Why are we handwringing over college campus trespassers?

Warn them.
When they don’t comply, threaten to shoot them.
When they still don’t comply, shoot them.
Have their families give a soliloquy at their funerals about how awesome and woke they were for breaking the law to support all those hateful murderers simply because they’re browner and poorer than Jews.
THAT’S why liberals are all in for Infitada free Palestine kill all the Jews.
It’s because Palestinians are browner and poorer than Jews, and because liberals are, for the most part, shallow and stupid victims of groupthink.
Allow me to illustrate:
Who showed up at all these disgusting Jew hate rallies we now know were funded and planned by outside sources.
Was it the entitled privileged frat boys whose parents loved them and talked to them and taught them right and wrong and love for our country? No.
It was stupid-ass, second generation idiot hippies whose parents, tragically didn’t teach their children right and wrong and to think for themselves.
So, fast forward, all these idiot liberal kids are now supporting Jew-killing, and we self-righteous idiot liberal parents to thank for that. For not teaching their children right and wrong and to think for themselves.
Alas, they only taught them that they MUST go to bat for the brown people, no matter what.
Where am I wrong about liberals?
Because that’s exactly who you are.
I have twin daughters. They go to University of Georgia. I was terrified for their lives after hearing about a girl getting murdered there.
What led to that?
Was it conservative, follow-the-law policies?
Why, no. It was stupid-ass liberal fight for the brown people no matter what policies that got that girl killed,
Yet stupid ass liberals are STILL marching around holding up signs. Because their parents depended on the government to teach them life instead of doing it themselves.
i’m not Jewish, and I’m not Palestinian. Therefore there is a 0% chance you’re going to see me all marching around holding up signs at any stupid hateful Jew hate rallies.
I happen I guess to look Jewish. Been asked at least 15 times if I am Jewish. I’m not.
However, my kids might look Jewish because they both look an awful lot like me.
I also know that a person just looking Jewish is all a liberal needs to hate them. Because liberals are shallow and stupid, we’ve covered that.
Have their families give a soliloquy at their funerals about how awesome and woke they were for breaking the law to support all those hateful murderers simply because they’re browner and poorer than Jews.
THAT’S why liberals are all in for Infitada free Palestine kill all the Jews.
It’s because Palestinians are browner and poorer than Jews, and because liberals are, for the most part, shallow and stupid victims of groupthink.
Allow me to illustrate:
Who showed up at all these disgusting Jew hate rallies we now know were funded and planned by outside sources.
Was it the entitled privileged frat boys whose parents loved them and talked to them and taught them right and wrong and love for our country? No.
It was stupid-ass, second generation idiot hippies whose parents, tragically didn’t teach their children right and wrong and to think for themselves.
So, fast forward, all these idiot liberal kids are now supporting Jew-killing, and we self-righteous idiot liberal parents to thank for that. For not teaching their children right and wrong and to think for themselves.
Alas, they only taught them that they MUST go to bat for the brown people, no matter what.
Where am I wrong about liberals?
Because that’s exactly who liberals are.
I have twin daughters. They go to University of Georgia. I was terrified for their lives after hearing about a girl getting murdered there.
What led to that?
Was it conservative, follow-the-law policies?
Why, no. It was stupid-ass liberal fight for the brown people no matter what policies that got that girl killed,
Yet stupid ass liberals are STILL marching around holding up signs. Because their parents depended on the government to teach them life instead of doing it themselves.
i’m not Jewish, and I’m not Palestinian. Therefore there is a 0% chance you’re going to see me all marching around holding up signs at any stupid hateful Jew hate rallies.
I happen I guess to look Jewish. Been asked at least 15 times if I am Jewish. I’m not.
However, my kids might look Jewish because they both look an awful lot like me.
I also know that a person just looking Jewish is all a liberal needs to hate them. Because liberals are shallow and stupid, we’ve covered that.
And I’m not trying to make any personal attacks here. You may indeed be the one liberal whose head may eventually be extracted from his hind quarters. I am perfectly willing to believe that. I’m just trying to change hearts and mind one at a time as I point out how incredibly stupid and shallow liberals actually are. How they are tragic victims of group think and they don’t love their children enough to teach them how to think for themselves. That’s why all the stinky stupid liberal hippie children ran to the rally to defend the brown people. Because of things already aforementioned.
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I’ll give y’all another example: y’all all remember when liberals wanted you to be all woke and completely color blind like they are, and called you a bigot asshole because they didn’t think you were woke enough.
