Under 15% of World Muslims have a favorable view of ISIS..


Letterman and National Champion
Apr 30, 2015
Pew Research has released the results of a poll taken in 11 majority Islamic Nations. In none of them did ISIS receive more than a 15% favorability rating. Only in Pakistan where residents are afraid of their government where radicals are embedded were the results different, there 65% chose not to voice an opinion.

ISIS is fighting a holy war, We're fighting terrorist, let's not go looking to make enemies where We don't already have them.
Pew Research has released the results of a poll taken in 11 majority Islamic Nations. In none of them did ISIS receive more than a 15% favorability rating. Only in Pakistan where residents are afraid of their government where radicals are embedded were the results different, there 65% chose not to voice an opinion.

ISIS is fighting a holy war, We're fighting terrorist, let's not go looking to make enemies where We don't already have them.


And lets say you're right. What 15% of 1.2 billion , Can you do the math?

That doesn't make the other 15% terrorist, anymore than your crazed hatred of most of the world makes you one.
If you were held accountable for your hate, you'd of been dead long ago.
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And 0 percent of every other religion has a favorable view of ISIS. 15 percent of a billion is a scary number of people who promote beheading innocent people including kids.

I doubt seriously most of those without a negative view of ISIS wants to behead anybody.
You guys just can't admit you've been wrong in condemning an entire religion for the acts of a few.
Pew Research has released the results of a poll taken in 11 majority Islamic Nations. In none of them did ISIS receive more than a 15% favorability rating. Only in Pakistan where residents are afraid of their government where radicals are embedded were the results different, there 65% chose not to voice an opinion.

ISIS is fighting a holy war, We're fighting terrorist, let's not go looking to make enemies where We don't already have them.
Why don't the other 85% do something about them?
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That doesn't make the other 15% terrorist, anymore than your crazed hatred of most of the world makes you one.
If you were held accountable for your hate, you'd of been dead long ago.
You sure are an angry lil fella. Weird, but angry. Do you hate conservatives more than these savages you defend so much? Funny thing is, you'd probably be shocked when they started sawing your skinny next off...the only thing a conservative will do to you is hurt your feelings....or maybe slap you around a little ..LOL
I doubt seriously most of those without a negative view of ISIS wants to behead anybody.
You guys just can't admit you've been wrong in condemning an entire religion for the acts of a few.
Acts of a're a special kind of stupid. Stupid like yours should be studied.
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Pew Research has released the results of a poll taken in 11 majority Islamic Nations. In none of them did ISIS receive more than a 15% favorability rating. Only in Pakistan where residents are afraid of their government where radicals are embedded were the results different, there 65% chose not to voice an opinion.

ISIS is fighting a holy war, We're fighting terrorist, let's not go looking to make enemies where We don't already have them.

Not to let facts get in the way of some of the posters here (not you) but no Muslim group believes that Isis is Islamic or Muslim. They have used the religion to create their own brand of Islam that not even whabbists will accept as Muslim or Islamic. Thus, claiming them as Muslim or Islamic is not accurate. It sounds like splitting hairs but it's not, this is why no Islamic group supports them even whabbist Sunnis in Saudi have stopped supporting them and boko harem but not al queda. I know this is too in depth but is the accurate truth. Sunnis and Shia can't agree on anything (similar but much more serious than Protestants and Catholics) but they agree that Isis is not Islamic and teaches a bastardized, unaccepted form of Islamic faith that they use to their own benefit. Isis believes they are bringing the final Islamic caliphate where by the Great War will occur between Isis and infidels in dabiq. (This Great War is also spoken about by American Christians when they visit isreal to see where Christ returns-same story different circumstances/cities and religions but same idea.) Isis determines who the infidels are, not the rules or beleifs based in the Quran. They kill anyone who disagrees with their decisions by calling them infidels. Thus, the beheading of thousand of Muslims/Islamics in the Middle East. Truly f'ed up people Isis is when al queda thinks your wrong and have gone too far.
What can be said for someone who loves muslims more than his country? Someone who loves beheadings, genital mutilations, slavery, genocide, more than humanity? Someone who is so blinded in his liberal rage he hates other americans, america, and just about any thing good and decent in the world? Who constantly has to foist his misguided insane logic(?) on a college sports board, who at the first sight of anyone questioning this misguided president and his muslim brotherhood cabal and Iranian gatekeeper he almost falls down to get to his keyboard in such a huff, out of breath heap, panting out his crazed liberal Islam loving screed for all the world to laugh at? What can be said for HH? except Heil Hitler
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Why don't the other 85% do something about them?

