This Admin never learns

What Is That Oh My God GIF
Adults are in the room, porno filmed in congressional building (no punishment) and trans nip flash on white house lawn for social media a while back (no punishment),...cocaine in the white house never found the culprits, ...the adults are in the room, but what kind of adults?
Insane adults!
These are the scum bags who are making policy decisions for our country because Biden has no functional brain without drugs. It makes me physically sick! Ho to protect the vote and sign up to be a poll worker or monitor. If you are an attorney volunteer some time for legal work. We must do everything possible to get Biden and his slime out of office asap
It’s hard to believe this is real but it is. When you think Biden can’t get worse he proves us wrong. If there is a God then Biden MUST LOSE in November. Our nation as we know it and possibly the world is over if the Dems win/steal the election again.
I only have one question. Was he the absolute best qualified candidate? If so, and you can show me that, it changes my opinion. I may not agree with the lifestyle but I will never penalize someone for hard work and success. But we all know that is highly unlikely.
Because they are waiting for their talking points from MSNBC, but deep down they know this guy will embarrass them. He'll post something pro Hamas or he'll get caught up in child trafficking. Or both.
No, just watching the right flooding of the zone with bullshit (to quote Steve Bannon) before what is likely to be yet another tough week for Trump and his campaign.

I don't know much about the recently hired associate Coms director referenced above. I did see that his almost all of his offensive tweets were from during or just after his time as an undergraduate at UCLA. The guy isn't setting any policy, he is a coms guy and I don't really care what his views were as a student. I also don't care if he is gay, trans, whatever. Don't care.

Given this group wants to discuss the kind of people hired to support an administration, let's talk about some of DJT's team.

Since the tweets of the new associate WH Coms guy, Paul Manafort, Roger Stone, Steve Bannon, Michael Flynn, Rick Gates, Michael Cohen, Peter Navaro and Elliott Broidy have all been convicted of felonies.

Rudy Giuliani, Sidney Powell, Kenneth Chesebro and Jenna Ellis are under indictment and/or pled guilty for their efforts to support Trump's election fraud lies.

Allen Weisselberg, who was the Trump Org CFO and Trump's right hand man for twenty years, is currently serving time in Rikers for felonies.

All these people worked directly for Trump. They make up his team.

But sure, keep getting your panties in a wad about the new associate WH Coms director. That will definitely help save the country. :rolleyes:
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No, just watching the right flooding of the zone with bullshit (to quote Steve Bannon) before what is likely to be yet another tough week for Trump and his campaign.

I don't know much about the recently hired associate Coms director referenced above. I did see that his almost all of his offensive tweets were from during or just after his time as an undergraduate at UCLA. The guy isn't setting any policy, he is a coms guy and I don't really care what his views were as a student. I also don't care if he is gay, trans, whatever. Don't care.

Given this group wants to discuss the kind of people hired to support an administration, let's talk about some of DJT's team.

Since the tweets of the new associate WH Coms guy, Paul Manafort, Roger Stone, Steve Bannon, Michael Flynn, Rick Gates, Michael Cohen, Peter Navaro and Elliott Broidy have all been convicted of felonies.

Rudy Giuliani, Sidney Powell, Kenneth Chesebro and Jenna Ellis are under indictment and/or pled guilty for their efforts to support Trump's election fraud lies.

Allen Weisselberg, who was the Trump Org CFO and Trump's right hand man for twenty years, is currently serving time in Rikers for felonies.

All these people worked directly for Trump. They make up his team.

But sure, keep getting your panties in a wad about the new associate WH Coms director. That will definitely help save the country. :rolleyes:
And I'm guessing none of the guys you mention had any priors. They may not be the best folks in the world, but are you sure you aren't simply making a great point in favor of the lawfare argument? I don't care if folks are gay, straight, etc. either. That's not the point. The point is are they the most qualified / best folks for the job? And the stylish optics / photo ops that this admin continues to place as a priority over anything substantive is not easy to defend, especially in the military, where it certainly has a direct affect on the morale / respect regarding the chain of command. It is over the top. Specifically thinking about the Juneteenth clip with the bearded dude in a dress kissing Biden's hand. Again - don't have any issue with that dude doing whatever he wants, but it seems like this admin can't do anything without making sure they have represented every single demographic in every photo opp / position, and at some point by definition that has to work against what is most effective from a governing standpoint.
No, just watching the right flooding of the zone with bullshit (to quote Steve Bannon) before what is likely to be yet another tough week for Trump and his campaign.

