The standing Wednesday Impeachment press conference and a GOP update


Diehard supporter
Gold Member
Jan 31, 2002
Rep. Jason Smith, a leading impeachment investigator, is confused about when Biden was in office, a candidate for office or an unelected citizen and what any of that has to do with the evidence he just presented.

In the mean time, McCarthy is held hostage by a handful of QAnon pro-sedition nuts who will shut down defense spending and the rest of the government over demands they will never get.

Our old rival Tommy Tubberville continues to kneecap military leadership and claims the military is not an equal opportunity organization.

Oh, and after years of using fraudulent financials to prop up his crappy business, the leading GOP candidate for president is about to watch his organization be dissolved by the courts, with criminal referrals to the IRS and Southern District of NY, and that’s likely fourth or fifth on his list of most pressing legal issues.

Other than that, the GOP seems to be doing great.

Rep. Jason Smith, a leading impeachment investigator, is confused about when Biden was in office, a candidate for office or an unelected citizen and what any of that has to do with the evidence he just presented.

In the mean time, McCarthy is held hostage by a handful of QAnon pro-sedition nuts who will shut down defense spending and the rest of the government over demands they will never get.

Our old rival Tommy Tubberville continues to kneecap military leadership and claims the military is not an equal opportunity organization.

Oh, and after years of using fraudulent financials to prop up his crappy business, the leading GOP candidate for president is about to watch his organization be dissolved by the courts, with criminal referrals to the IRS and Southern District of NY, and that’s likely fourth or fifth on his list of most pressing legal issues.

Other than that, the GOP seems to be doing great.

The QAnon nuts are waiting on JFK Jr ( you know, the bloodline that goes as follows. Jesus - JFK - Trump) to straighten things out.
Nuts is putting it mildly.
Rep. Jason Smith, a leading impeachment investigator, is confused about when Biden was in office, a candidate for office or an unelected citizen and what any of that has to do with the evidence he just presented.

In the mean time, McCarthy is held hostage by a handful of QAnon pro-sedition nuts who will shut down defense spending and the rest of the government over demands they will never get.

Our old rival Tommy Tubberville continues to kneecap military leadership and claims the military is not an equal opportunity organization.

Oh, and after years of using fraudulent financials to prop up his crappy business, the leading GOP candidate for president is about to watch his organization be dissolved by the courts, with criminal referrals to the IRS and Southern District of NY, and that’s likely fourth or fifth on his list of most pressing legal issues.

Other than that, the GOP seems to be doing great.

Should I list out Biden and the left’s issues at the moment. It is really, really long. You know the main one is is the flip flopping on former issues of importance because the polls tell them so. Newsome. Aoc. Biden. Etc have all backtracked.

Polling ten points behind an indicted supposedly fraudulent criminal. Who a judge this week ruled the property at maro largo was worth 18 million. A closet down there is worth 18 million. That should be fun for the irs to try to prove. Even Forbes said it was worth 350 million. Probably should worry should worry about the corruption in the New York court system.

The ruling claim flying out after some insanely damning pay for play info came out on joe. Every dem run city is being overrun by illegals, that the people of those states are having to foot the bill for. Newsome calling his state a forever sanctuary. Until, it wasn’t. Lol. You guys have become a joke. The progressive utopia is bringing you down. Everyone’s eyes have been opened to your biggest fatal flaw.

(Never got a response on Biden calling ll j cool j a boy from anyone. His words)

What you stand for doesn’t work. No matter how much you yell about trump. That is the fact you can’t get around. Your policies suck. You can try to scare people on social issues all you want, but no one approves other than a few of you how this economy and country is working at the moment. You can’t fix that.

I am sure he like every other homeowner thinks their property is worth more than it is. A real estate person lying or embellishing is expected. A judge outright lying about a value isn’t expected.
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Should I list out Biden and the left’s issues at the moment. It is really, really long. You know the main one is is the flip flopping on former issues of importance because the polls tell them so. Newsome. Aoc. Biden. Etc have all backtracked.

