Wow. Passing info along that is out there.

Well, there are a ton of bank records that have already been provided & proven legitimate. What else do you need?
Are you talking about when Biden was a private citizen or when he was President or VP? If it was when he was in office I agree it’s a huge problem. And even if not while in office, if there is some evidence of a quid pro quo, again a huge problem. I honestly dont know the details. I dont know the details on all Trump’s self-dealing either, I just don’t get into this stuff too much.
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Are you talking about when Biden was a private citizen or when he was President or VP? If it was when he was in office I agree it’s a huge problem. And even if not while in office, if there is some evidence of a quid pro quo, again a huge problem. I honestly dont know the details. I dont know the details on all Trump’s self-dealing either, I just don’t get into this stuff too much.

Clearly, you haven't been keeping up & I have neither the patience nor the desire to provide (again) what has already been provided on this board in the past.

At this point, denying that the Biden family got huge amounts of $$$ for the promise of political influence is a losing proposition....especially since I already provided above a link to the Special Counsel's finding of $$ paid while Biden was VP.

What else do you need?
Doesn’t matter if this is true. If dad is changing policy for money paid to his son, that is a wrap.

Of note: Just the promise of policy influence is enough, per US Law. Actual policy change is not required.

That's been a really frustrating "I need a smoking gun!!!" demand here for a long time. It's been pointless to keep providing clarification of what the actual law is.
Of note: Just the promise of policy influence is enough, per US Law. Actual policy change is not required.

That's been a really frustrating "I need a smoking gun!!!" demand here for a long time. It's been pointless to keep providing clarification of what the actual law is.
Kamala was the most useless vp of the modern era. Now she is apart of the most corrupt administration of the modern era too. She outdid Cheney and Quayle on her own. She and Biden managed to outdo Carter for worst president, and Nixon for most corrupt. Quite an accomplishment.
Clearly, you haven't been keeping up & I have neither the patience nor the desire to provide (again) what has already been provided on this board in the past.

At this point, denying that the Biden family got huge amounts of $$$ for the promise of political influence is a losing proposition....especially since I already provided above a link to the Special Counsel's finding of $$ paid while Biden was VP.

What else do you need?
I am legitimately asking the question. Can you point me to which link. I tried clicking through and only saw money paid to Hunter, Im sure I missed it, can you just send me what I should be looking at? I know that it may sound like Im trolling but I swear I am not.
Kamala was the most useless vp of the modern era. Now she is apart of the most corrupt administration of the modern era too. She outdid Cheney and Quayle on her own. She and Biden managed to outdo Carter for worst president, and Nixon for most corrupt. Quite an accomplishment.
I'm not sure what frustrates me more:

1. Trump gets in his own way so much, so often...that he isn't already 40 points up

2. The defense of anything of this administration of the past 4 years
I'm not sure what frustrates me more:

1. Trump gets in his own way so much, so often...that he isn't already 40 points up

2. The defense of anything of this administration of the past 4 years
I agree. Frustrates me too. I just had someone tell me that he knows he isn’t being lied to by the democrat party. I wasn’t even sure how to respond to that.
I am legitimately asking the question. Can you point me to which link. I tried clicking through and only saw money paid to Hunter, Im sure I missed it, can you just send me what I should be looking at? I know that it may sound like Im trolling but I swear I am not.

There's not a single "link" As I've already covered: Family members getting paid for the promise of political favors is bribery. One of the links above shows (via the special council) that Hunter was getting paid millions from corrupt Romania while his father was VP. That alone is "enough". Beyond that...

There have been dozens of stories and unrefuted proof of Biden family members getting paid large amounts of money via dozens of shell companies from overseas entities, all with direct ties to foreign governments (like China)...with no actual "product" or "service" provided.

What more do you need?
There's not a single "link" As I've already covered: Family members getting paid for the promise of political favors is bribery. One of the links above shows (via the special council) that Hunter was getting paid millions from corrupt Romania while his father was VP. That alone is "enough". Beyond that...

There have been dozens of stories and unrefuted proof of Biden family members getting paid large amounts of money via dozens of shell companies from overseas entities, all with direct ties to foreign governments (like China)...with no actual "product" or "service" provided.

What more do you need?
There is zero question that drug-addled Hunter was trading on the Biden name. Nobody serious denies that. There were other family members involved?
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There is zero question that drug-addled Hunter was trading on the Biden name. Nobody serious denies that. There were other family members involved?

I have no interest in repeating myself.

"The central question regarding the shady, overseas Biden family business has always been whether Hunter -- who was business partners with his father and often flew on Air Force Two to make deals in foreign countries -- was influencing changes in U.S. government policy in exchange for payment. In other words, was the Biden family accepting bribes? According to new information unearthed by the Special Counsel, the answer is yes. "
I have no interest in repeating myself.

"The central question regarding the shady, overseas Biden family business has always been whether Hunter -- who was business partners with his father and often flew on Air Force Two to make deals in foreign countries -- was influencing changes in U.S. government policy in exchange for payment. In other words, was the Biden family accepting bribes? According to new information unearthed by the Special Counsel, the answer is yes. "
My man brimur is a lawyer. He is just looking for an argument or loophole. There isn’t one. They are guilty. And should have been caught four years ago.
My man brimur is a lawyer. He is just looking for an argument or loophole. There isn’t one. They are guilty. And should have been caught four years ago.
Yep. Need to prove how far it goes up first.

