Victor Davis Hanson. How to destroy America…..

Victor Davis Hanson is the smartest guy in the room, no matter what room he is in ! He reminds me a lot of Walter E. Williams. Unfortunately, what he stated is true & if we don't stop all these idiotic policies soon, our nation will fade over time into obscurity or be conquered by our enemies! People who beleive that this could never happen , need to look no futher into the past than the Roman Empire. It was destroyed over time from within( moral decay)!
Here’s a helpful translation:

I, VDH, have some strongly held opinions.

Anyone who disagrees with me on any of those opinions, which is roughly half the country, isn’t just wrong, they are evil and intentionally working for the destruction of the country.

When I say that “people” should have more babies, I obviously mean the people most likely to agree with my strongly held opinions, which probably means white Christians, but am self aware enough to know I can’t say that.

Any sober examination of past domestic or international failures is nothing more than an effort to make good citizens feel bad and as such constitutes a plot to undermine the country.

Democrat deficits are harmful, Republican deficits either don’t exist or, if they do, they aren’t harmful.

We need a recommitment to traditional American ideals and values, with the exception of the ideal of the peaceful transfer of power. Given half the country is evil and working for our downfall, that particular ideal is inconvenient and clearly any action to battle those bent on our destruction is entirely justified.

Hope that helps.
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If you believe our country is headed in the right direction, you are either an idiot or blind! I can assure you, it will take decades of great leadership to restore us on a path back to strength, peace , & prosperity.The national debt is both parties fault, our major cities becoming crime cesspools falls squarely on decades of democratic leadership ! As usual, Willdup, you went to the race card! Of course, that's basically all you libs have got! Y'all damn sure don't have any good policies to tout! Keep trying though, I & many others on here get a good laugh out of the bullshit that gets posted by your side of the aisle!
Here’s a helpful translation:

I, VDH, have some strongly held opinions.

Anyone who disagrees with me on any of those opinions, which is roughly half the country, isn’t just wrong, they are evil and intentionally working for the destruction of the country.

When I say that “people” should have more babies, I obviously mean the people most likely to agree with my strongly held opinions, which probably means white Christians, but am self aware enough to know I can’t say that.

Any sober examination of past domestic or international failures is nothing more than an effort to make good citizens feel bad and as such constitutes a plot to undermine the country.

Democrat deficits are harmful, Republican deficits either don’t exist or, if they do, they aren’t harmful.

We need a recommitment to traditional American ideals and values, with the exception of the ideal of the peaceful transfer of power. Given half the country is evil and working for our downfall, that particular ideal is inconvenient and clearly any action to battle those bent on our destruction is entirely justified.

Hope that helps.
No, that helps no one other than those already in your echo chamber. Complete hyperbolic hogwash, but you do you buddy. I still love you.
Here’s a helpful translation:

I, VDH, have some strongly held opinions.

Anyone who disagrees with me on any of those opinions, which is roughly half the country, isn’t just wrong, they are evil and intentionally working for the destruction of the country.

When I say that “people” should have more babies, I obviously mean the people most likely to agree with my strongly held opinions, which probably means white Christians, but am self aware enough to know I can’t say that.

Any sober examination of past domestic or international failures is nothing more than an effort to make good citizens feel bad and as such constitutes a plot to undermine the country.

Democrat deficits are harmful, Republican deficits either don’t exist or, if they do, they aren’t harmful.

We need a recommitment to traditional American ideals and values, with the exception of the ideal of the peaceful transfer of power. Given half the country is evil and working for our downfall, that particular ideal is inconvenient and clearly any action to battle those bent on our destruction is entirely justified.

Hope that helps.
I agree with you on the deficit part , both sides have done that. When Biden describes half the country as MAGA Republicans hell bent on destroying the country, whats the difference? Its divisive and not helpful.

Your post is good , just shows how divided we are as a country and Im not sure how we ever get back to all feeling like we are pulling in the same direction. I wonder what will happen if Trump loses? Will we get back to being a solid country or are we past the point of no return now? What Im saying is, when there is no Trump to hate, what do we do then?

For example, The Biden Administration declaring this past Easter Sunday the Trans Day of Visibility was not helpful. It just seemed to purposely anger Christians. How many trans people are there in the US? Im guessing 50,000? Why the war against Christians and seemingly all religions? I dont get it.
I agree with you on the deficit part , both sides have done that. When Biden describes half the country as MAGA Republicans hell bent on destroying the country, whats the difference? Its divisive and not helpful.

