Y’all see this shat in Raleigh today??!? #PoliceState

Hillsboro County Florida enacted a curfew from 9 p.m. till 5 a.m. was specifically asked if people would be allowed to walk their dogs. said anybody who was out walking their dog during curfew would be ticketed and or arrested. Because walking your dog was non-essential.
Hillsboro County Florida enacted a curfew from 9 p.m. till 5 a.m. was specifically asked if people would be allowed to walk their dogs. said anybody who was out walking their dog during curfew would be ticketed and or arrested. Because walking your dog was non-essential.

It’s literally like these FOOLS want to one-up the next mayor/city official over. Only a matter of time before fists, or other things, start flying. Gonna be very interesting to watch Lansing, Michigan tomorrow!! Some are predicting 15k vehicles showing up!
It’s literally like these FOOLS want to one-up the next mayor/city official over. Only a matter of time before fists, or other things, start flying. Gonna be very interesting to watch Lansing, Michigan tomorrow!! Some are predicting 15k vehicles showing up!

well they originally said it wasn't essential and then they changed it after the anger they received that walking your dog is now essential.. the fact that they felt it wasn't essential and you could be fined or arrested for walking your dog says it all about what is happening in this country.
well they originally said it wasn't essential and then they changed it after the anger they received that walking your dog is now essential.. the fact that they felt it wasn't essential and you could be fined or arrested for walking your dog says it all about what is happening in this country.

Unfortunately, I think we need this unbelievably crazy stuff to happen in order to wake up the sheeple. Maybe the stripping away of basic rights and freedoms will get their attention?
Let me just be real with y’all . Many police officers and law enforcement officers. Don’t get the how to enforce this authority. They do what the brass tells them to do and then throw the street cop under the bus . Say they screwed up.

yes it’s against the law to break a state emergency order . End of story . They probably warn the person many times over because they didn’t want to make a famous arrest .

whether this is right or wrong, that’s for the court to decide or jury . Like any other charge . This is uncharted territory.

have you notice the ACLU hasn’t filed law suit on the behalf of citizens? I have . Where the hell are they ? Even with the Kentucky deal with churches or city of greenwood threaten a pastor. They are MIA .

because many are MIA we won’t get a clear ruling on this type stuff .
SPOT ON. Funny how they aren't chomping at the bit.
VERY telling

I hate when officers and law enforcement officers get blame at the street level or patrol level . There are some that decide to be idiots but majority don’t wanna get involved in this bs . The brass gotta please the budge approvals. The minute the budget approvals order gets carry out and public raise hell they throw the patrol under the bus and street cop .

This situation is for the ACLU . As I said they are MIA .
Some poster mentioned the other day that the ACLU now selective on which cases they will promote. Don’t know much about this group but will tackle civil rights.....
Meridian II, Suite 2000
275 Scientific Drive
Norcross, GA 30092
Some poster mentioned the other day that the ACLU now selective on which cases they will promote. Don’t know much about this group but will tackle civil rights.....
Meridian II, Suite 2000
275 Scientific Drive
Norcross, GA 30092

The ACLU has egg on their face . They were banking on liberal judges to give them favorable rulings. They went after Godly business owners and siding with someone they knew their case was weak . They also sided with illegals knowing their case was weak .

Then the courts flipped and now they MIA . They know they have screwed up. Don’t blame the street cop or patrol for this bs . I can assure you they don’t like it either.