Yet another innocent tourist busted for Jan 6


Functioning Alcoholic
Sep 25, 2020
By Chris Joyner -


Georgia attorney William McCall Calhoun Jr., who boasted of his participation in a “hostile takeover” of the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, and predicted a civil war if former President Donald Trump was not returned to power, was sentenced Friday in federal court in Washington, D.C., to 18 months in prison.

Calhoun, a 60-year-old criminal defense attorney in Americus...(was also ordered) to spend two years on probation and pay $2,000 in restitution.

In a one-day bench trial in March, Calhoun was found guilty of obstruction of an official proceeding, a felony that carries a sentence of up to 20 years in prison.

Calhoun is one of 25 Jan. 6 defendants with ties to Georgia.

Of those, 20 have either pleaded guilty or been found guilty. The remaining five are awaiting their day in court.

Calhoun was among the initial hundred or so rioters to enter the Capitol, making his way past broken glass and tear gas, through the Capitol Rotunda and up to the outer door of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s office.

“We overran multiple police barricades and busted through,” he posted to social media after the riot. “The first of us who got upstairs kicked in Nancy Pelosi’s office door and pushed down the hall towards her inner sanctum. The mob was howling with rage. Crazy Nancy probably would have been torn into little pieces, but she was nowhere to be seen.”

Federal prosecutors sought twice as much time for Calhoun — 36 months — citing violent, conspiratorial messages Calhoun spread across social media in the months and weeks leading up to the mob violence by Trump supporters and the lawyer’s lack of remorse.

“I’m a lawyer, and a believer in law and order, but I’m here to tell you there are (sic) only one remedy for what ails this country — about 10-20 million of these rioting, racist communists need to die. Then the rest will straighten up,”
Calhoun wrote in a post on the social media platform Parler five days before the 2020 presidential election.
“Until that happens we’re wasting our time.”

Three days after the election, Calhoun posted even more threats.

“If you believe America elected Creepy Joe and his fake Negro (expletive) running mate, then put on your mask and STFU because we’re coming for you (expletive)!” he wrote in a Nov. 6, 2020, post to Parler. “This stolen election is a fraud.
Trump won! And when the Supremes rule, we are going to deal with the communists!
Kill ’em all and let God sort ’em out!”

Investigators collected four AR-15 assault-style rifles, four shotguns, a 9 mm automatic pistol and cases of ammunition when they arrested Calhoun shortly after the Capitol riot.
By Chris Joyner -


Georgia attorney William McCall Calhoun Jr., who boasted of his participation in a “hostile takeover” of the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, and predicted a civil war if former President Donald Trump was not returned to power, was sentenced Friday in federal court in Washington, D.C., to 18 months in prison.

Calhoun, a 60-year-old criminal defense attorney in Americus...(was also ordered) to spend two years on probation and pay $2,000 in restitution.

In a one-day bench trial in March, Calhoun was found guilty of obstruction of an official proceeding, a felony that carries a sentence of up to 20 years in prison.

Calhoun is one of 25 Jan. 6 defendants with ties to Georgia.

Of those, 20 have either pleaded guilty or been found guilty. The remaining five are awaiting their day in court.

Calhoun was among the initial hundred or so rioters to enter the Capitol, making his way past broken glass and tear gas, through the Capitol Rotunda and up to the outer door of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s office.

“We overran multiple police barricades and busted through,” he posted to social media after the riot. “The first of us who got upstairs kicked in Nancy Pelosi’s office door and pushed down the hall towards her inner sanctum. The mob was howling with rage. Crazy Nancy probably would have been torn into little pieces, but she was nowhere to be seen.”

Federal prosecutors sought twice as much time for Calhoun — 36 months — citing violent, conspiratorial messages Calhoun spread across social media in the months and weeks leading up to the mob violence by Trump supporters and the lawyer’s lack of remorse.

“I’m a lawyer, and a believer in law and order, but I’m here to tell you there are (sic) only one remedy for what ails this country — about 10-20 million of these rioting, racist communists need to die. Then the rest will straighten up,”
Calhoun wrote in a post on the social media platform Parler five days before the 2020 presidential election.
“Until that happens we’re wasting our time.”