Your post is good , just shows how divided we are as a country and Im not sure how we ever get back to all feeling like we are pulling in the same direction. I wonder what will happen if Trump loses? Will we get back to being a solid country or are we past the point of no return now? What Im saying is, when there is no Trump to hate, what do we do then?

For example, The Biden Administration declaring this past Easter Sunday the Trans Day of Visibility was not helpful. It just seemed to purposely anger Christians. How many trans people are there in the US? Im guessing 50,000? Why the war against Christians and seemingly all religions? I dont get it.
"Voice of reason", well said. Agree for the most part.
I like VDH, and he is a VERY smart guy. Very patriotic. He is a little more traditional conservative that I am but he is great none-the-less.

In todays political arena, I like Ron and Rand Paul. Tucker Carlson, Col Douglas MacGregor, Scott Ritter, Judge Napolitano, Ramaswamy, Thomas Massie, Chip Roy (similar to VDH) and MTG and Tommy Tubberville (Also similar to VDH) and Candace Owens. I am 100% Libertarian. Get rid of corrupt governments in general and get out of foreign wars and STOP spending and give aways. Control the Deep state. Cut defense budget and Military Industrial Complex spending in half! No more 250 military bases around the world and 150 biolabs in Ukraine. Stop fighting wars and killing 500,000 people for the profits on Monsanto and Blackrock (Larry Fink).

Just my penny's worth.
I agree with you on the deficit part , both sides have done that. When Biden describes half the country as MAGA Republicans hell bent on destroying the country, whats the difference? Its divisive and not helpful.

Your post is good , just shows how divided we are as a country and Im not sure how we ever get back to all feeling like we are pulling in the same direction. I wonder what will happen if Trump loses? Will we get back to being a solid country or are we past the point of no return now? What Im saying is, when there is no Trump to hate, what do we do then?

For example, The Biden Administration declaring this past Easter Sunday the Trans Day of Visibility was not helpful. It just seemed to purposely anger Christians. How many trans people are there in the US? Im guessing 50,000? Why the war against Christians and seemingly all religions? I don,t get it.
The only part of his post that is "good" is the deficit part. The rest is just more hog wash liberal spin. Stay was right about his post. He is exactly what VDH was describing. An apologist for the lefts perceived sins of America and is all in on the "fundamental change" obuma promised and is now completing through the dunce wooden puppet in the Whitehouse.

Supposedly good people so blinded by their hatred for 1 man not recognizing what is being done to us by the left and their anti any thing America, and the total moral decline in this country will be the ruination of us all. Just think, the 1 issue that binds the left and many of the so called independents together is THE RIGHT TO MURDER THE INNOCENT UNBORN. It is sickening how so many can excuse away the taking of an innocent human life.

Further the left changes the constitution which reads, "freedom of religion" to freedom from religion and as you can see in his post, he belittles Christians. Without saying the words outright, he slid in that one issue he has with the VDH twitter was that having babies means having "white Christian" babies. He has been groomed by the left to despise whites and Christians. There is a war on whites and Christians by the left. He will next apologize for being white and demand we all pay reparations even though being white doesn't mean your ancestors ever owned any slaves and as far as I know, no one in America has owned a slave since the late 1800's.
The only part of his post that is "good" is the deficit part. The rest is just more hog wash liberal spin. Stay was right about his post. He is exactly what VDH was describing. An apologist for the lefts perceived sins of America and is all in on the "fundamental change" obuma promised and is now completing through the dunce wooden puppet in the Whitehouse.

Supposedly good people so blinded by their hatred for 1 man not recognizing what is being done to us by the left and their anti any thing America, and the total moral decline in this country will be the ruination of us all. Just think, the 1 issue that binds the left and many of the so called independents together is THE RIGHT TO MURDER THE INNOCENT UNBORN. It is sickening how so many can excuse away the taking of an innocent human life.