It's no more their responsibility than it is our responsibility to police Christians who commit crimes in say, Italy.
In the nations and areas within nations where the terrorist operate, there is conflict.
People generally defend against those attacking them and theirs. This country is a bit of an exception, but Our motives are usually in ''our national interest''.

My point is to counter the claim repeated here most everyday that Islam backs terrorist, that is clearly far from THE truth.
What can be said for someone who loves muslims more than his country? Someone who loves beheadings, genital mutilations, slavery, genocide, more than humanity? Someone who is so blinded in his liberal rage he hates other americans, america, and just about any thing good and decent in the world? Who constantly has to foist his misguided insane logic(?) on a college sports board, who at the first sight of anyone questioning this misguided president and his muslim brotherhood cabal and Iranian gatekeeper he almost falls down to get to his keyboard in such a huff, out of breath heap, panting out his crazed liberal Islam loving screed for all the world to laugh at? What can be said for HH? except Heil Hitler

That is a stupid post and full of rank lies.
You are not so different than the terrorist in that you hate blindly...and again, stupidly.
Not to let facts get in the way of some of the posters here (not you) but no Muslim group believes that Isis is Islamic or Muslim. They have used the religion to create their own brand of Islam that not even whabbists will accept as Muslim or Islamic. Thus, claiming them as Muslim or Islamic is not accurate. It sounds like splitting hairs but it's not, this is why no Islamic group supports them even whabbist Sunnis in Saudi have stopped supporting them and boko harem but not al queda. I know this is too in depth but is the accurate truth. Sunnis and Shia can't agree on anything (similar but much more serious than Protestants and Catholics) but they agree that Isis is not Islamic and teaches a bastardized, unaccepted form of Islamic faith that they use to their own benefit. Isis believes they are bringing the final Islamic caliphate where by the Great War will occur between Isis and infidels in dabiq. (This Great War is also spoken about by American Christians when they visit isreal to see where Christ returns-same story different circumstances/cities and religions but same idea.) Isis determines who the infidels are, not the rules or beleifs based in the Quran. They kill anyone who disagrees with their decisions by calling them infidels. Thus, the beheading of thousand of Muslims/Islamics in the Middle East. Truly f'ed up people Isis is when al queda thinks your wrong and have gone too far.

Good post.
I see a lot of gang mentality with most of these ISIS recruits. The group that committed the Paris attacks had in fact been street criminals.
They seem to have been attracted to ISIS for much the same reasons young people in this country are attracted to street gangs.
It gives them purpose ( perverse though it is)
It gives them a feeling of belonging.
It gives them a feeling of empowerment.
It gives them an outlet for their hostilities.

Maybe there is a pathology used with gangs that might be developed into a tool to counter those recruiting for ISIS.
It's clear to Me alienating the young immigrants as so many do is actually counter-productive.
Rolo is not the kind of person We need interacting with these people.
Not to let facts get in the way of some of the posters here (not you) but no Muslim group believes that Isis is Islamic or Muslim. They have used the religion to create their own brand of Islam that not even whabbists will accept as Muslim or Islamic. Thus, claiming them as Muslim or Islamic is not accurate. It sounds like splitting hairs but it's not, this is why no Islamic group supports them even whabbist Sunnis in Saudi have stopped supporting them and boko harem but not al queda. I know this is too in depth but is the accurate truth. Sunnis and Shia can't agree on anything (similar but much more serious than Protestants and Catholics) but they agree that Isis is not Islamic and teaches a bastardized, unaccepted form of Islamic faith that they use to their own benefit. Isis believes they are bringing the final Islamic caliphate where by the Great War will occur between Isis and infidels in dabiq. (This Great War is also spoken about by American Christians when they visit isreal to see where Christ returns-same story different circumstances/cities and religions but same idea.) Isis determines who the infidels are, not the rules or beleifs based in the Quran. They kill anyone who disagrees with their decisions by calling them infidels. Thus, the beheading of thousand of Muslims/Islamics in the Middle East. Truly f'ed up people Isis is when al queda thinks your wrong and have gone too far.

Except for the fact that THEY ARE MUSLIM and ISLAMIC. LOL At you clowns. Geez. Polls show muslims OVERWHELMINGLY support these savages, and Head of the snake is a ISLAMIC scholar with a MASTERS degree in Islamic studies.

