Trump basically confesses to interfering with election on FOX…

'Are You Seriously This Stupid?': Legal Minds Nail Trump After Fox News 'Confession'
You know what's funny, if you change the context of the dialog from election interference to say money laundering it's pretty yikes...see watch this:

“Whoever heard, you get indicted for laundering money, where you have every right to do it its my company, you get indicted, and my business profitability goes way up"

Like bro why are using the words in the order you are saying them unless you are confessing to a crime. This is peak narcissism. It's not enough just to be found innocent but the eradication of the idea he would be dumb enough to get caught in a skem he created.
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  • Haha
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You know what's funny, if you change the context of the dialog from election interference to say money laundering it's pretty yikes...see watch this:

“Whoever heard, you get indicted for laundering money, where you have every right to do it its my company, you get indicted, and my business profitability goes way up"

Like bro why are using the words in the order you are saying them unless you are confessing to a crime. This is peak narcissism. It's not enough just to be found innocent but the eradication of the idea he would be dumb enough to get caught in a skem he created.
Y'all are some sick pups. No pun intended.

Trump will be 47.
You ask, which of The Donald's policies don't I like? This policy right here. Interfering with presidential elections.
How is questioning the results interfering??

Is there more, like what did he exactly do to interfere??

And how did it all work out? Are you afraid he is going to lock the door so he can’t be removed??….Or will he have secret meetings with the MAGA crazies to overturn it all?

What did he exactly do?
How is questioning the results interfering??

Is there more, like what did he exactly do to interfere??

And how did it all work out? Are you afraid he is going to lock the door so he can’t be removed??….Or will he have secret meetings with the MAGA crazies to overturn it all?

What did he exactly do?
Playing dumb doesn't become you.
How is questioning the results interfering??

Is there more, like what did he exactly do to interfere??

And how did it all work out? Are you afraid he is going to lock the door so he can’t be removed??….Or will he have secret meetings with the MAGA crazies to overturn it all?

What did he exactly do?
"All I want to do is this: I just want to find 11,780 votes.

Just say the election was corrupt and leave the rest to me and the R. Congressmen.

Mike Pence didn’t have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution.

People tell me Jeff Clarke (sic) is great, I should put him in. People want me to replace DOJ leadership.

Be there. Will be wild!

Chris Krebs has been terminated as Director of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency.

When the right answer comes out, you’ll be praised." (Trump to GA lead elections investigator, Frances Watson.)
I'm sorry, but your post doesn't deserve a response. Whatever you want to believe is fine, but I'm sure you know what he meant.
That's Democrat for "I don't have a meaningful answer to these questions, probably because there isn't one."

Democrat Talking Point: Trump sends mixed signals on abortion.
Truth: He's quite clear on his position, it just doesn't fit your talking points.

Democrat Talking Point: It is illegal to question and challenge election results.
Truth 1: It is the right of every American to expect a fair, transparent and auditable election process. Anyone who says you deserve less has something to hide.
Truth 2: You should not have to rely on the people who conduct elections, and have a vested interest in the results, to tell you if they did a good job or not.
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How many died unnecessarily from Covid because He was more concerned about being re-elected? Too many!!! GO DAWGS
  • Haha
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That's Democrat for "I don't have a meaningful answer to these questions, probably because there isn't one."

Democrat Talking Point: Trump sends mixed signals on abortion.
Truth: He's quite clear on his position, it just doesn't fit your talking points.

Democrat Talking Point: It is illegal to question and challenge election results.
Truth 1: It is the right of every American to expect a fair, transparent and auditable election process. Anyone who says you deserve less has something to hide.
Truth 2: You should not have to rely on the people who conduct elections, and have a vested interest in the results, to tell you if they did a good job or not.
Don't respond to me. I didn't make the post. The poster responded in #19, his choice, and as I inferred, those answers have already appeared in the Chat and I felt the questioner was being a wise ass.

I generally appreciate your posts, but not this one. There were meaningful responses to the question and abortion has nothing to do with the question, so what is the relevance.

And I don't care about your Democratic talking points.
  • Haha
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Don't respond to me. I didn't make the post. The poster responded in #19, his choice, and as I inferred, those answers have already appeared in the Chat and I felt the questioner was being a wise ass.

I generally appreciate your posts, but not this one. There were meaningful responses to the question and abortion has nothing to do with the question, so what is the relevance.

And I don't care about your Democratic talking points.
The article at the top covered both alleged "election interference" and for some reason, a video critiquing Trump's position on abortion, which the creator clearly doesn't understand. That's why I included it.

The article is really just a bunch of left wing opinions. Spoiler Alert: they don't like Trump and make the worst they can out of everything he says or does.

