Trump and the Abandonment of Tension


National Champion
Gold Member
Jan 22, 2022
37 if you wish.

A post in another thread sent me down this rabbit hole... Embracing tension is a requirement of effective leadership, personal growth and the beauty of American governement. Trump is unwilling to embrace and navigate tension.

Extremes are easy. It is easy to be the cool and chill boss, and it is easy to be overbearing micromanager. It is hard to navigate the tension between the two. It is easy to take extreme left political posiitons, and it is easy to take the positions of the extreme right. It is hard to unpack issues and address the many nuances on their own merits... It is hard to navigate the tension between the extremes.

These tensions are found in every area and phase of life. Intelligence and maturity is found in navigating them. These tensions facilitate personal growth, provide accountability, implement checks and balances and ensure that one leads both sides of the spectrum wherever their leadership is sought.

Perhaps this is my number one grief with Trump. He refuses to recognize, embrace and navigate these tensions. He eschews accountability, surrounds himself with yes men, creates hostility with those who oppose him, dirsupts the system of checks and balances... and in doing so removes the safeguards he needs to grow and lead effectively...and the safeguards the country needs to protect from authoritarin leaders,
Some see this is a feature of Trump, that he does his own thing without feeling any accountability to societal norms, ethical precedence, checks and balances and journalistic questioning.

I see this as horrendous...though I may not agree with any of them. Mature, intelligient, disciplined leaders welcome and navigate these tensions because they understand they are for the overall good. if you wish.

A post in another thread sent me down this rabbit hole... Embracing tension is a requirement of effective leadership, personal growth and the beauty of American governement. Trump is unwilling to embrace and navigate tension.

Extremes are easy. It is easy to be the cool and chill boss, and it is easy to be overbearing micromanager. It is hard to navigate the tension between the two. It is easy to take extreme left political posiitons, and it is easy to take the positions of the extreme right. It is hard to unpack issues and address the many nuances on their own merits... It is hard to navigate the tension between the extremes.

These tensions are found in every area and phase of life. Intelligence and maturity is found in navigating them. These tensions facilitate personal growth, provide accountability, implement checks and balances and ensure that one leads both sides of the spectrum wherever their leadership is sought.

Perhaps this is my number one grief with Trump. He refuses to recognize, embrace and navigate these tensions. He eschews accountability, surrounds himself with yes men, creates hostility with those who oppose him, dirsupts the system of checks and balances... and in doing so removes the safeguards he needs to grow and lead effectively...and the safeguards the country needs to protect from authoritarin leaders,
This is well thought out. I appreciate the time it took to post this. There are so many whataboutisms that I could bring up here I could write a book. I won’t do that. All I will say, is this is exactly what he said he would do. He would disrupt the norm. Get away from the status quo. Give a voice to people who are tired of not being heard. Say what most don’t have the balls to say. This is why he is so wildly popular among his base. How he has managed to withstand all he has and still be the nominee. He beat Hillary and the institution politicians people have begun to hate so much. That are so corrupt. Biden is a great example of this. He has proven to be massively corrupt and a coverup artist.

I think this same strategy is working against him at the moment. And he won’t listen or change so far. He had two weeks where he acted presidential. He listened to reason. Now he is back to the same things. He isn’t changing. He will go after the left the way a lot of people have been waiting to see for a while. Not liking your leader is ok. If he does a good job. Voting on personality is never a good thing. You guys are going for an encore. Smooth brain and traitor last time. What will be Kamala’s hold my beer moment before you learn. Vote policy. Not personality. if you wish.

A post in another thread sent me down this rabbit hole... Embracing tension is a requirement of effective leadership, personal growth and the beauty of American governement. Trump is unwilling to embrace and navigate tension.

Extremes are easy. It is easy to be the cool and chill boss, and it is easy to be overbearing micromanager. It is hard to navigate the tension between the two. It is easy to take extreme left political posiitons, and it is easy to take the positions of the extreme right. It is hard to unpack issues and address the many nuances on their own merits... It is hard to navigate the tension between the extremes.

These tensions are found in every area and phase of life. Intelligence and maturity is found in navigating them. These tensions facilitate personal growth, provide accountability, implement checks and balances and ensure that one leads both sides of the spectrum wherever their leadership is sought.

Perhaps this is my number one grief with Trump. He refuses to recognize, embrace and navigate these tensions. He eschews accountability, surrounds himself with yes men, creates hostility with those who oppose him, dirsupts the system of checks and balances... and in doing so removes the safeguards he needs to grow and lead effectively...and the safeguards the country needs to protect from authoritarin leaders,
There is too much wrong here to let go. I will tell you what chopped. I actually like you as a poster. I will give you a chance to change my vote. I didn’t answer the authoritarian part of your post. What is that? Who is more likely to be authoritarian. A president who governs for 30 percent of the population. Then grants nothing but softball interviews. Answers for nothing. No accountability. This is what you are about to sign up for again. That is what a dictator is.

