Trump should be proud of this

You either have no ability to comprehend posts or you are purposely trying to change what I said to try and slander me. Given your history I would lean to the latter.

I laughed at the first post here because I had responded to someone else and you decided to respond to me and totally not know what was going on. In post #7 I responded to Zinger complaining about Kamala and claiming that she was trying to make me feel guilty about her grifting. I don't feel guilty and don't care was a response to that and only that. You also purposely left off the rest of my sentence which was "...except I hate all these politicians are in it to make money." Obviously this response had nothing to do with any tragedy. But you decided to turn it into something it wasn't. This was just another one of your attacks and I usually find no reason to respond. All I could do was laugh at your attempt to attack me.

But you just wouldn't quit and had to double down. You are wrong that I only care about something that makes Trump look bad (actually he has no trouble making himself look bad). You just constantly attack people who don't agree with you. You have shown no acceptance of something you don't agree with. Do you want to try and deny that. And so once again you say that "I don't feel guilty and don't care" without any context. So I have to conclude you are doing this on purpose. At least everyone knows what you are.
I read your post multiple times. I suggest to you sir, that you don’t even know what you are writing. You wrote in response to zinger. His last paragraph is talking about the young lady killed by the illegal let in the country by Biden /harris. The same Harris you will vote for again that now claims to want to close the border after years of calling pubs raciest for wanting a wall. Again you started this thread throwing shade at Trump about pardoning a man that subsequently committed another crime. When it was pointed out to you that your candidate is responsible for multiple murders and rapes you poo pooed it using a laugh emoji then typed you didn’t feel guilty nor do you care. You said it was a tragedy. I said that already. But you also said you don’t care how bad Kamala has sceeed up the boarder and how many tragedies she is responsible for. You do not care. No you did not type those exact words but the combination of what you did type. Specifically that you don’t feel responsible and you do t care and your actions by laughing at at post about others murdered and raped confirms your writing.

Further, dims do not care about the killing of innocent babies. You have yelled loudly about it is just a choice and others should not deny this choice. I am pretty sure I can find where you typed the same sentiments about feeling no responsibility and not caring about that innocent baby.

It’s kind of a democrat thing.

So you can yell all you want. I believe you have also preached about words having meaning. Although the leftist here totally ignore any and everything you candidates do or say.

Yes, as has been pointed out, at least 99% of the Trump voters here are aware Trump has warts and makes himself look bad sometimes. We admit it. Your side is blind, and totally ignores EVERYTHING about Biden/Harris/and tampon Timmy.

If you weren’t blinded by tds you would see that their warts/lies/ and ties to communist are much uglier than trumps warts.

I’m not trying to change any of you hard core leftist. I realize leftist do not care as you so clearly stated. Y’all would rather have someone with an awful record, a communist father and mother and is a compulsive liar per noted lib bill mahar at the helm of the country than have an America first candidate. I’m just here to try and stop any undecided from being taken in by the misinfo and propaganda spread by your side.
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Acknowledge the grift. One million net worth going in. 80 million after coming out. Remember she is suspicious of people who took too much. But charged 750000 for her last public appearance/speech
Start a thread.
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Start a thread.
You are up early or the time there is very different. One for your viewing frustration. I will also send a second one for your own entertainment.

That one kind of sucks. Sorry.

This one much more entertaining
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I read your post multiple times. I suggest to you sir, that you don’t even know what you are writing. You wrote in response to zinger. His last paragraph is talking about the young lady killed by the illegal let in the country by Biden /harris. The same Harris you will vote for again that now claims to want to close the border after years of calling pubs raciest for wanting a wall. Again you started this thread throwing shade at Trump about pardoning a man that subsequently committed another crime. When it was pointed out to you that your candidate is responsible for multiple murders and rapes you poo pooed it using a laugh emoji then typed you didn’t feel guilty nor do you care. You said it was a tragedy. I said that already. But you also said you don’t care how bad Kamala has sceeed up the boarder and how many tragedies she is responsible for. You do not care. No you did not type those exact words but the combination of what you did type. Specifically that you don’t feel responsible and you do t care and your actions by laughing at at post about others murdered and raped confirms your writing.

