The real news. Not speculation, just flat out facts. FOX baby....

This isn’t the first time this kind of stuff has ridiculously been said.

Oh look here is cnn jumpin in.

Of course the point is not that they believe he was groomed by China. More that he visited so often that he shares their ideology. That is a lot of times to visit. Easy to focus there. I admit that part should worry all of us. Over 30 times is quite a bit. I am assuming there is an explanation. I am sure we will hear it. He liked the massages a little too much?
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This isn’t the first time this kind of stuff has ridiculously been said.

Oh look here is cnn jumpin in.
You work for Fox. My bad. I don't work for CNN. Don't watch either. I bet you watch some FOX though, don't you zing?
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This isn’t the first time this kind of stuff has ridiculously been said.

Oh look here is cnn jumpin in.

Of course the point is not that they beleive he was groomed by China. More that he visited so often that he shares their ideology. That is a lot of times to visit. Easy to focus there. I admit that part should worry all of us
The notion that Trump would be smart enough to be a spy is both absurd and pretty comical at the same time. I'll give you that.

Maybe there will come a day when there is a halfway normal human being in the White House again.
Man...where have you been? This has become commonplace at this point (and its sad). Do you recall how many politicians said Trump was a Russian asset?
Yeah, he did have some people close to him with some major contact with the Russian govt. leading up to his election. And he linked himself to Putin over and over for some strange reason. Trump being Trump. This guy just took a lot of vacations to China before becoming a politician.
You work for Fox. My bad. I don't work for CNN. Don't watch either. I bet you watch some FOX though, don't you zing?
I watch all of them from time to time. I like to hear what both sides are saying. Always have. But I don’t spend a ton of time watching any msm news. I will read print news. I did get the reactions from both sides to speeches. Always hilarious to hear. And sometimes informative.

You like to criticize Fox. It is your go to thing at the moment. All the Dems here. You know who watches Fox more than they do msnbc. Democrats. Why is that? Obsessed much.

Fox covers the news form a different side. When you don’t want to hear joy reid get angry at the secret service for giving Donald Trump the time to get an iconic photo op. Or don lemon when he says 50 plus yr old women are past their expiration date. I am glad they are there so you can hear a conservative point of view somewhere. Or do you think no such avenue should exist.
I watch all of them from time to time. I like to hear what both sides are saying. Always have. But I don’t spend a ton of time watching any msm news. I will read print news. I did get the reactions from both sides to speeches. Always hilarious to hear. And sometimes informative.

You like to criticize Fox. It is your go to thing at the moment. All the Dems here. You know who watches Fox more than they do msnbc. Democrats. Why is that? Obsessed much.

Fox covers the news form a different side. When you don’t want to hear joy reid get angry at the secret service for giving Donald Trump the time to get an iconic photo op. Or don lemon when he says 50 plus yr old women are past their expiration date. I am glad they are there so you can hear a conservative point of view somewhere. Or do you think no such avenue should exist.
I didn't read this stuff. Don't watch TV news at all. Like almost zero. Every now and then PBS clip of Brooks and whoever their left guy is now. You prolly don't even know who I'm talking about do ya?
The notion that Trump would be smart enough to be a spy is both absurd and pretty comical at the same time. I'll give you that.

