this was taken behind Spinnaker and La Vela this week.-PIC


Diehard supporter
Aug 14, 2007
My how times have changed since I came here in the 80's. Spinnaker was there, can't remember when La Vela was opened. No crowds like this though.

We stayed in that condo building on the 10th floor in a corner..

unit that overlooked Spinnaker/LaVela for Memorial day weekend in 1987. We had a great time but I could barely enjoy my time there thinking about the drive back on Monday.

You can't get from Augusta to PCB.
Summit?? We stayed there for SB in high school- watched the wet T shirt

contest from our room. Good times from what little I can recall. Met me a fine hottie from Griffin that year....oh the times we had.
they still do, one of the best on the beach IMO..ah the Summit

condo, many a good time at that place. Can walk anywhere you need from there. Pizza, Wendys, Newbys, Hammerheads, all right there.
That's it, I was about 26, wife and I met some friends from Atlanta...

pulled a boat down from Augusta, longest trip of my life. We had a blast while we were there, spent all day out in the boat, went out to eat at night and spent a little time at Spinnaker, it's not as much fun when you're with your wife. Our wives freaked out over the wet t shirt contest.
used to walk from there to Pineapple Willy's sober ,came back ..........

a different MAN
Re: That's it, I was about 26, wife and I met some friends from Atlanta...

Oh yeah, single and in high school vs. married and 26....quite different experiences I suppose.
La Vela opened in the 80's sometime for sure...84*

*Moondrifter Condo was right next door.

This post was edited on 3/13 11:35 AM by McDonoughDawg
I don't remember ever going there for SB. But, that place was where...

... I remember seeing this Deep South tradition-band playing there, some time back in the mid-80s.

Every year it seemed like you'd always hear about some kid dying at

The Summit getting drunk and falling off the balcony.
Posted from Rivals Mobile

Stayed there one year during college Spring break, bottom floor on the corner right next to La Vela. Didn't even have go take our cooler on the beach. Could just walk back in condo and get another cold one out of the fridge. Got even better when all the ladies starting asking if they could use our bathroom and started hanging around. We were very selective.

Go Dawgs!
remember her name? I may know her and can tell you...

how big of a whooor she may/may not be...LOL
Re: remember her name? I may know her and can tell you...

No, that was a long, long time ago. She was hawt though, I'll grant her that!