Further, dims do not care about the killing of innocent babies. You have yelled loudly about it is just a choice and others should not deny this choice. I am pretty sure I can find where you typed the same sentiments about feeling no responsibility and not caring about that innocent baby.

It’s kind of a democrat thing.

So you can yell all you want. I believe you have also preached about words having meaning. Although the leftist here totally ignore any and everything you candidates do or say.

Yes, as has been pointed out, at least 99% of the Trump voters here are aware Trump has warts and makes himself look bad sometimes. We admit it. Your side is blind, and totally ignores EVERYTHING about Biden/Harris/and tampon Timmy.

If you weren’t blinded by tds you would see that their warts/lies/ and ties to communist are much uglier than trumps warts.

I’m not trying to change any of you hard core leftist. I realize leftist do not care as you so clearly stated. Y’all would rather have someone with an awful record, a communist father and mother and is a compulsive liar per noted lib bill mahar at the helm of the country than have an America first candidate. I’m just here to try and stop any undecided from being taken in by the misinfo and propaganda spread by your side.
I'm so surprised that you continue to misrepresent what I say (sarcasm mode). Just another attack from you complete with your "killing of innocent babies". Once again, anyone you don't agree with gets attacked.

You and Trump are getting so alike - just rambling on and throwing out lies left and right. Both of you just playing to the same people who agree with you and getting your egos stroked. You think your message is going to get the undecided to agree with you. Just like Trump you are not going to win people over with your message. In fact, Trump continues to lose people who have supported him before, but now see him unfit to be President. Even some Republicans. I'm sorry, I guess I'm supposed to say they are only RINOs. Regardless of what you want to call them Trump has lost their support.
I'm so surprised that you continue to misrepresent what I say (sarcasm mode). Just another attack from you complete with your "killing of innocent babies". Once again, anyone you don't agree with gets attacked.

You and Trump are getting so alike - just rambling on and throwing out lies left and right. Both of you just playing to the same people who agree with you and getting your egos stroked. You think your message is going to get the undecided to agree with you. Just like Trump you are not going to win people over with your message. In fact, Trump continues to lose people who have supported him before, but now see him unfit to be President. Even some Republicans. I'm sorry, I guess I'm supposed to say they are only RINOs. Regardless of what you want to call them Trump has lost their support.
What do you call the dims that see kamala as the communist she is and are voting for trump?

I said, I'm not trying to change you or your leftist brothers. You are all too far gone. I'm only pointing out all the hypocrisy, propaganda, and out right lies used by the left. You sure get upset and start with the personal attacks. LOL, you can't defend what you say so you just blast the other individual and run,

You only play to other leftist that suffer from tds like you, so I guess in that way we are the same.

You also replay all the misinformation spoken by every leftist.

You may not like hearing innocent babies are being killed during abortions, but that does not change the fact that innocent babies are being killed during abortions. What is being aborted if not an innocent human baby? BTW, it's not my killing of innocent babies. I don't support that. Your party is the one all in on that. But I know you don't feel any responsibility, nor do you care. Just no trump! Which begs to question why does it bother you that I point out abortion is killing innocent babies since you don't believe it, don't feel responsible, not do you care?

The only people with egos on the board are the leftist. You all believe you are smarter than everyone else. You are all so smart, you are all being fooled by one of the dumbest politicians ever.
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What do you call the dims that see kamala as the communist she is and are voting for trump?

I said, I'm not trying to change you or your leftist brothers. You are all too far gone. I'm only pointing out all the hypocrisy, propaganda, and out right lies used by the left. You sure get upset and start with the personal attacks. LOL, you can't defend what you say so you just blast the other individual and run,

You only play to other leftist that suffer from tds like you, so I guess in that way we are the same.

