Will be interesting how a JoeB who legit doesn’t want Harris to win will behave….


Pillar of the DawgVent
Gold Member
May 20, 2002
charleston sc usa
after being pushed out, you think he doesn’t have the biggest chip on his shoulder of all time? Dude is ego driven. He is publicly toeing the line but does anyone actually believe he wants Harris to win?

Hell no. He and his whole family want to be able to say I told you so. Don’t be surprised if some backchannel backstabbing takes place. Dude still occupied the most powerful post on planet Earth. If he wants to poke the Kamala voodoo dolll, he will.
What I think is the most hilarious thing of all of this has been SCOTUS Justice CT enjoying the schadenfreude on Biden. In his Senate confirmation hearings, he looked right at Strom Thurmond and Joe Biden and accused one of their staff about planting the story of him and Anita Hill. He outright accused them of the high-tech lynching, but he made it on the court anyway.

And now, as a Supreme Court justice, he got to vote against RvW, one of the signature rulings supported by the Dems for decades, AND he not only gets to watch Biden's presidency implode, but also get twice kicked off the ballot by one their own, Barack Obama.

I mean he's got to come to work every day, pick up the newspaper and laugh his ass off. I would.

I wonder what type of cosmic justice Brett Kavanaugh is going to get to enjoy?
after being pushed out, you think he doesn’t have the biggest chip on his shoulder of all time? Dude is ego driven. He is publicly toeing the line but does anyone actually believe he wants Harris to win?

Hell no. He and his whole family want to be able to say I told you so. Don’t be surprised if some backchannel backstabbing takes place. Dude still occupied the most powerful post on planet Earth. If he wants to poke the Kamala voodoo dolll, he will.
I will look forward to your alternative history novel...
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It’s nauseating hearing how Patriotic Joe is for stepping aside. He was 100% forced. No option. But I guess that’s politics to put the spin on it. It’s not like republicans wouldn’t do the exact same thing.
Pubs aint like that. The didn't kick out John McCain when he went up against BO. Republicans lose when they default to the guy whose "turn" it is. That's why Trump won; he severely disrupted that flawed system.
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I would respond but have no idea what that means.
It’s nauseating hearing how Patriotic Joe is for stepping aside. He was 100% forced. No option. But I guess that’s politics to put the spin on it. It’s not like republicans wouldn’t do the exact same thing.
Suspect it was that or a bullet for Joe. Sounds like the medication was not in the agreement.