The prophecy of MTG....

Have you ever considered the same thing with those that disagree with you? You come across as the guy most assured (in a very arrogant way) that he has everything figured out.
Maybe I do. Maybe not. But at least I have an original thought. Instead of parroting what those clowns on MSNBC spew.
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As radical & extreme as AOC.
Mtg is batshit crazy. I think nearly every pub on the board has said this. Yet the Dems come running like she is a policy maker. Aoc is the same level of idiocy from the other side. Most recently calling rico not a crime. Among other useless interviews where you just shake your head. Her idea of the green new deal had the thoughtfulness and common sense of a five year old.

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Mtg is batshit crazy. I think nearly every pub on the board has said this. Yet the Dems come running like she is a policy maker. Aoc is the same level of idiocy from the other side. Most recently calling rico not a crime. Among other useless interviews where you just shake your head. Her idea of the green new deal had the thoughtfulness and common sense of a five year old.

Wood still tear dat azz up!
So now, MTG explains that Ukraine is attacking Christianity and Russia is defending it. I can’t believe this Russian troll is a sitting congressman.

I almost clicked the shock emoji, but honestly, I'd be lying if I did that. Nothing surprises me here. A coherent point from her? Now that would be shocking.
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As radical & extreme as AOC.
There's a difference in radical and extreme and conspiracy theories. I don't agree with a lot of what AOC says and she's dreaming at times. But her dreams are no different than a Republican thinking we can just take no sides again in foreign affairs and it won't affect us in the long run.

MTG has and still is spouting off stuff that is completely insane.
"There's a difference in radical and extreme and conspiracy theories."

Crazy is crazy.....if you want to argue the different levels of crazy, have at it.
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"There's a difference in radical and extreme and conspiracy theories."

Crazy is crazy.....if you want to argue who the most crazy is, have at it.
This is where we are. Debating who has the crazier congresswoman. I raise you Mrs talib. No issues with her defending her Palestinian people. She is a congresswoman in the United States. However, Many times over she has said Palestine is her first priority always over the country she represents. Maybe someone can explain how she keeps getting elected. Mtg is crazy, but she is certainly interested in American problems first. I really don’t know how you top that. I know mtg and aoc will try.
This is where we are. Debating who has the crazier congresswoman. I raise you Mrs talib. No issues with her defending her Palestinian people. She is a congresswoman in the United States. However, Many times over she has said Palestine is her first priority always over the country she represents. Maybe someone can explain how she keeps getting elected. Mtg is crazy, but she is certainly interested in American problems first. I really don’t know how you top that. I know mtg and aoc will try.
Probably mostly by design, BWTFDIK.

As long as the dumb/marginally dumb keep falling for it, it will continue to get played.

At some point, people need to listen to both sides and compromise needs to be made (politicians). It does no good to continue to have people at odds……voters, politicians or media.

But controversy sells and some people’s MMV. I guess I may be hoping for too much.

“Same as it ever was”.
Mtg is batshit crazy. I think nearly every pub on the board has said this. Yet the Dems come running like she is a policy maker. Aoc is the same level of idiocy from the other side. Most recently calling rico not a crime. Among other useless interviews where you just shake your head. Her idea of the green new deal had the thoughtfulness and common sense of a five year old.

And she’s not the only female Democrat that’s batshit crazy. They all are!
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No they are not.
Attitudes like that is what's wrong with America today.
Respectfully, you are no better or worse than anyone else.
And you don’t see these Dem women as what they are. They are just an angry bunch of people. They are the ones that get physically mad and attack people who disagree with them. There is no sense in them being as upset as they are. It’s just a difference of opinion not a reason to hate someone.
And you don’t see these Dem women as what they are. They are just an angry bunch of people. They are the ones that get physically mad and attack people who disagree with them. There is no sense in them being as upset as they are. It’s just a difference of opinion not a reason to hate someone.
Kind of like ones on here that get mad when others have a different point of view.
Always look in the mirror first.
Will just agree to disagree.
All the best to you.
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When dealing with a clown? Yes. Why do you come onto this site if you don't want to chuckle? And you claim I act like I'm always right. 🙄
Who says I didn't chuckle, clucker? You hacking my laptop camera? This is a site that I sub to. It's my team. This is a free board. Been over here for two decades. You're weird.

But honestly, I get the call out on time stamps of posts all the time. That wasn't a joke, clucker. You assumed I lived in the US and in your timezone.

"Hey, he said something about my timestamp on my post. What a riot that guy is. Should go into stand-up."
This is a reasonable take. However, there was a study done on political views and whether they were mainstream or far off center. Liberals have moved way further off center than conservatives in the last 50 years. I read about it in the NYT about one year ago.

The likely culprit is the gerrymandering that occurs in the House of Rep and state houses. This creates a pathway to extreme views.


Both parties are putting their interests in front of that of the country. This is how you get a majority proof MTG and AOC.

