Ukraine strikes targets in Russia with US weapons

The fear of Russia invasion into mainland Europe is always my favorite. A) it’s not going to happen and b) if it did so what?

The various European peoples have defended themselves against invasions coming out of the Eurasian steppe for over a thousand years. They’d be fine.
If they’re having this much trouble with Ukraine…well, let’s just say it doesn’t bode well for a broader invasion of Europe

But I doubt they’re even thinking about it.

@Moosefish if you get some time, watch from 21:50-28:38.

Back to my OP where I said something like USA & Russia avoided hot war for 60+ years now our govt seems hell bent on cranking up the heat, why?

I hope this isn't true but this is a dark scenario I've considered.

I actually think it's because of nuclear weapons & that Russia is generally considered a rational actor in that realm, there is little fear in another "big one". I personally think that's playing w/ fire and continued nuc proliferation is only making it more dangerous.

So, with that in mind: If we assume that leaders are indeed helbent on testing things, I disagree with what Tim said in your is about $, and not just to sell 'stuff'. It's about retaining $, and the subsequent power that accompanies it.

That's the only reason I can fathom that IF 'forces' are driving us to war, that is the only consistent force that drives these types of things. Even the push for Communism/Socialism is rooted in that, at the highest levels. Gaining & retaining power over the masses.

Interesting that Canada & now Mexico both have far left socialist PMs/presidents & the new Mexican president's father & potentially mother were members of the Mexican communist party. Read there were more than 20 candidates assassinated by cartels in that primary election for president. The cartels apparently chose (didn't prevent) her to prevail

Interesting that a deeply Christian(Catholic) nation chose a Jewish woman to represent it. Jewish people make up 1-3% of the population of Mexico

She was the former mayor of Mexico City, I believe. So, from that aspect a win here makes sense (she's not an unknown).
That's absolutely a valid point, as far as actual forces present. We will never win anything (and this hurts me) with air or sea power, alone. But, I believe the flaw in your assumptions are the number of troops required to do what you assume is nescessary.

At some point, we need brave troops on the ground, willing to hold/secure positions. But, so much of that concept is very dated. This isn't WWII. Vietnam & Korea are irrelevant. Desert Storm? We were mobile and kept moving. Afghanistan? Iraq II? Nobody came close to standing up in a peer to peer fight. We have a ton of capabilities that support fast, mobile troops taking territory.

We are precise, deadly, & are very capable of removing a conventional (peer/near-peer) foe's ability to wage war. This is a point that is often lost/ignored. Once we gain air superiority (something we have enjoyed for decades), we can do whatever we want, whenever we want.

Our foes are trying to challenge us....but, between the F-22 & F-35....we are unmatched. The air power enthusiast inside me wants to be challenged here. It would be a blowout.

The question is about scale. My point is that even recent examples from the Russian/Ukraine war are not indicative of what we would require. We are far-more capable.
A sign of the times I guess. Marine Corps possibly allowing qualified personnel to enlist with an entry rank of up to E-7
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If they’re having this much trouble with Ukraine…well, let’s just say it doesn’t bode well for a broader invasion of Europe

But I doubt they’re even thinking about it.
Yep. It'll probably take Russia 3-4 years to conquer Ukraine. At this rate if they have unlimited war fighters & unlimited weaponry, they'll take the rest of Europe in 40 years.

Putin's brilliant....
A sign of the times I guess. Marine Corps possibly allowing qualified personnel to enlist with an entry rank of up to E-7

Smart move. But, I think a Warrant Officer is a more effective recruiting tool, for multiple reasons. But, at least they're trying something.

You can convince some really bright high school kids to enlist...but, after that initial or second enlistment is up, it's really difficult to turn down 6 figures (from all the certs & experience you get) in your early 20s. Plus, they don't have to deal w/ deployments and other BS that makes life painful. I don't blame anybody for getting out w/ the kind of deals they're offered.
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Smart move. But, I think a Warrant Officer is a more effective recruiting tool, for multiple reasons. But, at least they're trying something.

You can convince some really bright high school kids to enlist...but, after that initial or second enlistment is up, it's really difficult to turn down 6 figures (from all the certs & experience you get) in your early 20s. Plus, they don't have to deal w/ deployments and other BS that makes life painful. I don't blame anybody for getting out w/ the kind of deals they're offered.
I had a few buddies that were 0231 Intel specialists and they were offered big-time reenlistment bonuses (I wanna say $75k) back around 2009-10 because they were getting offered really good entry level money as civilians for the same skills.

My buddy also got to go Marine Security Guard on embassy duty for a b-billet which was very rare for 02xx's at the time for a reenlistment incentive.

But that was back when the Corps was losing a lot of Intel bubbas & Afghanistan was really ramping up

I guess regarding that article, I couldn't imagine a recruit potentially outranking & out earning all his drill instructors & being on equal footing to the company gunnery sergeants
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I had a few buddies that were 0231 Intel specialists and they were offered big-time reenlistment bonuses back around 2009-10 because they were getting offered really good entry level money as civilians for the same skills.

I guess regarding that article, I couldn't imagine a recruit potentially outranking & out earning all his drill instructors & being on equal footing to the company gunnery sergeants

It's definitely weird. But, those that would have to go through that (non-prior) would probably be too shell-shocked to even consider that aspect.
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It's definitely weird. But, those that would have to go through that (non-prior) would probably be too shell-shocked to even consider that aspect.
I know folks mock the space force but imo that's the branch that needs the biggest influx of super qualified talent with their focus on satellites & near space warfare especially since most of their talent was poached from the air Force . Imo
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I know folks mock the space force but imo that's the branch that needs the biggest influx of super qualified talent with their focus on satellites & near space warfare especially since most of their talent was poached from the air Force . Imo

Absolutely agree. CYBER & the SF need to figure out how to merge in a way that makes sense. There is a lot of synergy (I hate that word) that makes a ton of sense...and keeps similar skill sets together.

I wrote a paper during JPME II (The Joint and Combined Warfighting School) about the need for a Space Force....right as it was being announced 😅

Referencing our previous posts....the one place that the US is way-behind in comparison to peers is Space (due to both inattention & a refusal to stretch the really ill-defined "rules" like others). I think we've improved the last few years. But, dang....we have some catching up to do.

I think we're pretty good on Cyber...but, that's a never-ending battle to stay ahead.