Wrap up of NSD - Class of 2022 point total charts (Updated 2/4/2022)


Gold Member
Jan 2, 2015
NSD Wrap-up

@BaronVonHeinsteidel has a great write-up on the final classes, comparing the top 4 classes.

We had a great day ... basically landed everyone we expected to. The only difference in the final projected class below was James dropping out, and then Paul and Lightsey getting added. That and Rivals re-evals dropped us 60 points or so.

That said, our 3196 was 7th all time, with 2 classes this year above us, and only 2018 better. No one should be disappointed with this class.

Bama (2021) - 3548
Bama (2017) - 3477
UGA (2018) - 3461
ATM (2022) - 3377
Bama (2022) - 3301
tOSU (2021) - 3262
UGA (2022) - 3196
tOSU (2018) - 3192
tOSU (2017) - 3078
UGA (2019) - 3063
UGA (2020) - 3055

Bama (2019) - 3047
Clemson (2020) - 3034
Bama (2020) - 3007
UGA (2017) - 2825

A couple observations:

- The difference between UGA (3) and UTjr (16) is the same between UTjr and ECU (84). The top 3 teams every year now are dwarfing all the other teams. You kind of have Tiers at 1-3, then 4,5-ish, then everyone else. Will be interesting to see if NIL and free agency balance that. For example, let's check back in 2,3 years and see how many of the A$M players are still there. UGA has experience with this ... our best class ever was in 2018 and we lost over half that class for a variety of reasons.

- A$M has 17 top 100, Bama has 15, and UGA has 11 ... that's the top 3 schools getting 43 of the top 100 players. Looking at the Tiers, tOSU had 8, and Texas has 4. Then PSU 4, ND 1, OU 2, UM 3, UNC 4.

- UGA had a somewhat odd class. We had really highly rated (14) and then a lot of development type players (13). This contributed to our lower than normal average. Highly rated - 4, 18, 23, 26, 27, 44, 45, 49, 61, 80, 99, 102, 123, 134, 160. But then 326, 347, 358, 426, 460, 481, 494, 534, 664, 723, 940, NR (Aussie punter). If the evals on the lower ranked players is good, and think there are some real sleepers there, this could be a special class for us.

- Some teams really went all in on the transfers. USC - 13, Ole Miss and LSU - 12, OU and FSU - 10. Going to be interesting to see how that pans out. Taking up initial counters for players with 1 or 2 years eligibility is risky for roster management. But also could be the type of thing that could balance the top tier discussed above.

ESD Wrap-up - 12/15/2021

The chart below shows the most likely ending, assuming Greene and Miller signed with us today. Past experience says we will hear some whispers the next few days, or we will see some movement to try and get a few Plan B OL and/or DTs if they didn't sign with us. But everything I've seen indicates they have. No inside info, just reading a lot of boards. But assuming those two are in the class we finished with our second best class ever, top 5 for all teams for all time.

Looking at the wildest thing of the day, we never lead for Hunter, and there was no way anyone knew that he would end up at an HBCU. Because of the way the FSU fans are handling this, and the way we know that CKS will handle it, and the fact that we were no. 2, and we know he will likely want to play serious ball somewhere in the future, we may just see him in Red and Black in a year or two. Needs to earn his millions first, I suppose.

As for the rest of today, I am constantly reminded on ESD how amazing it is that so many of you are actually able to navigate day to day life. It was actually quite a good day by any reasonable and rational measure. If you thought we were going to sign all of James, Jones, Wilson, Greene and Miller, you don't have basic critical thinking skills and any disappointment you are experiencing is on you, not anyone else. Seriously, if you've followed recruiting for a second, you would know it wasn't all going to break our way. To land Jones, Green, and Miller - 3 of the 5 uncommitted prospects we were in on - was awesome. Those are three were rated 6.1, 6.0 and 5.9 recruits - all top 100. Throw in Everette - he committed yesterday, but that's basically an ESD Clemson flip - who is a 6.0 four star, top 50 player, then we "closed" with one 5* and three high 4* players. Yet some of you are crying and whining about our inability to close. SMMFH.