A few liberals finally realized what the rest of have known the entire time- they were unbelievable hypocrites for demanding a color-blind society whilst constantly pointing out what color everybody is.
What do liberals do about their hypocrisy?
A complete 180°.
Now, liberals say you are SUPPOSED to recognize what color everyone is, and recognize the plight of all those poor and brown and downtrodden people.
I’m not telling y’all what you don’t know. Also, notice, you’re STILL the asshole for not thinking like liberals, even though you have not changed. That was them.
And liberals who have taken BOTH of the above (completely incongruous) positions have absolutely NO cognitive dissonance over it whatsoever. They just keep getting angrier and yelling at you and calling you names. You get to be the asshole they hate BOTH times. Because you’re not woke like them.
This is EXACTLY what has gone down. Y’all know it and I know it.
I’ll give y’all another example: y’all all remember when liberals wanted you to be all woke and completely color blind like they are, and called you a bigot asshole because they didn’t think you were woke enough.
A few liberals finally realized what the rest of have known the entire time- they were unbelievable hypocrites for demanding a color-blind society whilst constantly pointing out what color everybody is.
What do liberals do about their hypocrisy?
A complete 180°.
Now, liberals say you are SUPPOSED to recognize what color everyone is, and recognize the plight of all those poor and brown and downtrodden people.
I’m not telling y’all what you don’t know. Also, notice, you’re STILL the asshole for not thinking like liberals, even though you have not changed. That was them.
And liberals who have taken BOTH of the above (completely incongruous) positions have absolutely NO cognitive dissonance over it whatsoever. They just keep getting angrier and yelling at you and calling you names. You get to be the asshole they hate BOTH times. Because you’re not woke like them.
This is EXACTLY what has gone down. Y’all know it and I know it.
Great post! Spot on
Great post! Spot on
Why, thank you. I honestly am trying to change hearts and minds, but most liberals have their heads so far up their hindquarters, pulling, punches and coddling just isn’t going to work.
Liberals are willing to sell out Israel, our ally, simply because the Palestinian people are browner and poorer- and make no mistake, liberals feel freaking awesome about what kind of people they are because of that decision to defend those brown people. It doesn’t matter to liberals that the Palestine people elected Hamas. It doesn’t matter to them that Hamas people committed unspeakable horrors against Jewish people.
It only matters to liberals that Palestinians are browner and poorer than Jews. And that’s it. That’s all the justification liberals need to hear to hate Jews. Some brown people said the Jews were mean. That’s all the justification liberals need, they’re all in.
Pathetic. And disgusting, disgusting, absolutely disgusting. Jew haters.
Why, thank you. I honestly am trying to change hearts and minds, but most liberals have their heads so far up their hindquarters, pulling, punches and coddling just isn’t going to work.
Liberals are willing to sell out Israel, our ally, simply because the Palestinian people are browner and poorer- and make no mistake, liberals feel freaking awesome about what kind of people they are because of that decision to defend those brown people. It doesn’t matter to liberals that the Palestine people elected Hamas. It doesn’t matter to them that Hamas people committed unspeakable horrors against Jewish people.
It only matters to liberals that Palestinians are browner and poorer than Jews. And that’s it. That’s all the justification liberals need to hear to hate Jews. Some brown people said the Jews were mean. That’s all the justification liberals need, they’re all in.
Pathetic. And disgusting, disgusting, absolutely disgusting. Jew haters.
They start with an indefensible cause and keep pushing the narrative, even when they feel it is wrong. How could you justify grooming grade school children and surgically destroying children’s lives with chemicals and physical surgery? These things CAN NOT be undone! You think it’s tough now, just wait until these misguided kids reach the age to understand the ramifications of their being pushed into the transgender conspiracy movement. It’s quite alright to kill as many fetuses as you want, but they fight to save the lives of convicted murderers from capital punishment. We have gone past the point of craziness. It is time to push the idiots and children aside and have the adults start running things again. Dem rule is chaos and lawlessness for the norm.
They start with an indefensible cause and keep pushing the narrative, even when they feel it is wrong. How could you justify grooming grade school children and surgically destroying children’s lives with chemicals and physical surgery? These things CAN NOT be undone! You think it’s tough now, just wait until these misguided kids reach the age to understand the ramifications of their being pushed into the transgender conspiracy movement. It’s quite alright to kill as many fetuses as you want, but they fight to save the lives of convicted murderers from capital punishment. We have gone past the point of craziness. It is time to push the idiots and children aside and have the adults start running things again. Dem rule is chaos and lawlessness for the norm.
