The real news. Not speculation, just flat out facts. FOX baby....

But the fact that you have to do it shows you're in a bad state.

It's like I've said on here before, if we're talking about the GOAT or just behind Reagan, this thing ought to be over. No sweat. If Harris is an idiot, she wouldn't have a chance vs. a Ronald Reagan. So either she's like a real heavyweight or the Republicans have let a very weak candidate run their party for 8 years now. Even after he lost.
Trump is unique. The fact that he is so hated amongst his non-supporters makes it tough to compare him to anyone else. I can't remember who said it recently in the media, but his ceiling and floor are both in a tight range. He has a base of support that will never waiver. And he has the vitriol from haters never seen before. Somewhere in the middle are folks who do not like Biden / Harris policies but have to really hold their nose to put Trump in. From that standpoint the only way he might ever grab the popular vote was if he was running against a senile old man.

Regardless - make no mistake, idiot or not (I think she is), the only reason she has a chance is that she's running against Trump. I think that may be your point.
Thanks for mentioning that. Imagine talking heads talking opinion.

AOC sold me, so it doesn’t matter. I appreciate what he’s done in Minnesota.

I am going with Harris/Waltz.
Well, I think bandwagon jumping just to vote for winners won't be giving off positive vibes.
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Trump is unique. The fact that he is so hated amongst his non-supporters makes it tough to compare him to anyone else. I can't remember who said it recently in the media, but his ceiling and floor are both in a tight range. He has a base of support that will never waiver. And he has the vitriol from haters never seen before. Somewhere in the middle are folks who do not like Biden / Harris policies but have to really hold their nose to put Trump in. From that standpoint the only way he might ever grab the popular vote was if he was running against a senile old man.

Regardless - make no mistake, idiot or not (I think she is), the only reason she has a chance is that she's running against Trump. I think that may be your point.
That's exactly my point.

But it's more about him getting swing voters in swing states. Overall, he has lost swing voters in both elections. Again, Romney got a higher pct. of all voters than Trump did in either election he has run in. And it looks like it will be similar again with Harris beating him by two to four percentage points in the popular vote.
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You're older than me, so you should know. But you need to read up on the whole nominating system and how it works. Why aren't you guys giddy? This should be an easy win. Having to change the ticket at midnight suggests huge weakness. If you have any strength at all, should get every swing state, an upset or two and coast.
Yep. Forcing someone out by threats against him and his family isn’t part of the nominating system. Quite sure of that. Also, quite sure no one voted for her to be the nominee. I don’t care about her as a candidate. Just love that your whole defense against Trump was democracy. Now you have to act like that reason is still intact. When everyone knows it isn’t. I find it heartwarming to see you try to hang in there with that defense. Just admit you are voting like a teenage girl picking out the new cheer captain. That mean ole Orangeman touched you in a bad place didn’t he.
Look at this board. Trump is your nominee because he says the same things you guys do. The biggest thing you like about him has nothing to do with policy, but that he insults the Democrats the same way you do in here and when you're talking to your friends and talking to your TVs at home. And you love it.
you have never been more wrong than this. You should be embarrassed to type such stupidity but so far you have proven incapable.

Why don't you go ahead and add Brandons insult to Trump voters last night to your oratory. We know being hypocritical is no issue for you either. You probably don't know what he said because you just listen and read far left ding bats and propagandist. If you need help maybe someone else has the time and won't mind wasting their time with you.
But the fact that you have to do it shows you're in a bad state.

It's like I've said on here before, if we're talking about the GOAT or just behind Reagan, this thing ought to be over. No sweat. If Harris is an idiot, she wouldn't have a chance vs. a Ronald Reagan. So either she's like a real heavyweight or the Republicans have let a very weak candidate run their party for 8 years now. Even after he lost.
Not true, a large percent of voters are ignorant. They have no clue what she stands for, nor the consequences of her few stated positions. They actually buy the argument that she will fix all the crap her and Joe broke the last 3.5yrs. Heck, you are one of those. You don't give a flying flip about anything but stopping orange man. You thoughts on any policy items are worthless because you admit you don't care and I'm sure you have no serious studied thought out opinion about things that really matter. Just keep repeating the lies of the left about Trump.... you are winning over folks everyday LMBO

Good thing all the necessities of life are provided for you. You might have to worry about the economy and illegals taking jobs from citizens etc.
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Well I hadn't seen this, but since it has you stirred up I bet ther is something to it. You are one of the ones that claimed all the stuff about bidens mental state, bidens family crimes, etc. where all made up conspiracy theory. You have been wrong about everything. I really don't remember what you position was on the russia hoax but based on your blind tds hate of trump, I can take a guess and say you were wrong on that as well.