Polling ten points behind an indicted supposedly fraudulent criminal. Who a judge this week ruled the property at maro largo was worth 18 million. A closet down there is worth 18 million. That should be fun for the irs to try to prove. Even Forbes said it was worth 350 million. Probably should worry should worry about the corruption in the New York court system.

The ruling claim flying out after some insanely damning pay for play info came out on joe. Every dem run city is being overrun by illegals, that the people of those states are having to foot the bill for. Newsome calling his state a forever sanctuary. Until, it wasn’t. Lol. You guys have become a joke. The progressive utopia is bringing you down. Everyone’s eyes have been opened to your biggest fatal flaw.

(Never got a response on Biden calling ll j cool j a boy from anyone. His words)

What you stand for doesn’t work. No matter how much you yell about trump. That is the fact you can’t get around. Your policies suck. You can try to scare people on social issues all you want, but no one approves other than a few of you how this economy and country is working at the moment. You can’t fix that.

I am sure he like every other homeowner thinks their property is worth more than it is. A real estate person lying or embellishing is expected. A judge outright lying about a value isn’t expected.
Sounds to me like you are ready to make that Trump-Biden wager we were talking about. ;)

And if you really think Trump is leading Biden by ten points you need to broaden your information sources.
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Sounds to me like you are ready to make that Trump-Biden wager we were talking about. ;)

And if you really think Trump is leading Biden by ten points you need to broaden your information sources.
It looks more and more daily like neither are going to make it there. I am pretty sure Biden won’t make it. He is losing to an indicted human in a blowout right now. The left isnt going to put him forward.

The left is going to have to come up with more charges against trump. They are having two governors debate. One of which isn’t even a candidate. Or is he.

Kamala is about to be pushed aside. She is going to make a stink for the Dems worse than trump ever has. I have my popcorn ready. Every step they avoid talking about the countries issues. I have never seen anything like this. Neither will sit down and answer one real question. Biden won’t answer anything.

This journalist will never get another interview. They didn’t softball her for one line of questioning. You would think they kicked her in the ovaries right here.
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Rep. Jason Smith, a leading impeachment investigator, is confused about when Biden was in office, a candidate for office or an unelected citizen and what any of that has to do with the evidence he just presented.

In the mean time, McCarthy is held hostage by a handful of QAnon pro-sedition nuts who will shut down defense spending and the rest of the government over demands they will never get.

Our old rival Tommy Tubberville continues to kneecap military leadership and claims the military is not an equal opportunity organization.

Oh, and after years of using fraudulent financials to prop up his crappy business, the leading GOP candidate for president is about to watch his organization be dissolved by the courts, with criminal referrals to the IRS and Southern District of NY, and that’s likely fourth or fifth on his list of most pressing legal issues.

Other than that, the GOP seems to be doing great.

There's more evidence against Biden in this one tweet than all of the evidence presented by the Dems against Trump over the past 7 years.

Sounds to me like you are ready to make that Trump-Biden wager we were talking about. ;)

And if you really think Trump is leading Biden by ten points you need to broaden your information sources.
About the lead. He is leading for sure. I think you can at least say that. Biden isn’t getting better. The economy isn’t getting better. The border isn’t getting better. He is going to be less fit mentally for office in a year and a half.
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About the lead. He is leading for sure. I think you can at least say that. Biden isn’t getting better. The economy isn’t getting better. He is going to be less fit mentally for office in a year and a half.
The top 2 issues are the economy and southern border. Both huge losers for Biden. No matter bc he isn't running. It'll be Gavin, Michelle or Whitmer. I don't think any of them can beat the top 3 - 4 on the GOP side.
The top 2 issues are the economy and southern border. Both huge losers for Biden. No matter bc he isn't running. It'll be Gavin, Michelle or Whitmer. I don't think any of them can beat the top 3 - 4 on the GOP side.
Gavin dodged the question earlier this week. Pretty good sign.
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About the lead. He is leading for sure. I think you can at least say that. Biden isn’t getting better. The economy isn’t getting better. He is going to be less fit mentally for office in a year and a half.
Have you seen any of Trump’s latest appearances? A cognitive tour de force they are not.

