You vote Democrat and this is the kind of nonsense they try to enact into law


The Dawgfather
Gold Member
May 29, 2001
Savannah, GA
You elect Kamala and this will be nationwide. I would go to prison before I paid a penny.

These are signs in the district of the councilwoman that sponsored the bill

So how much will it cost NYC to do genetic testing to determine who has the right amount of slave ancestors' DNA?

If a NYC Caucasian gets their DNA tested and it comes back with 1% black, does that mean they could share some of the "booty"?

If a NYC white biological male can identify as a woman, could they also identify as a black woman and get in on the NYC "buy your vote" scam?
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Just another carrot to put in front of black families to ensure that they keep getting their vote. Hey look, we’re all going to be rich! They will string it along for several years before it get’s axed. Meanwhile, the weasels in charge of the “study” will be getting rich beyond their wildest dreams.

A great case study showing democrats with unchecked power.
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