When Strzok testifies publicly, it will be very interesting to see


Circle of Honor
Oct 7, 2002
how the Dems on the committee treat the disgraced agent? Will they follow form and thank Strzok for his service? Will they try to paint Strzok as a good guy who Republicans are trying to frame?

At any rate, this is going to be must see TV. Might have to tailgate for this performance.
My guess is they will treat him like Nunes and his fellow Pubs treated the Trumpers who have been caught and testified.
how the Dems on the committee treat the disgraced agent? Will they follow form and thank Strzok for his service? Will they try to paint Strzok as a good guy who Republicans are trying to frame?

At any rate, this is going to be must see TV. Might have to tailgate for this performance.
They will give a speech, veiled as a question.
how the Dems on the committee treat the disgraced agent? Will they follow form and thank Strzok for his service? Will they try to paint Strzok as a good guy who Republicans are trying to frame?

At any rate, this is going to be must see TV. Might have to tailgate for this performance.

Likely as they did when Wray & Horowitz testified about the IG report.

Grand stand about immigration, racism, and anything else not related to anything they were testifying about.
What happened on july 6 when Rosenstein's 7 days were up? I didn't hear a thing, but i don't follow as closely as some.
how the Dems on the committee treat the disgraced agent? Will they follow form and thank Strzok for his service? Will they try to paint Strzok as a good guy who Republicans are trying to frame?

At any rate, this is going to be must see TV. Might have to tailgate for this performance.

As much as I am interested, I don't like the opportunity for rehearsal that it gives that scuzzball and the 'RATs. I also am concerned that this is more of the "take some air out of the balloon" strategy employed by the swamp. Because now when Horowitz comes back with his report, the press and democRATs will claim "nothing new, we already know all this".
The truth is, Peter Strzok & Andy McCabe & Lisa Page and at least several others should go to prison forever for using their offices of the FBI as weapons to try to interfere with the election and trying to frame the duly elected President.
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I just want to know one thing...............IS ANYBODY CONNECTED TO BO GOING TO PRISON?????????
Think Rotten Rodney told them some equivalent of, "the check's in the mail". Nunes said he should have more documents early this week.
Why hasn't Rosenstein recused himself from the Mueller investigation, which seems to be now focusing more on Obstruction of Justice. Wasn't Rosenstein the one who recommended to Trump that Comey be fired?
Why hasn't Rosenstein recused himself from the Mueller investigation, which seems to be now focusing more on Obstruction of Justice. Wasn't Rosenstein the one who recommended to Trump that Comey be fired?


He also signed off on FISA apps. He’s a witness overseeing a case.
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