When I mention "Democrat Talking Points" I don't mean the position of every Democrat, but rather the narrative that politicians and media jointly parrot. I don't blame you at all for not supporting them. I certainly don't.
I'm sorry...but, that logic makes no sense....both what happened at the time & what we know now about...everything.
Had Hillary won in 2016, we would have been relegated to our homes and kids out of school for two years. Not only would we have had just as many Covid deaths. Our economy would have totally cratered and our kids even more negatively affected than they actually were. Randi Weingarten would have had her way.

Trump. Desantis. Kemp. Vindicated. How quickly we forget how terrible Democrat policy and governors were during Covid.
"All I want to do is this: I just want to find 11,780 votes.

Just say the election was corrupt and leave the rest to me and the R. Congressmen.

Mike Pence didn’t have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution.

People tell me Jeff Clarke (sic) is great, I should put him in. People want me to replace DOJ leadership.

Be there. Will be wild!

Chris Krebs has been terminated as Director of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency.

When the right answer comes out, you’ll be praised." (Trump to GA lead elections investigator, Frances Watson.)


An A for effort, keep'em in the fairway….
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How many died unnecessarily from Covid because He was more concerned about being re-elected? Too many!!! GO DAWGS
How many died because congress was too worried about ramming thru an impeachment and calling him a racist and xenophobe and attending Chinatown marches as the virus was beginning to spread in the U.S. instead of getting serious about preparing for what was coming?
How many died because congress was too worried about ramming thru an impeachment and calling him a racist and xenophobe and attending Chinatown marches as the virus was beginning to spread in the U.S. instead of getting serious about preparing for what was coming?
Lol are you serious...for the first three months all the MAGA crowd kept saying it was just the flu.
Lol are you serious...for the first three months all the MAGA crowd kept saying it was just the flu.
I recall President Trump issuing a travel ban that included China, home of the Coronavirus. Then we saw Nancy Pelosi dancing in the streets of San Francisco's Chinatown to criticize the travel ban as "xenophobic and racist." Later, Pelosi claimed on CNN that the travel ban should have gone farther by preventing Americans in China from returning home.
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No matter what he’s still got my vote against that brainless bimbo. Do you really want this country run by Soros? Do you want us to be a socialist country? The Trump years as president were much better than the Biden years. It’s just a fact.

I trust her Sorors more than Mr. Trump. #D9
  • Wow
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How many died because congress was too worried about ramming thru an impeachment and calling him a racist and xenophobe and attending Chinatown marches as the virus was beginning to spread in the U.S. instead of getting serious about preparing for what was coming?
We all knew it originated in China but the Dems were more concerned with optics. Can’t hurt anyone’s feelings. As usual over time the truth came out but the media shills for the Democrats will never admit their part in one coverup after another. (Russian Disinformation…….LOL). Now they’re trying to reinvent the worst VP ever (couldn’t even handle that job) and idiots will vote for her.
I'm sorry...but, that logic makes no sense....both what happened at the time & what we know now about...everything.
Logic and Democrats rarely exist together. It’s all about emotions for them and their handlers know how to pull their strings. Which is why they don’t want policies to be the reason for voting, even when you have to steal the other candidate’s ideas. Which is why policies aren’t being mentioned in this thread instead of rehashing BS from years ago. But the “saving democracy” folks didn’t mind throwing ole Joe to the curb and ignoring all of those Democratic primary voters. The party has spoken.
I recall President Trump issuing a travel ban that included China, home of the Coronavirus. Then we saw Nancy Pelosi dancing in the streets of San Francisco's Chinatown to criticize the travel ban as "xenophobic and racist." Later, Pelosi claimed on CNN that the travel ban should have gone farther by preventing Americans in China from returning home.
By the travel ban was put in place it was too late COVID was here. And again MAGA lost their minds with the crazy COVID conspiracy theories and is why conservative leaning areas saw higher deaths
By the travel ban was put in place it was too late COVID was here. And again MAGA lost their minds with the crazy COVID conspiracy theories and is why conservative leaning areas saw higher deaths
We would have allowed more China travel if a Dem was in office. Period. They called trump a xenophobe. There is no argument that works here. Doctors had no idea how to treat this thing and more died under Biden’s watch post vaccine. I don’t get this ridiculous stance by democrats. I almost died from it. Actually, I should be dead from it. I don’t blame either guy. Biden or Trump. The doctors I had in December of 2020 and Jan 21 had no freaking clue of what to do with this virus. They were just throwing things against the wall. People were told so many lies by Fauci and others. Every treatment should have been considered. It wasn’t. That part was on the left.

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