I am amazed at your willingness to come here with your rants about trump and trump voters every day all day embarrassing yourself the way you do. You will definitely get a participation trophy for spreading misinformation at a record pace.
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That's exactly my point.

That's exactly my point.

But it's more about him getting swing voters in swing states. Overall, he has lost swing voters in both elections. Again, Romney got a higher pct. of the general voters than Trump did in either election he has run in. And it looks like it will be similar again with Harris beating him by two to four percentage points in the general election.
Explains the shift in dem and republican politics. The dems lost a lot of the Midwest working class and gained more coastal elites. Romney probably got more NY, CA, IL, MA votes that Trump would never get. And didn’t help him in the electoral map. Trump’s the people’s champ for a lot of blue collar Midwest. And that’s why he’s so dangerous in an electoral map election. Coincidentally this is why the general national polling bump for Kamala may not push her on the electoral map as much as she wants. How many 25 year old New Yorkers, Californians, etc are head over heels over Kamala but couldn’t stand Biden? How many 65 year old white Wisconsin voters who may have even liked Biden are big Harris fans?
Look at this board. Trump is your nominee because he says the same things you guys do. The biggest thing you like about him has nothing to do with policy, but that he insults the Democrats the same way you do in here and when you're talking to your friends and talking to your TVs at home. And you love it.
It is policy with me for sure. I wish he would shut unless he is talking his policy versus the last 3 plus years.
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I didn't read this stuff. Don't watch TV news at all. Like almost zero. Every now and then PBS clip of Brooks and whoever their left guy is now. You prolly don't even know who I'm talking about do ya?
Man no wonder you’re so brainwashed. You watch the most communist news organization in America! They are as bad or worse than WSNBC.
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Not true, a large percent of voters are ignorant. They have no clue what she stands for, nor the consequences of her few stated positions. They actually buy the argument that she will fix all the crap her and Joe broke the last 3.5yrs. Heck, you are one of those. You don't give a flying flip about anything but stopping orange man. You thoughts on any policy items are worthless because you admit you don't care and I'm sure you have no serious studied thought out opinion about things that really matter. Just keep repeating the lies of the left about Trump.... you are winning over folks everyday LMBO

Good thing all the necessities of life are provided for you. You might have to worry about the economy and illegals taking jobs from citizens etc.
All that is voting for Kamala are Trump haters, commies and race baiters.
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2350 Delegates and didn’t get a single vote from anyone. Wish Dem’s would let that sink in but I can sure keep on praying y’all see the light!!!
It actually is. That strategy seems to be catching on. People are beginning to realize she is a complete moron. And we are about to try to put her in charge. Someone who has been historically bad at each stop. Still no q and a. Exactly what we want from a candidate. One who runs from questions. lol. You can’t make this up.
y'all are playing the pre-debate expectations game all wrong. Don't you know that presidential debates aren't won on points? At this point, as long as she strings a coherent sentence together, you’ve set the expectations so low, she will have won the debate. Don't you remember that GWB never lost a debate because Dems stupidly insisted on labeling him as dumb?
y'all are playing the pre-debate expectations game all wrong. Don't you know that presidential debates aren't won on points? At this point, as long as she strings a coherent sentence together, you’ve set the expectations so low, she will have won the debate. Don't you remember that GWB never lost a debate because Dems stupidly insisted on labeling him as dumb?
I totally agree. You are right. The bar is so low. I just hoped people would be smart enough to realize someone with a low bar shouldn’t be president. I guess not
y'all are playing the pre-debate expectations game all wrong. Don't you know that presidential debates aren't won on points? At this point, as long as she strings a coherent sentence together, you’ve set the expectations so low, she will have won the debate. Don't you remember that GWB never lost a debate because Dems stupidly insisted on labeling him as dumb?
But she truly is incapable of looking good unless she is fed the questions ahead of time.
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But she truly is incapable of looking good unless she is fed the questions ahead of time.
That's the story. We'll see. Clemson thinks they gonna pull the upset next Saturday, too.
Trump is unique. The fact that he is so hated amongst his non-supporters makes it tough to compare him to anyone else. I can't remember who said it recently in the media, but his ceiling and floor are both in a tight range. He has a base of support that will never waiver. And he has the vitriol from haters never seen before. Somewhere in the middle are folks who do not like Biden / Harris policies but have to really hold their nose to put Trump in. From that standpoint the only way he might ever grab the popular vote was if he was running against a senile old man.