Further the left changes the constitution which reads, "freedom of religion" to freedom from religion and as you can see in his post, he belittles Christians. Without saying the words outright, he slid in that one issue he has with the VDH twitter was that having babies means having "white Christian" babies. He has been groomed by the left to despise whites and Christians. There is a war on whites and Christians by the left. He will next apologize for being white and demand we all pay reparations even though being white doesn't mean your ancestors ever owned any slaves and as far as I know, no one in America has owned a slave since the late 1800's.
Was Thomas Jefferson a liberal? My values and thoughts are consistent with Eisenhower's, Theodore Roosevelt, Thomas Jefferson and Reagan to some extent. Paul Laxhault, one of Reagans best friends, was a super solid Libertarian. As VDH says, this nation can't continue on it's current path. It will collapse.

The thing that we, conservative and Libertarians, most share in common is that these people current running this administration and congress, must go or we will end up a disaster or even worse, dead!
I vote for a modified Option 3: The destruction of America as we know it is intentional. The Jacobins, for all their faults, were at least idealist trying to create a better world, as warped as their methods were. The Ruling Elite are not nearly as high minded, they're greedy bastards who don't give a damn about what happens to America 10 minutes after they're dead, as long as they can get as much as they want, as fast as they can get it.
I agree with you on the deficit part , both sides have done that. When Biden describes half the country as MAGA Republicans hell bent on destroying the country, whats the difference? Its divisive and not helpful.

Your post is good , just shows how divided we are as a country and Im not sure how we ever get back to all feeling like we are pulling in the same direction. I wonder what will happen if Trump loses? Will we get back to being a solid country or are we past the point of no return now? What Im saying is, when there is no Trump to hate, what do we do then?

For example, The Biden Administration declaring this past Easter Sunday the Trans Day of Visibility was not helpful. It just seemed to purposely anger Christians. How many trans people are there in the US? Im guessing 50,000? Why the war against Christians and seemingly all religions? I dont get it.
It’s a very fair observation regarding how divided we are, and of course the attitude summarized so well by VDH exists on the far left as well. Our ability to disagree without vilifying seems at an all-time low, and this board is a microcosm of that dynamic.

But my translation of VDH’s post was not hyperbole. He is saying that those who disagree with him are either evil or stupid, or probably both. You don’t even have to read between the lines to get that message, he actually says that multiple times.

He bemoans the loss of respect for the police, but supports the people who call hundreds of rioters who assaulted the police heroes and hostages. He supports the guy who promises every day to pardon them, because they were doing his dirty work.

He belittles our military because aparently straight white guys can’t get a fair shake there. I’d like to hear a few of his examples that show a loss of military effectiveness.

He claims we are at war with energy production when the US is currently producing more energy than any other country in history.

Interesting that he suggests we are receding to “second tier international status”, yet has nothing to say about the current GOP unwillingness to support the European country invaded by one of the worlds two primary belligerents.

And yes, as one of the people who chases me around the Chat pointed out, I referenced white Christian babies. To be clear, I was a white Christian baby, as were the vast majority of my friends and acquaintances, and no, I don’t hate myself. My comment was in response to what VDH said throughout his post. Safe to say he doesn’t want more Muslim babies, immigrant babies or the babies of those who define politics by race. That does narrow the options a bit for who he is referring to when he says we need younger marriages and more babies. More babies who will grow up to agree with him.

He does make a few reasonable points regarding identity politics and the border. I’ve said for most of the Biden administration that his issues at the border represent his biggest failure. It doesn’t change my overall take that VDH is a fantastic example of the intolerant and accusatory right.
Just to be clear, I do not chase anyone around the chat. There are a certain few who are front and center with one sided hypocritical posts that I simply point out. I give lots of likes to people with reasonable and intelligent post. I do not hunt for anyone's post. Some people just have to repeat the same leftist propaganda and spin over and over and over and over again. Can not look at any situation without having distorted tds vision. No way can someone support the folks in power at the moment without a distorted view of the world. Some on here defend every thing that pedophile does. Some can look at a video of the man tweaking a young girls nipple and try to convince us we are not seeing what we are seeing. Some can look at the current law fair situation and see nothing wrong with it, all because of their blinding hatred of 1 man. The list is long of the twisted view of biden supporters and leftist so I won't list them here.

Just look at current events and then look at the excuses made as to why all this is aok and really not their man and party's fault. I no longer feel sorry for them but do feel sorry for the couple that do follow them around like little puppies licking up every drop of vomit they spew.
It’s a very fair observation regarding how divided we are, and of course the attitude summarized so well by VDH exists on the far left as well. Our ability to disagree without vilifying seems at an all-time low, and this board is a microcosm of that dynamic.

