Zelensky wants US action now, not after election


War Daddy
Gold Member
Jun 22, 2018
Against Russia. Come join our war & we'll start WW3 together. It will be fun, many useful idiots will die, we'll ruin the world together & we'll make off like bandits with all the American money

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After the election, he’ll have to pay for himself. The $60 billion, gone with the wind.
Against Russia. Come join our war & we'll start WW3 together. It will be fun, many useful idiots will die, we'll ruin the world together & we'll make off like bandits with all the American money

Pandering 4 MO money, hate it for the people there......but it all is inevitable, don't see that it is a winnable war for Ukraine unless other countries get more involved. US can't do this forever ("whatever it takes").

It will be interesting to see what DJT does. Usually @Moosefish has some pretty good opinions, maybe he can chime in.

This is such a weird interpretation of the facts. Lol
What is? That Zelensky wants the US to not only fund the war effort, propagandize the American populace so we keep faithfully waiving those cute Ukraine flags and cutting those tax funded checks, but provide the best weaponry, best Intel, likely special forces assistance on the ground, likely CIA direct involvement, but also official declaration of US troops in the war?
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What is? That Zelensky wants the US to not only fund the war effort, propagandize the American populace so we keep faithfully waiving those cute Ukraine flags and cutting those tax funded checks, but provide the best weaponry, best Intel, likely special forces assistance on the ground, likely CIA direct involvement, but also official declaration of US troops in the war?
I get not wanting to vote for Biden, but you can’t seriously believe the the nonsense put out by the Trump campaign.

What you just typed is so silly. And weak AF too.
I get not wanting to vote for Biden, but you can’t seriously believe the the nonsense put out by the Trump campaign.

What you just typed is so silly. And weak AF too.
I don't know what the Trump campaign is putting out re: Ukraine. I don't follow him

What part of what I put out is silly & untrue?

America funding war effort in Ukraine? Check
America providing the weaponry? Check
America providing the Intel? Check
American CIA being involved? You must have never heard of our CIA to think they arent
American politicians wearing Ukrainian pins & waiving Ukraine flags after voting to send billions more dollars to Ukraine? Check
A lot of US citizens volunteering in Ukraine to kill Russians? Check
American special forces involved in the war? Check, check, check
America officially sending US troops? Probably not too far off. What actions has the US government taken to cool tensions in this war and seek diplomatic ends to the conflict?

Tell me what about any of the above is weak & silly AF? The only thing weak AF was your response.

Please feel free to check my references provided above. Hover your mouse over every "Check"
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What is? That Zelensky wants the US to not only fund the war effort, propagandize the American populace so we keep faithfully waiving those cute Ukraine flags and cutting those tax funded checks, but provide the best weaponry, best Intel, likely special forces assistance on the ground, likely CIA direct involvement, but also official declaration of US troops in the war?
Spot on.
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