Trumps best interest for Hunter's current case to be acquitted or hung jury........


Letterman and National Champion
Gold Member
Aug 12, 2001
The case is being tried in Delaware, although the facts and evidence are strong the fact does remain that these type cases normally do not get prosecuted. (Lying on a federal form related to a weapon if you don't use said weapon in a crime. )

Trump's best outcome is Hunter is acquitted or there is a hung jury or gets a very light sentence. Any of these will play well for Trump in the election related to different scales of justice. I have no feeling either way on this case, we shall see.
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The case is being tried in Delaware, although the facts and evidence are strong the fact does remain that these type cases normally do not get prosecuted. (Lying on a federal form related to a weapon if you don't use said weapon in a crime. )

Trump's best outcome is Hunter is acquitted or there is a hung jury or gets a very light sentence. Any of these will play well for Trump in the election related to different scales of justice. I have no feeling either way on this case, we shall see.
While the facts make Hunter guilty as hell and the crimes are much more serious than a concocted application of law to make a $130k NDA a felony, this case would not be tried if this wasn't Hunter Biden. It is on these grounds that Trump should publicly proclaim that he will pardon Hunter for this if he's convicted....for the good of the Country, the use of the legal system to get political opponents is not good.

That said, what Hunter, his Dad, and Uncle have done to enrich their families in consideration for the perception of influence is a huge deal. And will go unpunished. Not because they didn't do it. But because they were good enough to build in massive plausible deniability from Joe himself.
Biden Family.....although containing a "ivy league educated" crack head.....was pretty smart in how they established their family business.

I still wonder at times what guidance counselor services Hallie Biden was providing to countries like Romania and China in order to receive cash payments filtered through multiple shell corporations.....while Sleepy Joe was VP.

As they say its not what you know but who you know!

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