has been working all weekend on interviewing candidates to replace

Like i said. I expect u to slant everything negatively. Here is an example of his "vacation this weekend"
DT's sons were always working in the Trump businesses but if you don't think taking DT out of the business will not have any negative effect, then I don't know what to tell ya. Kuchner is also partially sacrificing his business for the country as well. Donald has done a whole lot more in a month and/or worked on more issues than obama did in 4 years. Such as:

1.Worked with congress to repeal and replace obamacare
-"working" no plan as of yet.

2. Canceling many regs.
Yes all regs are bad. Wish we had some regs to avoid the financial crisis in 2008.

3.Withdrawing from tpp
-Will this lower the price of goods?

4. Fed govt hiring freeze

5.No fed funds for US NGOs abroad

6.Approved Building Keystone & Dakota pipe lines with USA steel
we'll have to wait and see the long-term impact of this decision.

7. Preparing construction of Border wall
-Is Mexico going to pay for the damn wall!? How far deep in the ground is the wall going to go to stop people from building tunnels and crossing the border. What is the percentage of illegal immigrants that climbed the Mexico fence or cross the border illegally in the past 5-10 years? Is that the source of the majority of our illegal immigrants?

8. Planning to stop sanctuary cities
-we'll see how that goes

9. will soon have legislation for extreme vetting of middle eastern refugees
-by this extreme vetting I think you mean just ban refugees from the middle east completely.

10. work on budget fo rebuilding the military
-great. I'm sure no other president has looked at the budget previously

11. Convincing companies to build in the USA such as Ford, GM, Chrysler, Intel, Soft Bank, IBM, Walmart, and Carrier.
-While some of these companies are indeed staying here due to Trump's promised tax cuts and other benefits there are some companies who have said they planned on building in the US regardless of Trump, but yet Trump still takes the credit.

12. EO for 5 yr lobbying ban for fed employees

13. EO Lifetime ban to lobby for foreign country. Hope that applies to the Clintons.

13. Nominating a conservative supreme court justice which involved many interviews
Many Only if other presidents conducted multiple interviews when making appointments.

14. Organizing task forces to fight drug cartels

15. Started deporting criminal illegal immigrants
Glad Obama never deported a single criminal illegal immigrant.

16. Draining the Swamp. Proposed cut 20% each agency except essential employees and military
What do you think about all his former Goldman Sachs executive hires? Wasn't he trashing wall street during his campaign?
"I know the guys at Goldman Sachs. They have total, total control over (Ted Cruz). Just like they have total control over Hillary Clinton," he said earlier this year during the primaries.
uhh what?

17.Work with congress on Tax reform for corporations and individuals.

I am done for the nite.
The only negative effect that will impact Trump's business is only because of his own-doing during the campaign and his past and not incompetence from his sons. I feel badly that Ivanka's business is taking a hit due to her father, but at the end of the day Nordstorm's and other organizations had to do what was best for their business and appease to their core customer base.

PS: added commentary to Trump's "accomplishments" in the direct quote.
You are so full of it. In three weeks your claiming Trump has spent more on vacations than the golf President did in his 8 years with his and her entourage in tow. That is some jacked up logic. But I know your type operates on emotion only, no need to let facts cloud your argument. There were times when moochelle and the girls went on separate vacations while ears went elsewhere. No freaking comparison at this stage. Like your comparing Grenada as the same scale of war as WW II.
You're kind of a retard aren't you. I would never compare 8 years to 4 weeks.
I don't disagree. She made a mistake and she has been counseled. I don't think she deserves to be called a skank, shamed and fired. I think she has done a great job.
Funny, you didn't have a problem when someone on here called Michelle a gorilla. Maybe skank was too strong. I should have just called her leather skin. Looks like she spent way too much time in the sun. They should have her picture in a dermatologist office.
You're kind of a retard aren't you. I would never compare 8 years to 4 weeks.
You did say Trump was way ahead of obama in his 1st month how could I not interpret any other way. You defender of minorities and challenged people. Just like most libs you will pick on any group if they go not agree with your limited view of the world. Bless your little heart. Learn how to read what you post Mr nice guy.
Funny, you didn't have a problem when someone on here called Michelle a gorilla. Maybe skank was too strong. I should have just called her leather skin. Looks like she spent way too much time in the sun. They should have her picture in a dermatologist office.

Trim (your other handle ) , you are such a typical lib that relishes calling folks names and being critical of everything good . i remember all your negative comments during the election and i also remember that you constantly claimed Trump " had no chance " ! Well , we can assume that you don't understand that our country wants to go in a different direction , away from socialism . Go back to your " safe place " , you will feel accepted !
Trim (your other handle ) , you are such a typical lib that relishes calling folks names and being critical of everything good . i remember all your negative comments during the election and i also remember that you constantly claimed Trump " had no chance " ! Well , we can assume that you don't understand that our country wants to go in a different direction , away from socialism . Go back to your " safe place " , you will feel accepted !

Yep, just wait until the cons start messing with SS and medicare and see how much the folks want to go away from socialism. Hell, they're already up in arms about repealing the ACA and that was just a giveaway to Ins. and Healthcare Cos.
Yep, just wait until the cons start messing with SS and medicare and see how much the folks want to go away from socialism. Hell, they're already up in arms about repealing the ACA and that was just a giveaway to Ins. and Healthcare Cos.

The only people " up in arms " are the Organizing America protesters sent in from other states to protest , check it out . They are doing the "liberal thing " , drowning out speakers that they disagree with ! Get a clue , you know Obamacare was not very popular since inception, why would it now become so popular ? Insurance companies dropping out , rates up , deduct is out of sight , it's nothing but liberal politics !
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Trim (your other handle ) , you are such a typical lib that relishes calling folks names and being critical of everything good . i remember all your negative comments during the election and i also remember that you constantly claimed Trump " had no chance " ! Well , we can assume that you don't understand that our country wants to go in a different direction , away from socialism . Go back to your " safe place " , you will feel accepted !
Ok retard, only have one "handle". I get it now, you're a trucker and that explains everything.
Funny, you didn't have a problem when someone on here called Michelle a gorilla. Maybe skank was too strong. I should have just called her leather skin. Looks like she spent way too much time in the sun. They should have her picture in a dermatologist office.
The Libs hold the bar on name calling. I don't condone it, and I sure as hell did not like Michelle, but the name calling from the Right pales in comparison to the name calling from the Left. From protests in the streets (absurd) to the Sunday morning shows to the weekly awards shows to the daily diatribes on MSNBC to late night "comedy". These people do not merely disagree with Trump's politics. They hate him viscerally and feel emboldened and entitled to trash him on a very personal level. It's ironic that he was a Dem just 3 years ago. It's BS. He is POTUS. It's the same crap from when Bush was in office, but worse. Probably due to social media. Respect the damn office!