What do you recommend to get rid of poison ivy/poison oak, poison sumac?...


Circle of Honor
May 29, 2001
I tried weedwacking it last year and got a bad case of the itches

This post was edited on 3/11 8:46 PM by maconwhoopeedawg
Meh..U slinging nickels like they are manhole covers...

..hire someone to spray such stuff and get on with the rest of the yard. Btw...when do the trees bloom down u street?

Get u place right and hire out the rest on poison ivy. U were lucky the first time...I do not want to so much as ever look at that plant again.
This post was edited on 3/11 8:25 PM by JimBfishN
When I get it, I usually get it bad......

have to go to the Doc and get prednisone.....also take cold baths with tide detergent. Once was pulling some ivy off a building and unbeknownst to me, it had poison. Went to take a leak without washing my hands and it got on my pecker. Damn thing swole up about 4-5 times the size that night. I was completely miserable, last time I had it.
I try to keep a sharp eye out in the Spring and catch the plants before...

they get over 8 to1o inches tall. I wear gloves and put a plastic grocery over the glove. Pull the plants up by the roots and turn the grocery bag wrong side out over the plant and tie it shut with the plant inside and put it in the garbage can.

If they get too big to fit in a grocery bag I have to use the Round Up for Woody Stemmed Plants.

By using the grocery bag method early in the season I've cut the number of plants I see each spring in my yard from over a hundred to just 20 or so plants a year in just 5 or 6 years.
I did the same thing ,but ...

refused treatment
Lol...I edited as usual...above edit applies as I knew it would!....

..hire folks to deal on the negative side and exert your energy on the positive side.

Its not about the ivy.

This post was edited on 3/11 8:36 PM by JimBfishN
Glyphosate(Roundup) is deadly on poison oak and poison ivy if you...

spray them in late summer as they are storing nutrients in their root systems. It knocks them back pretty good anytime of year, but is particularly effective in the late summer/early fall.
Re: Glyphosate(Roundup) is deadly on poison oak and poison ivy if you...

Yep, absolutely right. Very easy to kill with Glyphosate. For gosh sakes don't buy Roundup. You can order 2 1/2 gallons of the stuff for 50 or 60 bucks.
"Work positive and hire out the negative"...

...that one's MINE. Google u bad.

Longer I live its all math...and math sucks!

This post was edited on 3/11 8:44 PM by JimBfishN
Winner. Mix about 2-3 oz per gallon Water. 41x more concentrated

Than the ready mixes in a spray bottle.
An illegal yard hombre. Saw one grab a PI vine as big

as my wanker (which is a considerable example of manhood) with bare hands and pull it down form a pine tree one time. He had on a long sleeve shirt but saw him wipe his forehead with that shirtsleeve. My nephew was the golf pro so I asked if they do that all the time and he said they never have any skin irritation from it. Not me, Jack, and I keep a tube of Zanfeld with me at all times.