Why I am voting a Kamala Harris


B2B Caffeinated Nat’l Champion
Gold Member
Jan 5, 2009
Bring it.

Why are you voting for her, not why you are not voting for Trump.

It gets quiet on this board at times.

To be fair, I stated my reasons I am voting for Trump. So I played the game first.

I don’t want to debate your reasons, just want to better understand your reasoning.

Let’s hear some Kamala positivity.
What part of why you are not voting for Trump is hard to understand?
What policies, stances or accomplishments warrants your vote for Harris?
The SCOTUS ruling on presidential immunity says Trump or any president can do whatever he wants. This as long as he says he is doing it in his role as President. Now Trump could if as president he shoots somebody in the middle of Fifth Ave he would not only lose any votes, he could not be prosecuted.

He praises dictators and does not support Ukraine. His talks about NATO in a way that tells me his buddy Putin is telling him what to do.
He won't condemn Putin for bombing hospitals, churches and schools.

He wants to put some immigrants into detention camps. USA did that to Japanese decedents in WWII.

He spoke at the Freedom Caucus ans says their project would be his plan for a second term.
In Atlanta he praised the election officials who said they wouldn't certify the election.
He wants to be a dictator like Putin and Viktor Orbán.
I could go on and on.

Harris ain't Trump.
The SCOTUS ruling on presidential immunity says Trump or any president can do whatever he wants. This as long as he says he is doing it in his role as President. Now Trump could if as president he shoots somebody in the middle of Fifth Ave he would not only lose any votes, he could not be prosecuted.

He praises dictators and does not support Ukraine. His talks about NATO in a way that tells me his buddy Putin is telling him what to do.
He won't condemn Putin for bombing hospitals, churches and schools.

He wants to put some immigrants into detention camps. USA did that to Japanese decedents in WWII.

He spoke at the Freedom Caucus ans says their project would be his plan for a second term.
In Atlanta he praised the election officials who said they wouldn't certify the election.
He wants to be a dictator like Putin and Viktor Orbán.
I could go on and on.

Harris ain't Trump.
Wow you are unhinged. The SCOTUS ruling does not say that. Seriously learn to read. If so why would Biden not rule Trump is ineligible to run?
Just making up crap and or repeating the same crap dishonest idiots are saying.
You are right Kamala is not Trump she is worse. That is saying a lot.
I am voting for normalcy. All politicians lie, cheat, and mislead. Our system heavily rewards such. But Trump is so far outside the norm that he has caused 40% to question the most fundamental facts and institutions that make us a country. I hope that a clear message in support of our Republic will be sent by Americans (for a third time) this November.

Kamala actually is exactly what I want right now, a generally and basically competent president. She did good work in the Senate and in her time as AG.
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Wow you are unhinged. The SCOTUS ruling does not say that. Seriously learn to read. If so why would Biden not rule Trump is ineligible to run?
Just making up crap and or repeating the same crap dishonest idiots are saying.
You are right Kamala is not Trump she is worse. That is saying a lot.
While I dont agree with your tone, you are 100% right that the SCOTUS ruling does not say that. That ruling has been grossly misinterpreted by my fellow liberals.
The SCOTUS ruling on presidential immunity says Trump or any president can do whatever he wants. This as long as he says he is doing it in his role as President. Now Trump could if as president he shoots somebody in the middle of Fifth Ave he would not only lose any votes, he could not be prosecuted.

He praises dictators and does not support Ukraine. His talks about NATO in a way that tells me his buddy Putin is telling him what to do.
He won't condemn Putin for bombing hospitals, churches and schools.

He wants to put some immigrants into detention camps. USA did that to Japanese decedents in WWII.

He spoke at the Freedom Caucus ans says their project would be his plan for a second term.
In Atlanta he praised the election officials who said they wouldn't certify the election.
He wants to be a dictator like Putin and Viktor Orbán.
I could go on and on.

Harris ain't Trump.
ok, so basically, you have no idea what policies she has, and whether or not you support them.. gotcha.

here, I'll help you out....Kamala says No Tax on Tips..... LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL, you are a fool.
I am voting for normalcy. All politicians lie, cheat, and mislead. Our system heavily rewards such. But Trump is so far outside the norm that he has caused 40% to question the most fundamental facts and institutions that make us a country. I hope that a clear message in support of our Republic will be sent by Americans (for a third time) this November.