They are both old as dirt, and Trump is the one who is grossly overweight and unhealthy looking. I don’t think that’s where the contest will be won or lost, at least if it remains a Biden-Trump battle.

There's more evidence against Biden in this one tweet than all of the evidence presented by the Dems against Trump over the past 7 years.

The star Republican witness today acknowledged that they still don’t have the goods on Joe. When this is what your own guy states in his opening comments, you have a very long way to go to prove anything.

Have you seen any of Trump’s latest appearances? A cognitive tour de force they are not.

They are both old as dirt, and Trump is the one who is grossly overweight and unhealthy looking. I don’t think that’s where the contest will be won or lost, at least if it remains a Biden-Trump battle.

The star Republican witness today acknowledged that they still don’t have the goods on Joe. When this is what your own guy states in his opening comments, you have a very long way to go to prove anything.

He's not the star "witness" and that's not how inquiries operate.

They've got Jomentia dead to right. Just a few hours ago text messages from Hunter were released that are as damning as I've seen to date. He flat out admits that Joe is the brand. Joe's brother contemporaneously texted that they need Joe's help with the Chinese for about a month to seal the deal. He's toast.

But none of it matters. He isn't running.
I actually hurt myself laughing at will telling someone to broaden their sources. LMBO the man that quotes from the Atlantic, Cnn, msnbc, and the dnc wants others to "broaden" their sources. All he has is propaganda and spin and is so far removed from actual facts, believe brandon is good for America. LOLOLOLOLOLOL.

Also hilarious is wills upset with the impeachment hearings because he has been told by the propaganda he reads that their in no evidence. However, he was all in on Trumps impeachments when the dims are the one that actually had no evidence. LOL,, 1 whistle blower against Trump, numerous against biden along with his sons own words. LMBO at the depths dims will lower themselves to.
They wouldn’t believe it or go for it if he had the money in his hands. The impeachment is about politics. The Dems are playing dirty. Trying to rid themselves of any political opponent. Pubs are doing the same. There is plenty of evidence out there that joe is involved. Only an idiot says differently. But to get him impeached it will truly take a smoking gun. Same way trump beat both of his. @willdup

Joe can barely walk anymore. He walks like my 90 year old grandmother used to. Didn’t lift his feet. And slides them more. It is painful to watch. Have you seen the videos the msm didn’t show you of his trainwreck speeches lately. It is bad. Trump isn’t young either. Obviously. But comparing the two is pretty funny. Trump is still doing q and A’s. Biden hasn’t done one of those his entire presidency. I know you hate trump. It is all encompassing, but come on. A change needs to be made. Bad. He is a complete and total f up. It is mind blowing how anyone defends this. Almost like a troll
He's debating RDS, which is as sure a sign as anything. Curiously, he's now going around claiming he baited RDS into the debate. He's stupid. He's basically the male version of AOC. RDS will wipe the floor with that greaseball moron.
Oh I know. They ought to invite a homeless fellow from Cali to mediate it. Will just played a seven second clip with no context. Straight out of the dem playbook. That is how the whole summer of love got started.

What @willdup failed to mention was that turley felt like the inquiry was absolutely warranted. This isn’t an abnormal position for him. He felt the same way about the trump impeachment. He feels like more time should pass and more eveidence should be gathered. Ironic how much those lefties hated his take back then, and have managed to flip flop as usual when it benefits them. He thinks impeachment should be a dead to rights thing. That seven second clip was as usual taken out of context.

Same with Clinton. I give him credit. He predicted the future.

Funny how cnn felt about this then. Lol. You guys are a bunch f’ing hypocrites.

Pretty much exact same reasoning given. Smh

Also, he didn’t vote for trump. He voted for Biden.
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He's not the star "witness" and that's not how inquiries operate.

They've got Jomentia dead to right. Just a few hours ago text messages from Hunter were released that are as damning as I've seen to date. He flat out admits that Joe is the brand. Joe's brother contemporaneously texted that they need Joe's help with the Chinese for about a month to seal the deal. He's toast.