You also replay all the misinformation spoken by every leftist.

You may not like hearing innocent babies are being killed during abortions, but that does not change the fact that innocent babies are being killed during abortions. What is being aborted if not an innocent human baby? BTW, it's not my killing of innocent babies. I don't support that. Your party is the one all in on that. But I know you don't feel any responsibility, nor do you care. Just no trump! Which begs to question why does it bother you that I point out abortion is killing innocent babies since you don't believe it, don't feel responsible, not do you care?

The only people with egos on the board are the leftist. You all believe you are smarter than everyone else. You are all so smart, you are all being fooled by one of the dumbest politicians ever.
I think you are getting worse so just keep writing.

I have not started any personal attacks but will respond in kind. You are one of the leaders of personal attacks so you comment is so precious. I don't seem to see any criticism of Trump in here - big shock so don't tell me you see all his flaws.

Your "killing" comments bother me, because it shows how intolerant you are. Again everybody else's opinions are wrong. They are also usually irrelevant to the discussion, but you just love to hear yourself say that while patting yourself on your back and saying what a good boy you are.

But keep it up if it makes you happy.
What Dems?

Can we talk about the GOP and conservatives voting for Harris?
Look up the dims voting for Trump and we can talk about both. All though any pub that hates their country enough to vote for a communist, I have no use for.
I think you are getting worse so just keep writing.

I have not started any personal attacks but will respond in kind. You are one of the leaders of personal attacks so you comment is so precious. I don't seem to see any criticism of Trump in here - big shock so don't tell me you see all his flaws.

Your "killing" comments bother me, because it shows how intolerant you are. Again everybody else's opinions are wrong. They are also usually irrelevant to the discussion, but you just love to hear yourself say that while patting yourself on your back and saying what a good boy you are.

But keep it up if it makes you happy.
Ha ha ha ha. I believe you had a post deleted yesterday for a personal attack, not me. Lolololol You are absolutely right. I am intolerant of the idea that KILLING an innocent baby is just a choice.

You should be so proud to stand out a yell loud how you Dont Care if someone kills an innocent baby. That is your position right? It’s their choice ? Just a choice. Nothing too it. Proud indeed.

Yeah you keep typing too. Some here used to give you the benefit of the doubt about your political leanings but you have shown your true colors

Now pat yourself on the back little buddy. Your tolerance towards all things leftist is so “special”.
  • Haha
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Actually, I would guess that Trump doesn't give a shit about it. I don't feel guilty and don't care except I hate all these politicians are in it to make money. I'm not defending Kamala, but Trump is the worst choice. You don't have to apologize, but I don't feel the same as you.

Laken Riley's murder was a tragedy, but I have nothing to feel guilty about it. There's nothing I could do about it. Today we had a tragedy in Winder, but what can we do about it (we both have ideas about it but there's no point in discussing it). Unfortunately similar events happen but it keeps getting repeated.
So you think gun control for legal guns is the answer. What this moronic kid, and his moronic family, did is criminal. Illegal. How about parenting? Can we hear anyone on the left say - let's work on building the family back. I was raised in a country, conservative, god fearing house. I had access to guns, even as a child. However, my access was monitored and known. I was shown gun safety. I was taught to respect weapons but a dad that wanted to raise a respectable human being. These parents knew they had a kid with mental issues. They knew that he was being teased and ready to snap. Need proof? How about the fact the mother called the school and said my son is acting homicidal and suicidal. Well how about you think my kid would have access to weapons if he felt that way? Do you think he'd be going into public, much less a public school, if I felt he felt that way? How about leaving the little homicidal idiot at home? Put him in a mental institution. It's clear he wasn't suicidal but rather just a mental case. In this, you can see that I agree he shouldn't have access to weapons of any kind. He didn't have access to mine. They are locked up and managed by a stable legal person. You say you have nothing to feel guily about. Well, neither do I but I place the blame on the parents not other legal gun owners.
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So you think gun control for legal guns is the answer. What this moronic kid, and his moronic family, did is criminal. Illegal. How about parenting? Can we hear anyone on the left say - let's work on building the family back. I was raised in a country, conservative, god fearing house. I had access to guns, even as a child. However, my access was monitored and known. I was shown gun safety. I was taught to respect weapons but a dad that wanted to raise a respectable human being. These parents knew they had a kid with mental issues. They knew that he was being teased and ready to snap. Need proof? How about the fact the mother called the school and said my son is acting homicidal and suicidal. Well how about you think my kid would have access to weapons if he felt that way? Do you think he'd be going into public, much less a public school, if I felt he felt that way? How about leaving the little homicidal idiot at home? Put him in a mental institution. It's clear he wasn't suicidal but rather just a mental case. In this, you can see that I agree he shouldn't have access to weapons of any kind. He didn't have access to mine. They are locked up and managed by a stable legal person. You say you have nothing to feel guily about. Well, neither do I but I place the blame on the parents not other legal gun owners.
Thank you for not understanding what was going on with my discussion with Zinger and for trying to tell me what I believe.