I mean truly, you liberals are fcked up. I guess it will take them burning you alive before you believe what they are actually telling you.
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Good post.
I see a lot of gang mentality with most of these ISIS recruits. The group that committed the Paris attacks had in fact been street criminals.
They seem to have been attracted to ISIS for much the same reasons young people in this country are attracted to street gangs.
It gives them purpose ( perverse though it is)
It gives them a feeling of belonging.
It gives them a feeling of empowerment.
It gives them an outlet for their hostilities.

Maybe there is a pathology used with gangs that might be developed into a tool to counter those recruiting for ISIS.
It's clear to Me alienating the young immigrants as so many do is actually counter-productive.
Rolo is not the kind of person We need interacting with these people.

Yea maybe you guys could create a social program for them?? LOL Dumbass.
It's no more their responsibility than it is our responsibility to police Christians who commit crimes in say, Italy.
In the nations and areas within nations where the terrorist operate, there is conflict.
People generally defend against those attacking them and theirs. This country is a bit of an exception, but Our motives are usually in ''our national interest''.

My point is to counter the claim repeated here most everyday that Islam backs terrorist, that is clearly far from THE truth.

Your point is asinine. What you don't seem to understand is that we don't care anymore. Your asinine arguments are not working; we don't believe the propaganda coming out of your liberal mouths. You're utopian mindset has had 7-8 years to prove playing tiddlywinks with these clowns was the right thing to do, while only making things worse. Libya, Egypt, Muslim Brotherhood, Syria, Isis, etc.

Let me do the math for you, genius- 1.2 Billion x 15% = 180,000,000, or 1.2 Billion x 25% = 300,000,000. Now, when you have possibly 300 million muslims clinging to the Quran, their AK-47, and their totalitarian religion, with a stated goal of world dominance, it makes for a very, very dangerous world. Not one single muslim can be trusted. Not one. However, I'm not talking about total all out war against a religion, but an all out war against Isis and their held territory, bombing indiscriminately, as we did during WWII. Pound these cockroaches into submission. Break their will to fight while sending a message to the rest of the muslim world this shat will not be tolerated any longer.

Furthermore, if one single terrorist attack on America happens because of a single refugee then BO will have a new legacy. His policy will have directly imported terrorism into our homeland. You think BO has destroyed your party now, just wait till a bomb goes off in WDC, or an attack on a concert hall in NYC. While you sit up in your ivory tower in NC lecturing to we, the people. BS.
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My question to liberals: why are you so quick to defend Muslims anytime there is a tragedy in which they are implicated; Their human rights record against women gays and children is from the dark ages.. and against everything liberals believe. It would seem to be that you would want to distance yourself from these types.

Yet you want to bring them closer and bash Christians. Seems totally insane, but I guess none of you knuckleheads are brave enough to stray from the liberal playbook.
Except for the fact that THEY ARE MUSLIM and ISLAMIC. LOL At you clowns. Geez. Polls show muslims OVERWHELMINGLY support these savages, and Head of the snake is a ISLAMIC scholar with a MASTERS degree in Islamic studies.

I mean truly, you liberals are fcked up. I guess it will take them burning you alive before you believe what they are actually telling you.

You're a fool..AND a liar. The only polls You're find showing broad support for ISIS might be one of your sheet head 'Thunderbolt' type of White Power propaganda rags.
You're wrong, I get it, You're idiots with very limited comprehension skills.
I'll keep posting logic and fair thinking, who knows, maybe a miracle will bring one of You around.

Logic and fair thinking? Your "logic and fair" thinking will do nothing but continue to kick the can down the road so President Cruz will have to deal with it.
With your" logic and fair" thinking, we'd still be fighting the Axis Powers of WWII.
What I'm suggesting is a final solution to end this bullshat once and for all. Break their will to fight.
And, speaking of a lack of comprehension- yours is astounding... You can't even understand that some of here don't care what you or any other liberal thinks. We're tired of your "logic & thinking", time for some action. You had 7-8 years of opportunity to do something, only to make matters worse.
I'm right, and you'll never be able to change that fact. But you're welcome to keep trying.
Logic and fair thinking? Your "logic and fair" thinking will do nothing but continue to kick the can down the road so President Cruz will have to deal with it.
With your" logic and fair" thinking, we'd still be fighting the Axis Powers of WWII.
What I'm suggesting is a final solution to end this bullshat once and for all. Break their will to fight.
And, speaking of a lack of comprehension- yours is astounding... You can't even understand that some of here don't care what you or any other liberal thinks. We're tired of your "logic & thinking", time for some action. You had 7-8 years of opportunity to do something, only to make matters worse.
I'm right, and you'll never be able to change that fact. But you're welcome to keep trying.