But my translation of VDH’s post was not hyperbole. He is saying that those who disagree with him are either evil or stupid, or probably both. You don’t even have to read between the lines to get that message, he actually says that multiple times.

He bemoans the loss of respect for the police, but supports the people who call hundreds of rioters who assaulted the police heroes and hostages. He supports the guy who promises every day to pardon them, because they were doing his dirty work.

He belittles our military because aparently straight white guys can’t get a fair shake there. I’d like to hear a few of his examples that show a loss of military effectiveness.

He claims we are at war with energy production when the US is currently producing more energy than any other country in history.

Interesting that he suggests we are receding to “second tier international status”, yet has nothing to say about the current GOP unwillingness to support the European country invaded by one of the worlds two primary belligerents.

And yes, as one of the people who chases me around the Chat pointed out, I referenced white Christian babies. To be clear, I was a white Christian baby, as were the vast majority of my friends and acquaintances, and no, I don’t hate myself. My comment was in response to what VDH said throughout his post. Safe to say he doesn’t want more Muslim babies, immigrant babies or the babies of those who define politics by race. That does narrow the options a bit for who he is referring to when he says we need younger marriages and more babies. More babies who will grow up to agree with him.

He does make a few reasonable points regarding identity politics and the border. I’ve said for most of the Biden administration that his issues at the border represent his biggest failure. It doesn’t change my overall take that VDH is a fantastic example of the intolerant and accusatory right.
Of course will I disagree with your opinion. He speaks the truth but being a true Democrat and liberal common sense is you are going to agree with anything he says. He is a true conservative and patriot and he wants what is best for our country. Not the destruction of our country that the Biden and Obama policies are trying to accomplish. This country needs someone of great courage to stand up and stop these Marxis from doing this. To me what they are doing is treasonous.
It’s a very fair observation regarding how divided we are, and of course the attitude summarized so well by VDH exists on the far left as well. Our ability to disagree without vilifying seems at an all-time low, and this board is a microcosm of that dynamic.

But my translation of VDH’s post was not hyperbole. He is saying that those who disagree with him are either evil or stupid, or probably both. You don’t even have to read between the lines to get that message, he actually says that multiple times.

He bemoans the loss of respect for the police, but supports the people who call hundreds of rioters who assaulted the police heroes and hostages. He supports the guy who promises every day to pardon them, because they were doing his dirty work.

He belittles our military because aparently straight white guys can’t get a fair shake there. I’d like to hear a few of his examples that show a loss of military effectiveness.

He claims we are at war with energy production when the US is currently producing more energy than any other country in history.

Interesting that he suggests we are receding to “second tier international status”, yet has nothing to say about the current GOP unwillingness to support the European country invaded by one of the worlds two primary belligerents.

And yes, as one of the people who chases me around the Chat pointed out, I referenced white Christian babies. To be clear, I was a white Christian baby, as were the vast majority of my friends and acquaintances, and no, I don’t hate myself. My comment was in response to what VDH said throughout his post. Safe to say he doesn’t want more Muslim babies, immigrant babies or the babies of those who define politics by race. That does narrow the options a bit for who he is referring to when he says we need younger marriages and more babies. More babies who will grow up to agree with him.

He does make a few reasonable points regarding identity politics and the border. I’ve said for most of the Biden administration that his issues at the border represent his biggest failure. It doesn’t change my overall take that VDH is a fantastic example of the intolerant and accusatory right.
Well at least youre consistent.
Well at least youre consistent.
Sincere question for you. Do you not agree that VDH is saying that anyone who disagrees with his political views is intentionally working to destroy the country or is exceedingly stupid?
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Here’s a helpful translation:

I, VDH, have some strongly held opinions.

Anyone who disagrees with me on any of those opinions, which is roughly half the country, isn’t just wrong, they are evil and intentionally working for the destruction of the country.

When I say that “people” should have more babies, I obviously mean the people most likely to agree with my strongly held opinions, which probably means white Christians, but am self aware enough to know I can’t say that.

Any sober examination of past domestic or international failures is nothing more than an effort to make good citizens feel bad and as such constitutes a plot to undermine the country.

Democrat deficits are harmful, Republican deficits either don’t exist or, if they do, they aren’t harmful.

We need a recommitment to traditional American ideals and values, with the exception of the ideal of the peaceful transfer of power. Given half the country is evil and working for our downfall, that particular ideal is inconvenient and clearly any action to battle those bent on our destruction is entirely justified.

