It's no more their responsibility than it is our responsibility to police Christians who commit crimes in say, Italy.
In the nations and areas within nations where the terrorist operate, there is conflict.
People generally defend against those attacking them and theirs. This country is a bit of an exception, but Our motives are usually in ''our national interest''.
My point is to counter the claim repeated here most everyday that Islam backs terrorist, that is clearly far from THE truth.
Your point is asinine. What you don't seem to understand is that we don't care anymore. Your asinine arguments are not working; we don't believe the propaganda coming out of your liberal mouths. You're utopian mindset has had 7-8 years to prove playing tiddlywinks with these clowns was the right thing to do, while only making things worse. Libya, Egypt, Muslim Brotherhood, Syria, Isis, etc.
Let me do the math for you, genius- 1.2 Billion x 15% = 180,000,000, or 1.2 Billion x 25% = 300,000,000. Now, when you have possibly 300 million muslims clinging to the Quran, their AK-47, and their totalitarian religion, with a stated goal of world dominance, it makes for a very, very dangerous world. Not one single muslim can be trusted. Not one. However, I'm not talking about total all out war against a religion, but an all out war against Isis and their held territory, bombing indiscriminately, as we did during WWII. Pound these cockroaches into submission. Break their will to fight while sending a message to the rest of the muslim world this shat will not be tolerated any longer.
Furthermore, if one single terrorist attack on America happens because of a single refugee then BO will have a new legacy. His policy will have directly imported terrorism into our homeland. You think BO has destroyed your party now, just wait till a bomb goes off in WDC, or an attack on a concert hall in NYC. While you sit up in your ivory tower in NC lecturing to we, the people. BS.