You correct me here. I will change my vote.

Trump did an hour interview with the black caucus. Answered the nastiest of nasty questions. Kamala no showed. Ironically by the end, he actually had the crowd laughing. Despite some rough beginnings. People turned on the nastiness of the interviewer. You will never see that. They only use the nasty clips. He gave a prime time hour interview to cnn. Nasty questions. The ugliest of ugly asked of him. Not one how is your family. Not one. No cordial let’s get it started.

If you can tell me a time when Biden as president or Kamala as vp went to Fox for a nasty interview. Or even while campaigning, I will change my vote. As president. You govern people you don’t like and don’t like you. That isn’t what you are voting for. Kamala won’t even do a debate on Fox. The next debate will be the second Trump has done on hostile grounds. Knowing she will get the questions beforehand. Tell me I am lying. Prove me wrong.

You are voting for worse than an authoritarian again. And you don’t even see it. Trump governed from the middle. And he didn’t govern for 30 percent. Go look at his record. Stay away from the fear porn. You tell me that Kamala and Joe have answered for their actions more than once and I will change my vote.

(Lester holt doesn’t count. She never saw that coming and looked like the true idiot she is. I bet she never does another interview with him ever again. Why? Because he dared to hold her accountable. wtf chopped. Really? if you wish.

A post in another thread sent me down this rabbit hole... Embracing tension is a requirement of effective leadership, personal growth and the beauty of American governement. Trump is unwilling to embrace and navigate tension.

Extremes are easy. It is easy to be the cool and chill boss, and it is easy to be overbearing micromanager. It is hard to navigate the tension between the two. It is easy to take extreme left political posiitons, and it is easy to take the positions of the extreme right. It is hard to unpack issues and address the many nuances on their own merits... It is hard to navigate the tension between the extremes.

These tensions are found in every area and phase of life. Intelligence and maturity is found in navigating them. These tensions facilitate personal growth, provide accountability, implement checks and balances and ensure that one leads both sides of the spectrum wherever their leadership is sought.

Perhaps this is my number one grief with Trump. He refuses to recognize, embrace and navigate these tensions. He eschews accountability, surrounds himself with yes men, creates hostility with those who oppose him, dirsupts the system of checks and balances... and in doing so removes the safeguards he needs to grow and lead effectively...and the safeguards the country needs to protect from authoritarin leaders,
The primary issue I have with this is that someone that can't handle tension would be unable to keep us out of any new wars/conflicts for the first time in about 50 years and sign the largest Middle East peace deal any of us have seen in our lifetimes.

Yes, he is a brash, big mouthed talker...but the way he governs and the shows he puts on are completely different. If this were a personality contest I would never vote for him...hell, I would never vote for anyone these days...but certain policies work and certain policies don't. His economic and foreign policies are light years ahead of what he's running against and since he's done it before I trust him to govern differently than he acts...again.

But again...I wish the act would's just exhausting... if you wish.

A post in another thread sent me down this rabbit hole... Embracing tension is a requirement of effective leadership, personal growth and the beauty of American governement. Trump is unwilling to embrace and navigate tension.

Extremes are easy. It is easy to be the cool and chill boss, and it is easy to be overbearing micromanager. It is hard to navigate the tension between the two. It is easy to take extreme left political posiitons, and it is easy to take the positions of the extreme right. It is hard to unpack issues and address the many nuances on their own merits... It is hard to navigate the tension between the extremes.

These tensions are found in every area and phase of life. Intelligence and maturity is found in navigating them. These tensions facilitate personal growth, provide accountability, implement checks and balances and ensure that one leads both sides of the spectrum wherever their leadership is sought.

Perhaps this is my number one grief with Trump. He refuses to recognize, embrace and navigate these tensions. He eschews accountability, surrounds himself with yes men, creates hostility with those who oppose him, dirsupts the system of checks and balances... and in doing so removes the safeguards he needs to grow and lead effectively...and the safeguards the country needs to protect from authoritarin leaders,
I dont disagree with you on a lot of this. But to think Trump is the only one with yes men is not reality . The rest of your last paragraph is opinion.

I dont care about his personality. I care about closing the border. I care about world peace. Imo, if Kamala is ever in power, the world will burn .

I truly am at a loss as to why anyone that cares about our country and have kids that will be effected by her Administration would ever vote for her.
There is too much wrong here to let go. I will tell you what chopped. I actually like you as a poster. I will give you a chance to change my vote. I didn’t answer the authoritarian part of your post. What is that? Who is more likely to be authoritarian. A president who governs for 30 percent of the population. Then grants nothing but softball interviews. Answers for nothing. No accountability. This is what you are about to sign up for again. That is what a dictator is.

You correct me here. I will change my vote.