Kamala actually is exactly what I want right now, a generally and basically competent president. She did good work in the Senate and in her tome as AG.
What has she done?
All I have seen is incompetence when she is put charge of something.
Our country is falling apart. We cater to every special interest group to the point there are very few commonalities anymore. We have become a society of self seeking, self righteous individuals.
While I dont agree with your tone, you are 100% right that the SCOTUS ruling does not say that. That ruling has been grossly misinterpreted by my fellow liberals.
My tone is out of frustration because no one wants to acknowledge the truth just their version of what they want the truth to be. Let’s slant things in a way to make it look better and the truth and accuracy be damned. No one is willing to hear they might be wrong and willing to hear dissenting opinions with an open mind.
My tone is out of frustration because no one wants to acknowledge the truth just their version of what they want the truth to be. Let’s slant things in a way to make it look better and the truth and accuracy be damned. No one is willing to hear they might be wrong and willing to hear dissenting opinions with an open mind.
Even worse, intuition probably makes truths reasonable to people, but people don't want to acknowledge those truths and would rather lie to themselves to defend the status quo.
How about this.....If you want Trump to be President, vote for him.
If you want Kamala to be President, vote for her.
If you don't want either one, don't vote for either one.
Whatever choice you make, you are not un-American, you are not evil, you are just making a choice.
No one on here is changing anyone else's mind about anything no matter how many posts we make.
Go vote (or not) and see what happens.
How about this.....If you want Trump to be President, vote for him.
If you want Kamala to be President, vote for her.
If you don't want either one, don't vote for either one.
Whatever choice you make, you are not un-American, you are not evil, you are just making a choice.
No one on here is changing anyone else's mind about anything no matter how many posts we make.
Go vote (or not) and see what happens.
That is the American way Mitchell. This is a message board. What you posted will happen either way. Just some of us are curious as to how you can support someone to run the country. Yet not support anything they stand for. People like you and others are put in a spot here where all you can say is she isn’t trump. We aren’t voting for student council. Or prom queen. It shouldn’t just be a popularity contest. Half the pubs here in the chat don’t like trump either. But realize his policy views are much more likely to work going forward. What does it say when the left is so fired up simply because they can justify their vote. We screwed up and elected a vege. So this time we aren’t voting for a vege, but we are voting for a worse version of the right’s Sarah palin.
Bring it.

Why are you voting for her, not why you are not voting for Trump.

It gets quiet on this board at times.

To be fair, I stated my reasons I am voting for Trump. So I played the game first.

I don’t want to debate your reasons, just want to better understand your reasoning.
she can dance, laugh/giggle and it keeps Trump out of office.......he's the debil.

And maybe, just maybe I finally get my reparations with 40 acres AND a mule.
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How about this.....If you want Trump to be President, vote for him.
If you want Kamala to be President, vote for her.
If you don't want either one, don't vote for either one.
Whatever choice you make, you are not un-American, you are not evil, you are just making a choice.
No one on here is changing anyone else's mind about anything no matter how many posts we make.
Go vote (or not) and see what happens.
I’m in the neither block. I consider it a protest non vote.

Otherwise I’ll vote Republican down ticket. Thankfully MTG doesn’t represent East Cobb. Don’t want Harris but if the Republicans can hold at least one house nothing much will happen till the midterms and maybe there will a new leadership and fresh vision for the party.

I held my nose and voted for Trump twice but not again. I’m sick and tired of his act even if I generally align with most of his platform. If we wins the state it won’t be with my vote.
I’m in the neither block. I consider it a protest non vote.

Otherwise I’ll vote Republican down ticket. Thankfully MTG doesn’t represent East Cobb. Don’t want Harris but if the Republicans can hold at least one house nothing much will happen till the midterms and maybe there will a new leadership and fresh vision for the party.

I held my nose and voted for Trump twice but not again. I’m sick and tired of his act even if I generally align with most of his platform. If we wins the state it won’t be with my vote.
I'm ready for it all to fall apart. If voters aren't going to vote for the good of the country then what's the point?

Where is this fresh new vision going to come from? Sounds like kicking the can while the establishment continues their ways.
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Where will the money be coming from?

Wherever they pulled it from to pay other countries.

Wherever they pull it from to give tax breaks.

Wherever they pulled it from when they paid reparations in the past to other races/ethnicities.

Wherever they pull it from when the US government subsidized different areas.

Do a Popcorn sale or something.
I am voting for normalcy. All politicians lie, cheat, and mislead. Our system heavily rewards such. But Trump is so far outside the norm that he has caused 40% to question the most fundamental facts and institutions that make us a country. I hope that a clear message in support of our Republic will be sent by Americans (for a third time) this November.