Regardless - make no mistake, idiot or not (I think she is), the only reason she has a chance is that she's running against Trump. I think that may be your point.
And the only reason Trump had a chance was because he was running against Hillary and the only reason Biden had a chance was because he was running against Trump. It seems to be where we are in the last few cycles.

The dynamic between the two candidates right now is analogous to 1980. Reagan won in a landslide because he was optimistic, the happy warrior talking about the wonder of America while Carter was dour and uninspiring. People are ready to feel good about the country again and Trump’s American apocalypse, only I can fix it messaging just isn’t landing anymore.

His performance yesterday was a stark contrast to the DNC. This guy sounds like a beaten dog. And yes, I know Rupar is a liberal poster. Ignore his comments and simply watch the video. Trump’s entire appearance was like that.

I think Harris will win, she’ll over reach and likely overspend (which Trump would as well) and maybe the GOP will get its act together in time for the next cycle. I’d be all in on Cuban or another moderate business leader if they decided to run.
And the only reason Trump had a chance was because he was running against Hillary and the only reason Biden had a chance was because he was running against Trump. It seems to be where we are in the last few cycles.

The dynamic between the two candidates right now is analogous to 1980. Reagan won in a landslide because he was optimistic, the happy warrior talking about the wonder of America while Carter was dour and uninspiring. People are ready to feel good about the country again and Trump’s American apocalypse, only I can fix it messaging just isn’t landing anymore.

His performance yesterday was a stark contrast to the DNC. This guy sounds like a beaten dog. And yes, I know Rupar is a liberal poster. Ignore his comments and simply watch the video. Trump’s entire appearance was like that.

I think Harris will win, she’ll over reach and likely overspend (which Trump would as well) and maybe the GOP will get its act together in time for the next cycle. I’d be all in on Cuban or another moderate business leader if they decided to run.
Trump's base is too strong to lose in a landslide, unless it's a Trump landslide (he called his win in 2016 one), which means it's not really a landslide. The Republican party is weak right now. A strong party would've never run Trump the first time, much less let him control their party to the point he never really had to campaign to win their nomination after losing in 2020.

Democrats aren't much better in that they're having to scramble a few months before an election to put a candidate up there. If she is great in the debate and interviews, Trump will be done though. And I'm not talking about on the chat, The chat would say she's dumb if they revealed her IQ was 180 tomorrow. I'm saying if people with no hard subjective look feel she did well, Trump will lose. It's his last hope.
Trump's base is too strong to lose in a landslide, unless it's a Trump landslide (he called his win in 2016 one), which means it's not really a landslide. The Republican party is weak right now. A strong party would've never run Trump the first time, much less let him control their party to the point he never really had to campaign to win their nomination after losing in 2020.

Democrats aren't much better in that they're having to scramble a few months before an election to put a candidate up there. If she is great in the debate and interviews, Trump will be done though. And I'm not talking about on the chat, The chat would say she's dumb if they revealed her IQ was 180 tomorrow. I'm saying if people with no hard subjective look feel she did well, Trump will lose. It's his last hope.
I wasn’t suggesting a landslide result, only the differences in the tone of each campaign. People are tired of hearing an over-privileged old man with no morals whine about how awful everything is. Harris is all vibes right now, but compared to Trump, those vibes are refreshingly optimistic.
And the only reason Trump had a chance was because he was running against Hillary and the only reason Biden had a chance was because he was running against Trump. It seems to be where we are in the last few cycles.

The dynamic between the two candidates right now is analogous to 1980. Reagan won in a landslide because he was optimistic, the happy warrior talking about the wonder of America while Carter was dour and uninspiring. People are ready to feel good about the country again and Trump’s American apocalypse, only I can fix it messaging just isn’t landing anymore.

His performance yesterday was a stark contrast to the DNC. This guy sounds like a beaten dog. And yes, I know Rupar is a liberal poster. Ignore his comments and simply watch the video. Trump’s entire appearance was like that.