I don't know much about the recently hired associate Coms director referenced above. I did see that his almost all of his offensive tweets were from during or just after his time as an undergraduate at UCLA. The guy isn't setting any policy, he is a coms guy and I don't really care what his views were as a student. I also don't care if he is gay, trans, whatever. Don't care.

Given this group wants to discuss the kind of people hired to support an administration, let's talk about some of DJT's team.

Since the tweets of the new associate WH Coms guy, Paul Manafort, Roger Stone, Steve Bannon, Michael Flynn, Rick Gates, Michael Cohen, Peter Navaro and Elliott Broidy have all been convicted of felonies.

Rudy Giuliani, Sidney Powell, Kenneth Chesebro and Jenna Ellis are under indictment and/or pled guilty for their efforts to support Trump's election fraud lies.

Allen Weisselberg, who was the Trump Org CFO and Trump's right hand man for twenty years, is currently serving time in Rikers for felonies.

All these people worked directly for Trump. They make up his team.

But sure, keep getting your panties in a wad about the new associate WH Coms director. That will definitely help save the country. :rolleyes:
I sincerely hope Trump puts every Biden associate in jail as well.

You ever wonder why this hasnt happened before? Eric Holder was the first to ignore a Congressional subpoena, and nothing happened to him, yet Bannon goes to jail? Navarro , a 74 yo man is in jail for the same thing. You Dems are disgusting. This is nothing but bs scare tactics and why Trump is still in this race. Nothing Biden is doing is making any difference. He is losing the black vote in record numbers, they are fleeing the Dem party. The only thing they can do is go after his staff.

If Biden gets trounced in the debate, this race is over, unless they arrest Trump for something else.
And I'm guessing none of the guys you mention had any priors. They may not be the best folks in the world, but are you sure you aren't simply making a great point in favor of the lawfare argument? I don't care if folks are gay, straight, etc. either. That's not the point. The point is are they the most qualified / best folks for the job? And the stylish optics / photo ops that this admin continues to place as a priority over anything substantive is not easy to defend, especially in the military, where it certainly has a direct affect on the morale / respect regarding the chain of command. It is over the top. Specifically thinking about the Juneteenth clip with the bearded dude in a dress kissing Biden's hand. Again - don't have any issue with that dude doing whatever he wants, but it seems like this admin can't do anything without making sure they have represented every single demographic in every photo opp / position, and at some point by definition that has to work against what is most effective from a governing standpoint.
Yes, I'm quite sure I'm not making an argument for lawfare. That esteemed list had different prosecutors, different grand juries, different judges and different juries, if they had a jury. Low character people tend to attract low character people and Trump seems to either bring out the worst in people (see list above) or they see him for who he is (see list of his former cabinet members who refuse to endorse him). There is one common thread here. DJT.

Regarding the rest of your argument, if you have an issue with an ideological test that leads to incompetence, you should learn more about Project 2025. The plan is to remove tens of thousands currently protected long-term members of the civil service and replace them with conservative loyalists. Oh, and the position on abortion and election integrity is also notable.

All the Dems have to do is get more airtime for this guy and the middle will continue to move to Biden, as we have been seeing for weeks.

Yes, I'm quite sure I'm not making an argument for lawfare. That esteemed list had different prosecutors, different grand juries, different judges and different juries, if they had a jury. Low character people tend to attract low character people and Trump seems to either bring out the worst in people (see list above) or they see him for who he is (see list of his former cabinet members who refuse to endorse him). There is one common thread here. DJT.

Regarding the rest of your argument, if you have an issue with an ideological test that leads to incompetence, you should learn more about Project 2025. The plan is to remove tens of thousands currently protected long-term members of the civil service and replace them with conservative loyalists. Oh, and the position on abortion and election integrity is also notable.

All the Dems have to do is get more airtime for this guy and the middle will continue to move to Biden, as we have been seeing for weeks.

