A good synopsis:


Pillar of the DawgVent
Gold Member
Jun 28, 2016
Slowly over six years, the Russia collusion story has been exposed for what it was: a three-legged political dirty trick in which highly credible figures with deep law enforcement, intelligence and news media ties were paid by the Clinton campaign to flood the FBI, the CIA and the public with unproven allegations that Trump was secretly colluding with Russia to steal the election from Clinton.

The first leg of the collusion narrative was run by the former British spy Christopher Steele, who used his MI6 credentials and his prior ties to the FBI and high-ranking DOJ official Bruce Ohr to walk in his infamous dossier to U.S. law enforcement and intelligence in the summer of 2016. The FBI ultimately concluded Steele's dossier was riddled with Russian disinformation and disproved evidence.

The second leg was Sussmann, who crafted information from computer experts supporting Clinton into the tale of the Alfa Bank server back door. That narrative was flagged by Sussmann's team as unlikely even before he pitched it to the FBI, according to the indictment, and the theory was ultimately dismissed by the FBI and Russia Special Counsel Robert Mueller. "It wasn't true," Mueller testified to Congress in 2019.

The third leg of the dirty trick consisted of the efforts of federal bureaucrats inside the FBI, State Department and intelligence community — many of whom disliked Trump — who managed to deceive the FISA court, the Congress and the American public, often by using leaks to news media outlets to sustain a collusion story that had fallen apart within weeks of Steele's first approach.

And now multiple releases of evidence show Hillary Clinton herself was in on the false narrative — from start to finish.

By end of July 2016 as the plan was being set in motion, the CIA had enough evidence from Russian intercepts for Brennan to go to Obama and warn Clinton herself had approved the Russia collusion plan.

According to Brennan's notes from that briefing, Obama was told about intelligence that Clinton has personally approved a plan "from one of her foreign policy advisors to vilify Donald Trump by stirring up a scandal claiming interference by Russian security services" in the election
I'm sorry but this goes WAY beyond a dirty trick. This is conformation that we now have a political and bureaucratic segment of our population that considered themselves above the law and felt they could commit any act, even downright sedition, and never be touched. If POTUS DJT was twice the threat of what these people accused him of being, he'd be about half the threat to the republic that these bastards are.