Three days after the election, Calhoun posted even more threats.

“If you believe America elected Creepy Joe and his fake Negro (expletive) running mate, then put on your mask and STFU because we’re coming for you (expletive)!” he wrote in a Nov. 6, 2020, post to Parler. “This stolen election is a fraud.
Trump won! And when the Supremes rule, we are going to deal with the communists!
Kill ’em all and let God sort ’em out!”

Investigators collected four AR-15 assault-style rifles, four shotguns, a 9 mm automatic pistol and cases of ammunition when they arrested Calhoun shortly after the Capitol riot.
No sympathy for Mr Calhoun who I have crossed paths with several times. Not a bad guy but clearly misguided. Wish agitators and looters in other parts of country were treated with same scale of justice that Mr Calhoun received. I think it would be a deterrent.
That most of the people who stormed the Capitol that day at the direction of their Fearless Leader had mayhem in their hearts.
He didn’t direct them. In fact, it was the opposite. But for the sake of argument, explain the difference between Trump’s speech and this which, I could argue, encouraged BLM violence.

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No sympathy for Mr Calhoun who I have crossed paths with several times. Not a bad guy but clearly misguided. Wish agitators and looters in other parts of country were treated with same scale of justice that Mr Calhoun received. I think it would be a deterrent.
But antifa and blm riots , looting, destruction of public and private property were sanctioned by the Dems. They are ok to do such things because they were told to do so and paid to do so. I agree with your last sentence, but they play for the crooked ruling party in power now.
No sympathy for Mr Calhoun who I have crossed paths with several times. Not a bad guy but clearly misguided. Wish agitators and looters in other parts of country were treated with same scale of justice that Mr Calhoun received. I think it would be a deterrent.
They were…

He didn’t direct them. In fact, it was the opposite. But for the sale of argument, explain the difference between Trump’s speech and this which, I could argue, encouraged BLM violence.

Simple. Der Donald advocated disrupting the Constitutional duties of the United States Congress, endangering the lives of elected officials trying to uphold their sworn duty.
They were…

First, I didn’t mention BLM or anything to do with George Floyd Riots. Although I’m fairly skeptical of AP reporting I would suspect the percentage of rioters / protesters actually arrested in summer of 2020 was less that 25% of the percentage of rioters / protestors on Jan 6. However I suspect the one’s actually arrested were probably treated similarly.

Regardless, my point today was comparing the crazy stuff going down in Chicago and New York that on surface appears fairly unchecked and unprosecuted. If 50% of their lawlessness was prosecuted at 50% of the level of prosecution Mr Calhoun received the law breakers would think twice about looting and mayhem.
That most of the people who stormed the Capitol that day at the direction of their Fearless Leader had mayhem in their hearts.
The video says differently. Just sayin. Do you know how many threats were given in 2016 and 2017 to kill Donald trump. Celebs were even making videos about it. One comedian in particular. There were people like Calhoun in the capital for sure. Dangerous. And what they get will be deserved. It is so hard for me to get over the tour for the shaman. Who had just been listed on a warning list from fbi director Wray. The shaman. In full garb, no shirt. Wearing a helmet. Looking completely insane. Was given a tour. Prior to entering. Why did that happen? Why are there so many conflicting reports of that day? Break into the capital and you get what you get. But there is some really strange video out there too.
First, I didn’t mention BLM or anything to do with George Floyd Riots. Although I’m fairly skeptical of AP reporting I would suspect the percentage of rioters / protesters actually arrested in summer of 2020 was less that 25% of the percentage of rioters / protestors on Jan 6. However I suspect the one’s actually arrested were probably treated similarly.

Regardless, my point today was comparing the crazy stuff going down in Chicago and New York that on surface appears fairly unchecked and unprosecuted. If 50% of their lawlessness was prosecuted at 50% of the level of prosecution Mr Calhoun received the law breakers would think twice about looting and mayhem.
“Wish agitators and looters in other parts of country were treated with same scale of justice that Mr Calhoun received.”
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“Wish agitators and looters in other parts of country were treated with same scale of justice that Mr Calhoun received.”
Certainly hope the rioters and looters in New York this weekend are treated with same scale of justice Mr Calhoun received. I suspect we had more of the same in Chicago as well, but have not checked. I think groups just vandalized cars, shops and convenience stores with police all around. Did you check the news?