Looking at this from a a "we are no. 1 points perspective, I don't follow Bama and TAMU enough to know what they have left. Bama took 27 last year, 22 have signed and 2 are committed but not signed this year for a total of 24. TAMU took 23 last year, 25 have signed so far this year with Evan Stewart not yet signed for total of 26. If we hit the 3252 listed below, we should have the no. 1 class. I don't know what big point recruits they have left that aren't on their commitment lists, but we have the edge because we likely signed two players today who don't show up in our current numbers. I don't think TAMU and Bama have two of those.

Interestingly we are by average in 4th place behind tOSU, TAMU and Bama. Again, adding those other two players will bump us up. While we have the most 5*, we also have a fair number of 3* - 6 to TAMU's 4 and Bama's 3. But we all have 11-13 top 100 players.

Finally, we have the transfer portal coming up. As CKS and the staff have shown, we will do well there. Hate that Bama just picked up Ricks, but I have no doubt that where we can sell PT, we will pick up some of the top players in the portal. Add that to the top 1-3 class we are going to finish with in February, and there should be no reason to be anything other than incredibly happy and optimistic. Yet, here we are once again with many of you only looking and whining about the negatives. I, on the other hand realize what a grand time we are living in and enjoyed the hell out of today.

Top 10 classes since CKS got here:

Bama (2021) - 3548
Bama (2017) - 3477
UGA (2018) - 3461
tOSU (2021) - 3262
Projected Class - 3252
tOSU (2018) - 3192
tOSU (2017) - 3078
UGA (2019) - 3063
UGA (2020) - 3055

Bama (2019) - 3047
Clemson (2020) - 3034
Bama (2020) - 3007
UGA (2017) - 2825


FINAL UPDATE - 12/14/2021 - ESD Eve - previous charts and info below

I have no inside information. I do this annually to provide a graphic representation of the fantastic work of the staff, most specifically @Trent Smallwood 's 2022 Class Prediction, and @JedMay 's Georgia Leaderboard and Cheat Sheet.

Of interest in this final ESD Eve update:
  • The Current Projected class is at 31 and it's hard to see the staff limiting their ability to take a single transfer. So, either I don't understand the numbers (certainly possible), or some of those at the bottom of the class are going to Blue/Grey Shirt, or some other way to manipulate the numbers, or we may lose one we think we are going to get. For example, we are loaded at DB, and Everette committing the day before ESD was odd to me - why not just wait a day. So maybe DB spots are limited and Everette jumped on board and maybe K Wilson or J Humphrey don't make it in. Again, no inside knowledge, but the UF boards have some buzz about them both. If I understand the 25+7 correctly, we have a numbers problem with taking 31, leaving 1 for transfer.
  • As others have stated, and is obvious, this would be our best DB haul ever. Unreal.
  • This class is without Hunter flipping, which seems most likely. Man, if he flips that would be unreal.
  • As shown below, this would be the 2nd highest class ever in Rivals history, and clearly the best class ever for UGA. That said, and without taking the time to see what Bama and TAMU can do, could we really hit this number and not be the no. 1 class? Bama and TAMU are looking strong, but if Jones and Greene come on board, not sure there are enough highly rated players in play for them to pass us.
  • We have 11 of the top 101 ... so, basically getting 10% of the top 101. Sheesh! If things break as it looks like it might, 15% of the top 101. More sheesh.
Links to previous classes are found below at the bottom of the post.

For the Newbies, this is all Rivals, not Composite, and with Rivals only the top 20 recruits are counted.

