Wow. Passing info along that is out there.

I hope you don’t mind the question- not intended to deflect. Ive admitted that the Biden news is problematic
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@Moosefish any problem with foreign govts conspicuous use of the Trump hotel? Is it so different just because it’s a legitimate business? Foreign governments spent hundreds of thousands at the hotels. That’s not easy to spend that much money. Thats literally hundreds of nights. Nobody serious thinks that was anything other than to buy influence do they?

He owns hotels. What's conspicuous? He's lost $ since he became POTUS. least he's offering a product. What product/service do the Bidens provide?
He owns hotels. What's conspicuous? He's lost $ since he became POTUS. least he's offering a product. What product/service do the Bidens provide?
So that is where yo draw the line. So if the Bidens sold a service it wouldnt matter if the foreign govt bought the service as a pretext to influence buying, they are still buying a legitimate service so all good?
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He owns hotels. What's conspicuous? He's lost $ since he became POTUS. least he's offering a product. What product/service do the Bidens provide?
By conspicuous I mean- an unusually large amount of money
He owns hotels. What's conspicuous? He's lost $ since he became POTUS. least he's offering a product. What product/service do the Bidens provide?

I'll also add...w/o looking at the details of what you posted....spending hundreds of thousands at a hotel is far different from Trump personally pocketing that amount of money. What's the profit margin for those properties? Seems like chump change to a Billionaire...certainly not enough to influence national policy, imo. But, I'm not a Billionaire.
So that is where yo draw the line. So if the Bidens sold a service it wouldnt matter if the foreign govt bought the service as a pretext to influence buying, they are still buying a legitimate service so all good?
If there was a legitimate service being offered...this would be a different conversation & then you could look at pretexts for spending money. The Trump issues you're bringing up are a different discussion that has more layers and is much more complex. Similar issues get brought up by retired Generals that make decisions that affect their "new" employers.

But, that's what makes this so obviously damning for Biden. What else could these foreign governments be spending money on other than undue influence?
By conspicuous I mean- an unusually large amount of money

I'll also ask: is it conspicuous? Have we compared it to similar hotel properties, based on location? Large amounts of $ paid by foreign governments to hotels in DC might be relatively common. Where are the comparisons? I can't make a judgement based solely on $$ totals.
I'll also ask: is it conspicuous? Have we compared it to similar hotel properties, based on location? Large amounts of $ paid by foreign governments to hotels in DC might be relatively common. Where are the comparisons? I can't make a judgement based solely on $$ totals.
Trump is the only president to maintain his private businesses while President, so it’s uncharted territory. Some would argue its inherently influence peddling.
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Trump is the only president to maintain his private businesses while President, so it’s uncharted territory. Some would argue its inherently influence peddling.
1. He complied with all requirements. He also lost $

2. How many non-career politicians have become President? Especially in the modern era?

Again, what was Biden's business? What was being sold?
Trump is the only president to maintain his private businesses while President, so it’s uncharted territory. Some would argue its inherently influence peddling.
I'm going to address this again....what does Trump have to do with Biden, here? If they are both guilty of illegal influence peddling or bribery, book 'em both.

One has nothing to do with the other.
One guy hasn’t even been accused formally of this. For goodness sake, they have looked under every stone on planet earth to charge djt with something. If he was influence peddling, some jackwagon like Jack smith would already be on camera telling people he is guilty. The left made up a felony. Made up a way to make paying a loan on time illegal. Had a porn star entrap the guy. The fbi had to slap itself on the wrist for spending too much money over pursuing trump when nothing was there. The cia is now complicit in the coverup of what amounts to treason. Do the 50 letter writers get anything, for basically causing everyone to look somewhere else. Also 100 percent interfering with an election. Etc etc.

Biden was accused of this several times. He has denied it during a debate. Then walked back that he never had any contact with hunters payee’s because it was proven otherwise. Jees, Trump was impeached for asking Zelenskyy to check this out. Has Biden been giving so much aid to Zelenskyy for keeping quiet about Joe and his son? There are so many moving parts now that the admission has come down. The left will circle the wagons. Nothing will happen to Joe. He will have been a part of the biggest cover up and corruption scheme in dc history. Hell yes Nancy. Put him on Mount Rushmore. Ouch
The whataboutism spin on this is hilarious.

The simple question that has 0 answer to it from any Biden defending Dem

What business service was the Biden family providing to multiple foreign countries that those countries would pay the Biden Family millions of dollars, funneled through multiple LLCs/shell companies, listing Biden family members as owners.