But none of it matters. He isn't running.
Wait, are you saying that Hunter leveraged his relationship with Joe to sell the promise of influence? We didn’t need new text messages to learn that fact and that’s not in and of itself against the law. Sleazy? Of course. Illegal? Not in the absence of other evidence, that they appear to not posses.
Oh I know. They ought to invite a homeless fellow from Cali to mediate it. Will just played a seven second clip with no context. Straight out of the dem playbook. That is how the whole summer of love got started.

What @willdup failed to mention was that turley felt like the inquiry was absolutely warranted. This isn’t an abnormal position for him. He felt the same way about the trump impeachment. He feels like more time should pass and more eveidence should be gathered. Ironic how much those lefties hated his take back then, and have managed to flip flop as usual when it benefits them. He thinks impeachment should be a dead to rights thing. That seven second clip was as usual taken out of context.

Same with Clinton. I give him credit. He predicted the future.

Funny how cnn felt about this then. Lol. You guys are a bunch f’ing hypocrites.

Pretty much exact same reasoning given. Smh

Also, he didn’t vote for trump. He voted for Biden.
Of course Turley feels the inquiry is warranted. He wouldn’t have been there at the invitation of the republicans if he weren’t willing to take that position.

Reminder, I’ve been welcoming the inquiry for some time now.

But we’ve been told for months about the overwhelming amount of evidence against Joe and the republicans have been less than effective in making their case, including the debacle I linked to at the beginning of this thread where Rep. Smith couldn’t even answer the most basic questions regarding the “evidence” he has just presented. Time and time again through this process they have looked ridiculous. Remember the tapes we were promised? Archer’s supposed explosive testimony?

They have done a crap job of setting expectations and then falling short, over and over again.
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Rep. Jason Smith, a leading impeachment investigator, is confused about when Biden was in office, a candidate for office or an unelected citizen and what any of that has to do with the evidence he just presented.

In the mean time, McCarthy is held hostage by a handful of QAnon pro-sedition nuts who will shut down defense spending and the rest of the government over demands they will never get.

Our old rival Tommy Tubberville continues to kneecap military leadership and claims the military is not an equal opportunity organization.

Oh, and after years of using fraudulent financials to prop up his crappy business, the leading GOP candidate for president is about to watch his organization be dissolved by the courts, with criminal referrals to the IRS and Southern District of NY, and that’s likely fourth or fifth on his list of most pressing legal issues.

Other than that, the GOP seems to be doing great.

Users pic checks out.
Of course Turley feels the inquiry is warranted. He wouldn’t have been there at the invitation of the republicans if he weren’t willing to take that position.

Reminder, I’ve been welcoming the inquiry for some time now.

But we’ve been told for months about the overwhelming amount of evidence against Joe and the republicans have been less than effective in making their case, including the debacle I linked to at the beginning of this thread where Rep. Smith couldn’t even answer the most basic questions regarding the “evidence” he has just presented. Time and time again through this process they have looked ridiculous. Remember the tapes we were promised? Archer’s supposed explosive testimony?

They have done a crap job of setting expectations and then falling short, over and over again.
Big difference. To impeach it requires irrefutable proof. That is the deal. As it should be.

Doesn’t take a rocket surgeon to see what is going on. There is plenty of actual evidence that he lied about meeting with hunters business associates. He has been linked in ways anyone short of the village idiot can see. The inquiry is as much to bring this to the surface as it is to impeach him. You surely know that. The msm won’t cover it. So the pubs are making them have to cover it.

A month ago 50 percent of the American people had not even heard of the Biden pay for play scheme. 70 percent of cnn viewers didn’t know.

Easy. And a great common sense approach. Show the world how corrupt he is. The poll you are hoping is incorrect is a result imo of more being out there about biden’s bribery. Imo. Trump being out of the news is bad news for lefty popularity. You guys cause a trainwreck somehow every day.