Hope that helps.

Is this a real response to a well thought out argument?
Sincere question for you. Do you not agree that VDH is saying that anyone who disagrees with his political views is intentionally working to destroy the country or is exceedingly stupid?
No, I don’t… and what the leaders of this country are doing right now is “working to destroy the country AND is exceedingly stupid”.
No I dont. I think you took this post by him and twisted it into something else. The country is a disaster right now.
I believe he lays it out in a very clear language and even lists the five possible explanations for these efforts to destroy the country.

“So why are those controlling Biden using him to advance much of such a destructive agenda that would end America as we know it?”

“1) They are delusional and think their socialist and globalist agendas are working and will save us.”

So option one of those who disagree with him is that we are all deeply delusional and stupid.

“2) They are raging nihilists who do not like the U.S. and deliberately want it destroyed as a service to the world. A ruined U.S. is preferable to a strong America.”

Option two is duplicitous, conniving, unpatriotic and evil.

“3) They are Jacobin revolutionaries who are intentionally erasing the old United States as a prerequisite for creating an entirely new America that will arise from the ashes with no trace or even memory of its past.”

Option three is duplicitous, anti-history, unpatriotic and evil.

“4) They have no agenda. They are aimless fools, and utter incompetents. These bunglers just wing it day-to-day, in response to what their radical media, academic, and political masters dictate is necessary for them to retain power. They have no idea of the damage they are doing.”

Option four of those who disagree with him is that we are all stunningly stupid and incompetent to an extent that we are entirely incapable of forming a cogent thought or policy and understanding the implications of that policy.

“5. A bit of 1-3, but probably not 4.”

So, in summary, those who disagree with VDH are some combination of deeply stupid, conniving and duplicitous, we hate the country and reject or are ignorant regarding any positive aspect of our past and are actively and knowingly working to destroy everything that makes America great. Fair to say that’s an accusation of evil.

That is no more a reasoned argument than if I were to accuse every person who supports Trump of being a raging fascists and racists who will gleefully abandon our 250 year history of the peaceful transfer of power after elections because they are so insecure that owning the libs is more important to them than maintaining our unique representative republic. That would be idiotic.

VDH does not even suggest the possibility that there are Dems who love the country, are relatively intelligent, who understand that our history includes both the good and the bad and are voting for what they believe to be good-faith efforts to improve and build upon what makes our country great and is in the best interest of all our citizens.

He is exactly the kind of person who, had he been active at the time, would have fought against women’s suffrage and civil rights using the exact same arguments about the loss of traditional values that he shared in this post and he would have characterized the motives behind those who disagreed with him in exactly the same way.
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“3) They are Jacobin revolutionaries who are intentionally erasing the old United States as a prerequisite for creating an entirely new America that will arise from the ashes with no trace or even memory of its past.”

Option three is duplicitous, anti-history, unpatriotic and evil.

“4) They have no agenda. They are aimless fools, and utter incompetents. These bunglers just wing it day-to-day, in response to what their radical media, academic, and political masters dictate is necessary for them to retain power. They have no idea of the damage they are doing.”

Option four of those who disagree with him is that we are all stunningly stupid and incompetent to an extent that we are entirely incapable of forming a cogent thought or policy and understanding the implications of that policy.

“5. A bit of 1-3, but probably not 4.”

So, in summary, those who disagree with VDH are some combination of deeply stupid, conniving and duplicitous, we hate the country and reject or are ignorant regarding any positive aspect of our past and are actively and knowingly working to destroy everything that makes America great. Fair to say that’s an accusation of evil.

That is no more a reasoned argument than if I were to accuse every person who supports Trump of being a raging fascists and racists who will gleefully abandon our 250 year history of the peaceful transfer of power after elections because they are so insecure that owning the libs is more important to them than maintaining our unique representative republic. That would be idiotic.

VDH does not even suggest the possibility that there are Dems who love the country, are relatively intelligent, who understand that our history includes both the good and the bad and are voting for what they believe to be good-faith efforts to improve and build upon what makes our country great and is in the best interest of all our citizens.

He is exactly the kind of person who, had he been active at the time, would have fought against women’s suffrage and civil rights using the exact same arguments about the loss of traditional values that he shared in this post and he would have characterized the motives behind those who disagreed with him in exactly the same way.
I’ll take 1,2,3,4, and 5. All the above in a quest for truth.

