Well. Well, how the turn tables…

Obama Reaction GIF
JFK JR endorses DJP and JDV.

BTW, whatever happened to that poster “The Initials” and his Shower Monster schtick? He was obnoxious as hell.

If he had endorsed Harris you would have had a field day pointing out his many documented character flaws, including drug addiction and repeated betrayals of his wife which contributed to her suicide, and the fact that he gave his endorsement in exchange for a position in the Cabinet for which he (a) has no qualifications and (b) will make the citizens of our country less safe.
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If he had endorsed Harris you would have had a field day pointing out his many documented character flaws, including drug addiction and repeated betrayals of his wife which contributed to her suicide, and the fact that he gave his endorsement in exchange for a position in the Cabinet for which he (a) has no qualifications and (b) will make the citizens of our country less safe.
Well IF your aunt had balls, she’d be your uncle.
Yes well well how the tables have turned indeed...infact they have turned so much Trump is now openly accepting the endorsement of someone that backs abortion...check my notes...EVEN IT'S FULL TERM!!!!!

Seriously how desperate are you guys and Trump. Yes please take Kennedy and his habit of killing bears. Lol
They said they don't agree on everything, but they do both realize how awful kamala/walz are and the dim party as a whole. IN fact, they would seem mainstream in china or russia. They are communist.
Crazy how little yall/he get it. Trump is an extremely weak candidate but people were uneasy with sticking with a guy who was visibly deteriorating. It could have been anybody else. They are better than Trump. All of that anxiety was unleashed as joy.

Trump is Kanye West. Nobody serious wants Kanye West to be president
Wow,,, calling trump weak when you support kamala the knee pad queen and tampon timmy.... LMBO AT YOU. If you thought the dnc was joyful I am really really sorry for you. All they did was slam trump and his supporters. Look on your obuam supplied Dr. list and get help. You don't know what joy is if you got it from the dnc. Sorry for you.
RFK would've SMOKED Sleepy Joe in a debate. I'm glad he endorsed Trump, but I really wish, for democracy sake, that he would've been the Democratic nominee. We deserve an election where we feel okay about either choice. He's at least smart, informed, and coherent. 3 things neither Joe or Kamala are.
JFK is actually a real democrat. Real democrats were not void of common sense and substance. He is not a quack like todays liberals!
If he had endorsed Harris you would have had a field day pointing out his many documented character flaws, including drug addiction and repeated betrayals of his wife which contributed to her suicide, and the fact that he gave his endorsement in exchange for a position in the Cabinet for which he (a) has no qualifications and (b) will make the citizens of our country less safe.
Welcome to politics. The bottom line is Kennedy was polling around 3 to 5% and he's now encouraging those voters to support Trump. I'm not saying his endorsement will result in a 2 or 3 point swing to Trump but if it swings 1% Trump's way it could be the difference in a tight election.
And a prominent democrat from probably the most prominent democrat family calling out the liberal media as being corrupt.
He is not a prominent democrat and never has been. He is pretty much the black sheep of the Kennedy family. They don't even support his nutsy views on vaccines (nor his presidential candidacy). This guy in charge of the FDA? Do we want a country run only by people Joe Rogan endorses, lol. This place cracks me up.

One edit: I would love to see him get into the FDA and have him start banning certain foods and food additives watch him get burned at the stake by conservatives for government overreach. New York and California are crazy for proposing legislation to limit sugary drinks and fast foods, so let's put RFK Jr in charge. SMH, you can't make this shit up.
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Crazy how little yall/he get it. Trump is an extremely weak candidate but people were uneasy with sticking with a guy who was visibly deteriorating. It could have been anybody else. They are better than Trump. All of that anxiety was unleashed as joy.

Trump is Kanye West. Nobody serious wants Kanye West to be president

I mean they proved it could be anyone else because Kamala was about as popular as Herpes a month ago
Yes well well how the tables have turned indeed...infact they have turned so much Trump is now openly accepting the endorsement of someone that backs abortion...check my notes...EVEN IT'S FULL TERM!!!!!

Seriously how desperate are you guys and Trump. Yes please take Kennedy and his habit of killing bears. Lol least Sean Hannity has had him on his show numerous times and allowed him an open forum and debate…your party has done nothing but tried to keep him off ballots…so Democratic! The Dem way!
Pub candidate drops out and supports Trump

Dem candidate drops out and supports Trump

Pretty interesting
I think the Democrat is gonna fit right in with the Trump campaign, friend.

- Worm has eaten part of his brain.

- Found road kill bear. Hoped to skin and eat it. Put it in his trunk. Went to have dinner in NYC. Realized he had a flight after dinner. No time to kill bear. Dump bear in Central Park before going to the airport.
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Actually pretty funny

Heard him tell the story.
Skinning the bear and putting the meat up to eat later? Weird, but okay.

But it sounds like he knew he had to get to NYC for dinner and knew he had to fly out that night. Did it ever cross his mind he probably didn't have time to skin the bear and freeze the meat?
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Skinning the bear and putting the meat up to eat later? Weird, but okay.

But it sounds like he knew he had to get to NYC for dinner and knew he had to fly out that night. Did it ever cross his mind he probably didn't have time to skin the bear and freeze the meat?
It’s a story about a bear and putting it in Central Park (if I remember correctly, been a while) weird, sire why not but weird doesn’t bother me

I was actually giving seriously consideration to voting for him.

