Today’s real story is Trump stopping the grants . . .

The Original SLC Dawg

National Champion
Gold Member
Jan 21, 2025
This is a contentious point, only existing since the Nixon era that they must spend what Congress approves, and there’s no leeway. Prior, congress approved spending but the president was not required to spend it. Nixon with held a bunch of money over something, and congress passed a law saying he had to spend it. Could be settled in a few weeks, or head to the Supreme Court over division of power. I know OMB wants it overturned
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My understanding is that this would end the school lunch program, something that is extremely popular here in one of the reddest parts of one of the reddest states in the Union. Will be interesting.
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Sooner or later, Trump will step on red toes.
Of course he will. And depending on the program, will adjust accordingly.

With so much fluff in government and a sea of programs a lot of folks don't understand, a good way to vet what is necessary and what isn't is to freeze funding until it can be vetted. Rest assured that will bring folks out from the woodwork and call attention to the lack of some cases it will call attention to $hit that doesn't advance the interests of America, and in some cases (if the school lunch program is one of them) it will call attention to programs that make sense. In the meantime, the freeze explicitly excludes any benefits or payments made to individuals. They are vetting which programs are legit, and which ones aren't. If common sense is the ultimate judge, I think this benefits everyone, notwithstanding the alarmist headlines.
This is a contentious point, only existing since the Nixon era that they must spend what Congress approves, and there’s no leeway. Prior, congress approved spending but it didn’t hbut the president was not required to spend it. Nixon with held a bunch of money over something, and congress passed a law saying he had to spend it. Could be settled in a few weeks, or head to the Supreme Court over division of power. I know OMB wants it overturned

My understanding is that this would end the school lunch program, something that is extremely popular here in one of the reddest parts of one of the reddest states in the Union. Will be interesting.
No program to people will be affected. ss, Medicare, Medicaid, meals on wheels, etc. Programs like WHO, $50milliom for Gaza condos or condoms, are affected.
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Of course he will. And depending on the program, will adjust accordingly.

With so much fluff in government and a sea of programs a lot of folks don't understand, a good way to vet what is necessary and what isn't is to freeze funding until it can be vetted. Rest assured that will bring folks out from the woodwork and call attention to the lack of some cases it will call attention to $hit that doesn't advance the interests of America, and in some cases (if the school lunch program is one of them) it will call attention to programs that make sense. In the meantime, the freeze explicitly excludes any benefits or payments made to individuals. They are vetting which programs are legit, and which ones aren't. If common sense is the ultimate judge, I think this benefits everyone, notwithstanding the alarmist headlines.
More 4D chess--kids won't go hungry

Senator Jim Justice
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My understanding is that this would end the school lunch program, something that is extremely popular here in one of the reddest parts of one of the reddest states in the Union. Will be interesting.
Pretty sure we both know that programs like school lunch will survive any freeze. However, we have to stop governing by the squeaky wheel gets the most grease principle. At some point the government is going to have to justify each penny that goes out the door and refuse to spend pennies that aren't being spent in the best interest of the U.S..

Feeding children, honoring the obligations to SS and a lot of foreign aid type spending will be warranted but things like millions for condoms in Gaza and aid to countries that try to damage us whenever possible or have the resources to fund themselves should be cut. I also think it's a no brainer that we should pursue anyone that has defrauded the fed gov out of unearned payments and look at things like capping social benes to people that continue to use anti social behavior to gain more benes.
This is a contentious point, only existing since the Nixon era that they must spend what Congress approves, and there’s no leeway. Prior, congress approved spending but the president was not required to spend it. Nixon with held a bunch of money over something, and congress passed a law saying he had to spend it. Could be settled in a few weeks, or head to the Supreme Court over division of power. I know OMB wants it overturned
Zero based budgeting is what our government needs.
Do you honestly think he would cut off funding for school lunches? I highly doubt it.
Honestly? I'm done trying to predict what he'll do. I think that's part of his allure to a huge part of the country.

I made some inquiries yesterday, and the school lunch program is fully funded as of now because money is already in hand. Next budget cycle though? There's some handwringing around here.
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Honestly? I'm done trying to predict what he'll do. I think that's part of his allure to a huge part of the country.

