***Updated-with Sniper (goodguy) shooting .. This guy saw everything... the shooter... the kill shot.... everything...

And the last group in the world that needs to lead this investigation is the FBI..who in the hell has any faith in them? They want Trump as much as this assassin did
You will now post the proof that the FBI wants to kill Donald Trump or you will stop talking. Unless you want a civil war based on your bullsh*t conspiracy theories.

The Left is unhinged, but so are many on the Right. You have *obligation* not to post your mindless incendiary manure, especially at a time like this.

And if you are a fellow conservative reading this post, calm down. Stop posting "the FBI/the Secret Service/the President" did it trash.


Just freaking stop.

Don't tell me about the First Amendment. I know all about it. Almost died protecting it.

You have a First Amendment right to lie all you want but you have no moral right to inflame a dangerous situation with baseless social media napalm.
20 year kid who was spotted minutes before by the witness, police and secret service did nothing, 148 yards? Biggest failure in the history of the secret service. Makes you wonder?

I had forecasted that if it looked like Trump was going to win that the Bolsheviks would have him killed. Appears they had some help.
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Lots of questions.

The shooter was dead, within seconds. If the counter sniper was able to locate, and take out the shooter so quickly......why couldn't this have been prevented?

How many buildings were in the area? It didn't dawn on Secret Service, to keep an eye on that spot? It was only 150 yards away.

A very bad look for the Secret Service in my opinion
Lots of questions.

The shooter was dead, within seconds. If the counter sniper was able to locate, and take out the shooter so quickly......why couldn't this have been prevented?

How many buildings were in the area? It didn't dawn on Secret Service, to keep an eye on that spot? It was only 150 yards away.

A very bad look for the Secret Service in my opinion
Something stinks…
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You conspiracy theory peddlers realize the Left is pumping out manure today that it was a false flag to generate sympathy for Trump and guarantee his victory.

It doesn't matter what you think "stinks." It doesn't matter what fantastic theory you can come up with to make the other party look like villains.

Bring facts or shut up. Things are dangerous enough as is.
You conspiracy theory peddlers realize the Left is pumping out manure today that it was a false flag to generate sympathy for Trump and guarantee his victory.

It doesn't matter what you think "stinks." It doesn't matter what fantastic theory you can come up with to make the other party look like villains.

Bring facts or shut up. Things are dangerous enough as is.
Spot on. Why can't we just wait and see the facts before acting like we KNOW what happened.
The FBI has said many times the greatest threat were these "lone wolves".
I don't KNOW anything, but if I had to guess it was some nut job that heard voices telling him to do it.
Just like other sickos that shot Reagan, Congresswoman Gifford, John Lennon, and way to many others over the years. That is one reason the rhetoric on both sides should stop....but it won't. Just like everything else, it will be in the news for awhile, then something else happens and we move on.
There are deranged people everywhere and in this country it is very easy to get any firearm they choose......what could possibly go wrong???
Just seems like it makes more sense to wait and see what comes out.
There is one thing for sure, when extremes on both sides plant thier flag on a position, it will not matter what the facts show later, they won't believe or retract what they claimed to have known earlier.
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It’s not like there are that many buildings around the venue. How that rooftop wasn’t secured during planning/scouting by the advanced teams is inexplicable. Professionals don’t overlook that. Neither do amateurs. Something stinks. You don’t have to put someone on that roof but you do secure that building. This is like not knowing where the cocaine in the White House originated from - bullshit.
This young man was deceived by hatred. Unfortunately, there's more like him.
Lots of questions.

The shooter was dead, within seconds. If the counter sniper was able to locate, and take out the shooter so quickly......why couldn't this have been prevented?

How many buildings were in the area? It didn't dawn on Secret Service, to keep an eye on that spot? It was only 150 yards away.

A very bad look for the Secret Service in my opinion
Secret Service is a bunch of DEI hire fools.

You didn’t think you don’t want to put somebody on top of the ONLY freaking building where A shooter could be?

It’s hard to be a president and question them because you’re literally questioning the people that have to give their own lives to protect yours but we need to get serious about how incompetent they are.

I definitely don’t think the Secret Service in the FBI were intentionally trying to get Trump killed, but this level of negligence is almost criminal. It makes you wonder.
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Secret Service is a bunch of DEI hire fools.

You didn’t think you don’t want to put somebody on top of the ONLY freaking building where A shooter could be?

It’s hard to be a president and question them because you’re literally questioning the people that have to give their own lives to protect yours but we need to get serious about how incompetent they are.

I definitely don’t think the Secret Service in the FBI were intentionally trying to get Trump killed, but this level of negligence is almost criminal. It makes you wonder.
I’m not a conspiracy theorist. But this was in small town PA so it’s not like there was a lot of positions that needed to be secured. There is either gross negligence (which requires a massive overhaul of DHS leadership) or something stinks. Both are bad. These aren’t mall cops we’re talking about.

Any competent person with a rifle can make that shot.

And don’t tell me the snipers on the white rooftop adjacent to the stage missed seeing him. It’s not like they had 100 buildings to scan. Like I said, this whole thing stinks.

You conspiracy theory peddlers realize the Left is pumping out manure today that it was a false flag to generate sympathy for Trump and guarantee his victory.

It doesn't matter what you think "stinks." It doesn't matter what fantastic theory you can come up with to make the other party look like villains.

Bring facts or shut up. Things are dangerous enough as is.
Maybe I'm missing something (I haven't read every post in every thread) but there are a lot of facts that could lead a reasonable person into thinking the FBI, under the current DOJ leadership, isn't the best org to lead the investigation. Now, I know the FBI is the org with the responsibility and resources to conduct the investigation and don't think outsourcing it to another agency is warranted but I certainly believe there should be heavy congressional oversight. Because facts.

The former head of the FBI signed sworn affidavits in order to surveil Trump's campaign and presidency when the allegations in the affidavit could not be verified.

FBI investigators that had literally joked about "smelling" Trump supporters in a Walmart were allowed on a suspect special prosecutor's team.

The FBI boss that replaced Comey was fired for "lacking candor" multiple times, even under oath when questioned by the IG investigating the conduct of the FBI.

An FBI lawyer altered an email from the CIA to completely change the meaning of the CIA's information and then used it against Trump.

Special counsel Durham also wrote:

FBI senior leadership "displayed a serious lack of analytical rigor."

Durham stated "apparent confirmation bias" and "an over-willingness to rely on information from individuals connected to political opponents" resulted in investigators acting "without appropriate objectivity or restraint"

Durham stated confirmation bias resulted in "discounted or willfully ignored material information" that did not support the investigations narrative.

Durham also alleged that the FBI treated his political opponent differently and refused to open a preliminary investigation even though they knew her campaign had submitted false allegations.

So, if you moved into a new town and the chief of police tried to frame you on terrible charges that were debunked simply because he hated you, would that be the person you wanted in charge of investigating a crime committed against you.
It’s not like there are that many buildings around the venue. How that rooftop wasn’t secured during planning/scouting by the advanced teams is inexplicable. Professionals don’t overlook that. Neither do amateurs. Something stinks. You don’t have to put someone on that roof but you do secure that building. This is like not knowing where the cocaine in the White House originated from - bullshit.
That is THE failure that must be addressed. That was the perfect spot to get a shot off but it was also a spot that shouldn't have been accessible. Also, it appears there was at least a 2 minute time period where SS and LE knew a person with a gun had reached the position. Why Trump was allowed to be at that spot without being covered is another big question. He should have been covered within seconds of the notification that a person with a rifle was in shooting position.
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