But there are a lot of people right now doing things that they shouldn't have been allowed to do. Sure wish we'd all just acknowledge it.
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I have no interest in repeating myself.

"The central question regarding the shady, overseas Biden family business has always been whether Hunter -- who was business partners with his father and often flew on Air Force Two to make deals in foreign countries -- was influencing changes in U.S. government policy in exchange for payment. In other words, was the Biden family accepting bribes? According to new information unearthed by the Special Counsel, the answer is yes. "
That may be the central question to you, but as far as Joe Biden’s culpability in the court of public opinion it’s just not. Most people feel sorry for a father who’s quite publicly outlived two of his kids and while it’s sad and gross, they sort of excuse him over-indulging his total ****-up of a son. Now if there was a broader conspiracy involving more family members or Joe himself, that’s a horse of a different color. Legally speaking, you might be right. There may be criminal exposure. Im just talking about court of public opinion.
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Yep. Need to prove how far it goes up first.

But there are a lot of people right now doing things that they shouldn't have been allowed to do. Sure wish we'd all just acknowledge it.

The son of a VP/President getting paid millions by a foreign government (with no other "service" or product offered), funneling those payments across the family, via dozens of shell companies, having money transferred throughout the family via untracked "loan repayments" (so it's not a taxable transaction) clearly to influence US policy is being done by "a lot of people right now"?

Sure, let's just pretend like this is "normal" and that "acknowledging" it makes it alright.
That may be the central question to you, but as far as Joe Biden’s culpability in the court of public opinion it’s just not. Most people feel sorry for a father who’s quite publicly outlived two of his kids and while it’s sad and gross, they sort of excuse him over-indulging his total ****-up of a son. Now if there was a broader conspiracy involving more family members or Joe himself, that’s a horse of a different color. Legally speaking, you might be right. There may be criminal exposure. Im just talking about court of public opinion.
I don't give two shits about "public opinion". This is wrong, bordering on clear & obvious treason.
The son of a VP/President getting paid millions by a foreign government (with no other "service" or product offered), funneling those payments across the family, via dozens of shell companies, having money transferred throughout the family via untracked "loan repayments" (so it's not a taxable transaction) clearly to influence US policy is being done by "a lot of people right now"?

Sure, let's just pretend like this is "normal" and that "acknowledging" it makes it alright.
Are you unaware of the Ivanka trademarks?
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Are you unaware of the Ivanka trademarks?

I'm aware of two things:

1. That's not in the same stratosphere of what the Biden family is implicated with here

2. You're changing the subject

When a special counsel finds that "Ivanka Trademarks" was the result of $3M from a foreign government on the promise of political influence...then it might be applicable.

I'm immune from deflection.
That may be the central question to you, but as far as Joe Biden’s culpability in the court of public opinion it’s just not. Most people feel sorry for a father who’s quite publicly outlived two of his kids and while it’s sad and gross, they sort of excuse him over-indulging his total ****-up of a son. Now if there was a broader conspiracy involving more family members or Joe himself, that’s a horse of a different color. Legally speaking, you might be right. There may be criminal exposure. Im just talking about court of public opinion.
I think that is just the Democrat excuse. You have to be amazingly naive to really believe he didn’t know his son and brother were doing any of this. The fact that it began when Joe had 30000 to his name is motive in your world.

You are just looking for a way to spin it so he isn’t selling influence. That is just it man. He is and was selling influence. He is the only one with anything to offer. No one is paying millions for a guarantee of nothing. Without assurances that Joe could help when needed. Same way anyone believed he hasn’t been compromised the last four years, has an agenda to believe anything other than he is guilty
I'm aware of two things:

1. That's not in the same stratosphere of what the Biden family is implicated with here

2. You're changing the subject

When a special counsel finds that "Ivanka Trademarks" was the result of $3M from a foreign government on the promise of political influence...then it might be applicable.

I'm immune from deflection.
That’s fair it is a little whataboutism. Like I said, I think it’s a big problem if Joe was receiving money.
@Moosefish any problem with foreign govts conspicuous use of the Trump hotel? Is it so different just because it’s a legitimate business? Foreign governments spent hundreds of thousands at the hotels. That’s not easy to spend that much money. Thats literally hundreds of nights. Nobody serious thinks that was anything other than to buy influence do they?
That’s fair it is a little whataboutism. Like I said, I think it’s a big problem if Joe was receiving money.

I don't think there is any legitimate scenario where Joe was not receiving any monetary benefit from Hunter's overseas escapades. He flew on AF2 more than once to seal deals & then that $ found its way (via convoluted chains) to Joe's bank accounts. Hunter got big $$ on the promise of influence, was proven to complain that he wasn't getting $$ until after his Dad left office, and had no legitimate marketable skill that wasn't his family name.

...and I'm not even going to get into the Ukrainian Prosecutor (all proven by official US records) that the US had determined was cleaning things up, was investigating Burisma, and was suddenly removed when Joe went against US diplomatic recommendations and got the guy removed after Hunter was hired for big $$$ by Burisma.

I've covered all of this in great detail here before.