I made some inquiries yesterday, and the school lunch program is fully funded as of now because money is already in hand. Next budget cycle though? There's some handwringing around here.
This is what frustrates normal Americans. Everyone knows spending is out of control but when someone goes after pork, the opposition acts like the proposal is cutting the bone. It is the same with SS. Someone proposes raising the retirement age and the opposition starts screaming they are pushing granny over the cliff.

Nobody is going to take food out of the mouths of children full stop. Of course we may try to make things more efficient and figure out a way to deliver more food for less money or we may throw a few administrators in the clink for skimming but the kids will eat.
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Same thing we asked for 4 years , and got nothing.

Oh well, 2028 isnt that far away.
Maybe they will freeze 90% of entitlement funding - both domestic and international for a few weeks and flip the entire applecart. We need to cut spending $1.25 trillion minimum, Folks are going to push back from all facets and walks of life. The media will eat up the push back, but cuts need to be done and be done fast. If it ruffles some feathers (from red states or blue states) , so be it.
Maybe they will freeze 90% of entitlement funding - both domestic and international for a few weeks and flip the entire applecart. We need to cut spending $1.25 trillion minimum, Folks are going to push back from all facets and walks of life. The media will eat up the push back, but cuts need to be done and be done fast. If it ruffles some feathers (from red states or blue states) , so be it.
We will all have to sacrifice some to get this Country back on its feet. These Dems might as well accept it.
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Good luck with that. Congress is too lazy and enjoys kicking the can to unelected bureuacrats way to much to start from zero every yr. Just send a little more to each agency every yr, tell them to spend it all and they are golden.
Having to justify earmark pork for their districts will render that method DOA.
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My understanding is that this would end the school lunch program, something that is extremely popular here in one of the reddest parts of one of the reddest states in the Union. Will be interesting.
I think the purpose is to elminate all nthe stupid stuff and waste. I would be surprised if any program that that has common se3nse value to Americans will be hurt to bad. Most of this money is wasted. The idea of free lunch is really not good. People should be working and paying their own way or at least that should be your goal in life. Because it is not free they take money from working people to pay for these lunches. As a country people need to think about how they arte going to feed their off spring before they have them
As a country people need to think about how they arte going to feed their off spring before they have them
I agree that's how it should work but the simple fact is our fed gov has literally been encouraging anti social behavior for decades by promising teens and those in their early 20s free food, lodging and spending money for having children they can't afford and then giving them raises for adding to the brood. My bipolar daughter tried to leave my house at 17 by going to social services and asking for assistance. They told her they couldn't help her unless she had a child and they'd set her up. I'm currently raising a granddaughter...
I think the purpose is to elminate all nthe stupid stuff and waste. I would be surprised if any program that that has common se3nse value to Americans will be hurt to bad. Most of this money is wasted. The idea of free lunch is really not good. People should be working and paying their own way or at least that should be your goal in life. Because it is not free they take money from working people to pay for these lunches. As a country people need to think about how they arte going to feed their off spring before they have them
One of the main targets was DEI grants to schools for liberal agenda curriculum. Grants of taxpayer money to schools to promote any ideological agenda, liberal or conservative, is just wrong and needs to go.
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The idea of free lunch is really not good. People should be working and paying their own way or at least that should be your goal in life. Because it is not free they take money from working people to pay for these lunches.

None of which is the fault of a first grader that's hungry.

Your points are valid in a vacuum of course. A lot of governmental waste (maybe start with DOD?). But when it comes to kids, I have no problem paying another $3 a year in taxes so they can eat.
One of the main targets was DEI grants to schools for liberal agenda curriculum. Grants of taxpayer money to schools to promote any ideological agenda, liberal or conservative, is just wrong and needs to go.
Great point. I'm old enough to remember the left fighting tooth and nail to get Christianity out of the classroom because the state was overstepping their bounds but are now okay with other religions and agendas being in the classroom.
Despite the dishonest press asking the same question four times, and the dishonest dawgs here, no SS, Medicare, Medicaid, school lunch, meals on wheels, or any other personal program will be touched. This was to stop previously set payment by the Biden administration on more than questionable groups. Like WHO, the condom fiasco, and others. Nothing to see here. Sorry if your favorite organization didn’t get funded.
None of which is the fault of a first grader that's hungry.

