The Profundity of Bidenomics


Letterman and National Champion
Gold Member
Dec 16, 2007
Joe Biden has a think tank organization (Biden-Penn center), ...will one day have a presidential library, and he even has an economic theory ..bidenomics.

What exactly is this theory? Principally it's to sack oil prices to make renewable energy and green new deal favored corporations more competitive,..and lower oil prices only before the midterm elections and presidential elections by releasing oil from the strategic reserve (march 2022/July 2024)

Bidenomics holds that debt is not a problem, after all "we owe it to ourselves" so just pass a bill to print money and call it an anti-inflation bill. When polling suggests people are unhappy with inflation, blame it on greedy capitalists without any evidence. Pay off student debt before the midterm and presidential elections, just because.

Another stalwart of bidenomics includes welcoming 15 million "newcomers", and create an underground economy where noncitizens work under the table, do not pay taxes, sends a large amount of earnings back to the home country and receive benefits facilitated by sanctuary cities.

Another highlight is shifting the military-industrial complex from places like Afghanistan to Ukraine aid (a much more palatable endeavor publicly because of no boots on the ground), bolstering profits for companies like Lockheed Martin who build weapons systems while at the same time arranging contingency contracts for companies like Cargill to rebuild Ukraine in the event that Ukraine wins.

While it may feel like the bidenomics theory is just some old world type of cronyism and a vote buying scheme,'s actually a beautiful thing done in the name of environmentalism, protecting democracies overseas, and just being a care bear for humanity, because as long as one has good intentions (or seems too publicly), then everything usually just works out excellent.
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Joe Biden has a think tank organization, ...will one day have a presidential library, and he even has an economic theory ..bidenomics.

What exactly is this theory? Principally it's to sack oil prices to make renewable energy methods more competitive,..and lower oil prices only before the midterm elections and presidential elections by releasing oil from the strategic reserve (march 2022/July 2024)

Bidenomics holds that debt is not a problem, after all "we owe it to ourselves" so just pass a bill to print money and call it an anti-inflation bill. When polling suggests people are unhappy with inflation, blame it on greedy capitalists without any evidence. Pay off student debt before the midterm and presidential elections, just because.

Another stalwart of bidenomics includes welcoming 15 million "newcomers", and create an underground economy where noncitizens work under the table, do not pay taxes, sends a large amount of earnings back to the home country and receive benefits facilitated by sanctuary cities.

Another highlight is shifting the military-industrial complex from places like Afghanistan to Ukraine aid (a much more palatable endeavor publicly because of no boots on the ground), bolstering profits for companies like Lockheed Martin who build weapons systems while at the same time arranging contingency contracts for companies like Cargill to rebuild Ukraine in the event that Ukraine wins.

While it may feel like the bidenomics theory is just some old world type of cronyism and a vote buying scheme,'s actually a beautiful thing done in the name of environmentalism, protecting democracies overseas, and just being a care bear for humanity, because as long as one has good intentions (or seems too publicly), then everything usually just works out excellent.
I know Biden and his evil friends will understand the magnitude of their sell out of the US and it citizens, when they face GOD! I just wish I could see their hard fall from grace now!
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At least the poor surviving victims of the Maui fire were given $700 per household if they agreed to not ask for future money or joining any class action lawsuits.

Any Hawaiian who votes Democrat after the whole party (including local govt) showed their true colors this past a useless idiot