Trump's base is interesting in that it largely resonates with lower income, non college educated voters. He has used the gerrymandered system to win the party nomination using that core base but it's questionable to say the least whether he can extend that appeal far enough to win a general election. Ordinarily, that answer would be no, but because the Democrats are running Biden with his questionable mental capacity and beholden to the gerrymandered excesses of his own party, the election will be decided by turnout and undecided voters that don't want either. That's why a wildcard like Kennedy could turn the election. Disgusted moderate voters may either set this one out or vote Kennedy as a protest vote.

Both parties are putting their interests in front of that of the country. This is how you get a majority proof MTG and AOC.

Trump's base is interesting in that it largely resonates with lower income, non college educated voters. He has used the gerrymandered system to win the party nomination using that core base but it's questionable to say the least whether he can extend that appeal far enough to win a general election. Ordinarily, that answer would be no, but because the Democrats are running Biden with his questionable mental capacity and beholden to the gerrymandered excesses of his own party, the election will be decided by turnout and undecided voters that don't want either. That's why a wildcard like Kennedy could turn the election. Disgusted moderate voters may either set this one out or vote Kennedy as a protest vote.
Biden isn't in charge and his Admin is the most incompetent and progressive leaning in history. There are virtually no policies his Admin pushes to which I agree. In fact, many are unconstitutional, anti-capitalist, anti-free enterprise, and anti-American. It's a real shame too, because RDS would wipe the floor with anyone the Democrats put up.

Both parties are putting their interests in front of that of the country. This is how you get a majority proof MTG and AOC.

Trump's base is interesting in that it largely resonates with lower income, non college educated voters. He has used the gerrymandered system to win the party nomination using that core base but it's questionable to say the least whether he can extend that appeal far enough to win a general election. Ordinarily, that answer would be no, but because the Democrats are running Biden with his questionable mental capacity and beholden to the gerrymandered excesses of his own party, the election will be decided by turnout and undecided voters that don't want either. That's why a wildcard like Kennedy could turn the election. Disgusted moderate voters may either set this one out or vote Kennedy as a protest vote.

Unless there is a court trial bombshell, Trump is our next president.

Unless there is a court trial bombshell, Trump is our next president.
The issue is that Trump's baggage is already known. Will a jury finding him guilty of paying $130k to a porn star change any opinions? He is inherently more immune to an October surprise than anyone in history.

Unless there is a court trial bombshell, Trump is our next president.
There's a good chance.

The more they go after Trump and don't take him down, the stronger he becomes to his base. If you go for the king, you'd better kill him as the saying goes. I do think a lot of it is politically motivated but he's still a tremendously flawed narcissist at heart and his problems are of his own making. Of course, I always thought was a look at me jackass before he ever ran for office.

I blame Hillary Clinton for all of this. She was so dislikable the country voted for Obama and Trump because Anybody but Hillary. I don't know how we do Anybody but Biden and Trump at the same time.

There's a lot of stuff going on in the world between now and November. Israel, Ukraine, the economy jobs and inflation, the border. I don't think the country at large will get serious about the election until after the conventions and into the fall. I've never seen an election between two less desirable choices so we're in uncharted waters here.
There's a good chance.

The more they go after Trump and don't take him down, the stronger he becomes to his base. If you go for the king, you'd better kill him as the saying goes. I do think a lot of it is politically motivated but he's still a tremendously flawed narcissist at heart and his problems are of his own making. Of course, I always thought was a look at me jackass before he ever ran for office.

I blame Hillary Clinton for all of this. She was so dislikable the country voted for Obama and Trump because Anybody but Hillary. I don't know how we do Anybody but Biden and Trump at the same time.

There's a lot of stuff going on in the world between now and November. Israel, Ukraine, the economy jobs and inflation, the border. I don't think the country at large will get serious about the election until after the conventions and into the fall. I've never seen an election between two less desirable choices so we're in uncharted waters here.
If he can show a +7.1% in inflation-adjusted wages the way he did before (end of term), he can be as narcissistic as he wants as far as I’m concerned.

I have no doubt that he improve the border situation.

His ego doesn’t bother me at all. Most all successful people have one.
If he can show a +7.1% in inflation-adjusted wages the way he did before (end of term), he can be as narcissistic as he wants as far as I’m concerned.

I have no doubt that he improve the border situation.

His ego doesn’t bother me at all. Most all successful people have one.
Only if he shows unemployment at 6.7% right next to it...there's a reason why it was 7.1%...
The issue is that Trump's baggage is already known. Will a jury finding him guilty of paying $130k to a porn star change any opinions? He is inherently more immune to an October surprise than anyone in history.
Still can't wrap my head around the claim. She signed a NDA, and she's already lost a defamation case to Trump. What is Bragg thinking? I've yet to see any neutral or unbiased legal mind say the case has even a smidgeon of legitimacy.

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