The transvestite child groomers seem to have lost some of their zest for prancing around in front of other peoples children in leather leotards in leather leotards with their taters hanging out.
That’s probably good, because it will probably now be longer before a group of God-fearing American dads decides they will not put up with that crap just because the school board does, and those trannies are taken to the woods, and the ever loving shit is beat out of them.
I’m not condoning that, I don’t support that, I am 100% against violence. Against anyone.
Not everyone feels as I do. I’m speaking to the transvestite child groomers now:
So if y’all wanna prance around sexually like weirdos in front of other peoples children, have that. Have your freedom of speech.
You’ll eventually end up finding out how far that freedom of speech extends when some good old boys are beating the shit out of you in the woods.
Now, go on and do it, prance around with your taters hanging out in front of other peoples children. We know. That’s your lifelong dream- to be disgusting and perverse and weird and different and gay and tranny and WOKE!.
Live your dream, exercise your freedoms. Never say that you were not warned. I don’t care what y’all do. My children are grown. I won’t have any more. I have loved my children. I have taught them right and wrong and decency. Therefore, I don’t have to protect my grandchildren from deviants like you. That will be done by their parents. It will eventually be done by current parents. I’m telling you, you’re playing with fire. Stop prancing around sexually in front of children with your drag queen story hours, no one hates you, go off by yourselves, be just as damn weird as you want.
They start with an indefensible cause and keep pushing the narrative, even when they feel it is wrong. How could you justify grooming grade school children and surgically destroying children’s lives with chemicals and physical surgery? These things CAN NOT be undone! You think it’s tough now, just wait until these misguided kids reach the age to understand the ramifications of their being pushed into the transgender conspiracy movement. It’s quite alright to kill as many fetuses as you want, but they fight to save the lives of convicted murderers from capital punishment. We have gone past the point of craziness. It is time to push the idiots and children aside and have the adults start running things again. Dem rule is chaos and lawlessness for the norm.
I think you’re really on it your first sentence. Liberals get out there and spew complete insanity not because they believe it, but because they want to virtue-signal everybody about what awesome people they are. The terrorized Jewish students trying to simply learn, as well as the dead babies and all the young boys and girls whose johnson and breasts are now in the landfill, are perfectly acceptable collateral damage to the liberal- as long as you recognize just what awesome people they are. If you don’t, well, they’ll just terrorize more Jews and cut off more little johnsons until you do. This is all that matters to liberals. Their own wokeness, and what you think about it.
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And libs, we could be great friends. But some of your heads have been filled full of horse piles. And it comes out of your mouth when you want to virtue-signal to everyone. We all think you’re quite ridiculous and sad- and we always have.
We eventually tire of you preying on the innocent (the aforementioned terrorized Jewish students and the peckerless little boys. Oh, I forgot- and all the dead babies) for the sole purpose of stroking your own egos and tryna make us all think that you're super-woke.
Sorry for pulling your curtain back guys.
By that I mean the editorial “guys”, ok. Colloquial. So don’t get your drawers in a wad and hold up signs because I’ve somehow misgendered you.
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And libs, we could be great friends. But some of your heads have been filled full of horse piles. And it comes out of your mouth when you want to virtue-signal to everyone. We all think you’re quite ridiculous and sad- and we always have.
We eventually tire of you preying on the innocent (the aforementioned terrorized Jewish students and the peckerless little boys. Oh, I forgot- and all the dead babies) for the sole purpose of stroking your own egos and tryna make us all think that you're super-woke.
Sorry for pulling your curtain back guys.
By that I mean the editorial “guys”, ok. Colloquial. So don’t get your drawers in a wad and hold up signs because I’ve somehow misgendered you.
Or, do.
See I’m not gonna care one way or the other. So direct your anger at me. Instead of innocent Jews trying to learn.
Instead of the innocent little boys that your army of transvestites has coached into cutting off their peckers.
Instead of innocent babies, who, if asked, would probably would like a chance at life.
Like you got.
Hate me. We know. You MUST hate someone, or your head explodes. I don’t hate you. I just think you’re silly and ignorant.