Do you have any well-known and respected thinkers such as VDH who argue that all the Biden policies and initiatives attacked by VDH are in fact for the good of the American people? For instance, Biden’s border invasion is criticized as destructive by VDH. Can you provide a counter argument from a respected liberal writer explaining why it is not destructive and actually a positive for the citizens of this country? I am not asking for your opinion, which I know you are always spring-loaded to provide.

Or, are those policies and initiatives good for only small segments of the American people?
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Your conclusions are totally wrong, Mr. Hanson simply stated facts that liberals deep down know are true! By the way, liberals are dumbasses! The Biden adminisration proves this everyday with their idiotic policies!
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I’ll take 1,2,3,4, and 5. All the above in a quest for truth.

Do you have any well-known and respected thinkers such as VDH who argue that all the Biden policies and initiatives attacked by VDH are in fact for the good of the American people? For instance, Biden’s border invasion is criticized as destructive by VDH. Can you provide a counter argument from a respected liberal writer explaining why it is not destructive and actually a positive for the citizens of this country? I am not asking for your opinion, which I know you are always spring-loaded to provide.

Or, are those policies and initiatives good for only small segments of the American people?
I think Biden’s border policy is his biggest failure, but there are benefits to immigration, including illegal immigration.

Both of these articles support their arguments with a lot of data, unlike VDH’s long list of grievances and accusations.

Neither article accuses those who disagree with the views they are promoting as ill intentioned.

I think Biden’s border policy is his biggest failure, but there are benefits to immigration, including illegal immigration.

Both of these articles support their arguments with a lot of data, unlike VDH’s long list of grievances and accusations.

Neither article accuses those who disagree with the views they are promoting as ill intentioned.

And you actually believe that. There is no point in arguing with anyone who argues this invasion is good for American citizens. So, I will not.
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And you actually believe that. There is no point in arguing with anyone who argues this invasion is good for American citizens. So, I will not.
You are the one who asked the question, although based on your replay, you obviously didn’t think I’d be able to answer it. I see why you like VDH. I’m right, and anyone who dare disagrees is stupid, ill-intentioned and not even worth engagement. That perfectly sums up my original point in this thread.

So I’ll repeat myself. Biden’s border “policy” is a failure and we need institute a true system and then enforce it. I think the proposed bill that the GOP tanked would have helped with that, but Trump preferred the issue to stay on the table for his own political benefit.

But think about it for a minute. Many of the people who cross the southern border come from poverty, have to save a huge (for them) sum of money and then make the dangerous journey across hundreds or thousands of miles just to get here. Many are not making that effort just to sit around on welfare. They are workers who come here to make a better life.

The economic benefits of population growth are not theoretical, they are proven.

If you want to see inflation spike, watch what happens if Trump rounds up millions of illegals and ships them out of the country. Agriculture and construction alone will be crushed, along with many of the service industries including childcare.

The shortages in the number of low skill laborers has directly impacted the cost of childcare.

A significant contributor to the drop in population growth for US citizens, as bemoaned by VDH, is the cost of childcare and healthcare. If VDH wants more native population growth, he should supports Biden’s effort to offer universal preschool, but I doubt he even thinks about that issue.

Take the above and add Trump’s proposed 10% tariff on all imports and it would be a disaster for the economy.

VDH likes to live in a world where he is right and anyone who disagrees is not just wrong but plotting for the downfall of the country. The world is a bit more complex than that, but it is certainly easier to live in a binary, good versus evil existence. You suggested a debate, and then when I provided the requested information from a respected source you shut it down entirely. I see why you like VDH so much. You are about as open to true debate as he is.
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You are the one who asked the question, although based on your replay, you obviously didn’t think I’d be able to answer it. I see why you like VDH. I’m right, and anyone who dare disagrees is stupid, ill-intentioned and not even worth engagement. That perfectly sums up my original point in this thread.

So I’ll repeat myself. Biden’s border “policy” is a failure and we need institute a true system and then enforce it. I think the proposed bill that the GOP tanked would have helped with that, but Trump preferred the issue to stay on the table for his own political benefit.

But think about it for a minute. Many of the people who cross the southern border come from poverty, have to save a huge (for them) sum of money and then make the dangerous journey across hundreds or thousands of miles just to get here. Many are not making that effort just to sit around on welfare. They are workers who come here to make a better life.