Trump did an hour interview with the black caucus. Answered the nastiest of nasty questions. Kamala no showed. Ironically by the end, he actually had the crowd laughing. Despite some rough beginnings. People turned on the nastiness of the interviewer. You will never see that. They only use the nasty clips. He gave a prime time hour interview to cnn. Nasty questions. The ugliest of ugly asked of him. Not one how is your family. Not one. No cordial let’s get it started.

If you can tell me a time when Biden as president or Kamala as vp went to Fox for a nasty interview. Or even while campaigning, I will change my vote. As president. You govern people you don’t like and don’t like you. That isn’t what you are voting for. Kamala won’t even do a debate on Fox. The next debate will be the second Trump has done on hostile grounds. Knowing she will get the questions beforehand. Tell me I am lying. Prove me wrong.

You are voting for worse than an authoritarian again. And you don’t even see it. Trump governed from the middle. And he didn’t govern for 30 percent. Go look at his record. Stay away from the fear porn. You tell me that Kamala and Joe have answered for their actions more than once and I will change my vote.

(Lester holt doesn’t count. She never saw that coming and looked like the true idiot she is. I bet she never does another interview with him ever again. Why? Because he dared to hold her accountable. wtf chopped. Really?
Authoritarians don't cut the size of govt...they expand it...if you ever want to know who the authoritarians are just look at who's pushing what in regards to this question...
The primary issue I have with this is that someone that can't handle tension would be unable to keep us out of any new wars/conflicts for the first time in about 50 years and sign the largest Middle East peace deal any of us have seen in our lifetimes.

Yes, he is a brash, big mouthed talker...but the way he governs and the shows he puts on are completely different. If this were a personality contest I would never vote for him...hell, I would never vote for anyone these days...but certain policies work and certain policies don't. His economic and foreign policies are light years ahead of what he's running against and since he's done it before I trust him to govern differently than he acts...again.

But again...I wish the act would's just exhausting...
The stupid name calling drives me ****ing insane. Does he not have one person around him that could suggest to him to cut that ish out?
The primary issue I have with this is that someone that can't handle tension would be unable to keep us out of any new wars/conflicts for the first time in about 50 years and sign the largest Middle East peace deal any of us have seen in our lifetimes.

Yes, he is a brash, big mouthed talker...but the way he governs and the shows he puts on are completely different. If this were a personality contest I would never vote for him...hell, I would never vote for anyone these days...but certain policies work and certain policies don't. His economic and foreign policies are light years ahead of what he's running against and since he's done it before I trust him to govern differently than he acts...again.

But again...I wish the act would's just exhausting...
This is a good summary for me as well. Great description. We have some difficult choices to make. She is not about handling anything that is difficult. She has proven that. When he sticks to policy, he is fine. When he goes on attacks, he is not nearly as effective
There is too much wrong here to let go. I will tell you what chopped. I actually like you as a poster. I will give you a chance to change my vote. I didn’t answer the authoritarian part of your post. What is that? Who is more likely to be authoritarian. A president who governs for 30 percent of the population. Then grants nothing but softball interviews. Answers for nothing. No accountability. This is what you are about to sign up for again. That is what a dictator is.

You correct me here. I will change my vote.

Trump did an hour interview with the black caucus. Answered the nastiest of nasty questions. Kamala no showed. Ironically by the end, he actually had the crowd laughing. Despite some rough beginnings. People turned on the nastiness of the interviewer. You will never see that. They only use the nasty clips. He gave a prime time hour interview to cnn. Nasty questions. The ugliest of ugly asked of him. Not one how is your family. Not one. No cordial let’s get it started.

If you can tell me a time when Biden as president or Kamala as vp went to Fox for a nasty interview. Or even while campaigning, I will change my vote. As president. You govern people you don’t like and don’t like you. That isn’t what you are voting for. Kamala won’t even do a debate on Fox. The next debate will be the second Trump has done on hostile grounds. Knowing she will get the questions beforehand. Tell me I am lying. Prove me wrong.

You are voting for worse than an authoritarian again. And you don’t even see it. Trump governed from the middle. And he didn’t govern for 30 percent. Go look at his record. Stay away from the fear porn. You tell me that Kamala and Joe have answered for their actions more than once and I will change my vote.

(Lester holt doesn’t count. She never saw that coming and looked like the true idiot she is. I bet she never does another interview with him ever again. Why? Because he dared to hold her accountable. wtf chopped. Really?
Make no mistake, I'm not voting for Harris. I wont participate if it forces me to violate my conscience.

I just dont get the support for is blatantly obvious he is a fool. I dont know his policy positions, as I have never heard him articulate one. I have never heard him address any issue with any sort of intellectual all...ever. When he does reference issues it is an appeal to the populist mob, not conservative principles.

Yes, he does interviews, but I've never heard him answer a question with substance. Its all lies, obfuscation, slander...nonsense. Its all nonsense. Whenever he opens his mouth he just reaffirms that he is a total fool.

