So as usual it's all America's fault with you lefties. YAWNNNNNN. America's military,, blah, blah, blah. We should be more like the Soviets, and send in the tanks like they did in the sixties and seventies and recently in Georgia and Ukraine and helping their barrel dropping buddy, Syria's Chemical Ali, finish his genocide. Along with their allies the Cuban army and the Iranian army.
Lookit. You are a confirmed leftist and want some sort of revenge against America and the people who have made it the greatest country for freedom loving people on earth and you can't help yourself. That much is clear. One other thing is clear: you nor any of the millions upon millions who have lived in this great land and have zero clue as to how good you've got it are not going to EVER be among the very few elite rulers of the big government takeover if and when it happens here. Your circumstances will be much, much worse as the gap between the ultra rich and the commoners will explode even more than it has under Obama. That gap has absolutely doubled or even tripled under BO. You are being conned by people who want ultimate power. Do you not know why rates have remained at near zero? So the George Soros' and the wall street bankers can gain billions and billions for themselves and Obama is in their pocket. The middle class who is the benefactor of the poor and less fortunate are under seige. And disappearing. That was where the money was, not among the rich during America's heyday. They build small businesses and employ the underclass and all boats rise. Everyone gets a washing machine and a Chevrolet. But the struggle for control is now and has been between the middle class and the ultra rich for control of the wealth of America. And the ultra rich have manipulated you and are using you to get it ALL! They want a society of elites and the vast population equally poor. Drain the middle class of the wealth is job 1. Then control you with government benefits and little government jobs. Like the famous saying in Russia: the government pretends to pay us and we pretend to work. The same way they have destroyed inner city blacks by enslaving them to the dem party. How has that worked out?
Oh and btw, only the crazed and frankly insanity we saw last week on the debate stage can save someone like D Trump. Sanders, Hillary and O'Mally have somehow managed to make him appear more normal and responsible. By seeing his rhetoric and raising him x 100! Adding $18 trillion to the national debt in one small move to give everybody free stuff. Laughfreakingoutloud! You poor, gullible people.