Voting 2024

Perhaps this might help calrify:

"I like candidates who don’t inspire violence and multiple felonies (committed by their followers and their legal team/party apparatchiks) in an effort to steal an election they lost."
Oh, so you openly endorse candidates that explicitly voice support for protests that turned violent, even deadly, against private citizens as well as fed and local LE and vandalism of private as well as federal property and then assisted in fund raising for bond payments for the violent felons in order to affect political outcomes.
Oh, so you openly endorse candidates that explicitly voice support for protests that turned violent, even deadly, against private citizens as well as fed and local LE and vandalism of private as well as federal property and then assisted in fund raising for bond payments for the violent felons in order to affect political outcomes.
You’ll need to share where Harris endorsed violence or attacks on LEOs.

A good example of evidence would be repeated promises to pardon violent convicted felons.
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You’ll need to share where Harris endorsed violence or attacks on LEOs.

A good example of evidence would be repeated promises to pardon violent convicted felons.
She literally stated the riots will not stop, should not stop and then issued a warning and Colbert didn't even ask that question. Then she promoted a fund to bail out violent rioters. That is literally the definition of terrorism but you support what you support.
Dude... look up quanitative easing, look up Trumps tax cuts, look up how he advocated for low interest rates...even suggesting negative rates, look up who passed out the first two covid checks...even delaying them so he could sign them, look up who paid people to stay at home and not work.

He flooded the market with money...recklessly so. Took credit for a house of cards and when covid tanked the supply chain, he left a mess for the next guy. Inflation doesnt show up the next day... it takes months / years for that to work out.

Be real. Be objective. My people are so blinded by this cult of personality.
But the Inflation Reduction Act was supposed to solve all this! Biden continued the crazy spending when the pandemic was over. Stupid.
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Respectfully, i was truly asking in order to get some insight into anything
Conservatives have missed.... sadly, the response from @wiilldup and a few others were exactly what i thought i would get
1. Climate change
2. Abortion
3. Top 1%
4. Trump bad

Same answer i get from all Dems i know. And nothing that comes close to fixing the problems with crime rate, the border, price of everything we buy, etc.
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Neither has done that. One wanted to defund the police.
"Defund the police" is a messaging failure from the left, which is kind of their specialty.

What they meant was, "hey, maybe a small town in Kansas doesn't need an MRAP, and that town in Connecticut doesn't need a Bradley Fighting Vehicle. Maybe we can divert that money to mental health treatment or other things that MIGHT go to the root of the problem that led these police departments to feel they need these things in the first place."

I live in a town of 12,000 people. Our PD has a mobile command center that never leaves the parking lot, a $100,000 video surveillance system (that doesn't work because nowhere in town is hooked up to it), and 4 humvees. What we don't have money for is dealing with the surprising amount of homeless/transients that come in off the interstate and soak up a bunch of the PD's time.

But the left let the right frame the discussion, and that's all it is now.
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"Defund the police" is a messaging failure from the left, which is kind of their specialty.

What they meant was, "hey, maybe a small town in Kansas doesn't need an MRAP, and that town in Connecticut doesn't need a Bradley Fighting Vehicle. Maybe we can divert that money to mental health treatment or other things that MIGHT go to the root of the problem that led these police departments to feel they need these things in the first place."

I live in a town of 12,000 people. Our PD has a mobile command center that never leaves the parking lot, a $100,000 video surveillance system (that doesn't work because nowhere in town is hooked up to it), and 4 humvees. What we don't have money for is dealing with the surprising amount of homeless/transients that come in off the interstate and soak up a bunch of the PD's time.