And what worries me more is the cultutal rot that would allow a fool like Trump to rise to influence.
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Leaders come in all flavors and government leaders and private sector leaders usually have MUCH different MOs. In the private sector, most of the really effective guys I have known operate a lot like Trump. They have meetings and all pertinent parties have their input. The the boss makes his decision and everybody is expected to pull the wagon in that direction or go pull someone elses wagon. Trump has a right to expect his executive branch staff to pull the wagon in the direction he may choose.

It's not the underlings place to resist as long as they are executive employees. If they dont like the bosses decision they can resign and run for congress, become a judge or host a morning show. We stop out of control executives in court or thru legislation. As far as I remember Trump respected balance of power. Its the other side of the aisle trying to F with the courts and mandating actions to be taken by private citizens.
Make no mistake, I'm not voting for Harris. I wont participate if it forces me to violate my conscience.

I just dont get the support for is blatantly obvious he is a fool. I dont know his policy positions, as I have never heard him articulate one. I have never heard him address any issue with any sort of intellectual all...ever. When he does reference issues it is an appeal to the populist mob, not conservative principles.

Yes, he does interviews, but I've never heard him answer a question with substance. Its all lies, obfuscation, slander...nonsense. Its all nonsense. Whenever he opens his mouth he just reaffirms that he is a total fool.

And what worries me more is the cultutal rot that would allow a fool like Trump to rise to influence.
Why don't more people see politics for what it is? The controllers have been running this game on us for our entire lives and yet so few can step away from the corporate media controlled messaging to actually SEE IT FOR WHAT IT IS. The presidential "election" is simply a Hobson's choice.

Hobson’s Choice: An apparently free choice when there is no real alternative.

The necessity of accepting one of two or more equally objectionable alternatives.

Short, simple, succinct.
Make no mistake, I'm not voting for Harris. I wont participate if it forces me to violate my conscience.

I just dont get the support for is blatantly obvious he is a fool. I dont know his policy positions, as I have never heard him articulate one. I have never heard him address any issue with any sort of intellectual all...ever. When he does reference issues it is an appeal to the populist mob, not conservative principles.

Yes, he does interviews, but I've never heard him answer a question with substance. Its all lies, obfuscation, slander...nonsense. Its all nonsense. Whenever he opens his mouth he just reaffirms that he is a total fool.

And what worries me more is the cultutal rot that would allow a fool like Trump to rise to influence.
Then you aren’t watching the right channels or listening. I have heard him state his positions many times. Again. I don’t even like hearing him talk. But I have heard. I will give you a smattering of what he says. We need a negotiator right now too. And he is at least that. These Middle East folks honestly won’t even negotiate with a woman most likely. Sad but true.

1. Lower energy prices. Drill baby drill. Bringing down the cost of good by bringing down the cost of energy needed to supply them. He will reopen lines of communication with opec. They gave Biden the middle finger last time he talked to them.

2. Said he will effectively end the Ukraine war. And the war in Israel. According to him.

3. He will close the border. He will try to determine who actually needs and deserves asylum. Who the criminals are that deserve to be deported. Who the drug dealers are.

These are his main talking points so far in interviews. They don’t go much father down the list. They ask about abortion he has said 3 months and he would leave it in the states hands.

If this helps. I know it won’t. I get how you feel. At least you aren’t going to vote for her. Thank you for that.

I could go off her ads. Tell you her views. But an 8th grader has more complicated viewpoints when running for student council. Your house is your home. Owning a home creates wealth. We want sr’s to retire with dignity. You will only have to work one job to make ends meet if I am elected. Damn nation. Of course that is what we all want. I swear they think democrats are the dumbest fools on earth.
Then you aren’t watching the right channels or listening. I have heard him state his positions many times. Again. I don’t even like hearing him talk. But I have heard. I will give you a smattering of what he says. We need a negotiator right now too. And he is at least that. These Middle East folks honestly won’t even negotiate with a woman most likely. Sad but true.

1. Lower energy prices. Drill baby drill. Bringing down the cost of good by bringing down the cost of energy needed to supply them. He will reopen lines of communication with opec. They gave Biden the middle finger last time he talked to them.

2. Said he will effectively end the Ukraine war. And the war in Israel. According to him.

3. He will close the border. He will try to determine who actually needs and deserves asylum. Who the criminals are that deserve to be deported. Who the drug dealers are.

These are his main talking points so far in interviews. They don’t go much father down the list. They ask about abortion he has said 3 months and he would leave it in the states hands.

If this helps. I know it won’t. I get how you feel. At least you aren’t going to vote for her. Thank you for that.
His press conference was on Fox yesterday at 5 and I watched about 10 minutes of it before I just turned it back to Paul Finebaum. Whoever is advising him on his message needs to be fired.

Or heck, maybe its possible that they do advise him and he doesnt listen.
His press conference was on Fox yesterday at 5 and I watched about 10 minutes of it before I just turned it back to Paul Finebaum. Whoever is advising him on his message needs to be fired.

