Welp, Mueller just rested his case. Payments to a porn star to keep her from talking...


Pillar of the DawgVent
Aug 29, 2001
and a tax case against Paul Manafort from more than 10 years ago with another old dusty tax case to go.

Where is Russia????

Well the Mueller investigation was fun while it lasted. Write up the report and send it to congress so it can sit on a shelf.
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Wait until Cohen goes to Mueller and says I will sing about Russia if you reduce my sentence.

Can't wait.
and a tax case against Paul Manafort from more than 10 years ago with another old dusty tax case to go.

Where is Russia????

Well the Mueller investigation was fun while it lasted. Write up the report and send it to congress so it can sit on a shelf.
Cohen just implicated trump on a federal crime of campaign finance violations at the behest of trump.
Cohen just implicated trump on a federal crime of campaign finance violations at the behest of trump.

  • Mueller wouldn't give him a cooperation deal because he concluded he is an unreliable witness.
  • This is all Cohen could do for some leniency.
  • You can't go forward with a case with no witness.
  • It is the end.
  • Mueller wouldn't give him a cooperation deal because he concluded he is an unreliable witness.
  • This is all Cohen could do for some leniency.
  • You can't go forward with a case with no witness.
  • It is the end.
Lol, not even close to the end but keep hoping. You trumpers wouldn't know truth if it slapped you in the face or maybe you just don't care.
Lol, I don't want anything. Mueller does.

OK, you can pound Manafort into the ground as much as you want. Heck, y'all can put him in the electric chair.

Trump still doesn't have anything to do with it.
OK, you can pound Manafort into the ground as much as you want. Heck, y'all can put him in the electric chair.

Trump still doesn't have anything to do with it.
Cohen will disagree with you on some things.
Campaign finance violation.
Read about it. If he wants president he would have been indicted.
Question to the women in this thread that are crying still about Hilldog not winning? The economy? It's pretty good ? Correct? And in part isn't that a good thing or does getting Trumps head on a platter more important to you considering Hilldog started the Russian thing with Uranium plus ...should I keep going with the Russian narrative in regard to her(I could go all day) ?
Question to the women in this thread that are crying still about Hilldog not winning? The economy? It's pretty good ? Correct? And in part isn't that a good thing or does getting Trumps head on a platter more important to you considering Hilldog started the Russian thing with Uranium plus ...should I keep going with the Russian narrative in regard to her(I could go all day) ?

I’m not talking about Hillary. Trump talked about draining the swamp when his people are getting indicted. Enjoy
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I’m not talking about Hillary. Trump talked about draining the swamp when his people are getting indicted. Enjoy

