Why is politics...

I like him because he was a strong advocate for the military, especially the US Army.
I would have to agree with anyone who gives the military the much neededsupport they DESERVE and should be getting better healtcare than the senators ,congressmen and bureaucrats who have gold level health care on our (taxpayers) dime.
So you would want to term-limit capable men like Richard Russell and Carl Vinson? Vinson served 50 years in the House and Russell 38 years in the Senate. The US military would be much worse off today if not for Vinson chairing the House Armed Services Committee and Russell chairing the Senate Armed Services Committee.

Thing is, there ARE term limits. If their district or state wants them out, VOTE!
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Thing is, there ARE term limits. If their district or state wants them out, VOTE!

Only problem with that is most of us citizen/voters do not excel at choosing our leader/representatives. And some of those federal employees, who are supposedly beholden to "the people" (we assume that is us) in their district, actually do manage to do a few things that are visibly good for their districts. But, there has NEVER been any doubt about how much more beholden those representatives become to OTHER interests and influences as their time in office grows term after term after term. And we simple human beings almost always are guilty of ASSuming that our guy is good and your guy is the crook, who should have term limits. We pretty much suck at making choices, which is why we have representatives.
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Only problem with that is most of us citizen/voters do not excel at choosing our leader/representatives. And some of those federal employees, who are supposedly beholden to "the people" (we assume that is us) in their district, actually do manage to do a few things that are visibly good for their districts. But, there has NEVER been any doubt about how much more beholden those representatives become to OTHER interests and influences as their time in office grows term after term after term. And we simple human beings almost always are guilty of ASSuming that our guy is good and your guy is the crook, who should have term limits. We pretty much suck at making choices, which is why we have representatives.

I pretty much agree with everything you said. can still rally around and vote them out of office and find another candidate. Example: Trump. Or Sanders. They've made big headway, especially Trump this year. Of course, he's about to blow it with the silly my wife vs your wife. That MIGHT be the thing that does him in. Lord knows nothing else has.
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