I think Harris will win, she’ll over reach and likely overspend (which Trump would as well) and maybe the GOP will get its act together in time for the next cycle. I’d be all in on Cuban or another moderate business leader if they decided to run.
The biggest reason Reagan won is he proposed policies to address the mess the country was in at the time. Sky high interest rates, high inflation, long lines to get gas for you car, etc. sound familiar? If Trump would focus on his plan to fix those same things it would look like 1980 at the ballot box.
The crap the left is spewing about joy is going to fall on deaf ears if she does not actually gives real answers. The undecideds are watching closely and what they are hearing is not resonating with that group. The honeymoon is over for Kamala and joy, free abortions, free vasectomies and flag burning outside the arena is not what most Americans care about.
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The biggest reason Reagan won is he proposed policies to address the mess the country was in at the time. Sky high interest rates, high inflation, long lines to get gas for you car, etc. sound familiar? If Trump would focus on his plan to fix those same things it would look like 1980 at the ballot box.
The crap the left is spewing about joy is going to fall on deaf ears if she does not actually gives real answers. The undecideds are watching closely and what they are hearing is not resonating with that group. The honeymoon is over for Kamala and joy, free abortions, free vasectomies and flag burning outside the arena is not what most Americans care about.
Of course policy played a huge role in 1980. My point is that we haven’t seen this stark of a contrast in tones between the two candidates since that election.

What leads you to believe that the current Dem messaging isn’t resonating with undecideds? It sure isn’t polling, where the trend lines have been moving toward Harris since she became the candidate.

Harris hasn’t shared much of her policy platform, but neither has Trump and, unlike Harris, he’s been the candidate for many months now.

Trump still thinks tariffs are paid by the exporter and not the importer. They are hugely inflationary. Mass deportations, with the impact on labor availability and costs will also be highly inflationary.

Here’s his approach. He’s going to executive-order inflation (which has already fallen back to near target levels) to fall. Not much of a plan.

That's exactly my point.

But it's more about him getting swing voters in swing states. Overall, he has lost swing voters in both elections. Again, Romney got a higher pct. of the general voters than Trump did in either election he has run in. And it looks like it will be similar again with Harris beating him by two to four percentage points in the general election.
That may be true but this election is different. I think people were tired of him and all of the controversy that followed him (mostly created by the Dems and media). This election is different. People are hurting and want a change. I think there is a decent enough portion of the swing votes that will swing his way. We shall see soon enough.
Yeah, he did have some people close to him with some major contact with the Russian govt. leading up to his election. And he linked himself to Putin over and over for some strange reason. Trump being Trump. This guy just took a lot of vacations to China before becoming a politician.
I think you mean Hillary and Biden.
Of course policy played a huge role in 1980. My point is that we haven’t seen this stark of a contrast in tones between the two candidates since that election.

What leads you to believe that the current Dem messaging isn’t resonating with undecideds? It sure isn’t polling, where the trend lines have been moving toward Harris since she became the candidate.

Harris hasn’t shared much of her policy platform, but neither has Trump and, unlike Harris, he’s been the candidate for many months now.

Trump still thinks tariffs are paid by the exporter and not the importer. They are hugely inflationary. Mass deportations, with the impact on labor availability and costs will also be highly inflationary.

Here’s his approach. He’s going to executive-order inflation (which has already fallen back to near target levels) to fall. Not much of a plan.

Well let's compare all of your content with the past 4 years with Trumps 4 years. Let's look at Kamala's own words of providing amnesty for all illegals who are here...for providing free healthcare, education for everyone in this country including illegals, for wanting to allow all illegals to vote and then providing $25,000 for all first time home buyers...I could go on. It is probably not even fair to compare the last 4 years to what we will experience in the next 4 IF Kamala is elected and wants to raise taxes as she is proposing.
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Look at this board. Trump is your nominee because he says the same things you guys do. The biggest thing you like about him has nothing to do with policy, but that he insults the Democrats the same way you do in here and when you're talking to your friends and talking to your TVs at home. And you love it.
Says the guy who is apparently neutral and not voting yet is on here jabbing all of the conservative or Rep posters non stop. Most if not all of us dislike his stupid tweets and attacks and feel he could win big if he just stuck to policy. I believe you are here just to get your silly jabs in but please continue to tell us who we are.
Yeah, he did have some people close to him with some major contact with the Russian govt. leading up to his election. And he linked himself to Putin over and over for some strange reason. Trump being Trump. This guy just took a lot of vacations to China before becoming a politician.
Took a lot of vacations to China? He took a honeymoon to China, he taught school in China for the Chinese govt, he lived in China, he celebrated with CCP members.