So where exactly is the misogyny, racism and conspiracy theory ? If you disagree , fine, but quit lying.

This is like all the Dems saying " Trump will be the end of Democracy" You guys have lied so much that nobody is believing it anymore. You guys telling everyone that the videos that we see with our own eyes about Bidens decline are " cheap-fakes" . Biden saying he needs Congress to close the border, everyone knows he is lying.

Stop lying. Its not working anymore.
So where exactly is the misogyny, racism and conspiracy theory ? If you disagree , fine, but quit lying.

This is like all the Dems saying " Trump will be the end of Democracy" You guys have lied so much that nobody is believing it anymore. You guys telling everyone that the videos that we see with our own eyes about Bidens decline are " cheap-fakes" . Biden saying he needs Congress to close the border, everyone knows he is lying.

Stop lying. Its not working anymore.
I suppose the racism is coming from Charlottesville where Trump called the Nazis fine people (LOL, a coordinated lie with a broad-based dem media assist).
Yes, I'm quite sure I'm not making an argument for lawfare. That esteemed list had different prosecutors, different grand juries, different judges and different juries, if they had a jury. Low character people tend to attract low character people and Trump seems to either bring out the worst in people (see list above) or they see him for who he is (see list of his former cabinet members who refuse to endorse him). There is one common thread here. DJT.

Regarding the rest of your argument, if you have an issue with an ideological test that leads to incompetence, you should learn more about Project 2025. The plan is to remove tens of thousands currently protected long-term members of the civil service and replace them with conservative loyalists. Oh, and the position on abortion and election integrity is also notable.

All the Dems have to do is get more airtime for this guy and the middle will continue to move to Biden, as we have been seeing for weeks.

It didn't take long for the usual suspects to jump in with their tired arguments and ignore what is going on and will very possibly go on if Trump wins.
So where exactly is the misogyny, racism and conspiracy theory ? If you disagree , fine, but quit lying.

This is like all the Dems saying " Trump will be the end of Democracy" You guys have lied so much that nobody is believing it anymore. You guys telling everyone that the videos that we see with our own eyes about Bidens decline are " cheap-fakes" . Biden saying he needs Congress to close the border, everyone knows he is lying.

Stop lying. Its not working anymore.
I pulled the first link to the interview that I could find. You can ignore what poster TrumpTaxes commented.

The conspiracy theories are regarding "massive" election fraud in 2020 (lies), which sets up more election/J6 BS for 2024 when Trump loses.

Project 2024 is focused on removing tens of thousands of non-political civil functionaries and replacing them with Trump loyalists. That's going to lead to lot's of people being placed based on ideology, not competence, which is what people are complaining about on this thread.

Massive deportations are another Project 2025 policy plank. Someone explain to me how deporting 10m illegals is going to improve inflation. The agriculture and housing sectors will be gutted.

This associate WH Coms guy isn't going to impact the life of a single person on this thread. What's detailed in Trump's 2025 plan is going to have a massive impact. Let's focus on relevant matters and not dog whistles.
I suppose the racism is coming from Charlottesville where Trump called the Nazis fine people (LOL, a coordinated lie with a broad-based dem media assist).
Surprised this took so long, but then again I’m not. Maybe @willdup can shed some light.

“Charlottesville Hoax”:

Still waiting for the “grab them by the pussy” correction.
Surprised this took so long, but then again I’m not. Maybe @willdup can shed some light.

“Charlottesville Hoax”:

Still waiting for the “grab them by the pussy” correction.
I thought about doing a search to discover which libs repeated the Charlottesville lie over and over, but decided it was pointless. It would not take but 30 seconds, but to paraphrase my grandpa, trying to keep libs from lying is like trying to keep high school kids from *******.

And I think we know which ones repeated it most.
Yes, I'm quite sure I'm not making an argument for lawfare. That esteemed list had different prosecutors, different grand juries, different judges and different juries, if they had a jury. Low character people tend to attract low character people and Trump seems to either bring out the worst in people (see list above) or they see him for who he is (see list of his former cabinet members who refuse to endorse him). There is one common thread here. DJT.