It's obvious that his father was responsible for this and he has already been charged. Obviously, his mother has problems which seem to have contributed to his mental state. I think they need to look into law enforcement and see what we can do differently to try and prevent these incidences, where possible. And, yes, we have a mental health issue in this country and very little is done about it.
I think they need to look into law enforcement and see what we can do differently to try and prevent these incidences, where possible. And, yes, we have a mental health issue in this country and very little is done about it.
I'm not going to get into a gun debate because it usually boils down to emotional finger pointing but I'm not shocked to see the mom called the school and informed them of the kid's issues and couldn't get help. I have a bipolar daughter that my wife and I burned up a generous mental health policy, spent a couple of hundred K out of pocket and couldn't get cooperation from the school system or local mental health officials. Imo, the lack of action/assistance was more due to CYA rather than the personnel being unwilling.

The fact that several of these kids are blinking billboards that they are going off the rails and on the authorities radar is the root of the problem. It's just simple common sense, threaten to kill and maim children in a school, immediately be place into an in patient mental health facility until a complete eval and diagnosis can be completed and a treatment program based on the diagnosis being started. What we can't continue doing is forcing kids that are screaming they can't cope with normal to continue functioning in a normal manner.
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If you want, go ahead and tell us. Not the same situation anyway.

Trump directly gave the pardon for no reason at all it appears. Why can't you ever directly respond to what is posted. Are you okay with what Trump did?

Nobody, especially a president does anything for no reason at all. Nullifies your whole argument
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I'm so surprised that you continue to misrepresent what I say (sarcasm mode). Just another attack from you complete with your "killing of innocent babies". Once again, anyone you don't agree with gets attacked.

You and Trump are getting so alike - just rambling on and throwing out lies left and right. Both of you just playing to the same people who agree with you and getting your egos stroked. You think your message is going to get the undecided to agree with you. Just like Trump you are not going to win people over with your message. In fact, Trump continues to lose people who have supported him before, but now see him unfit to be President. Even some Republicans. I'm sorry, I guess I'm supposed to say they are only RINOs. Regardless of what you want to call them Trump has lost their support.

Thank you for not understanding what was going on with my discussion with Zinger and for trying to tell me what I believe.

It's obvious that his father was responsible for this and he has already been charged. Obviously, his mother has problems which seem to have contributed to his mental state. I think they need to look into law enforcement and see what we can do differently to try and prevent these incidences, where possible. And, yes, we have a mental health issue in this country and very little is done about it.
Yeah stuff them full of pills and throw them back out on the street.
Nobody, especially a president does anything for no reason at all. Nullifies your whole argument
What are you talking about? Are you trying to justify the pardon? I'm saying there was no justification (reason) for the pardon; he had his clemency appeals denied twice. The reason he did it was a favorite for the attorney. As I previous said, he was not the first President to do this, so just move along.