Now even a six year old can discern that Biden is a criminal. More importantly those young voters who are now like my daughter living paycheck to paycheck while still depending on their parents. After getting educated. Are seeing what dipstick policies do. So they are beginning to turn. Who can’t find a place to rent that doesn’t take up most of their paycheck. This is why you bring an inquiry. The process working is secondary.
Of course Turley feels the inquiry is warranted. He wouldn’t have been there at the invitation of the republicans if he weren’t willing to take that position.

Reminder, I’ve been welcoming the inquiry for some time now.

But we’ve been told for months about the overwhelming amount of evidence against Joe and the republicans have been less than effective in making their case, including the debacle I linked to at the beginning of this thread where Rep. Smith couldn’t even answer the most basic questions regarding the “evidence” he has just presented. Time and time again through this process they have looked ridiculous. Remember the tapes we were promised? Archer’s supposed explosive testimony?

They have done a crap job of setting expectations and then falling short, over and over again.
Best stat of the inquiry. 6 percent of the people polled believe Biden did nothing wrong. This is why you do it. Like I said, only the village idiots think he is clean. Quinnipiac poll. Over 50 say he is was involved. 44 percent say he didnt something illegal. He lied no matter what.

39 percent approval rating for Biden. Kamala said hold my beer. She is at 36 percent. Do you believe what pelosi said? The vp doesn’t do anything anyway. That is the job description. Holy shit. Really!! Her words!
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Big difference. To impeach it requires irrefutable proof. That is the deal. As it should be.

Doesn’t take a rocket surgeon to see what is going on. There is plenty of actual evidence that he lied about meeting with hunters business associates. He has been linked in ways anyone short of the village idiot can see. The inquiry is as much to bring this to the surface as it is to impeach him. You surely know that. The msm won’t cover it. So the pubs are making them have to cover it.

A month ago 50 percent of the American people had not even heard of the Biden pay for play scheme. 70 percent of cnn viewers didn’t know.

Easy. And a great common sense approach. Show the world how corrupt he is. The poll you are hoping is incorrect is a result imo of more being out there about biden’s bribery. Imo. Trump being out of the news is bad news for lefty popularity. You guys cause a trainwreck somehow every day.

Now even a six year old can discern that Biden is a criminal. More importantly those young voters who are now like my daughter living paycheck to paycheck while still depending on their parents. After getting educated. Are seeing what dipstick policies do. So they are beginning to turn. Who can’t find a place to rent that doesn’t take up most of their paycheck. This is why you bring an inquiry. The process working is secondary.
Well, perhaps you should share with your daughter that Ron DeSantis made the point last night that Trump’s tax policies and the $7.8t he added to the debt contributed significantly to our current inflation issues and our current inflation rate is still better than the rest of the G7 economies.

Suggesting that Trump’s fiscal policies would have spared us from the same inflation the entire developed world is suffering from is not a position founded in history or facts.

Wait, are you saying that Hunter leveraged his relationship with Joe to sell the promise of influence? We didn’t need new text messages to learn that fact and that’s not in and of itself against the law. Sleazy? Of course. Illegal? Not in the absence of other evidence, that they appear to not posses.
I don't think you're familiar with what I'm talking about. What came out today is beyond smoking gun. Did you see it?
Well, perhaps you should share with your daughter that Ron DeSantis made the point last night that Trump’s tax policies and the $7.8t he added to the debt contributed significantly to our current inflation issues and our current inflation rate is still better than the rest of the G7 economies.

Suggesting that Trump’s fiscal policies would have spared us from the same inflation the entire developed world is suffering from is not a position founded in history or facts.

It is what politicians do. That is what you come back with. Who else is he going to blame it on? Same with desantis. He has to wrap something else arounds trumps neck. He is losing by a billion. When he left office inflation was at a great rate. Yes spending had something to do with it. We were in a pandemic. Joe continued that spending making it worse.

I wanted desantis to win the nomination. Maybe a miracle will happen. But he keeps stepping on his own foot over and over again. Vivek. Find a way. Please.