More made up BS.
Where have I suggested putting off fighting ISIS ?
It's beyond lame how much of what You guys post comes from your imagination, I mean that in the not good way.
Matters only became worse after Arab Spring, which wasn't ignited by U.S. policy, though it was mismanaged by everybody.

What is Your ''final solution'' idea ?
I could use a good laugh.
I'll quote from my earlier post which you quoted but obviously didn't read. You're either lazy or couldn't comprehend. If need be, I can spell it out for you.

However, I'm not talking about total all out war against a religion, but an all out war against Isis and their held territory, bombing indiscriminately, as we did during WWII. Pound these cockroaches into submission. Break their will to fight while sending a message to the rest of the muslim world this shat will not be tolerated any longer.

You're solution, which is truly laughable, will only continue to prolong the issue and eventually get many additional US military personnel killed.

Truth is, you're scared of the pukes. Admit it.
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I'll quote from my earlier post which you quoted but obviously didn't read. You're either lazy or couldn't comprehend. If need be, I can spell it out for you.

However, I'm not talking about total all out war against a religion, but an all out war against Isis and their held territory, bombing indiscriminately, as we did during WWII. Pound these cockroaches into submission. Break their will to fight while sending a message to the rest of the muslim world this shat will not be tolerated any longer.

You're solution, which is truly laughable, will only continue to prolong the issue and eventually get many additional US military personnel killed.

You are solution, now THAT'S laughable.
You're a damn fool if you think carpet bombing Mosul and other cities would solve anything long term. We can't win by just looking at taking land Dodo.
Your way would in all likelihood lead to another generation of America hating radicals.
You are solution, now THAT'S laughable.
You're a damn fool if you think carpet bombing Mosul and other cities would solve anything long term. We can't win by just looking at taking land Dodo.
Your way would in all likelihood lead to another generation of America hating radicals.

Hmmm... sure seemed to work against Germany and Japan. I really haven't seen many Germans and Japanese lately running around the world proclaiming their goal world dominance anymore, strapping bombs to their chest, shooting up music halls, killing indiscriminately thousands of people per week, month, year, or many Kamikazes. But whatever. Evidently, tiddlywinks is more your speed.
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You're a fool for the sake of being a fool.
No. A fool is someone who for the sake of making themselves feel good and magnanimous will forsake our safety. All the House wants to do is hit the pause button, just to make sure we can make our system better. But, the lefties are having a tantrum s if they are personal family members being denied entry into the US.

You know, it is our country. We should be able to freely express our view about immigration policy without being attacked and/or silenced by the libs.
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Good post.
I see a lot of gang mentality with most of these ISIS recruits. The group that committed the Paris attacks had in fact been street criminals.
They seem to have been attracted to ISIS for much the same reasons young people in this country are attracted to street gangs.
It gives them purpose ( perverse though it is)
It gives them a feeling of belonging.
It gives them a feeling of empowerment.
It gives them an outlet for their hostilities.

Maybe there is a pathology used with gangs that might be developed into a tool to counter those recruiting for ISIS.
It's clear to Me alienating the young immigrants as so many do is actually counter-productive.
Rolo is not the kind of person We need interacting with these people.

Except for the fact that THEY ARE MUSLIM and ISLAMIC. LOL At you clowns. Geez. Polls show muslims OVERWHELMINGLY support these savages, and Head of the snake is a ISLAMIC scholar with a MASTERS degree in Islamic studies.

I mean truly, you liberals are fcked up. I guess it will take them burning you alive before you believe what they are actually telling you.

Okay. So the literalist Christians that protest our dying soldiers are Christians too right? Or maybe they have bastardized the religion. If the westboro gang of Christians are the true Christians then under your simplistic model of thinking we should hate all Christians right? No. Of course not. Isis is the westboro church of Islam. They are wackos just like the westboro clan is. See now?
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Hmmm... sure seemed to work against Germany and Japan. I really haven't seen many Germans and Japanese lately running around the world proclaiming their goal world dominance anymore, strapping bombs to their chest, shooting up music halls, killing indiscriminately thousands of people per week, month, year, or many Kamikazes. But whatever. Evidently, tiddlywinks is more your speed.