Or heck, maybe its possible that they do advise him and he doesnt listen.
I agree. Makes no sense. There are reports out there of Trump supporters begging him to change his message. Begging!!! He has the right message. He just can’t help but to make it about shit that doesn’t matter.

Drives me crazy to have to support him. But you can’t elect a dipstick again. She is a complete dumbass.
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I agree. Makes no sense. There are reports out there of Trump supporters begging him to change his message. Begging!!! He has the right message. He just can’t help but to make it about shit that doesn’t matter.

Drives me crazy to have to support him. But you can’t elect a dipstick again. She is a complete dumbass.
Lets hope hes just wanting the Dems to get past their Convention and he will focus. Hes going to lose if he doesnt.
Leaders come in all flavors and government leaders and private sector leaders usually have MUCH different MOs. In the private sector, most of the really effective guys I have known operate a lot like Trump. They have meetings and all pertinent parties have their input. The the boss makes his decision and everybody is expected to pull the wagon in that direction or go pull someone elses wagon. Trump has a right to expect his executive branch staff to pull the wagon in the direction he may choose.

It's not the underlings place to resist as long as they are executive employees. If they dont like the bosses decision they can resign and run for congress, become a judge or host a morning show. We stop out of control executives in court or thru legislation. As far as I remember Trump respected balance of power. Its the other side of the aisle trying to F with the courts and mandating actions to be taken by private citizens.
I have never encountered an effective and lasting leader who conducts himself like Trump.

Character is destiny and everyone of them that I have known self destructed.

As an aside, it was usually some boring unassuming accountant type who never wanted to lead to begin with that cleaned up the mess.
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I have never encountered an effective and lasting leader who conducts himself like Trump.

Character is destiny and everyone of them that I have known self destructed.

As an aside, it was usually some boring unassuming accountant type who never wanted to lead to begin with that cleaned up the mess.
He was an effective leader for four years. His job rating approval was very steady until 1-6. You have a record of this. If it helps. One caveat. We have seen what it will look like. We have seen what Kamala will do. She has been considered the worst ever at what she does at every stop. The last one she beat out Dan Quayle and dick Cheney. That is an impressive crappy resume she has built. if you wish.

A post in another thread sent me down this rabbit hole... Embracing tension is a requirement of effective leadership, personal growth and the beauty of American governement. Trump is unwilling to embrace and navigate tension.

Extremes are easy. It is easy to be the cool and chill boss, and it is easy to be overbearing micromanager. It is hard to navigate the tension between the two. It is easy to take extreme left political posiitons, and it is easy to take the positions of the extreme right. It is hard to unpack issues and address the many nuances on their own merits... It is hard to navigate the tension between the extremes.

These tensions are found in every area and phase of life. Intelligence and maturity is found in navigating them. These tensions facilitate personal growth, provide accountability, implement checks and balances and ensure that one leads both sides of the spectrum wherever their leadership is sought.

Perhaps this is my number one grief with Trump. He refuses to recognize, embrace and navigate these tensions. He eschews accountability, surrounds himself with yes men, creates hostility with those who oppose him, dirsupts the system of checks and balances... and in doing so removes the safeguards he needs to grow and lead effectively...and the safeguards the country needs to protect from authoritarin leaders,
Bla blah blah….. economy, border, crime. Everything else is distraction
  • Haha
Reactions: Stump One if you wish.

A post in another thread sent me down this rabbit hole... Embracing tension is a requirement of effective leadership, personal growth and the beauty of American governement. Trump is unwilling to embrace and navigate tension.

Extremes are easy. It is easy to be the cool and chill boss, and it is easy to be overbearing micromanager. It is hard to navigate the tension between the two. It is easy to take extreme left political posiitons, and it is easy to take the positions of the extreme right. It is hard to unpack issues and address the many nuances on their own merits... It is hard to navigate the tension between the extremes.

These tensions are found in every area and phase of life. Intelligence and maturity is found in navigating them. These tensions facilitate personal growth, provide accountability, implement checks and balances and ensure that one leads both sides of the spectrum wherever their leadership is sought.

Perhaps this is my number one grief with Trump. He refuses to recognize, embrace and navigate these tensions. He eschews accountability, surrounds himself with yes men, creates hostility with those who oppose him, dirsupts the system of checks and balances... and in doing so removes the safeguards he needs to grow and lead effectively...and the safeguards the country needs to protect from authoritarin leaders,
I laugh because while a lot of what you say is right about Trump, you imply that the alternative is better. Give me a break, she is weaker than weak and crumbles when asked a question she has to answer without someone else’s answer.

If we ever were attacked, you would find her snuggling her teddy in a corner begging for the answer.

If not why not face questioning. She is a coward of the first order.
  • Haha
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I agree. Makes no sense. There are reports out there of Trump supporters begging him to change his message. Begging!!! He has the right message. He just can’t help but to make it about shit that doesn’t matter.

