Bidens NSA


Diehard supporter
Dec 31, 2005
He continued, noting U.S. policy towards China ought to “encourage China’s rise”:

“We need to strike a middle course – one that encourages China’s rise in a manner consistent with an open, fair, rules-based, regional order. This will require care and prudence and strategic foresight, and maybe even more basically it will require sustained attention. It may not have escaped your notice that these are not in ample supply in Washington right now.”

Later in the lecture, Sullivan noted the U.S. and China relationship needs to be broader than bilateral ties, noting “it needs to be about our ties to the region that create an environment more conducive to a peaceful and positive-sum Chinese rise.”

Sullivan’s comments are not far off from his potential boss, as Biden said in 2011:

“I’ve held the view for so many years and continue to hold the view that a rising China is a positive development.”

Get your Rosetta Stone now boys.
I'm not going to worry about. It'll be a suitable end to this Country in 40 or 50 years. I hope they like working for Chairman Mao's replacement for $1 a day, plus all the rice they can eat. It's as inevitable as the sunrise.

I know a young lady from my town that taught school in China for a coupla years ,she said they were always watching . Her daddy , who is a minister , visited her and the military came to her apartment and wanted to know if he had brought any religious materials with him , Bible and etc. . They told him he would be watched ! This is scary stuff !