Maybe there will come a day when there is a halfway normal human being in the White House again.
Well, we know Kamala isn’t smart enough either. So we can mark that down as a plus. I agree with you on needing a change or some new blood. I really think that is camela’s only advantage. She is shiny and new. Not what we are already disgusted with hearing. Joe, Trump, Hillary and Kamala. F me. What is wrong with our country?
Well, we know Kamala isn’t smart enough either. So we can mark that down as a plus. I agree with you on needing a change or some new blood. I really think that is camela’s only advantage. She is shiny and new. Not what we are already disgusted with hearing. Joe, Trump, Hillary and Kamala. F me. What is wrong with our country?
Yeah, she dumb. Keep that Trump stuff going. It's working.
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I didn't read this stuff. Don't watch TV news at all. Like almost zero. Every now and then PBS clip of Brooks and whoever their left guy is now. You prolly don't even know who I'm talking about do ya?
No. But I will check it out. Not opposed to hearing something new from either ideology. I definitely don’t spend much time on pbs. To each his own.
Yeah, she dumb. Keep that Trump stuff going. It's working.
It actually is. That strategy seems to be catching on. People are beginning to realize she is a complete moron. And we are about to try to put her in charge. Someone who has been historically bad at each stop. Still no q and a. Exactly what we want from a candidate. One who runs from questions. lol. You can’t make this up.
It actually is. That strategy seems to be catching on. People are beginning to realize she is a complete moron. And we are about to try to put her in charge. Someone who has been historically bad at each stop. Still no q and a. Exactly what we want from a candidate. One who runs from questions. lol. You can’t make this up.
Good. That's what I like to hear. Trump Train!!!! Toot!!! Toot!!!!
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Still waiting for Adam Schiff's evidence of Trump colluding with the Russians. Maybe Comer will produce a fake transcript of a call between Kamala and a ChiCom and read it into the congressional record.
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I didn't read this stuff. Don't watch TV news at all. Like almost zero. Every now and then PBS clip of Brooks and whoever their left guy is now. You prolly don't even know who I'm talking about do ya?
country music cma GIF by Forever Country (CMA)

You mean these 2?
Still waiting for Adam Schiff's evidence of Trump colluding with the Russians. Maybe Comer will produce a fake transcript of a call between Kamala and a ChiCom and read it into the congressional record.
I heard they just decided four court cases are enough and feel like anything else would just be piling on.
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Yeah, she dumb. Keep that Trump stuff going. It's working.
The fact that Trump saying that she's dumb is not smart politically doesn't change the fact that she seems to be very un-intelligent. And she is not a talented politician.

Obama is sharp as a tack and a very talented politician. I don't like his policies at all, but I totally understand why our Country turned out for him and would again if given the opportunity in any circumstance.

Biden has never been accused of being intelligent, but I can at least understand that in the highly charged post-Covid era, someone who at the time was perceived as moderate, experienced, and a "uniter" was a good alternative to Trump, especially at the time when he was effectively being blamed for Covid.

Kamala's only assets are 1) She is neither Trump nor Biden. And 2) She's an attractive, minority female.

That's it. She doesn't project at all as an effective leader because she never has been one. She's never been in any executive leadership position at all. And she is not smart. It will be a bad and dissappointing day if we vote a person to be the Leader of the Free world simply because it is stylish.
Those faux cases were so on point, they have managed to disappear from the discussion. Hardly a mention anymore. Kind of like the democracy thing you guys were so hung up on. Till you weren’t
Still pretty hung up on democracy, zing. Has everything to do with why I'm not voting for Donald Trump. Y'all seem to be projecting here.
The fact that Trump saying that she's dumb is not smart politically doesn't change the fact that she seems to be very un-intelligent. And she is not a talented politician.

Obama is sharp as a tack and a very talented politician. I don't like his policies at all, but I totally understand why our Country turned out for him and would again if given the opportunity in any circumstance.

Biden has never been accused of being intelligent, but I can at least understand that in the highly charged post-Covid era, someone who at the time was perceived as moderate, experienced, and a "uniter" was a good alternative to Trump, especially at the time when he was effectively being blamed for Covid.

Kamala's only assets are 1) She is neither Trump nor Biden. And 2) She's an attractive, minority female.

That's it. She doesn't project at all as an effective leader because she never has been one. She's never been in any executive leadership position at all. And she is not smart. It will be a bad and dissappointing day if we vote a person to be the Leader of the Free world simply because it is stylish.
Look at this board. Trump is your nominee because he says the same things you guys do. The biggest thing you like about him has nothing to do with policy, but that he insults the Democrats the same way you do in here and when you're talking to your friends and talking to your TVs at home. And you love it.
Look at this board. Trump is your nominee because he says the same things you guys do. The biggest thing you like about him has nothing to do with policy, but that he insults the Democrats the same way you do in here and when you're talking to your friends and talking to your TVs at home. And you love it.
I hate that about him. His policies are why I support him

I think his policies were marginally better than Obama's and better than Biden's. I think he did a lot of good things, especially abroad but he also had many missteps.