Things to like and dislike about all 3 but he was kinda growing on me somewhat
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It’s a story about a bear and putting it in Central Park (if I remember correctly, been a while) weird, sire why not but weird doesn’t bother me

I was actually giving seriously consideration to voting for him.

Things to like and dislike about all 3 but he was kinda growing on me somewhat
I'm sorry friend, but why? I mean he's a liberal policy wise except he believes in a bunch of conspiracy theories with the pharmaceutical companies and other things. Is it just to not vote for the two major candidates? You can just leave president blank and vote for everything else or write-in.
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I'm sorry friend, but why? I mean he's a liberal policy wise except he believes in a bunch of conspiracy theories with the pharmaceutical companies and other things. Is it just to not vote for the two major candidates? You can just leave president blank and vote for everything else or write-in.
I like the fact he is a big environmental guy, trying to rope in lobbyists and special interest groups, border security, help with home buying….just a few things I could get on board with

I mean he’s a nut and got come wild stuff about him no doubt

And some truth that Trumps an idiot and an ass hole and Kamala is a dumass and a terrible candidate in my opinion so yeah he ain’t those 2
I think the Democrat is gonna fit right in with the Trump campaign, friend.

- Worm has eaten part of his brain.

- Found road kill bear. Hoped to skin and eat it. Put it in his trunk. Went to have dinner in NYC. Realized he had a flight after dinner. No time to kill bear. Dump bear in Central Park before going to the airport.
Why are y’all obsessed with this story? Who cares? It was 10 years ago and at least he tried to harvest it. Typical democrat grasping at straws and mudslinging rather than talking about the issues.
He is not a prominent democrat and never has been. He is pretty much the black sheep of the Kennedy family. They don't even support his nutsy views on vaccines (nor his presidential candidacy). This guy in charge of the FDA? Do we want a country run only by people Joe Rogan endorses, lol. This place cracks me up.

One edit: I would love to see him get into the FDA and have him start banning certain foods and food additives watch him get burned at the stake by conservatives for government overreach. New York and California are crazy for proposing legislation to limit sugary drinks and fast foods, so let's put RFK Jr in charge. SMH, you can't make this shit up.
Nobody mentioned Joe Rogan lol. You crack me up. Make sure you stretch next time before you reach that far. He tells the truth. I like the truth. Can you say the same of your party?
Why are y’all obsessed with this story? Who cares? It was 10 years ago and at least he tried to harvest it. Typical democrat grasping at straws and mudslinging rather than talking about the issues.
I think it's an interesting and entertaining story, friend. I also like to watch reruns of Seinfeld because it's entertaining. I don't think I'm obsessed with either. Have a good day.
I think it's an interesting and entertaining story, friend. I also like to watch reruns of Seinfeld because it's entertaining. I don't think I'm obsessed with either. Have a good day.
You’ve posted it twice in this same thread. I’d call that obsessive. It’s just typical when someone comes out and speaks the truth, some decade old story comes out and that’s all y’all want to talk about. Quite a good diversion tactic.
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You’ve posted it twice in this same thread. I’d call that obsessive. It’s just typical when someone comes out and speaks the truth, some decade old story comes out and that’s all y’all want to talk about. Quite a good diversion tactic.
I've only posted about RFK's involvement with the bear once, friend. Then I discussed it with someone who responded. My earlier post was an NBC story about finding a bear in CP before anyone had any idea RFK jr. left it there. If they had known that then, he would've been in legal trouble. The statute of limitations have now passed.

I have never heard that posting twice in a thread is obsession, BTW. Is that an opinion based on research? If so, maybe I should think about that. Thank you, sir.
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Nobody mentioned Joe Rogan lol. You crack me up. Make sure you stretch next time before you reach that far. He tells the truth. I like the truth. Can you say the same of your party?
Lol, Joe Rogan literally endorsed RFK Jr. Trump and his supporters got mad and then Rogan reversed course. I mean Rogan deals in conspiracy theories, so he can't upset either of the candidates that perpetuate the conspiracy theories he makes money off of. Bad mix of money, manipulation, and willful ignorance.
Crazy how little yall/he get it. Trump is an extremely weak candidate but people were uneasy with sticking with a guy who was visibly deteriorating. It could have been anybody else. They are better than Trump. All of that anxiety was unleashed as joy.

Trump is Kanye West. Nobody serious wants Kanye West to be president
take another pill buddy
good lord
I'm sorry friend, but why? I mean he's a liberal policy wise except he believes in a bunch of conspiracy theories with the pharmaceutical companies and other things. Is it just to not vote for the two major candidates? You can just leave president blank and vote for everything else or write-in.
So crazy, conservatives openly reject all global warming evidence, where is a global consensus from the scientific community, but yet are so ready to believe any conspiracy theory Trump and now RFL Jr throw out.
Damn Kidney, you’ve been working on that response over 24 hrs. I thought you could do better than that. Get back to your filtering duties.
Yea I don’t reside on here like you do. It took me about 15 seconds to light you up once I read your childish post. Say some more dumb shit, I will check in tomorrow or Monday and sweep the leg again.

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