The economic benefits of population growth are not theoretical, they are proven.

If you want to see inflation spike, watch what happens if Trump rounds up millions of illegals and ships them out of the country. Agriculture and construction alone will be crushed, along with many of the service industries including childcare.

The shortages in the number of low skill laborers has directly impacted the cost of childcare.

A significant contributor to the drop in population growth for US citizens, as bemoaned by VDH, is the cost of childcare and healthcare. If VDH wants more native population growth, he should supports Biden’s effort to offer universal preschool, but I doubt he even thinks about that issue.

Take the above and add Trump’s proposed 10% tariff on all imports and it would be a disaster for the economy.

VDH likes to live in a world where he is right and anyone who disagrees is not just wrong but plotting for the downfall of the country. The world is a bit more complex than that, but it is certainly easier to live in a binary, good versus evil existence. You suggested a debate, and then when I provided the requested information from a respected source you shut it down entirely. I see why you like VDH so much. You are about as open to true debate as he is.
You misunderstand. I am not against immigration, only the way it is being done with no vetting of the immigrants. The first article you posted explained theoretically how immigration would help our economy. Currently this country is spending billions to house, feed, and otherwise support these millions of immigrants. How is that helping the country? We are nearing economic full employment. What are these millions going to do? They will eventually turn to crime and citizens will be hurt. My opinion is that the way immigration has been handled will create the worst humanitarian crisis in our history. The people coming in are not the people we need in this country. The way it has been engineered has zero to do with what is good for Americans and America, but is nothing more than a democrat scheme to remain in power and eliminate the multi-party system. We can sit back and wait to see what happens.
You are the one who asked the question, although based on your replay, you obviously didn’t think I’d be able to answer it. I see why you like VDH. I’m right, and anyone who dare disagrees is stupid, ill-intentioned and not even worth engagement. That perfectly sums up my original point in this thread.

So I’ll repeat myself. Biden’s border “policy” is a failure and we need institute a true system and then enforce it. I think the proposed bill that the GOP tanked would have helped with that, but Trump preferred the issue to stay on the table for his own political benefit.

But think about it for a minute. Many of the people who cross the southern border come from poverty, have to save a huge (for them) sum of money and then make the dangerous journey across hundreds or thousands of miles just to get here. Many are not making that effort just to sit around on welfare. They are workers who come here to make a better life.

The economic benefits of population growth are not theoretical, they are proven.

If you want to see inflation spike, watch what happens if Trump rounds up millions of illegals and ships them out of the country. Agriculture and construction alone will be crushed, along with many of the service industries including childcare.

The shortages in the number of low skill laborers has directly impacted the cost of childcare.

A significant contributor to the drop in population growth for US citizens, as bemoaned by VDH, is the cost of childcare and healthcare. If VDH wants more native population growth, he should supports Biden’s effort to offer universal preschool, but I doubt he even thinks about that issue.

Take the above and add Trump’s proposed 10% tariff on all imports and it would be a disaster for the economy.

VDH likes to live in a world where he is right and anyone who disagrees is not just wrong but plotting for the downfall of the country. The world is a bit more complex than that, but it is certainly easier to live in a binary, good versus evil existence. You suggested a debate, and then when I provided the requested information from a respected source you shut it down entirely. I see why you like VDH so much. You are about as open to true debate as he is.
Your point about the supply of laborers is well taken. It is also a big reason, along with the second unnecessary party line stimulus, why a big chunk of the inflation issue has to be laid at Biden’s and democrat policymakers feet.

When the country was clearly recovering from Covid, both economically and public health wise, much of our country continued to virtue signal, keep schools closed, keep businesses closed. In general put the clamp on labor supply and product supply.

We had vaccines. We knew who was vulnerable and who wasn’t. Instead of unleashing supply, we constricted it artificially. We incented workers to stay home. For businesses that were open, we implemented draconian contract tracing and quarantine requirements. Taking huge chunks of would be workers out of commission. Remember all the flight cancellations? Covid quarantine. We told everyone to stay home for a month if they had a sniffle.

I’m not talking about early 2020. We didn’t know what we had then. I’m talking about late 2020 well into 2021 (second stiumilus). Shaming those who left the house or wouldn’t wear a mask. Some of that even extended into 2022.

It doesn’t get talked about enough but the unnecessary prolonged response to Covid is as big a reason as any why inflation took off.

