Pew Research has released the results of a poll taken in 11 majority Islamic Nations. In none of them did ISIS receive more than a 15% favorability rating. Only in Pakistan where residents are afraid of their government where radicals are embedded were the results different, there 65% chose not to voice an opinion.
ISIS is fighting a holy war, We're fighting terrorist, let's not go looking to make enemies where We don't already have them.
Yeah, that's why we see all those Saudis, Egyptians,Turks Kuwaitis, Algerians, Tunisians, Qataris, Indonesians, Bangladeshis, all out there marching in the streets angry over ISIS terrorism and signing up to fight against them.
A bullshit poll. ISIS is Mainstream Islam and the Sunni moslems love it. The average Moslem would gladly strap an suicide vest on one of their own children and sacrifice that child if it could murder at least one Jew.
The main backers of ISIS (Owebama armed them from Libyan stocks as well as allowing them to capture billions of US dollars when they looted Iraqi banks as well as billions of dollars worth of American made M-1A1 Tanks, Humvees, trucks, artillery, and all sorts of other weapons because he refused to carpet bomb ISIS when they were in the desert coming to Iraq and the Iraqi President was begging him for 3 days to bomb them when they were in the open. Owebama won't arm the Kurds and pretends to bomb ISIS when in fact, he has the Navy and USAF bombing rocks, empty vehicles, abandoned gun emplacements, and sand most of the time. ISIS lives Matter) are Turkey which trained them and picks up their wounded and takes them back to Turkey for treatment, Saudi Arabia(World's leading terrorist sponsor) and Qatar.
How many Syrian and Iraqi "Refugees" has Kuwait, Albania, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Chad, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Indonesia, Kosovo, Uzbekistan, Tunisia, Uganda, Etruria, Algeria, etc taken instead of dumping them off on European nations, Canada and the US to have to put them on Welfare since most are illiterate and unskilled?
Nada, zip, zilch. They ain't stupid and eat up with White Guilt. They don't waste their money on other Moslems unless it is to provide them with money and weapons to murder Christians and Jews with.
They could have long ago taken ALL of the moslems in Israel that refuse to live in Peace with the Jews. But they'd rather keep them there and let Israel feed, house, and care for the terrorists who want all Jews dead.