Trump - Russia. Always interesting the allegations, yet seeming failure to acknowledge Hillary as Sec of State advocated for sale of USA uranium to Russia, which was approved, she then received over $100 Mil in donations to Clinton Foundation from Russian oligarchs close to Putin according to public records. Hunter recd a few Million from the wife of the Mayor of Moscow, Putin friend, for what? Hunter recd Million from CCP members and Chinese energy companies. Hunter isn’t registered with US Government as a foreign agent.

Allegations fly in both directions.
Changing the ticket at midnight was a smart move. Biden was dead politically, and as I said before, her not being Biden or Trump is her biggest asset - and gives her a real chance to win. Folks that want republican leadership can bitch about it, but who could question the logic in replacing a sure loser with a possible winner.
So saying screw you to all those primary voters is all fine and dandy? Using that line of thought, why bother with primaries? Let Pelosi and Obama decide, that’s what took place. No open convention an annointment by the “chosen two”. Sounds so Soviet
So saying screw you to all those primary voters is all fine and dandy? Using that line of thought, why bother with primaries? Let Pelosi and Obama decide, that’s what took place. No open convention an annointment by the “chosen two”. Sounds so Soviet
I don’t disagree with the hypocrisy of it all. It was “technically” Joe’s decision. But like I said I don’t blame them. I just think it is ingenuous and hypocritical to call trump the threat to democracy and then do this. They should at least own it. Joe was done. We replaced him, to hell with the process.

Had Joe had more power internally he could have fought it. But he lost his own party. Typically the primary winner has all the power that comes with it. Joe lost that when he shit his pants in the debate.
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Of course policy played a huge role in 1980. My point is that we haven’t seen this stark of a contrast in tones between the two candidates since that election.

What leads you to believe that the current Dem messaging isn’t resonating with undecideds? It sure isn’t polling, where the trend lines have been moving toward Harris since she became the candidate.

Harris hasn’t shared much of her policy platform, but neither has Trump and, unlike Harris, he’s been the candidate for many months now.

Trump still thinks tariffs are paid by the exporter and not the importer. They are hugely inflationary. Mass deportations, with the impact on labor availability and costs will also be highly inflationary.

Here’s his approach. He’s going to executive-order inflation (which has already fallen back to near target levels) to fall. Not much of a plan.

The polling would not reflect a lot of the recent changes as I think most are waiting for the convention to end. I also think the debate is the biggest hurdle for both but mostly for Harris. She has not answered any tough question or really explained her policies.
Trump has already done before and I think he will/should focus more the last 3 years and all of her radical stances and failures as a VP.
The about tariffs, but they also make it easier for US goods to compete at home. This would be more of a long term play and with no concern for reelection I would hope he would do things that would have long term benefits.
Mass deportations would also save us money as we are spending a tremendous amount to feed, house, medical care and who knows what else. There is not necessarily a one sided issue. There gains and losses on both sides of the issue. You are only looking at the labor side. Ignoring the costs and crime issues.
Your narrowed view of his inflation plan is debatable in that you are only looking at that one area. If he makes changes to oil and gas like he did before then that might more than offset the tariffs impact.
Harris handing out freebies can only have a negative impact. That never works out well. I know she has other plans( ones I do not agree with). But that is what you were doing with the tariffs. Let’s be try to be more honest. Sharing only part of the truth is not always being truthful. That is framing something for a purpose or portraying a particular point of view.
I don’t disagree with the hypocrisy of it all. It was “technically” Joe’s decision. But like I said I don’t blame them. I just think it is ingenuous and hypocritical to call trump the threat to democracy and then do this. They should at least own it. Joe was done. We replaced him, to hell with the process.

Had Joe had more power internally he could have fought it. But he lost his own party. Typically the primary winner has all the power that comes with it. Joe lost that when he shit his pants in the debate.
Points out how Dems only care about winning, willing to do ANYTHING to win including overthrow their voters wishes. Joe had been shitting himself for 3 years, but Pelosi, Schumer, Kamala, Petey, Hakeem, they all told us he was sharp as a tack, totally in control, leading the way. Again, a lie. So, who’s running the Country?
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Yep. Forcing someone out by threats against him and his family isn’t part of the nominating system. Quite sure of that. Also, quite sure no one voted for her to be the nominee. I don’t care about her as a candidate. Just love that your whole defense against Trump was democracy. Now you have to act like that reason is still intact. When everyone knows it isn’t. I find it heartwarming to see you try to hang in there with that defense. Just admit you are voting like a teenage girl picking out the new cheer captain. That mean ole Orangeman touched you in a bad place didn’t he.
There was no way to force him out. They told him if he continued to run he would likely lose and he would likely hurt the Democrats running for congress. All was true. He decided to get out for the good of the party and the country.