Regarding the rest of your argument, if you have an issue with an ideological test that leads to incompetence, you should learn more about Project 2025. The plan is to remove tens of thousands currently protected long-term members of the civil service and replace them with conservative loyalists. Oh, and the position on abortion and election integrity is also notable.

All the Dems have to do is get more airtime for this guy and the middle will continue to move to Biden, as we have been seeing for weeks.

Care to comment why none of those low character folks had ever been prosecuted for anything at all prior to becoming known associates of Trump? That would seem to be the best evidence to refute the idea that their prosecution later in life wasn’t politically motivated.

Care to argue my second point with anything besides pointing to other side? Defend the Biden admin specifically?
I thought about doing a search to discover which libs repeated the Charlottesville lie over and over, but decided it was pointless. It would not take but 30 seconds, but to paraphrase my grandpa, trying to keep libs from lying is like trying to keep high school kids from *******.

And I think we know which ones repeated it most.
HA!……all true.

But I don’t mind, it’s just kinda like @shonuff253 trying to compare the kidnapping post (apples & coconuts) that was made to some of the churches sexual abuse that has happened through the years…..except I’m pretty sure he thinks that was a legitimate argument.

Thinks something is VERY WRONG w/ dat boy.
So where exactly is the misogyny, racism and conspiracy theory ? If you disagree , fine, but quit lying.

This is like all the Dems saying " Trump will be the end of Democracy" You guys have lied so much that nobody is believing it anymore. You guys telling everyone that the videos that we see with our own eyes about Bidens decline are " cheap-fakes" . Biden saying he needs Congress to close the border, everyone knows he is lying.

Stop lying. Its not working anymore.
Biden and the Dems would make 3 Dog Night proud.....Liar...Liar...Liar.......!!!
Yes, I'm quite sure I'm not making an argument for lawfare. That esteemed list had different prosecutors, different grand juries, different judges and different juries, if they had a jury. Low character people tend to attract low character people and Trump seems to either bring out the worst in people (see list above) or they see him for who he is (see list of his former cabinet members who refuse to endorse him). There is one common thread here. DJT.

Regarding the rest of your argument, if you have an issue with an ideological test that leads to incompetence, you should learn more about Project 2025. The plan is to remove tens of thousands currently protected long-term members of the civil service and replace them with conservative loyalists. Oh, and the position on abortion and election integrity is also notable.

All the Dems have to do is get more airtime for this guy and the middle will continue to move to Biden, as we have been seeing for weeks.

Currently protected sounds like tenured. That in itself says they should be scrutinized and potentially replaced. Many of those federal employees vote democrat and if they voted long term Republican they would have already have been replaced by the left.
Care to comment why none of those low character folks had ever been prosecuted for anything at all prior to becoming known associates of Trump? That would seem to be the best evidence to refute the idea that their prosecution later in life wasn’t politically motivated.

Care to argue my second point with anything besides pointing to other side? Defend the Biden admin specifically?
I can’t say and I don’t care in the least. Perhaps working with Trump inspires or requires criminal behavior. Evidence would suggest so. As I said, sleaze attracts sleaze.

I’ve gone through the list of things accomplished by the Biden administration more than once and you’ve heard them before, if not from me than from others. There nothing to gain from doing it again.

So far, the three primary things that Trump has told us to expect from his second andministrstion are more tariffs, mass deportations and a far more accommodating stance towards Russia regarding Ukraine. The first two will be highly inflationary and the last one leads to more war. And he’s going to purge the civil service after the loyalty test Project 2025 details.

I find all of that to be disastrous, and that’s without factoring in the tried to steal the election thing, which makes his candidacy a non-starter anyway.

Currently protected sounds like tenured. That in itself says they should be scrutinized and potentially replaced. Many of those federal employees vote democrat and if they voted long term Republican they would have already have been replaced by the left.
They aren’t tenured and of course there is a process for the civil service to evaluate performance. It doesn’t include a political loyalty test as Project 2025 is proposing, and it shouldn’t.

When you work for the government, you trade current income for stability.

The reason that the majority of civil servants are protected from what is outlined in Project 2025 is because swapping out tens of thousands of functionaries with every administration would render the entire government ineffective. Yes, insert jokes here. Nonetheless, an ideological loyalty test is not where we need to go as a country.