West coast is truly lost

I really don't understand the mindset/rationale behind these types of protests. I can't imagine they ever bring anyone around to their line of thinking. If anything they will push more people away, and harden those that were already against them initially. But then again, these are people that think it's a good idea to superglue their hands to roads, tennis courts, basketball courts, etc., and sit in traffic, so they can't be the sharpest knives in the drawer in the first place.
you need a hobby.
Isn't it good to know this type of micro terrorism is occurring on our Public roads? That is quite alarming to know the lawbreakers are given free reign to disrupt commerce and emergency vehicles with no recourse for their actions. Imagine someone in an ambulance dies due to not getting to the hospital in time , because they are stuck stuck in traffic from one of these events.
you need a hobby.
I don't care which side of the fence you are on...liberal or conservative...anyone who doesn't speak out against this is the highest level of a hypocrite. When either side doesn't call out their own side's radicals, then they are radicals themselves.

These "protesters" are endangering lives, hurting the average person's livelihoods, and taking away citizen's freedoms...and the legal system is CONDONING it? How can you or anyone else not be mortified by this?
I really don't understand the mindset/rationale behind these types of protests. I can't imagine they ever bring anyone around to their line of thinking. If anything they will push more people away, and harden those that were already against them initially. But then again, these are people that think it's a good idea to superglue their hands to roads, tennis courts, basketball courts, etc., and sit in traffic, so they can't be the sharpest knives in the drawer in the first place.
Mindset is about using a "cause" to get attention. Same as the campus protests. It is a cult-like group focused on themselves and clearly trained by "leadership." They have "media liasons," been trained to not talk to the media, how to block access, etc. The "cause" is a red herring. Attention and chaos is the goal.
Mindset is about using a "cause" to get attention. Same as the campus protests. It is a cult-like group focused on themselves and clearly trained by "leadership." They have "media liasons," been trained to not talk to the media, how to block access, etc. The "cause" is a red herring. Attention and chaos is the goal.
It is step 1 on the path to normalization. “We look like idiots now, but a year from now it will seem normal”. Unfortunately there is some rationale for this strategy.
It is step 1 on the path to normalization. “We look like idiots now, but a year from now it will seem normal”. Unfortunately there is some rationale for this strategy.
You might be right…I fear you are. But the other alternative is a violent correction the other way. Whenever a pendulum swings too far one direction or another, the usual result is a radical, and often bloody, correction. Either way, if we as a society don’t start finding common ground on these types of issues from the vast majority…what happens next is scarier than what’s happening now.
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People that hate dumb sh*t relocate,...and self loathing people who hate themselves and everything else will stay in the west coast,...they might enjoy sitting in traffic because they enjoy the suffering because they think they deserve it,...when you realize it's dumb, you leave