We'll see, but I doubt you're gonna have books written about it saying different. You know, like the way Trump and many of his folk said one thing in front of the camera but totally different when not.
There was no way to force him out. They told him if he continued to run he would likely lose and he would likely hurt the Democrats running for congress. All was true. He decided to get out for the good of the party and the country.

We'll see, but I doubt you're gonna have books written about it saying different. You know, like the way Trump and many of his folk said one thing in front of the camera but totally different when not.
Holy shit man. I got some swamp real estate down in waycross I can sell you tomorrow.

Nancy has already admitted they threatened him. She said it can be the easy way or the hard way. These are her words. I didn’t make that up. On Saturday his camp said this is nuts. He isn’t going anywhere. By Sunday he was out. Sorry. You can’t be this naive.

Even the Democrat media have been giving Nancy grief. Just own it. I sorry it makes your democracy point of view null and void. Stop thinking trump is more evil than lifetime politicians. He isn’t. One and the same. If you vote for her policies she just let out, there just aren’t words I can use here to describe that.
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Holy shit man. I got some swamp real estate down in waycross I can sell you tomorrow.

Nancy has already admitted they threatened him. She said it can be the easy way or the hard way. These are her words. I didn’t make that up. On Saturday his camp said this is nuts. He isn’t going anywhere. By Sunday he was out. Sorry. You can’t be this naive.

Even the Democrat media have been giving Nancy grief. Just own it. I sorry it makes your democracy point of view null and void. Stop thinking trump is more evil than lifetime politicians. He isn’t. One and the same. If you vote for her policies she just let out, there just aren’t words I can use here to describe that.
But here’s the good news, Chicago: All across America, in big cities and small towns, away from all the noise, the ties that bind us together are still there. We still coach Little League and look out for our elderly neighbors. We still feed the hungry in churches and mosques and synagogues and temples. We share the same pride when our Olympic athletes compete for the gold. Because the vast majority of us do not want to live in a country that’s bitter and divided. We want something better. We want to be better. And the joy and the excitement that we’re seeing around this campaign tells us we’re not alone.
Well looks like someone got their tampons twisted today.

Do you have an OBGYN you can call?

Do you call us deplorables from Korea?

Many of us dont like Trump. I just want the border closed and an affordable life. That wont happen with Democrat in charge.
But here’s the good news, Chicago: All across America, in big cities and small towns, away from all the noise, the ties that bind us together are still there. We still coach Little League and look out for our elderly neighbors. We still feed the hungry in churches and mosques and synagogues and temples. We share the same pride when our Olympic athletes compete for the gold. Because the vast majority of us do not want to live in a country that’s bitter and divided. We want something better. We want to be better. And the joy and the excitement that we’re seeing around this campaign tells us we’re not alone.
But here’s the good news, Chicago: All across America, in big cities and small towns, away from all the noise, the ties that bind us together are still there. We still coach Little League and look out for our elderly neighbors. We still feed the hungry in churches and mosques and synagogues and temples. We share the same pride when our Olympic athletes compete for the gold. Because the vast majority of us do not want to live in a country that’s bitter and divided. We want something better. We want to be better. And the joy and the excitement that we’re seeing around this campaign tells us we’re not alone.
It is a great sentiment. Not sure who you claim is doing the dividing. But if those numbers aren’t divisive I don’t know what is. I donate to several charities when I can. Sponsor camps. Do whatever I can do! But those kind of numbers don’t allow you to do what you described. Maybe it won’t affect you where you live or you make so much money it isn’t an issue for you. , the economy should be at the top of any platform. You are intelligent enough to look at the numbers she is after and know that will not end well.
It is a great sentiment. Not sure who you claim is doing the dividing. But if those numbers aren’t divisive I don’t know what is. I donate to several charities when I can. Sponsor camps. Do whatever I can do! But those kind of numbers don’t allow you to do what you described. Maybe it won’t affect you where you live or you make so much money it isn’t an issue for you. , the economy should be at the top of any platform. You are intelligent enough to look at the numbers she is after and know that will not end well.
I think you missed his point. "We" wasn't excluding you. But you can only read that "we" in a divisive way.
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