Kamala actually is exactly what I want right now, a generally and basically competent president. She did good work in the Senate and in her tome as AG.
I feel JOY & not anger, hate & not trusting a liar ! So Mrs Harris brings me JOY in thinking about USA Future , while Mr Trump brings anger,distrust & He is a liar! GO DAWGS
  • Haha
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Wherever they pulled it from to pay other countries.

Wherever they pull it from to give tax breaks.

Wherever they pulled it from when they paid reparations in the past to other races/ethnicities.

Wherever they pull it from when the US government subsidized different areas.

Do a Popcorn sale or something.
There is only place that eventually pays for it all, tax payers.

Which leads to more questions, if this can be pulled off without bankrupting the country and its citizens.

Who qualifies?

1) only 1 race, or do other races and ethnicities qualify too….which one or ones??

2) what qualifies the race/races or ethnicity? IE, do you have to be 100%, 50%, 30% (race/ethnicity) etc to get paid??

Where do you draw the line?

3) Do we give land, money, both, other and how much??
There is only place that eventually pays for it all, tax payers.

Which leads to more questions, if this can be pulled off without bankrupting the country and its citizens.

Who qualifies?

1) only 1 race, or do other races and ethnicities qualify too….which one or ones??

2) what qualifies the race/races or ethnicity? IE, do you have to be 100%, 50%, 30% (race/ethnicity) etc to get paid??

Where do you draw the line?

3) Do we give land, money, both, other and how much??

All good points.....but to put your head in the sand and ignore it or say it's not warranted or to find reasons NOT to clean this up or any other trivial excuse does not remove the burden on these United States of America.

It's something that should have been done waaayyyyy before either you or I was born. Let's correct at least one evil from our past that everyone knows should be done.

The who and what can be decided by people a lot smarter than me. The why should be agreed on by most Americans and should not have taken this long.
Bring it.

Why are you voting for her, not why you are not voting for Trump.

It gets quiet on this board at times.

To be fair, I stated my reasons I am voting for Trump. So I played the game first.

I don’t want to debate your reasons, just want to better understand your reasoning.
Still waiting for an answer that doesn't include Trump.
All good points.....but to put your head in the sand and ignore it or say it's not warranted or to find reasons NOT to clean this up or any other trivial excuse does not remove the burden on these United States of America.

It's something that should have been done waaayyyyy before either you or I was born. Let's correct at least one evil from our past that everyone knows should be done.

The who and what can be decided by people a lot smarter than me. The why should be agreed on by most Americans and should not have taken this long.
Exactly right and here is a perfect example of a wrong that could be corrected by the GOP is blocking. Black farmers were discriminated against for decades being locked out of capital purely because of their race. If Trump wanted to build good will with black Americans tell congressional GOP to stop blocking this bill.

All good points.....but to put your head in the sand and ignore it or say it's not warranted or to find reasons NOT to clean this up or any other trivial excuse does not remove the burden on these United States of America.

It's something that should have been done waaayyyyy before either you or I was born. Let's correct at least one evil from our past that everyone knows should be done.

The who and what can be decided by people a lot smarter than me. The why should be agreed on by most Americans and should not have taken this long.
Nobody is putting their “head in the sand” or saying “it’s not warranted”.

Apparently, you want reparations…..I am just asking questions on how it would work.

Hayul, everybody likes “free shat”…….but I know of nothing free in this circumstance without devastating results.

If you know how it can work, or “reasonsTO without the horrible fallout, let me know…..I’m all in.
I am voting for normalcy. All politicians lie, cheat, and mislead. Our system heavily rewards such. But Trump is so far outside the norm that he has caused 40% to question the most fundamental facts and institutions that make us a country. I hope that a clear message in support of our Republic will be sent by Americans (for a third time) this November.

Kamala actually is exactly what I want right now, a generally and basically competent president. She did good work in the Senate and in her tome as AG.
The same institutions such as the FBI that interfered with the election in 2020? Those institutions?

I mean in the same paragraph you admitted they they all lie and cheat then immediately insinuate we should trust them
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The same institutions such as the FBI that interfered with the election in 2020? Those institutions?

I mean in the same paragraph you admitted they they all lie and cheat then immediately insinuate we should trust them
The same FBI who gave legitimacy to the over the top email crap against Hillary just days before the election in 2016? There will always be complaints - but burning down the system is not something I am willing to sign onto. You can. That’s just my view.