I think a second Trump will be another marginally good term that will overall be a net benefit to the world & Americans but I don't expect a big difference. Most presidents don't have a big impact
I hate that about him. His policies are why I support him

I think his policies were marginally better than Obama's and better than Biden's. I think he did a lot of good things, especially abroad but he also had many missteps.

I think a second Trump will be another marginally good term that will overall be a net benefit to the world & Americans but I don't expect a big difference. Most presidents don't have a big impact
Well they do when it comes to the border, forgiving debt, troop withdrawl, Canceling oil and gas leases, releasing oil reserves to china etc.
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Look at this board. Trump is your nominee because he says the same things you guys do. The biggest thing you like about him has nothing to do with policy, but that he insults the Democrats the same way you do in here and when you're talking to your friends and talking to your TVs at home. And you love it.
Well looks like someone got their tampons twisted today.

Do you have an OBGYN you can call?

Do you call us deplorables from Korea?

Many of us dont like Trump. I just want the border closed and an affordable life. That wont happen with Democrat in charge.
Still pretty hung up on democracy, zing. Has everything to do with why I'm not voting for Donald Trump. Y'all seem to be projecting here.
Projecting. Nope. A coup happened. And it wasn’t done by Trump. One that actually worked. When the book comes out, if you give me your address at that time, I will buy you three copies and mail them to you. Even if you don’t live here.
Look at this board. Trump is your nominee because he says the same things you guys do. The biggest thing you like about him has nothing to do with policy, but that he insults the Democrats the same way you do in here and when you're talking to your friends and talking to your TVs at home. And you love it.
You are a mind reader. Nailed it.

Actually - I am voting for Trump because I think he was effective in his first term, and the alternative is a further left version than what we've had for the last 3.5 years. Businesses thrived, housing was attainable / affordable, and I didn't spend $300 every time I went to the grocery store. He is an asshole, but an effective one. And on the world stage, sometimes the unpredictable asshole is the most effective at keeping our enemies at bay. When our enemies know that our leadership decision-making hinges on being popular, it makes them very easy to manipulate.

Truth be told - if he would quit doing the things you say I like about him, this race would have been over awhile ago. As it stands, he narrowly holds the lead on the RCP electoral map.
You are a mind reader. Nailed it.

Actually - I am voting for Trump because I think he was effective in his first term, and the alternative is a further left version than what we've had for the last 3.5 years. He is an asshole, but an effective one. Truth be told - if he would quit doing the things you say I like about him, this race would have been over awhile ago. As it stands, he narrowly holds the lead on the RCP electoral map.
And because he says she's dumb.
Projecting. Nope. A coup happened. And it wasn’t done by Trump. One that actually worked. When the book comes out, if you give me your address at that time, I will buy you three copies and mail them to you. Even if you don’t live here.
You're older than me, so you should know. But you need to read up on the whole nominating system and how it works. Why aren't you guys giddy? This should be an easy win. Having to change the ticket at midnight suggests huge weakness. If you have any strength at all, should get every swing state, an upset or two and coast.
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You're older than me, so you should know. But you need to read up on the whole nominating system and how it works. Why aren't you guys giddy? This should be an easy win. Having to change the ticket at midnight suggests huge weakness. If you have any strength at all, should get every swing state, an upset or two and coast.
Changing the ticket at midnight was a smart move. Biden was dead politically, and as I said before, her not being Biden or Trump is her biggest asset - and gives her a real chance to win. Folks that want republican leadership can bitch about it, but who could question the logic in replacing a sure loser with a possible winner.
Changing the ticket at midnight was a smart move. Biden was dead politically, and as I said before, her not being Biden or Trump is her biggest asset - and gives her a real chance to win. Folks that want republican leadership can bitch about it, but who could question the logic in replacing a sure loser with a possible winner.
But the fact that you have to do it shows you're in a bad state.

It's like I've said on here before, if we're talking about the GOAT or just behind Reagan, this thing ought to be over. No sweat. If Harris is an idiot, she wouldn't have a chance vs. a Ronald Reagan. So either she's like a real heavyweight or the Republicans have let a very weak candidate run their party for 8 years now. Even after he lost.
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