Some things to help you compare where we are:

Top 10 classes since CKS got here:

Bama (2021) - 3548
Projected Class - 3486
Bama (2017) - 3477
UGA (2018) - 3461
tOSU (2021) - 3262
tOSU (2018) - 3192
Current Class - 3111
tOSU (2017) - 3078
UGA (2019) - 3063
UGA (2020) - 3055

Bama (2019) - 3047
Clemson (2020) - 3034
Bama (2020) - 3007
UGA (2017) - 2825

Current Class
(3111 - would have been 3rd in the final 2021 rankings)


Projected Class (3486 - hard to believe, but 2nd in 2021, 2nd all time)


Remaining prospects:


UPDATED 10/24/2021 - previous charts below

Of interest in this update:
  • The Horrible Class is the same as the Current Class. Meaning, absent decommits, we are as bad as it gets right now, no. 5.
  • I find it interesting that for the final 6, 7 or 8 that we are going take, we seem to be in on 17 top 100 players. In other words, I don't see that we will take three or four 3* recruits that aren't known to many of us right now. I think we did that already, to much whining from some here, this past summer with Bell, Madden, Speer, and Scroggs (most of whom I should add are starting to get bumped up).
  • If we add the 3 that are listed as Hot - Singletary, Wilson and Miller - we would be at 2954 which would have been good for 3rd last year, and rated the 4th best class of the CKS era. And, we will likely take 3 or 4 more after that who will count to the total. This is going to be a really good class.
I do this each year. For the most/large part, my lists are a refection of @Trent Smallwood 's Class Prediction compilation and thread, pinned above. Thanks, Trent, for all your great work.

I've added the temperature of predicted recruits, based on @Blayne Gilmer or @JedMay 's article. I can't find it, but will link it when I do.

I also base it on things I read here, and elsewhere. But, for the most part you can see this as a visual representation of Trent, Blayne and Jed's work.

I am President of the Vent Disney Club, so I am optimistic in all of my listings. My friend @borodawg will most certainly come in to help me out and provide a more critical view.

Links to previous classes are found below at the bottom of the post.

For the Newbies, this is all Rivals, not Composite, and with Rivals only the top 20 recruits are counted.

Some things to help you compare where we are:

Top 10 classes since CKS got here:

Bama (2021) - 3548
Bama (2017) - 3477
UGA (2018) - 3461
Projected Class - 3374

tOSU (2021) - 3262
tOSU (2018) - 3192
tOSU (2017) - 3078
UGA (2019) - 3063
UGA (2020) - 3055

Bama (2019) - 3047
Clemson (2020) - 3034
Bama (2020) - 3007
UGA (2017) - 2825
Horrible Class - 2728
Current Class - 2728

Current Class
(2728 - would have been 5th in the final 2021 rankings - obviously much more to come)


Projected Class (3374 - 2nd in 2021, 4th all time)


Horrible Class (for the Chicken Littles who think we suck at recruiting ... current class + all 3* the rest of the way - 2278, 5th in 2021. Think about that, Malcontents, if the rest of the class were filled with random 3*s, we would end up 5th. Obviously, at least to most, that won't happen)


Remaining prospects (certainly others will get added and subtracted as they become known or commit to others):



Top 10 classes since CKS got here:

Bama (2021) - 3548
Bama (2017) - 3477
UGA (2018) - 3461
Projected Class - 3385

tOSU (2021) - 3262
tOSU (2018) - 3192
tOSU (2017) - 3078
UGA (2019) - 3063
UGA (2020) - 3055

Bama (2019) - 3047
Clemson (2020) - 3034
Bama (2020) - 3007
UGA (2017) - 2825
Horrible Class - 2348
Current Class - 2078

Current Class
(2078 - would have been 15th in the final 2021 rankings - obviously much more to come)


Projected Class (3385 - 2nd in 2021, 3rd all time)


Horrible Class (for the Chicken Littles who think we suck at recruiting ... current class + all 3* the rest of the way - 2348, 11th in 2021. Think about that, Malcontents, if the rest of the class were filled with random 3*s, we would end up 11th. Obviously, at least to most, that won't happen)


Remaining prospects (certainly others will get added and subtracted as they become known or commit to others):

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