There is no comparison to those WWII enemies and these terrorist.
Germany and Japan were ultra nationalist, their focus was loyalty to Hitler and Hirohito.
Once it was announced by Hitler's next in line and Hirohito to submit, they did so obediently.
There is no absolute end game in this conflict.
We have to kill those We can't get to walk away, while trying not to plant the seeds for another generation to follow their path.
That is where the need to understand them comes in. It's helpful to look at who they are, as My point in these European and American recruits having a lot in common with street gangs.
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Okay. So the literalist Christians that protest our dying soldiers are Christians too right? Or maybe they have bastardized the religion. If the westboro gang of Christians are the true Christians then under your simplistic model of thinking we should hate all Christians right? No. Of course not. Isis is the westboro church of Islam. They are wackos just like the westboro clan is. See now?
Let me know when you catch them burning Muslims alive. Oh and how many are there 50.? Bless your heart, see what being a liberal reduces you too
There is no comparison to those WWII enemies and these terrorist.
Germany and Japan were ultra nationalist, their focus was loyalty to Hitler and Hirohito.
Once it was announced by Hitler's next in line and Hirohito to submit, they did so obediently.
There is no absolute end game in this conflict.
We have to kill those We can't get to walk away, while trying not to plant the seeds for another generation to follow their path.
That is where the need to understand them comes in. It's helpful to look at who they are, as My point in these European and American recruits having a lot in common with street gangs.
Damn man , pick up a History book. They weren't loyal Hitler.....there weren't that many Nazis
It's from the Muslim CNN you dipshit . You know OWLBORES pals. Fck you stupid and a low character trash bag
You're a fool..AND a liar. The only polls You're find showing broad support for ISIS might be one of your sheet head 'Thunderbolt' type of White Power propaganda rags.
Damn man , pick up a History book. They weren't loyal Hitler.....there weren't that many Nazis

Many, perhaps a majority WERE loyal to Hitler. The rest were more broadly nationalist. It's the same point though bean head. Once THE NATION agreed to end conflict, the war was over, conflict was over. That won't be the case with this conflict, it can't be ended by toppling a king.
Many of the core of ISIS were former followers of Bin Laden or Iraqi Bath Party members. It's very possible We could be waging the fight against many of the same people only they'll be fighting under another name and flag down the road.
My question to liberals: why are you so quick to defend Muslims anytime there is a tragedy in which they are implicated; Their human rights record against women gays and children is from the dark ages.. and against everything liberals believe. It would seem to be that you would want to distance yourself from these types.

Yet you want to bring them closer and bash Christians. Seems totally insane, but I guess none of you knuckleheads are brave enough to stray from the liberal playbook.
Because Islamic savages and these clown have the same goal....destroy Americe. Theses ppl are truly mentally ill....I don't say that as a joke. How else can you explain their support for ppl like posotus ? And their loony ideas? It's like they never matured past the 3rd grade.
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Damn those corners aren't comfortable when you're backed into them are you. You can't argue with any substance , so you're just a base misfit.

You have a higher opinion of yourself than is earned here.
I've never seen anything You've posted that even makes sense, let alone backed me in a corner.
I get exasperated with your muddled rationalizing, but that isn't a complement.
Because Islamic savages and these clown have the same goal....destroy Americe. Theses ppl are truly mentally ill....I don't say that as a joke. How else can you explain their support for ppl like posotus ? And their loony ideas? It's like they never matured past the 3rd grade.

Third grade, that's about what I was thinking your level of reasoning is at.
Many, perhaps a majority WERE loyal to Hitler. The rest were more broadly nationalist. It's the same point though bean head. Once THE NATION agreed to end conflict, the war was over, conflict was over. That won't be the case with this conflict, it can't be ended by toppling a king.
Many of the core of ISIS were former followers of Bin Laden or Iraqi Bath Party members. It's very possible We could be waging the fight against many of the same people only they'll be fighting under another name and flag down the road.
Sorry, but the majority were not Nazis. Hitler never got a majority of votes
You have a higher opinion of yourself than is earned here.
I've never seen anything You've posted that even makes sense, let alone backed me in a corner.
I get exasperated with your muddled rationalizing, but that isn't a complement.
PAL , just last week I made an attempt to engage you on substance. Everyone here saw you were just in over your head. For it were possible to embarrass a liberal, you'd have never come here again.