I just however find it hilarious how you can’t stop being hypocritical. Two years ago inflation was a global issue. Then a Russia and ukraine issue. Now it is a trump issue. Anything other than who it is. These guys don’t even consider Biden their biggest target anymore. That should alarm you the most. It should have been fixed already. Like the border. Like supply lines. Like everything else, it isn’t his fault.
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Well, perhaps you should share with your daughter that Ron DeSantis made the point last night that Trump’s tax policies and the $7.8t he added to the debt contributed significantly to our current inflation issues and our current inflation rate is still better than the rest of the G7 economies.

Suggesting that Trump’s fiscal policies would have spared us from the same inflation the entire developed world is suffering from is not a position founded in history or facts.

It doesn't even bother you to post this even though the debt has grown at a faster rate under Brandon than it did Trump through the same number of months in office? Do you not think you get fact checked by those of us that aren't gullible and fall far the dim propaganda, spin and lies you constantly post here? LOL again, you have me rolling today. Your post are ridiculously hilarious!
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I'm responding, but have very limited time/ability to respond further. Sorry (job-related)

Rep. Jason Smith, a leading impeachment investigator, is confused about when Biden was in office, a candidate for office or an unelected citizen and what any of that has to do with the evidence he just presented.

1. It's clearly a part of an effort to establish a pattern of influence: As VP, as a citizen, and to similar actions taking place as a candidate/POTUS. Rep Smith's frustration/lack of desire to address a single example in the 700 pages of documents does not negate anything. It was a great soundbite for anybody defending Biden & unaware/uninterested in context. Bottom line: If it's "bribery", it doesn't matter (see below).

2. To quote Andrew McCarthy (who you have quoted yourself, when he agrees with you):

...the commission of high crimes and misdemeanors is not the only basis for impeachment. The impeachment clause (Article II, section 4) also provides for impeachment in cases of treason and bribery. It would be absurd to suggest that treason would have to be committed during the presidency to be impeachment-eligible. As for bribery, one major impetus in the Framers’ decision to include the impeachment power was fear that the awesome powers of the presidency could be put in the service of a foreign power. Clearly, if a person was bribed by agents of a foreign power prior to becoming president, that person would still be owned and subject to blackmailing by the foreign power during his presidency — exactly the danger that animated the Framers.

Bribery suspicions are the core of the Biden impeachment inquiry. That doesn’t mean there will be articles of impeachment, or even that there necessarily should be articles of impeachment (under circumstances where there is no prospect of conviction in the Senate, it would be a great deal of effort and putting aside of important government business toward no good end). But I do not believe there would be a meritorious temporal objection to impeachment articles.

Our old rival Tommy Tubberville continues to kneecap military leadership and claims the military is not an equal opportunity organization.

Schumer has had since May to vote on each candidate, individually. Gen Brown (former Sec AF) and now the CJCS was voted in recently. Schumer decided he was important enough to vote on. Tuberville's tactic is not new (and has been used historically by both sides). The difference is his unchanging stance (in defense of the Hyde amendment) and Schumer's unwillingness to hold an actual vote on each individual. Nothing is stopping the Senate from voting on each individual. Nothing.
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Haven't the House Pubs already been looking into it? For months? And haven't yet found any high crimes or misdemeanors, on the part of Sleepy Joe?

But by all means, Kevin and Marge, keep on wasting the country's time and money. That's what The Donald wants you to do.
I'm responding, but have very limited time/ability to respond further. Sorry (job-related)

1. It's clearly a part of an effort to establish a pattern of influence: As VP, as a citizen, and to similar actions taking place as a candidate/POTUS. Rep Smith's frustration/lack of desire to address a single example in the 700 pages of documents does not negate anything. It was a great soundbite for anybody defending Biden & unaware/uninterested in context. Bottom line: If it's "bribery", it doesn't matter (see below).