The swamp is both sides! He is cleaning house. Business as usual in the 100,000$ salaries and walking away millionaires in the govt are winding down. On both sides. Trump takes no prisoners! Again the question stands how is the economy doing? Are you still wanting the US to fail if it means getting Trump out? Do you believe that both sides don't cheat? You just hate the man so much that you are willing to watch Americans suffer to bring down a man that doesn't tickle your weak wrist-ed, bleeding heart let everyone in fantasy.
Question to the women in this thread that are crying still about Hilldog not winning? The economy? It's pretty good ? Correct? And in part isn't that a good thing or does getting Trumps head on a platter more important to you considering Hilldog started the Russian thing with Uranium plus ...should I keep going with the Russian narrative in regard to her(I could go all day) ?
You can go all day long with the uranium thing. The reps in Congress investigated that and Benghazi and found NOTHING. Now when a presidential candidate is implicated by his former lawyer of campaign finance irregularities then it's something very serious to look at even if you don't think so.
The swamp is both sides! He is cleaning house. Business as usual in the 100,000$ salaries and walking away millionaires in the govt are winding down. On both sides. Trump takes no prisoners! Again the question stands how is the economy doing? Are you still wanting the US to fail if it means getting Trump out? Do you believe that both sides don't cheat? You just hate the man so much that you are willing to watch Americans suffer to bring down a man that doesn't tickle your weak wrist-ed, bleeding heart let everyone in fantasy.
How is he cleaning house when he talks about what a good man Manafort is after he is a convicted felon on 8 counts?
You can go all day long with the uranium thing. The reps in Congress investigated that and Benghazi and found NOTHING. Now when a presidential candidate is implicated by his former lawyer of campaign finance irregularities then it's something very serious to look at even if you don't think so.
Of course they didn't! The DOJ was meeting with Bill on the tarmac to make sure the "grandchildren" were doing ok in a chance meeting! Jebus man you are willing to say with a straight face nothing happened in the Clinton/Obama camp?
Of course they didn't! The DOJ was meeting with Bill on the tarmac to make sure the "grandchildren" were doing ok in a chance meeting! Jebus man you are willing to say with a straight face nothing happened in the Clinton/Obama camp?
Do you not understand english. The rep investigations in congress didn't find anything.
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Do you not understand english. The rep investigations in congress didn't find anything.
So English trumps common sense? We can all write English to make it so in the eyes of the law but when Bill meets the DOJ on a plane it's nothing? And btw where is that missing uranium?
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So English trumps common sense? We can all write English to make it so in the eyes of the law but when Bill meets the DOJ on a plane it's nothing? And btw where is that missing uranium?
Bill didn't meet the congressional Republicans. The reps that did the investigating came to the conclusions that there was nothing to charge her with.
Well we could have about the 15th congressional investigation and see if they find anything different.
So the question stands? Did anything happen on that runway"chance meeting"? Or was it just a happenstance? Would you bet your kids on it?
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So the question stands? Did anything happen on that runway"chance meeting"? Or was it just a happenstance? Would you bet your kids on it?
The question remains, congressional investigations found no wrongdoing. Really don't know why this keeps being brought up.
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The question remains, congressional investigations found no wrongdoing. Really don't know why this keeps being brought up.
So they are the end all be all? No answer on the kidos? "I had no sexual relations with that woman" He was the President of the United States of America so he had no sexual relations because he said so and he is above the congressional investigators? Correct? Jebus man you act like people don't lie about things to protect their beliefs! Obviously you wouldn't put your kids in jeopardy and that at least signals that you are smarter than the average bear! Keep using the law when it benefits your cause and not using it when it doesn't! When you are willing to put something that means something on the line let us know?
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So they are the end all be all? No answer on the kidos? "I had no sexual relations with that woman" He was the President of the United States of America so he had no sexual relations because he said so and he is above the congressional investigators? Correct? Jebus man you act like people don't lie about things to protect their beliefs! Obviously you wouldn't put your kids in jeopardy and that at least signals that you are smarter than the average bear! Keep using the law when it benefits your cause and not using it when it doesn't! When you are willing to put something that means something on the line let us know?
I'm not sure what you mean when you say would I bet my kiddos on it but I don't bet my kiddos on anything if that gives you a answer. Not sure what you are talking about bill clinton because he had nothing to do with Benghazi investigation. You really are all over the place here.
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I'm not sure what you mean when you say would I bet my kiddos on it but I don't bet my kiddos on anything if that gives you a answer. Not sure what you are talking about bill clinton because he had nothing to do with Benghazi investigation. You really are all over the place here.
Would you bet anything of value that the meeting on the tarmac between Bill and DOJ was innocent?
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Someone just save all this bull skate all these libs are spewing. If the pubs hang on in nov the dimwit world will come tumbling down. all the cover ups and crimes committed by the o admin will come out and they will all be eating a shit crow.
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Would you bet anything of value that the meeting in trump tower was innocent?
Hey I'm pretty sure I asked first? But unlike you I already said both sides are crooked! You couldn't woman up because you are hell bent on getting Trump out? So I will answer you like a man yes I certainly believe the good guys tried to figure out how to win the election by hook or by crook! You have little bitty balls.