Drives me crazy to have to support him. But you can’t elect a dipstick again. She is a complete dumbass.
There is a near 100% chance that Trump will continue to be his own worst enemy.

The Harris communications team understands this and is going to continue to exploit it.

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There is a near 100% chance that Trump will continue to be his own worst enemy.

The Harris communications team understands this and is going to continue to exploit it.

I could write up a press release in 5 minutes ripping this to shreds.

How about this :

  • Haha
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There is a near 100% chance that Trump will continue to be his own worst enemy.

The Harris communications team understands this and is going to continue to exploit it.

The voices are getting louder for him to cool it. We will see. You still have one big problem. She is and always will be what she is. You want another four years of no one answering for anything. You have a candidate for president. Who can’t answer questions on her own will. She somehow got thru law school and became a prosecutor. And she can’t answer simple questions. That is a fact no matter what you say about Trump. He has proven he will sit down and talk to anyone.
The voices are getting louder for him to cool it. We will see. You still have one big problem. She is and always will be what she is. You want another four years of no one answering for anything. You have a candidate for president. Who can’t answer questions on her own will. She somehow got thru law school and became a prosecutor. And she can’t answer simple questions. That is a fact no matter what you say about Trump. He has proven he will sit down and talk to anyone.
Ok. The American apocalypse will continue.

This election will come down to messaging. Both parties feel as though they have a winning message which is true but whomever does a better job of appealing to voters wins.
So at the beginning of the year both parties had a great message but horrible messengers. I can't tell you how shell shocked the left was after the debates. To see how much Biden had to decline we knew we had go make a change and if he wasn't going to go quietly like he did there absolutely was going to be a fight at the convention because he is incapable of delivering the Dem message. So in three weeks the Dems did the impossible by convincing Biden he had to step aside for Harris.

Now, contrast that with the GOP...they've had two years to find another candidate but 40% of the party is choosing a candidate over their message. They would rather have a flawed candidate incapable of communicating their message then winning the election which is wild to me.

So this election isn't going to come down to policy in my opinion because of how polarized the country is but...the messenger still matters. We will have to see who does a better job of messaging but right now it's Harris and the Dems and it's not even close
Make no mistake, I'm not voting for Harris. I wont participate if it forces me to violate my conscience.

I just dont get the support for is blatantly obvious he is a fool. I dont know his policy positions, as I have never heard him articulate one. I have never heard him address any issue with any sort of intellectual all...ever. When he does reference issues it is an appeal to the populist mob, not conservative principles.

Yes, he does interviews, but I've never heard him answer a question with substance. Its all lies, obfuscation, slander...nonsense. Its all nonsense. Whenever he opens his mouth he just reaffirms that he is a total fool.

And what worries me more is the cultutal rot that would allow a fool like Trump to rise to influence.
I laugh at this because we have a 4 year track record for Trump as president. We also have 3.5 years her as VP, her senate record, her AG record.

We also have her failed campaign for pres to look at her positions.

Policy wise, effectiveness wise there is a clear choice and it ain’t her. Further get off cnn and you will hear positions. One of the reasons many have tds is they only listen to tithe propaganda media which only and always bashes Trump and praises whatever the dims put forward. There is also a lot of selective editing of videos taking out of context statements due to his rambling style.

And in case you are wondering. This will be the 3rd time I have voted for Trump for president. I have never voted for him in a primary. I wish we had a better nominee. However, even with all his warts, he is still the only choice. Far and above better than the left wing communist sympathizers put forth by the dim party.
Some see this is a feature of Trump, that he does his own thing without feeling any accountability to societal norms, ethical precedence, checks and balances and journalistic questioning.

I see this as horrendous...though I may not agree with any of them. Mature, intelligient, disciplined leaders welcome and navigate these tensions because they understand they are for the overall good.
Who are you?
These numbers would be impressive. The only issue is not one damn number positive for Biden ever turns out to be true. If I wanted to do the research to debunk I am quite sure it is out there. That is the thing about losing credibility. When everything the left puts out is bullshit, and they manipulate what you see in articles and headlines, why do you still believe any of this stuff. Are you not tired of falling for the same bullshit you always do from them.

I said nothing about the apocalypse. You just are supporting a proven moron. Who can’t do something simple like answer questions.

And if Biden is fixing things here at the end, thank goodness. It is his policies that broke it to begin with. Again, I am sure those numbers are wildly in accurate. The damage is already done. Even the pubs numbers are off. 20 percent at the grocery store my ass. More like 80
Dude, how many times do I have to explain this to you. There are 2 ways, and only 2 ways, to defeat inflation. One is to increase supply, which Biden nor any D has ever done. The other is to crash the economy, which is what these numbskulls did. The numbers are now improving, albeit less so than reported, because ppl are broke, interest rates are high, and the outlook is gloomy.