It’s ok we already know the answer, you can say it.
Just asking.....if this is such an open and shut case on the President, why has he not been officially charged with any crime?
Isn't this a Republican lead committee looking into this stuff?
Seems this would be a great time to spring these findings at the moment the Dems seem to be doing better in recent polls.
Maybe it will this election cycles "October Suprise". We shall see.
If he is guilty, lock him up today.
If he is not, move along.
He can't be convicted or acquitted on the "chat".
Are you talking about when Biden was a private citizen or when he was President or VP? If it was when he was in office I agree it’s a huge problem. And even if not while in office, if there is some evidence of a quid pro quo, again a huge problem. I honestly dont know the details. I dont know the details on all Trump’s self-dealing either, I just don’t get into this stuff too much.
Well hes been in office for 50 years.
Just asking.....if this is such an open and shut case on the President, why has he not been officially charged with any crime?
Isn't this a Republican lead committee looking into this stuff?
Seems this would be a great time to spring these findings at the moment the Dems seem to be doing better in recent polls.
Maybe it will this election cycles "October Suprise". We shall see.
If he is guilty, lock him up today.
If he is not, move along.
He can't be convicted or acquitted on the "chat".
There is no smoking gun….that is kinda the point here.

Name another instance like this in American politics? Could there be, sure….im unaware of it

There is no check being deposited into the account of Joe Biden.

What the committee has proven is that Joe Biden sold the power of his seat or the illusioned power of his seat, to foreign countries, through his son, that enriched his family to the tune of millions of dollars.

If you think Joe didn’t know this was happening…head in the sand

If you think Joe let his family get rich off him and he didn’t see a dime…head in the sand

Why not have direct payments to the family through legitimate businesses they own and provide services for? Why the multiple LLCs….why the multiple Shell corporations to funnel the money through? We all know the answer. To hide it, to make ot hard to track, to evade taxes…all the above. Why hide it if it’s all legit pay for legit business services?

Again…what business service was the Biden family providing to multiple foreign countries to be paid for?

Common sense is a tough dose of reality at times.
Is this at all related to the same stories that the FBI had nuked off of social media in 2020?
There is no smoking gun….that is kinda the point here.

Name another instance like this in American politics? Could there be, sure….im unaware of it

There is no check being deposited into the account of Joe Biden.

What the committee has proven is that Joe Biden sold the power of his seat or the illusioned power of his seat, to foreign countries, through his son, that enriched his family to the tune of millions of dollars.

If you think Joe didn’t know this was happening…head in the sand

If you think Joe let his family get rich off him and he didn’t see a dime…head in the sand

Why not have direct payments to the family through legitimate businesses they own and provide services for? Why the multiple LLCs….why the multiple Shell corporations to funnel the money through? We all know the answer. To hide it, to make ot hard to track, to evade taxes…all the above. Why hide it if it’s all legit pay for legit business services?

Again…what business service was the Biden family providing to multiple foreign countries to be paid for?

Common sense is a tough dose of reality at times.
No head in the sand my man, seems cut and dry to me from what you are saying.......lock him up!

I have not followed this like some of you. From the outside looking in, it seems if all the evidence is there, they should make formal charges.
If they cannot link it to him, other than as you say, "common sense", I doubt Joe will be turning himself in to authorities.

Hard to imagine a man who don't even know where he is half the time, could be the mastermind behind this elaborate scheme.
If he is, lock him up and throw away the key. It's that simple.

Also, if some of the ones making these charges are some of the ones claiming the 2020 election was stolen bs, then I would definitely take what they say with a huge grain of salt.

BTW, not defending anyone, if he was put away for life today, I could care less.
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Just asking.....if this is such an open and shut case on the President, why has he not been officially charged with any crime?
Isn't this a Republican lead committee looking into this stuff?
Seems this would be a great time to spring these findings at the moment the Dems seem to be doing better in recent polls.
Maybe it will this election cycles "October Suprise". We shall see.
If he is guilty, lock him up today.
If he is not, move along.
He can't be convicted or acquitted on the "chat".
Have we ever accused a president of treason possibly? We have had a coup, an assassination attempt, president convicted of a bs felony, and now one looking like he committed treason. We are in a fantastic place. Proud of this administration.