Rents and home values in the South skyrocketed. Why? Refugees from shutdown policy in the Northeast and a California. They are still here. I could name 20 right now I see in Charleston all the time.

Covid to an extent caused inflarion. But our prolonged response to it in certain areas made it a lot worse. And it is time to settle accounts.
In 1969 the democrats told me to shoot commie now the same party tells me to vote for them. Democrats are the enemy. Communism is the same as it was in 1969, it’s the Democratic Party that has changed, it is all communist now.
In 1969 the democrats told me to shoot commie now the same party tells me to vote for them. Democrats are the enemy. Communism is the same as it was in 1969, it’s the Democratic Party that has changed, it is all communist now.
Did the soviets pull off the long con?
I believe he lays it out in a very clear language and even lists the five possible explanations for these efforts to destroy the country.

“So why are those controlling Biden using him to advance much of such a destructive agenda that would end America as we know it?”

“1) They are delusional and think their socialist and globalist agendas are working and will save us.”

So option one of those who disagree with him is that we are all deeply delusional and stupid.

“2) They are raging nihilists who do not like the U.S. and deliberately want it destroyed as a service to the world. A ruined U.S. is preferable to a strong America.”

Option two is duplicitous, conniving, unpatriotic and evil.

“3) They are Jacobin revolutionaries who are intentionally erasing the old United States as a prerequisite for creating an entirely new America that will arise from the ashes with no trace or even memory of its past.”

Option three is duplicitous, anti-history, unpatriotic and evil.

“4) They have no agenda. They are aimless fools, and utter incompetents. These bunglers just wing it day-to-day, in response to what their radical media, academic, and political masters dictate is necessary for them to retain power. They have no idea of the damage they are doing.”

Option four of those who disagree with him is that we are all stunningly stupid and incompetent to an extent that we are entirely incapable of forming a cogent thought or policy and understanding the implications of that policy.

“5. A bit of 1-3, but probably not 4.”

So, in summary, those who disagree with VDH are some combination of deeply stupid, conniving and duplicitous, we hate the country and reject or are ignorant regarding any positive aspect of our past and are actively and knowingly working to destroy everything that makes America great. Fair to say that’s an accusation of evil.

That is no more a reasoned argument than if I were to accuse every person who supports Trump of being a raging fascists and racists who will gleefully abandon our 250 year history of the peaceful transfer of power after elections because they are so insecure that owning the libs is more important to them than maintaining our unique representative republic. That would be idiotic.

VDH does not even suggest the possibility that there are Dems who love the country, are relatively intelligent, who understand that our history includes both the good and the bad and are voting for what they believe to be good-faith efforts to improve and build upon what makes our country great and is in the best interest of all our citizens.

He is exactly the kind of person who, had he been active at the time, would have fought against women’s suffrage and civil rights using the exact same arguments about the loss of traditional values that he shared in this post and he would have characterized the motives behind those who disagreed with him in exactly the same way.
Number 3,...I don't think that liberals operate in a world where they feel themselves a bunch of dr evils trying to conquer the world, expend energy in this world to effect change because it seems, at the time/place, to be correct,....

But I also believe liberals are mistaken on many issues, and being stubbornly wrong and unwilling to change direction is very prideful and arrogant,..only lost elections will change the opinions of Democrats that an open border is a disaster,..only lost elections will change course that criminals have a 50-strike-and-your-still-free rule,... only lost elections will change the policy of a dominant mexican-narco state bribing us just to have conversations,...policy no longer changes to the winds of opinion for sake of its survival, but rather things change when they clear out their desk
And you actually believe that. There is no point in arguing with anyone who argues this invasion is good for American citizens. So, I will not.

Number 3,...I don't think that liberals operate in a world where they feel themselves a bunch of dr evils trying to conquer the world, expend energy in this world to effect change because it seems, at the time/place, to be correct,....

But I also believe liberals are mistaken on many issues, and being stubbornly wrong and unwilling to change direction is very prideful and arrogant,..only lost elections will change the opinions of Democrats that an open border is a disaster,..only lost elections will change course that criminals have a 50-strike-and-your-still-free rule,... only lost elections will change the policy of a dominant mexican-narco state bribing us just to have conversations,...policy no longer changes to the winds of opinion for sake of its survival, but rather things change when they clear out their desk
To change that we all need to get out and vote’