This is all by design so the Govt can claim to ride in to the rescue. But that never works. I don't know how old you are, but go look at the Jimmy Carter years. The current crop of dumbasses are replicating his policies.
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These numbers would be impressive. The only issue is not one damn number positive for Biden ever turns out to be true. If I wanted to do the research to debunk I am quite sure it is out there. That is the thing about losing credibility. When everything the left puts out is bullshit, and they manipulate what you see in articles and headlines, why do you still believe any of this stuff. Are you not tired of falling for the same bullshit you always do from them.

I said nothing about the apocalypse. You just are supporting a proven moron. Who can’t do something simple like answer questions.

And if Biden is fixing things here at the end, thank goodness. It is his policies that broke it to begin with. Again, I am sure those numbers are wildly in accurate. The damage is already done. Even the pubs numbers are off. 20 percent at the grocery store my ass. More like 80
Dude, how many times do I have to explain this to you. There are 2 ways, and only 2 ways, to defeat inflation. One is to increase supply, which Biden nor any D has ever done. The other is to crash the economy, which is what these numbskulls did. The numbers are now improving, albeit less so than reported, because ppl are broke, interest rates are high, and the outlook is gloomy.

This is all by design so the Govt can claim to ride in to the rescue. But that never works. I don't know how old you are, but go look at the Jimmy Carter years. The current crop of dumbasses are replicating his policies.
Neither of you offered even a single piece of actual data to support your arguments, which is not surprising given the candidate you support. Come on. Hit me with some facts!

Biden will destroy the oil industry! (No, he didn't. Never more productive.)
Biden will destroy the markets! (Nope.)
Violent crime has never been higher! (Yeah, no.)
We must force Ukraine to cede territory and sue for peace! (Remind me what's happening in Kursk right now?)
Illegal immigrants are taking all the black jobs! (Say what now?)
Crowd size matters! AI! Argh!!! (Cool, dude. Do go on.)
I have never encountered an effective and lasting leader who conducts himself like Trump.

Character is destiny and everyone of them that I have known self destructed.

As an aside, it was usually some boring unassuming accountant type who never wanted to lead to begin with that cleaned up the mess.
Who needs lasting. There are term limits and he at most has 4 years. We need change someone to do the dirty work of upsetting the Apple cart. Both sides are not looking out for the countries best interest for the long term. The next leader may need to do the same as well. What we, and I mean both sides have been doing is ineffective and passing the buck to future generations while blaming the other party. Trump is an ass and doesn’t care what people think. That is what is needed right now. We as a country are to messed up to need a polished politician right now.
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Neither of you offered even a single piece of actual data to support your arguments, which is not surprising given the candidate you support. Come on. Hit me with some facts!

Biden will destroy the oil industry! (No, he didn't. Never more productive.)
Gas prices are what 2x what they were in 2020?

Biden will destroy the markets! (Nope.)

Congrats - the seven largest tech companies in the world, who are completely unaffected by higher interest rates or inflation, are up big. I suggest you take a look at the equal weighted Russell 2000 and ask yourself how companies are doing in general. A much better gauge on how the economy is doing.
Violent crime has never been higher! (Yeah, no.)
Then why is everyone in every big city I know complaining about it? Homelessness, Brazen crime without any consequences. Why are all my west coast friends leaving the West Coast? Talk to anyone in Atlanta about what they see with their own eyes. It wasn't like this in 2019.

We must force Ukraine to cede territory and sue for peace! (Remind me what's happening in Kursk right now?)
To what end? You honestly think Ukraine is going to beat Russia? Really? I'm cool with your general belief that the world would be better if that were the case. But is it realistic? And at what cost? Or risk? Putin in a corner with 100,000 nukes?

Illegal immigrants are taking all the black jobs! (Say what now?)
Great point. Your complaint seems to be about how stylish the messaging is, but how about the form? The point is that American minorities are rightly frustrated that jobs and benefits are going to illegal aliens.

Crowd size matters! AI! Argh!!! (Cool, dude. Do go on.)

We get it. Trump is an asshole who says dumb shit. He is also 1,000 times more effective as an executive in charge of something, and as a negotiator, as Kamala has ever been. Oh wait. She has zero executive leadership experience. I forgot. Maybe she truly is the next coming of Winston Churchill as the media seems to believe now. The same media who pretty uniformly painted her as an albatross around Biden's campaign five months ago.
Gas prices are what 2x what they were in 2020?

Congrats - the seven largest tech companies in the world, who are completely unaffected by higher interest rates or inflation, are up big. I suggest you take a look at the equal weighted Russell 2000 and ask yourself how companies are doing in general. A much better gauge on how the economy is doing.

Then why is everyone in every big city I know complaining about it? Homelessness, Brazen crime without any consequences. Why are all my west coast friends leaving the West Coast? Talk to anyone in Atlanta about what they see with their own eyes. It wasn't like this in 2019.

