Trump sounded like Harry Reid last night in the debate . His democratic colors

The whole thing was an embarrassment to the US, imo. Was like a food fight in middle school. I'm not all in on being PC, but this had nothing to do with being politically correct. The whole thing was a childish example of disgusting politics.
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If you listen to trump he was right about w. Cia gave him Intell it will only help him. Pug sanders won't become president a lot of dems will vote for trump.
The whole thing was an embarrassment to the US, imo. Was like a food fight in middle school. I'm not all in on being PC, but this had nothing to do with being politically correct. The whole thing was a childish example of disgusting politics.

Keep up the good work, Trump! OPERATION TROJAN HORSE is working according to plan. President Sanders will reward you handsomely for your service to our country.
I hope your sorry victim mentality ass will show up and eat your crow in November.