This is incredible...

Former Biden comms director, "it is incumbent for the reader" to decide the authenticity of something online, at the same trying to censor speech

The msm, the lefties on the board and the left in general would be losing their minds if this happened the other way around. They believe there is nothing wrong with democrats deceiving the American people. It is ok to censor anything they find to be misinformation. The hypocrisy shown by this group clearly knows no bounds as they say. When the media is doing political bidding, we are in real trouble.

Wake up voters. If they are hiding Kamala, it is because they have something to hide. Wake up independents, before your hatred of a man’s personality, makes you do something even dumber than you did in 2020. You elected compromised human and now a proven traitor. What will you guys do for an encore?
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Just because someone is running for president, doesn't mean they are required to have ideas,... especially when media members such as Mr mcfaul (excellent name) will provide cover for a basement strategy of their favored people,...spreading truth doesn't matter,....elites winning elections supersedes openness,...from now on until the end of time, I will call it a "mcfaul" every time I drop a french fry on the ground or splatter ketchup on a clean white shirt,..from now on a "mcfaul" is a bad thing to be declared a good thing with jubilance,..a mind trick, later understood as a joke,...but it would never catch on because nobody will ever remember who mcfaul was