But the left let the right frame the discussion, and that's all it is now.
I do not think that is what the majority of what the left thinks. I would like to think so. Because most of the cities who did cut funding were in large cities and everything went down hill from there. People are making reactionary decisions and statements without taking in all the facts. You make rash statements and pander to people’s emotional responses you make stupid decisions.
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Respectfully, i was truly asking in order to get some insight into anything
Conservatives have missed.... sadly, the response from @wiilldup and a few others were exactly what i thought i would get
1. Climate change
2. Abortion
3. Top 1%
4. Trump bad

Same answer i get from all Dems i know. And nothing that comes close to fixing the problems with crime rate, the border, price of everything we buy, etc.
Do you really get that from Republicans though? Crime rate is down, not up (FBI's stats, not mine). Trump had the House GOP kill the immigration bill because he wanted to campaign on it (GOP leadership's words, not mine). Price of goods is a totally valid concern, but "Drill Baby Drill" and 100% tariffs are not going to fix things. They'll make it worse. Republicans have traditionally been huge proponents of laissez-faire, free market capitalism. But the same party that wanted to deny bailouts to the automobile and financial industries and let them go under, now VERY conveniently wants the government to do something about consumer pricing. Still waiting on the repeal and replace of Obamacare, Trump's promised infrastructure bill, etc.

When I was a kid, the Republicans were the badass party. We're going to defeat Communism because we can. Now, they're the party of fear. Democrats are going to abort babies at 9 months, subject kids to genital mutilation, and celebrate men beating women in athletics. Middle America will have to pay capital gains when their houses appreciate. Cities are hell holes and we're going to vote over that issue, despite the fact that most Republicans hate cities and take so much pride in never going down there. The law and order party now calls J6 defendants "hostages," undermines the DOJ, our entire intelligence apparatus, and trial by jury. It's incredibly disingenuous.
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I saw an interview today, asking people in Chicago what issues mattered the most.

1. Cost of living
2. Immigration

Guy was asked who was responsible for those two problems. He answered "Biden. Trump had a handle of things". He was then asked, who he was voting for. Without hesitation, "Harris". Why are you voting for Harris? "History. Its time for a woman president".

Cost of living and immigration are what matter most. But he's voting to make history.

Respectfully, i was truly asking in order to get some insight into anything
Conservatives have missed.... sadly, the response from @wiilldup and a few others were exactly what i thought i would get
1. Climate change
2. Abortion
3. Top 1%
4. Trump bad

Same answer i get from all Dems i know. And nothing that comes close to fixing the problems with crime rate, the border, price of everything we buy, etc.
Violent crime has fallen quite a lot.

We had a border bill that absolutely would have helped and Trump nuked it purely for political reasons.

The combined GNP/inflation balance is better in the US than any other G7 economy and inflation has almost fallen back to the generally accepted target rate.

Domestic energy production is at an all time high.

The economy has issues, but the assumption that a Trump administration would have better navigated the last three and a half years more effectively is purely speculative and Trump has shared almost no concrete policy to suggest he has a plan going forward.
I like candidates who don’t inspire violence and multiple felonies (committed by their followers and their legal team/party apparatchiks) in an effort to steal an election they lost. In fact, I think anyone guilty of that is disqualified from serving in our highest office.

I also think the most extreme concentration of wealth since the gilded Age is not healthy for the country. I’m for full support of Ukraine in their fight against Russia. I’m for protecting reproductive rights. I chose to believe the overwhelming consensus of our scientific community when they say we have a climate crisis. I’d like to see the continued surge, started under Biden, in factory construction and manufacturing jobs. I could go on.

The point is, I have plenty of reasons to vote for Harris beyond “orange man bad”.

instigate the best you can, hombre.
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do you really!?
your reply shows respect...
or does it?
Snoop Dogg Yes GIF by ProBit Global
You’ll need to share where Harris endorsed violence or attacks on LEOs.

A good example of evidence would be repeated promises to pardon violent convicted felons.

I like candidates who don’t inspire violence and multiple felonies (committed by their followers and their legal team/party apparatchiks) in an effort to steal an election they lost. In fact, I think anyone guilty of that is disqualified from serving in our highest office.