Oh, and hey unapologetic liberal professor who constantly spews his tripe in class when he’s supposed to be teaching math or history, I hate it to break it to you- but here’s exactly what has gone on for years:
Hundreds of kids whose parents loved them and taught them to think for themselves have come through your class. They’ve listened to you spew your liberal tripe in class instead of teaching math or history. They’ve used you for a good grade so they can go and do, because they can, while you stay and teach, because you can not.
Once finished, they absolutely all laugh their asses off at you. Heard the same story no less than twenty times from Georgia students. Watched as they laughed their asses off. At you.
Stop tryna brainwash other people’s children, professor. Teach them math or history like you’re sposda. Almost none of them care just how awesome and woke you are. Most of them are going to use you for a good grade and laugh at you. That probably wouldn’t happen if you just taught them math or history.
Oh, and hey unapologetic liberal professor who constantly spews his tripe in class when he’s supposed to be teaching math or history, I hate it to break it to you- but here’s exactly what has gone on for years:
Hundreds of kids whose parents loved them and taught them to think for themselves have come through your class. They’ve listened to you spew your liberal tripe in class instead of teaching math or history. They’ve used you for a good grade so they can go and do, because they can, while you stay and teach, because you can not.
Once finished, they absolutely all laugh their asses off at you. Heard the same story no less than twenty times from Georgia students. Watched as they laughed their asses off. At you.
Stop tryna brainwash other people’s children, professor. Teach them math or history like you’re sposda. Almost none of them care just how awesome and woke you are. Most of them are going to use you for a good grade and laugh at you. That probably wouldn’t happen if you just taught them math or history.
Admittedly, a few, whose parents did not love them and teach them to think for themselves, will soak in every word you say, then rush to the Jew-hate rally to defend brown people, as you’ve instructed them, professor.
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To answer OP’s original question:
These things are not handled at colleges appropriately because people at colleges in charge are virtually all unapologetic liberal turds.
Also, Palestinian people happen to be poor and Browner than Jewish people. That doesn’t matter to me, I know that that does not matter to you one bit. Me neither. However, sir, to a shallow, group-identity obsessed liberal, how brown and poor they are is all that matters, no matter the Jew-hate they’re spewing.
You know it and I know it, brother. I’ve covered this. I’ll do so again.
1) liberals are are almost all quite gullible, easily led, and had parents who didn’t love them and teach them, thus allowing them to fall victim to liberal warm and fuzzy complete horse piles.
2) these aforementioned liberal idiots are incredibly easy to convince to come march at a Jew hate rally. Doesn’t matter to liberals that Israel is fighting for its very life against people whose stated goal it to kill all the Jews.
3) Jews are whiter. So are most of them, and these buttholes will slaughter all these useful liberal morons once they’re done with them. And their parents will holler out at their own child’s funeral “why?!! Why did I bring up my child to be an incredibly shallow and stupid Jew-hater?! Why didn’t I teach them to focus on good vs. evil, and right vs. wrong, instead of trivial things like how brown someone is?!”
I’m telling you, liberals are in Palestinians corner because Palestinians are browner than Jews. That’s just how shallow annd ignorant and out-of-touch most liberals are.
Oh, and hey unapologetic liberal professor who constantly spews his tripe in class when he’s supposed to be teaching math or history, I hate it to break it to you- but here’s exactly what has gone on for years:
Hundreds of kids whose parents loved them and taught them to think for themselves have come through your class. They’ve listened to you spew your liberal tripe in class instead of teaching math or history. They’ve used you for a good grade so they can go and do, because they can, while you stay and teach, because you can not.
Once finished, they absolutely all laugh their asses off at you. Heard the same story no less than twenty times from Georgia students. Watched as they laughed their asses off. At you.
Stop tryna brainwash other people’s children, professor. Teach them math or history like you’re sposda. Almost none of them care just how awesome and woke you are. Most of them are going to use you for a good grade and laugh at you. That probably wouldn’t happen if you just taught them math or history.
I’m a professor, too. Not kidding. Only I don’t teach Psych 101 to 18 year olds. I teach thirty-year old doctors in residency.
So we have a resident from Haiti. His mother is a physician in Haiti. He brought up taxation, I did not. However, I presented him a fact about just much of the US tax burden is borne by the top 1% of income earners.
He told me he thought I was wrong.
I encouraged him to research it for himself, just as I would if he were asking me how to treat meningitis or heart failure.
He came in the next day “I looked that up. Wow. I had no idea.”
So yes, I did talk about my politics. But I didn’t brainwash the guy. I told him a fact, and encouraged him to research it for himse if he didn’t believe me. He did.