Dear leader proposes mandatory voting. **

Yep - and the most unamerican thing about it is that ..

he is willing to take away our right not to vote.

"Everyone should be required to vote" - that is just incredible to me. How is that freedom or anything close to it? It is telling that he is the first President to even have the gall to bring it up. I hate the MFer like I have hated few others in my lifetime.
would lead to the end of our once great country like no other

single thing would do. Imagine the voter fraud, hell, wouldn't need it when all the minorities and illegals get to the polls. Baked ham for the USA..IMO
Re: would lead to the end of our once great country like no other

That's why he wants it!
Notice in the clip, he says, "MY justice department". (Link)

The self centered prick said, "Hillary was a great Secretary of State for ME", now this. This talk about mandatory voting is so typical of his narcissism, he thinks his way is superior to that if the Founding Fathers.

IMO; we should make it harder to vote...

Make voting eligibility dependent on paying income taxes. If you don't file a tax return with earned income on it, you can't vote. Also, no one who receives any kind of govt assistance should be eligible to vote.

In local elections, only property owners should be allowed to vote, imo.
Everything he does from here on out is to shore up the base

Women for Hillary and blacks for Obama. They don't care what they propose as long as it gets dems a few votes.
Oh the irony

He is for mandatory voting...but against voter identification.
the Dems like better than an uninformed voter.

Between this and mass illegals on government benefits, Obama is making sure that the socialists (Dems) secure the presidency for generations to come. Then just add in the never ending class warfare rhetoric and promise ever more government benefits and its a slam dunk. The Dems never run out of your money to give away.
It'll never happen....

but I completely agree. Only those with "skin in the game" should be allowed to vote. Of course, the media would make sure we were all labeled as racists, and class elitists for saying so.

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