2. To quote Andrew McCarthy (who you have quoted yourself, when he agrees with you):

Schumer has had since May to vote on each candidate, individually. Gen Brown (former Sec AF) and now the CJCS was voted in recently. Schumer decided he was important enough to vote on. Tuberville's tactic is not new (and has been used historically by both sides). The difference is his unchanging stance (in defense of the Hyde amendment) and Schumer's unwillingness to hold an actual vote on each individual. Nothing is stopping the Senate from voting on each individual. Nothing.
One example out of the 700 pages but the first example he featured in the presentation he used for the press briefing. I think that makes it fair game for follow up questions and clarification.

I understand establishing a fact pattern. That’s fine. At some point you have to actually show evidence that a crime was committed. If they had it we would all be well aquatinted with it and they don’t. Will the inquiry find the additional evidence? I guess we will see but I’m skeptical given how the promises of proof of election fraud from the same group ended in absolutely nothing.

Regarding Tubberville, it’s yet another example of behavior designed for the base. It is not going to help earn a single independent vote in the general, which is what the party should really be focused on.
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I don't think you're familiar with what I'm talking about. What came out today is beyond smoking gun. Did you see it?
Is this exchange taken entirely out of context and photoshopped into a fake text bubble what you are referencing?

On the date of this exchange, Biden wasn’t in office or a candidate for office, so even if it weren’t taken out of context to suggest an entirely different message than the reality of what was actually being discussed, it still isn’t evidence of a crime.

To say this is an embarrassment is an understatement.

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Is this exchange taken entirely out of context and photoshopped into a fake text bubble what you are referencing?

On the date of this exchange, Biden wasn’t in office or a candidate for office, so even if it weren’t taken out of context to suggest an entirely different message than the reality of what was actually being discussed, it still isn’t evidence of a crime.

To say this is an embarrassment is an understatement.

No, I'm talking about this.

Haven't the House Pubs already been looking into it? For months? And haven't yet found any high crimes or misdemeanors, on the part of Sleepy Joe?

But by all means, Kevin and Marge, keep on wasting the country's time and money. That's what The Donald wants you to do.
That’s what you Dems did for 4years to Trump so shut up and enjoy the show.
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No, I'm talking about this.

We already knew Hunter’s primary asset was proximity to power and promises of influence. That’s old news and people in DC trade on both of those attributes every day.

Also, this text exchange is dated June of 2017. Joe was not an elected official or even a candidate for office at the time.

I’m missing how this indicates that they “have Joe dead to rights” or which laws they are even suggesting were broken as documented in this exchange.

Also, Hunter was a private citizen at the time. Given what we know about his personal situation, he likely made all sorts of promises regarding what he could accomplish given his relationship with his father. That doesn’t mean any of those things ever happened and also doesn’t prove anything about Joe’s actual involvement.

That’s where the republicans continue to come up dry and it’s the only thing that matters. Until they have proof of malfeasance by Joe, they will continue to fail to make their case.
Haven't the House Pubs already been looking into it? For months? And haven't yet found any high crimes or misdemeanors, on the part of Sleepy Joe?

But by all means, Kevin and Marge, keep on wasting the country's time and money. That's what The Donald wants you to do.
Like the 40 million wasted on the Russia,Russia Hoax and the bogus Steele Dossier....??
We already knew Hunter’s primary asset was proximity to power and promises of influence. That’s old news and people in DC trade on both of those attributes every day.

Also, this text exchange is dated June of 2017. Joe was not an elected official or even a candidate for office at the time.

I’m missing how this indicates that they “have Joe dead to rights” or which laws they are even suggesting were broken as documented in this exchange.

Also, Hunter was a private citizen at the time. Given what we know about his personal situation, he likely made all sorts of promises regarding what he could accomplish given his relationship with his father. That doesn’t mean any of those things ever happened and also doesn’t prove anything about Joe’s actual involvement.

That’s where the republicans continue to come up dry and it’s the only thing that matters. Until they have proof of malfeasance by Joe, they will continue to fail to make their case.
Can't you make your point in fewer words? All you ever say is we already knew this as if that absolves the Bidens. It doesn't. Joe isn't running and with RFK running as an indie and perhaps Manchin too, it's over for the wild spending and America-hating Dems.

We need moderate Dems to step up for America.