I also think the most extreme concentration of wealth since the gilded Age is not healthy for the country. I’m for full support of Ukraine in their fight against Russia. I’m for protecting reproductive rights. I chose to believe the overwhelming consensus of our scientific community when they say we have a climate crisis. I’d like to see the continued surge, started under Biden, in factory construction and manufacturing jobs. I could go on.

The point is, I have plenty of reasons to vote for Harris beyond “orange man bad”

you cross the line.
what took you so long?
you are F'ed esel!
yea, mess with pug more...
not nice.

instigate more to All!
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Seriously, when you see the crazy stuff Kamala proposes, how can anybody in America vote for her....
Looking to hear from the Dems who vote for anybody with a D by their name... do you really believe ir believe in the BS proposals?
Blows my mind... educate me why i am wrong.
Please post what the crazy stuff Kamala proposes. I missed it and I bet you did too.
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The larger point is that Trump's economy was recklessly "hot". When covid happened, we didnt have a chance.
Except we were recovering in October 2020. This is the big fat lie no one wanted to believe. He had us in the right track back. But they hung covid around his neck. Meanwhile I can tell you no one had a clue. And more people died under Biden’s watch. With a vaccine.

In case you want to go global like a lot of people who don’t know either. This one is for the peanut gallery.

It was getting better. His plan was working. The reckless spending after this by you know who, put us in this mess.
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Please post what the crazy stuff Kamala proposes. I missed it and I bet you did too.
What stuff does she propose that isn’t batshit crazy? That is the better question. Only what she hasn’t copied. From the right.
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Except we were recovering in October 2020. This is the big fat lie no one wanted to believe. He had us in the right track back. But they hung covid around his neck. Meanwhile I can tell you no one had a clue. And more people died under Biden’s watch. With a vaccine.

In case you want to go global like a lot of people who don’t know either. This one is for the peanut gallery.

It was getting better. His plan was working. The reckless spending after this by you know who, put us in this mess.
Also the restrictions on oil and gas leases played a big part down the road.
Seriously, when you see the crazy stuff Kamala proposes, how can anybody in America vote for her....
Looking to hear from the Dems who vote for anybody with a D by their name... do you really believe ir believe in the BS proposals?
Blows my mind... educate me why i am wrong.
if a parent or grandparent occasionally says something that makes us cringe, we don’t automatically assume they’re bad people. We recognize that the world is moving fast, that they need time and maybe a little encouragement to catch up. Our fellow citizens deserve the same grace we hope they’ll extend to us. That’s how we can build a true Democratic majority, one that can get things done.

It is time to look forward. We won't leave you behind unless that's where you want to stay. And we'll save a seat for you if you change your mind.

Let's get back to normal politics, where we don't make the other party a demonic enemy, but a side with a different way of doing things. And if we don't like it, we get to vote again and change things the next time if we can make a good persuasive argument. Let's get it done. I'm waiting on you, brother.
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I like candidates who don’t inspire violence and multiple felonies (committed by their followers and their legal team/party apparatchiks) in an effort to steal an election they lost. In fact, I think anyone guilty of that is disqualified from serving in our highest office.

I also think the most extreme concentration of wealth since the gilded Age is not healthy for the country. I’m for full support of Ukraine in their fight against Russia. I’m for protecting reproductive rights. I chose to believe the overwhelming consensus of our scientific community when they say we have a climate crisis. I’d like to see the continued surge, started under Biden, in factory construction and manufacturing jobs. I could go on.

