This may or may not connect some dots.


National Champion
Gold Member
Jul 22, 2007
I've seen this video ad either on TV or Internet which supposedly includes the shooter (see link below). Again, let's see if there's confirming reports. Doubt we'll see this ad again.

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I've seen this ad either on TV or Internet (in link below). Doubt I'll see it again.

This is not a reputable website.
OK, so you can't list them. Thank you.
As if the large American media aren't propaganda machines themselves.... I mean, how can anyone not see through this at this point? I like to see foreign news, because these reports didn't come straight out of "intelligence central's" mouthpiece.

And for the doubters out there, I am not saying I believe everything from foreign sources, but I like a different perspective. And they shouldn't believe our lying media either.
The commercial was on abc earlier today and they were talking about how the kid was in a commercial
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