That most of the people who stormed the Capitol that day at the direction of their Fearless Leader had mayhem in their hearts.
But didn’t shoot anyone, didn’t loot a store, didn’t burn police cars, and probably picked up their trash when they left.

Who organized such an Amway rally like that?

Bet cha Portland wishes that person had organized their peaceful demonstrations…..
But didn’t shoot anyone, didn’t loot a store, didn’t burn police cars, and probably picked up their trash when they left.

Who organized such an Amway rally like that?

Bet cha Portland wishes that person had organized their peaceful demonstrations…..
All they wanted to do was lynch the VPOTUS and stop the certification of an American big deal
Repost the number of votes that were reversed by the JANUARY Lynch mob………….
PW, isn’t it about time you share what you were being told shortly after the 2020 election? You stated on here that you had inside information that Trump would remain in office and senior democrats would be going to prison for election fraud. It wasn’t speculation, you stated it as fact.

So who was telling you that, and what exactly were they saying? Given how events have unfolded (no fraud and felony indictments of Trump for trying to steal the election) it would be very interesting to hear why you had such high confidence regarding such an extreme prediction.

Given his ties to Georgia, I’m guessing you have some connection to Lin Wood but I could be wrong.
PW, isn’t it about time you share what you were being told shortly after the 2020 election? You stated on here that you had inside information that Trump would remain in office and senior democrats would be going to prison for election fraud. It wasn’t speculation, you stated it as fact.

So who was telling you that, and what exactly were they saying? Given how events have unfolded (no fraud and felony indictments of Trump for trying to steal the election) it would be very interesting to hear why you had such high confidence regarding such an extreme prediction.

Given his ties to Georgia, I’m guessing you have some connection to Lin Wood but I could be wrong.
Yep. And from what I know as fact, the election was as bad as I expressed.

Money moves the process. Our system is so corrupt in its entirety, both sides. Far too many power families. Yes, the “deep state” is that. And Soros finances much if it. Evil.

But I was commenting about the accusations against Trump. If, and a really big if he is guilty, is he the only one?

You seem to enjoy pointing to political corruption as an America against the MAGA’s.

As much as you seem to hate Trump, and I respect your opinion, I just find it odd that the only non-politician crony is Trump. He is the only one willing to call out the system. Of course he is not going to promote the liberal agenda.

He is dangerous to the state.

Yet we ignore the system that allows men and women to become millionaires by being elected.

Since you always seem to bring up what I said. From what I know, we are broken. I stand on what I said. We should be scared to death. We you speak out against it, you are buried.

And yes to your last question.
Yep. And from what I know as fact, the election was as bad as I expressed.

Money moves the process. Our system is so corrupt in its entirety, both sides. Far too many power families. Yes, the “deep state” is that. And Soros finances much if it. Evil.

But I was commenting about the accusations against Trump. If, and a really big if he is guilty, is he the only one?

You seem to enjoy pointing to political corruption as an America against the MAGA’s.

As much as you seem to hate Trump, and I respect your opinion, I just find it odd that the only non-politician crony is Trump. He is the only one willing to call out the system. Of course he is not going to promote the liberal agenda.

He is dangerous to the state.

Yet we ignore the system that allows men and women to become millionaires by being elected.

Since you always seem to bring up what I said. From what I know, we are broken. I stand on what I said. We should be scared to death. We you speak out against it, you are buried.

And yes to your last question.
The evil and corrupt deep state has covered its butt in the crimes it has committed. We are witnessing the depth of the corruption the Dems ( and Republicans) have been using to enrich their bank accounts and their power in DC.
The crooked will do all they can to hide their crimes and they have help from the media and corporate interference in our Republic.
The evil and corrupt deep state has covered its butt in the crimes it has committed. We are witnessing the depth of the corruption the Dems ( and Republicans) have been using to enrich their bank accounts and their power in DC.
The crooked will do all they can to hide their crimes and they have help from the media and corporate interference in our Republic.
This evil and corrupt deep state is destroying this country and is a danger to the average citizens of this country. The deep state is being led by the Biden crime family and his followers.
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