The point is, I have plenty of reasons to vote for Harris beyond “orange man bad”.
Wealth redistribution,,,,hmmmm,,, where have I heard of that?
Reproductive rights you say,,, I don't think anyone is trying to stop anyone from reproducing. But I assume what you are talking about is being able to murder your unwanted baby. How sad you think murder is a right.
LOL at overwhelming consensus on climate crisis. You need to get off huff post.
They are lying to you about all the jobs. Just had to lower by almost a million. Probably a lot more than that. Lots of govt jobs and fast food 2nd jobs. Don't bother posting some blather from left wing site. IT IS A LIE.
I am surprised that you are not watching the DNC otherwise known as the democrat hate fest. All they can do is talk nasty about trump and his supporters, making them NO better than the orange man. In fact their is info out their showing the difference in how many times biden was mentioned at the RNC and how many times trump has been mentioned at the dnc. I know why dimocrats only have their hate for trump, they have NO ideas to help... and what would they need to help us with.,,,, ALL THE CRAP BIDEN HARRIS SCREWED UP THE LAST 4 YRS.

You can claim its not about orange man hate, but there is no other answer. You can't believe her limited stated policies are good. EVEN YOU.

Try watching the disgusting convention. Its nothing but hate for trump and lies...... biden repeated all the typical lies, you folks applaud. SMH Dims LOVE to call the kettle black when they are in FACT the pot.
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Dude... look up quanitative easing, look up Trumps tax cuts, look up how he advocated for low interest rates...even suggesting negative rates, look up who passed out the first two covid checks...even delaying them so he could sign them, look up who paid people to stay at home and not work.

He flooded the market with money...recklessly so. Took credit for a house of cards and when covid tanked the supply chain, he left a mess for the next guy. Inflation doesnt show up the next day... it takes months / years for that to work out.

Be real. Be objective. My people are so blinded by this cult of personality.

Yet you say that people that prefer trumps policies are blinded and in a cult. Keep going chop. Vote for the communist. WE will all suffer for your TDS TDS TDS TDS TDS TDS TDS TDS..........
Perhaps this might help calrify:

"I like candidates who don’t inspire violence and multiple felonies (committed by their followers and their legal team/party apparatchiks) in an effort to steal an election they lost."

Big fan of LAW FARE I see. Please don't come crying if pubs get in power and bring lots of stupid cases against dim pols Maybe in FLA or Texas so you can get a loaded jury.
You’ll need to share where Harris endorsed violence or attacks on LEOs.

A good example of evidence would be repeated promises to pardon violent convicted felons.
She worked to help bail them out. She is anti police. You just go on with the "spin" NO ONE other than other TDS sufferers buy your spill. MISINFO
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Violent crime has fallen quite a lot.

We had a border bill that absolutely would have helped and Trump nuked it purely for political reasons.

The combined GNP/inflation balance is better in the US than any other G7 economy and inflation has almost fallen back to the generally accepted target rate.

Domestic energy production is at an all time high.

The economy has issues, but the assumption that a Trump administration would have better navigated the last three and a half years more effectively is purely speculative and Trump has shared almost no concrete policy to suggest he has a plan going forward.
Wow. Cherry pick certain points while ignoring other factors paints a pretty picture for the people who will not research for themselves.
Reported violent crime is down since Biden took office They changed the way crimes were reported and that caused crime reports to lag and thus seem better than they are. Just like all of the data this administration throws out there it will be adjusted later.
The border bill would have helped what? We have a major influx and it would reduced in minimally if any at all. It was a terrible bandaid that only was there to hide the gushing wound.
Yeah we suck less than the other G7 countries. Great spin. We could be doing better and helping the other countries out of their problems. Acceptable level? 50% higher than where we want to be and I am not so sure that is right. We are still sitting in a terrible spot with so much inflation baked into the economy.
I am tired of trying to explain the domestic energy crap. That is a flawed stat and is only a result of the previous policy failures.
You either ignore what I said or don’t care to research it to verify.
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"Defund the police" is a messaging failure from the left, which is kind of their specialty.

What they meant was, "hey, maybe a small town in Kansas doesn't need an MRAP, and that town in Connecticut doesn't need a Bradley Fighting Vehicle. Maybe we can divert that money to mental health treatment or other things that MIGHT go to the root of the problem that led these police departments to feel they need these things in the first place."