To what end? You honestly think Ukraine is going to beat Russia? Really? I'm cool with your general belief that the world would be better if that were the case. But is it realistic? And at what cost? Or risk? Putin in a corner with 100,000 nukes?

Great point. Your complaint seems to be about how stylish the messaging is, but how about the form? The point is that American minorities are rightly frustrated that jobs and benefits are going to illegal aliens.

We get it. Trump is an asshole who says dumb shit. He is also 1,000 times more effective as an executive in charge of something, and as a negotiator, as Kamala has ever been. Oh wait. She has zero executive leadership experience. I forgot. Maybe she truly is the next coming of Winston Churchill as the media seems to believe now. The same media who pretty uniformly painted her as an albatross around Biden's campaign five months ago.
The president does not control gas prices. The retail price of gas in January, 2020, before covid, was $2.62. The price today is $3.53. That's not 2X.

Biden didn't crash the markets by any measure you want to come up with, which is what Trump said would happen.

Anecdotal stories about crime are anecdotal.

Yes, I believe Putin will not be successful in Ukraine (which means Putin does not end up with a meaningful amount of Ukrainian territory) and it may very lead to Putin being deposed. He's not going to nuke the west as Ukraine has no interest in conquering Russia. They just want their territory back and safeguards to protect their sovereignty in the future. They will get that.

I believe that black Americans were generally insulted by the idea that uneducated, untrained and unskilled immigrants are "taking all the black jobs".

Your perception and my perception of Trump's past effectiveness diverge significantly, and he is not the same guy he was four years ago.
Neither of you offered even a single piece of actual data to support your arguments, which is not surprising given the candidate you support. Come on. Hit me with some facts!

Biden will destroy the oil industry! (No, he didn't. Never more productive.)
Biden will destroy the markets! (Nope.)
Violent crime has never been higher! (Yeah, no.)
We must force Ukraine to cede territory and sue for peace! (Remind me what's happening in Kursk right now?)
Illegal immigrants are taking all the black jobs! (Say what now?)
Crowd size matters! AI! Argh!!! (Cool, dude. Do go on.)
I have responded to the oil industry
The president does not control gas prices. The retail price of gas in January, 2020, before covid, was $2.62. The price today is $3.53. That's not 2X.

Biden didn't crash the markets by any measure you want to come up with, which is what Trump said would happen.

Anecdotal stories about crime are anecdotal.

Yes, I believe Putin will not be successful in Ukraine (which means Putin does not end up with a meaningful amount of Ukrainian territory) and it may very lead to Putin being deposed. He's not going to nuke the west as Ukraine has no interest in conquering Russia. They just want their territory back and safeguards to protect their sovereignty in the future. They will get that.

I believe that black Americans were generally insulted by the idea that uneducated, untrained and unskilled immigrants are "taking all the black jobs".

Your perception and my perception of Trump's past effectiveness diverge significantly, and he is not the same guy he was four years ago.
He has influence over gas prices and in effect has some minor direct influence on gas prices in the short term. He has a much greater influence on growth and future plans in the energy sector which has affected gas prices over the last 2 years as I have posted before. You can search my previous post to see how it works or ignore it again. I do not use AI as I do not trust it for current topics. It is greatly affected by those who created it just like the social media algorithms.
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The president does not control gas prices. The retail price of gas in January, 2020, before covid, was $2.62. The price today is $3.53. That's not 2X.

Biden didn't crash the markets by any measure you want to come up with, which is what Trump said would happen.

Anecdotal stories about crime are anecdotal.

Yes, I believe Putin will not be successful in Ukraine (which means Putin does not end up with a meaningful amount of Ukrainian territory) and it may very lead to Putin being deposed. He's not going to nuke the west as Ukraine has no interest in conquering Russia. They just want their territory back and safeguards to protect their sovereignty in the future. They will get that.

I believe that black Americans were generally insulted by the idea that uneducated, untrained and unskilled immigrants are "taking all the black jobs".

Your perception and my perception of Trump's past effectiveness diverge significantly, and he is not the same guy he was four years ago.
The president f’ed us with opec. Who shot him birds. Every time he tried to get them to change things. They punished him for his policy stances. That is a fact. Which is why gas went up nearly the day he got into office. He doesnt control prices. If I need to link them literally giving him the middle finger I will.
The president f’ed us with opec. Who shot him birds. Every time he tried to get them to change things. They punished him for his policy stances. That is a fact. Which is why gas went up nearly the day he got into office. He doesnt control prices. If I need to link them literally giving him the middle finger I will.
And yet here we are, energy independent and a net exporter for the first time in 70 years.
The president f’ed us with opec. Who shot him birds. Every time he tried to get them to change things. They punished him for his policy stances. That is a fact. Which is why gas went up nearly the day he got into office. He doesnt control prices. If I need to link them literally giving him the middle finger I will.
gonna be a fun ride to inauguration day