That's absolutely a valid point, as far as actual forces present. We will never win anything (and this hurts me) with air or sea power, alone. But, I believe the flaw in your assumptions are the number of troops required to do what you assume is nescessary.
At some point, we need brave troops on the ground, willing to hold/secure positions. But, so much of that concept is very dated. This isn't WWII. Vietnam & Korea are irrelevant. Desert Storm? We were mobile and kept moving. Afghanistan? Iraq II? Nobody came close to standing up in a peer to peer fight. We have a ton of capabilities that support fast, mobile troops taking territory.
We are precise, deadly, & are very capable of removing a conventional (peer/near-peer) foe's ability to wage war. This is a point that is often lost/ignored. Once we gain air superiority (something we have enjoyed for decades), we can do whatever we want, whenever we want.
Our foes are trying to challenge us....but, between the F-22 & F-35....we are unmatched. The air power enthusiast inside me wants to be challenged here. It would be a blowout.
The question is about scale. My point is that even recent examples from the Russian/Ukraine war are not indicative of what we would require. We are far-more capable.