I live in a town of 12,000 people. Our PD has a mobile command center that never leaves the parking lot, a $100,000 video surveillance system (that doesn't work because nowhere in town is hooked up to it), and 4 humvees. What we don't have money for is dealing with the surprising amount of homeless/transients that come in off the interstate and soak up a bunch of the PD's time.

But the left let the right frame the discussion, and that's all it is now.
Yeah,,,,, NOPE<<<< a lot of big cities cut police and now are scrambling to get them back. You can spin and frame but conservatives know the truth so your stories won't work here.

Why don't you libs start your own page where yall can sit around and tell scary stories about orange man and make up stiff about how good the dims are.
if a parent or grandparent occasionally says something that makes us cringe, we don’t automatically assume they’re bad people. We recognize that the world is moving fast, that they need time and maybe a little encouragement to catch up. Our fellow citizens deserve the same grace we hope they’ll extend to us. That’s how we can build a true Democratic majority, one that can get things done.

It is time to look forward. We won't leave you behind unless that's where you want to stay. And we'll save a seat for you if you change your mind.

Let's get back to normal politics, where we don't make the other party a demonic enemy, but a side with a different way of doing things. And if we don't like it, we get to vote again and change things the next time if we can make a good persuasive argument. Let's get it done. I'm waiting on you, brother.
You mean your not feeling the joy from the dnc... LMBO the nastiest bunch on the face of the earth.
Yeah,,,,, NOPE<<<< a lot of big cities cut police and now are scrambling to get them back. You can spin and frame but conservatives know the truth so your stories won't work here.

Why don't you libs start your own page where yall can sit around and tell scary stories about orange man and make up stiff about how good the dims are.
I know reading is hard, but please tell me where I referenced Trump anywhere in there. You’re entitled to your own opinion, but not your own facts.

Why don’t you and the other MAGA nuts go start your own page where you just scream TDS at each other until you need a cold shower and a cigarette. You’re not wearing anything but those dumbass Trump sneakers and a smile, aren’t you?
I know reading is hard, but please tell me where I referenced Trump anywhere in there. You’re entitled to your own opinion, but not your own facts.

Why don’t you and the other MAGA nuts go start your own page where you just scream TDS at each other until you need a cold shower and a cigarette. You’re not wearing anything but those dumbass Trump sneakers and a smile, aren’t you?
You defend asinine dim policies with untruth you get called out commie
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Seriously, when you see the crazy stuff Kamala proposes, how can anybody in America vote for her....
Looking to hear from the Dems who vote for anybody with a D by their name... do you really believe ir believe in the BS proposals?
Blows my mind... educate me why i am wrong
Not a dem, but good luck…
if a parent or grandparent occasionally says something that makes us cringe, we don’t automatically assume they’re bad people. We recognize that the world is moving fast, that they need time and maybe a little encouragement to catch up. Our fellow citizens deserve the same grace we hope they’ll extend to us. That’s how we can build a true Democratic majority, one that can get things done.

It is time to look forward. We won't leave you behind unless that's where you want to stay. And we'll save a seat for you if you change your mind.

Let's get back to normal politics, where we don't make the other party a demonic enemy, but a side with a different way of doing things. And if we don't like it, we get to vote again and change things the next time if we can make a good persuasive argument. Let's get it done. I'm waiting on you, brother.
Oh you mean like the Dems calling Trump Hitler numerous times? The Dems have no plan but to do what Soros and the Obama left wing nuts jobs in the party want. And that is to let illegals come in to vote and try and take the US down to the same level as the rest of the world. They are focused on the "New World Order". And your prized presidential candidate refuses to answer questions! This is Hiden Biden 2.0. The Democrat party has become the party of the elites. Like most socialists they have rules for them and for the rest of us. I just can't imagine why anyone with an ounce of common sense would vote Dem.
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