As far as when it started, it was when he was vp Mitchell. He wasn’t brain dead then. Just go look at his old debates for evidence
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No head in the sand my man, seems cut and dry to me from what you are saying.......lock him up!

I have not followed this like some of you. From the outside looking in, it seems if all the evidence is there, they should make formal charges.
If they cannot link it to him, other than as you say, "common sense", I doubt Joe will be turning himself in to authorities.

Hard to imagine a man who don't even know where he is half the time, could be the mastermind behind this elaborate scheme.
If he is, lock him up and throw away the key. It's that simple.

Also, if some of the ones making these charges are some of the ones claiming the 2020 election was stolen bs, then I would definitely take what they say with a huge grain of salt.

BTW, not defending anyone, if he was put away for life today, I could care less.
Head in the sand comment not directed at you just a general statement for those that refuse to use logic

I honestly don’t care about locking him up. He’s old and should retire and enjoy his remaining years.

But for years we had to hear the moral high ground and I’d rather just hear all right this was corrupt as hell and that be that
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Head in the sand comment not directed at you just a general statement for those that refuse to use logic

I honestly don’t care about locking him up. He’s old and should retire and enjoy his remaining years.

But for years we had to hear the moral high ground and I’d rather just hear all right this was corrupt as hell and that be that
No argument from me my friend.
If true, definitely corruption.
I disagree with you about locking him up.
If true, he most definitely should be locked up.
No one is above the law.
That must be applied across the board.
Right or wrong, Dem or Rep, makes no difference.....or it shouldn't.
You need to ignore him all he is doing is whataboutism and deflection. He does not want to know the truth.
I literally agreed that the Hunter stuff could indeed be bad for old Joe. I then wanted to understand how he might view similar (but in some ways distinct) issues around Trump. This is a discussion board, no?
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I literally agreed that the Hunter stuff could indeed be bad for old Joe. I then wanted to understand how he might view similar (but in some ways distinct) issues around Trump. This is a discussion board, no?
The board is waiting on your moral equivalencing to count how many times they have indicted Trump vs the Biden crime family. It is approximately eleventy billion to zero.
I literally agreed that the Hunter stuff could indeed be bad for old Joe. I then wanted to understand how he might view similar (but in some ways distinct) issues around Trump. This is a discussion board, no?
All of what he listed is on the board and you could search for it under his name or search on the web. Most people don’t want to know the truth was what I was getting at.
Clearly, you haven't been keeping up & I have neither the patience nor the desire to provide (again) what has already been provided on this board in the past.

At this point, denying that the Biden family got huge amounts of $$$ for the promise of political influence is a losing proposition....especially since I already provided above a link to the Special Counsel's finding of $$ paid while Biden was VP.

What else do you need?
If one doesn't look then one will not see.

A significant number of people in this country don't want to see truth. They only want to see what validates their perception of reality.
Just asking.....if this is such an open and shut case on the President, why has he not been officially charged with any crime?
Isn't this a Republican lead committee looking into this stuff?
Seems this would be a great time to spring these findings at the moment the Dems seem to be doing better in recent polls.
Maybe it will this election cycles "October Suprise". We shall see.
If he is guilty, lock him up today.
If he is not, move along.
He can't be convicted or acquitted on the "chat".

I seem to remember, "He's probably guilty, but he's too old and confused to charge" being stated somewhere. It may have been a different issue, but a possible answer to your question.
One guy hasn’t even been accused formally of this. For goodness sake, they have looked under every stone on planet earth to charge djt with something. If he was influence peddling, some jackwagon like Jack smith would already be on camera telling people he is guilty. The left made up a felony. Made up a way to make paying a loan on time illegal. Had a porn star entrap the guy. The fbi had to slap itself on the wrist for spending too much money over pursuing trump when nothing was there. The cia is now complicit in the coverup of what amounts to treason. Do the 50 letter writers get anything, for basically causing everyone to look somewhere else. Also 100 percent interfering with an election. Etc etc.

Biden was accused of this several times. He has denied it during a debate. Then walked back that he never had any contact with hunters payee’s because it was proven otherwise. Jees, Trump was impeached for asking Zelenskyy to check this out. Has Biden been giving so much aid to Zelenskyy for keeping quiet about Joe and his son? There are so many moving parts now that the admission has come down. The left will circle the wagons. Nothing will happen to Joe. He will have been a part of the biggest cover up and corruption scheme in dc history. Hell yes Nancy. Put him on Mount Rushmore. Ouch
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