Your points are valid in a vacuum of course. A lot of governmental waste (maybe start with DOD?). But when it comes to kids, I have no problem paying another $3 a year in taxes so they can eat.
And it’s another that would not be touched by the EO. Thank you for your dishonesty in bringing it up
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And it’s another that would not be touched by the EO. Thank you for your dishonesty in bringing it up
He didn't bring it up. It was a stupid post talking about school lunches that he was responding to. You fit right in with the Trump cult that lives on here.
Of course he will. And depending on the program, will adjust accordingly.

With so much fluff in government and a sea of programs a lot of folks don't understand, a good way to vet what is necessary and what isn't is to freeze funding until it can be vetted. Rest assured that will bring folks out from the woodwork and call attention to the lack of some cases it will call attention to $hit that doesn't advance the interests of America, and in some cases (if the school lunch program is one of them) it will call attention to programs that make sense. In the meantime, the freeze explicitly excludes any benefits or payments made to individuals. They are vetting which programs are legit, and which ones aren't. If common sense is the ultimate judge, I think this benefits everyone, notwithstanding the alarmist headlines

He didn't bring it up. It was a stupid post talking about school lunches that he was responding to. You fit right in with the Trump cult that lives on here.
He did bring it up but I do not think it was dishonest. I do think he cares about those who might need the food. The part that is frustrating is people assume the worst and start picking things apart and trying to find fault before it is even warranted. That is true for both sides for sure. The left has a strong desire to make everything Trump does seem evil and self serving.
Life is not fair. We all start from different places and we start with different strengths and weaknesses. We tend to try to help out too much and not encourage most people to try to figure things out own their own. These programs should be temporary in nature and truly a safety net. We should spend our time and resources building up peoples skills and knowledge so they can earn their way. Sure it will not work for everyone. But it will work for most and I believe 90% who receive these benefits would need them only temporarily if things were structured correctly.
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He did bring it up but I do not think it was dishonest. I do think he cares about those who might need the food. The part that is frustrating is people assume the worst and start picking things apart and trying to find fault before it is even warranted. That is true for both sides for sure. The left has a strong desire to make everything Trump does seem evil and self serving.
Life is not fair. We all start from different places and we start with different strengths and weaknesses. We tend to try to help out too much and not encourage most people to try to figure things out own their own. These programs should be temporary in nature and truly a safety net. We should spend our time and resources building up peoples skills and knowledge so they can earn their way. Sure it will not work for everyone. But it will work for most and I believe 90% who receive these benefits would need them only temporarily if things were structured correctly.
I don't agree with a lot you said here, but I do agree that so many things can be improved. But how do we go about changing things is the question. "Spend our time and resources building up people's skills and knowledge so they can earn their way". That is so idealistic and I don't see any concrete suggestion. It would be great if 90% of the people receiving free lunch would only need that benefit temporarily, but you are living in a dream world if you think that can be accomplished.

And there is no need to make everything Trump does seem self-serving. He does it all by himself. In time of tragedy I would like to see whoever is President deliver a warm comforting message to the American people. But Trump makes it about himself when he should shut up. After New Orleans, he was trying to blame immigration and it turned out to be an American citizen from Texas. This morning he makes it about what the last two Presidents have done, when there is no evidence that anything they did was responsible for this. It's the wrong time and place, but that's his self-centered existence. For all those who want to praise everything he does, go right ahead because there is no stopping you. I hope he can make some positive changes, but he sure brings a lot of negatives to whatever he tries to do. Stop blaming the past and fix it.
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After New Orleans, he was trying to blame immigration and it turned out to be an American citizen from Texas. This morning he makes it about what the last two Presidents have done, when there is no evidence that anything they did was responsible for this.
Blaming the mid-air collision last night on DEI was particularly enjoyable this morning.

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